Forum » Programiranje » [c#] delegat, event handler
[c#] delegat, event handler
DuleKrtola ::
ne obvladam najbol teh delegatov, spodaj je koda. Sem probal pobrisat čimveč kode, ki je irelavantna, pa je vseeno 90 vrstic.
Če odkomentiram 34. vrstico ter zakomentiram IF/ELSE, dobim runtime error v omenjeni vrstici:
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."
Če pustim tako kot je (zakomentirane vse 3), mi CreateHandle() povzroči, da se program usuje.
Bi kdo vrgel uč na tole kodo, pls?
ne obvladam najbol teh delegatov, spodaj je koda. Sem probal pobrisat čimveč kode, ki je irelavantna, pa je vseeno 90 vrstic.
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; ... using WiimoteLib; namespace joyPoll { public partial class Form1 : Form { public delegate void UpdateWiimoteStateDelegate(WiimoteChangedEventArgs args); Dictionary<Guid, Form1> mWiimoteMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Form1>(); private Wiimote mWiimote; WiimoteCollection mWC; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } public Form1(Wiimote wm) : this() { mWiimote = wm; } private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { foreach (Wiimote wm in mWC) wm.Disconnect(); } public void UpdateState(WiimoteChangedEventArgs args) { //BeginInvoke(new UpdateWiimoteStateDelegate(UpdateWiimoteChanged), args); if (IsHandleCreated) { //BeginInvoke(new UpdateWiimoteStateDelegate(UpdateWiimoteChanged), args); } else { CreateHandle(); //BeginInvoke(new UpdateWiimoteStateDelegate(UpdateWiimoteChanged), args); } } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mWC = new WiimoteCollection(); try { mWC.FindAllWiimotes(); } foreach (Wiimote wm in mWC) { Form1 wi = new Form1(); mWiimoteMap[wm.ID] = wi; // connect it and set it up as always wm.WiimoteChanged += wm_WiimoteChanged; wm.Connect(); if (wm.WiimoteState.ExtensionType != ExtensionType.BalanceBoard) wm.SetReportType(InputReport.IRExtensionAccel, IRSensitivity.Maximum, true); wm.SetLEDs(true, true, false, true); break; } } void wm_WiimoteChanged(object sender, WiimoteChangedEventArgs e) { Form1 wi = mWiimoteMap[((Wiimote)sender).ID]; wi.UpdateState(e); } private void UpdateWiimoteChanged(WiimoteChangedEventArgs args) { WiimoteState ws = args.WiimoteState; lblAccel.Text = ws.AccelState.Values.ToString(); // tukaj se updatejo labele in checkboxi v formu } public Wiimote Wiimote { set { mWiimote = value; } } } }
Če odkomentiram 34. vrstico ter zakomentiram IF/ELSE, dobim runtime error v omenjeni vrstici:
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."
Če pustim tako kot je (zakomentirane vse 3), mi CreateHandle() povzroči, da se program usuje.
Bi kdo vrgel uč na tole kodo, pls?
Mitja Bonča ::
Delegati potrebujejo eno kontrolo za metodo BeginUpdate (ali katero drugo):
Tebi manjka:
poglej si čisto simple primer:
Tebi manjka:
Control.BeginUpdate(new UpdateWiimoteStateDelegate(UpdateWiimoteChanged), args);
poglej si čisto simple primer:
public delegate void InvokeDelegate(); private void Invoke_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myTextBox.BeginInvoke(new InvokeDelegate(InvokeMethod)); } public void InvokeMethod() { myTextBox.Text = "Executed the given delegate"; }
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