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T-Majo ::

The game drops players into heart-pumping, electrified racing action with 20 cars on a track all targeting the finish line and battling each other as they trade paint and collect intense power-ups, including the ability to blast other cars out of the way with huge bursts of energy, boost their speed, and more. While controlling photo realistic cars, gamers can use offensive and defensive attacks as they battle for the lead and careen through real-world track locations ranging from L.A. and San Francisco to the streets of Hackney, UK and the treacherous roads of Barcelona, Spain.

Gre za igro Blur, neke vrste dirkačina, po gameplay trailerju bi jo lahko uvrstil med kakšen NFS MW/Undercover in Burnout.

Gameplay trailer:

Na žalost se mi zdi dokaj povprečna. Izid? Bral sem za 2. polovico letošnjega leta, vendar je že bil prestavljen iz 2009.
  • spremenil: T-Majo ()

RazzorX ::

Nič posebnega, povprečno beden špil. Mogoče bo kaj bolje z NFS: World. :)

st0jko ::

Na žalost se mi zdi dokaj podpovprečna.


Bor H ::

Osebno imam višja pričakovanja za split second. Bomo vidl.

Sandi1987 ::

Bug v igri. Ne moreš nadaljevati igre. 2 progi ne delata. Igram na Xbox 360.

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