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Izkušnje s trgovino: Dixons.co.uk

Izkušnje s trgovino: Dixons.co.uk

ZaLoMaT ::

Torej, zanima me kakšne izkušnje imate s to trgovino?

Saj bi si rad kupil Apple Shuffle in tu je najcenejši (gleda na trenutno stanje funta),... KLIK

Morda veste, kje bi še ceneje prišel do tega izdelka?

Hvala vsem!

LuGi ::

Od kod ideja da posiljajo v slovenijo?

"We can deliver all large appliances to any address in the United Kingdom excluding the Channel Islands. For customers living in the Isle of Man, the Isles of Scilly and some of the Scottish Islands we do use a third party agent where additional charges may apply. All deliveries must be signed for (except items sent by post and which are small enough to be put through your letterbox). Please make sure you keep the receipts which will accompany your order."

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