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jamiroq ::

danes sem dobil spam od gospe Mayrian Abacha (kao :D); je ena izmed mnogih različic (spominja malo na verižna pisma:D).

zanimiv je predvsem header sporočila, kjer zgleda (vsaj meni;)), da mail izvira iz Slovenije:
Received: from castor.email.si ([unix socket])
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From: "mayrian Abacha"
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select tech ima sicer eno stran, ki pa ni nič posebnega (nima niti maila, da bi jim težil>:D)

pa še tekst sporočila (da crkneš od smeha:D):

Please copy your reply to mayrian2abacha@africamail.com

Dear Sir,

It is of my keen interest to write and table this proposal to you.

I am Dr Mrs. Mariam Abacha the wife of the formal head of state Federal Republic of Nigeria,My purpose of contacting you is highly based on soliciting for your assistance, which will be of good benefit to both parties and also developing a cordial business relationship with you.

I currently have the total sum of $76,000,000.00 (Seventy Six Million U.S.Dollars) cash, which I intends to use for investment purposes specifically in your country.

This money came as a result of pay back contract deal between my late husband Gen.Sani and a Russian firm on our country's multi-billion dollars Ajaokuta Steel Plant, during my late husband Gen. Sani Abacha regime as president commander in chief of the armed Forces Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Russian partners returned my husband share of $76 million dollars. The money was lodge in my late husband security company in Nigeria, which i was a director.

Right now the new civilian government have intensified their probe on my late husband's financial Resources and have revoked the Licenses that allows my family to own a Financial, Oil Company. In view of these i acted very fast to withdraw the $76 million dollars from the company's vault and deposited it in a privately erected security safe. I has since declared the security companybankruptcy. No record ever existed concerning the money
traceable by the governmentbecause there is no documentation showing that my late husband received such money from the Russians.

Early last three years i tried to travel with part of the money about $15 million dollars packed in truck boxes, to Holland. Unfortunately for me, it was detected at the Murtala International Airport on my departure by security agents which the money was seized by the Government of Nigeria, due to this and the current situation in the
country concerning Government attitude towards my family, it has become quite impossible for me
and my family to make use of thismoney within.

Now, we have mapped out all modalities to transfer the balance of the money, $61 million dollars, out of Nigeria, which we solicit for your assistance to effect the transfer of the money.

On your consent I shall expect you to contact me immediately to enable us discuss in details about this transaction.

I agreed to give 25% of the money to you for your services and assistance.

I will use this opportunity to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgences to keep this transaction extra ordinarily confidential what ever your decision.

Any further clarification or assistance required, do not hesitate to contact me immediately through the above email address or contact my attorney on nwachinemeru_associates@justice.com.

Thanks, your urgent response is highly needed.

Waiting to hear from you.

Best regards

Dr Mrs Mayrian Abacha

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Gandalfar ::

malo boljse poglej kako gredo routi. select-tech je podjetje, ki skrbi za tehnicno delovanje email.si in so zatorej notr. Email si dobil na email.si in je sel tudi skozi select-techove streznike.

Pravilno beri headerja ^_^

jamiroq ::

ahhh, pa res :8), tudi na drugih mailih je isto
no ja, vsak dan se nekaj novega naučiš :D

Matek ::

Opa, zdej si boš pa lahko privošču eno fajn mašino>:D
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

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