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Novi Nvidia gonilniki

Novi Nvidia gonilniki

Tilen ::


Kar mi je padlo najbolj v oči je naslednje :

Blazing Fast Performance:

* Boosts performance in numerous 3D applications. The following are some examples of improvements measured with Release 180 WHQL drivers vs. Release 178 WHQL drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings):
o Up to 10% performance increase in 3DMark Vantage (performance preset)
o Up to 13% performance increase in Assassin's Creed
o Up to 13% performance increase in BioShock
o Up to 15% performance increase in Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
o Up to 10% performance increase in Crysis Warhead
o Up to 25% performance increase in Devil May Cry 4
o Up to 38% performance increase in Far Cry 2
o Up to 18% performance increase in Race Driver: GRID
o Up to 80% performance increase in Lost Planet: Colonies
o Up to 18% performance increase in World of Conflict

Je že kdo kaj testiral? Sicer je od izida že kak mesec ampak glede na to, da ponavadi ne napišejo kakšnih konkretnih številk, je izdaja teh gonilnikov prava redkost.
  • spremenil: Tilen ()

LeXani ::

kje so za visto??
Čas prve prijave 04.11.2005

Tilen ::


Dr_M ::

Je se novejsa (BETA) verzija, ki mocno izboljsa delovanje GTA IV.

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

m.i.h.a. ::

zame je bil preskok iz 178.xx na 180.70 beta kar opazen na 8800 GTS
...sicer nisem testiral vseh navedenih špilov, ampak tiste katere sem so imeli vsi boljši perf.

Tr0n ::

Nekaj je, ni pa "as advertised".

V vecini primerov gre za manjse driver tweake-e, ki si jih ponavadi nastavljs v advanced opcijah in so vezane na .executable fajle od iger.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tilen ::

Novi gonilniki, če še kdo ni snel.

XP 32 bit
Vista 32 bit

Ales22LJ ::


Je gdo probal ze naloziti gonilnike Vista 32 bit na Windows 7 beta ce delujejo ? Hvala lp

godi ::

tema ne sodi sem!!!

Tr0n ::

Se ze ve, kdaj mi navadni non 680 GTX smrtniki, dobimo nove gonilnike z adaptive vsyncom in FXAA?

Tr0n ::

Evo jih.


- FXAA update
- Performance Improvements
- Adaptive VSync
- SLI Profiles
Alan Wake
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link
Left 4 Dead
Orcs Must Die!
Portal 2
Risen 2: Dark Waters
The Darkness II
- 3D Vision
All Zombies Must Die! – Rated Fair
Ghosts 'n Goblins Online – Rated Good
Krater – Rated Poor
Oil Rush – Rated 3D Vision Ready
Postal III – Rated Good
Rayman Origins – Rated Good
SevenCore – Rated Fair
Stacking – Rated Good
Unigine Heaven Benchmark v3.0 – Rated 3D Vision Ready
Wargame: European Escalation – Rated Good
Warp – Rated Good
Wings of Prey – Rated Fair
- NVIDIA Surround Enhancements

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

Tilen ::


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tilen ()

Tr0n ::

Ta novi 337.50 gonilniki so baje precej dobri. Nekateri so opazili tudi do 40% performance increase v igrah.


Dr_M ::

Upam, da bodo testi kmalu, tudi na cenejsi strojni opremi.

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