Forum » Igre » Medal of Honor- slovenija unite
Medal of Honor- slovenija unite

Soni ::
Vsi ,ki bi želeli igrati Mohha igrco,na našem serverju 1.11 z Isdn ali Adsl priključkom napišite to domeno pleme.DynIP.Gajba.Net. v prostor krej piše Connect to I.P. address.Server bo delal danes četrtek od 13.00 -16.00 ure,zvečer pa od 19.00 ure dalje vse do nedelje.Napišite kaj želite igrat (Free for all, Team deathmacth...) Kaj bo v naprej , pa je vse odvisno od vašega sodelovanja.
vabljeni soni
POPRAVEK 23.5.2002:oprostite vsi,ki vam ni uspelo priti na to domeno.Trenutno lahko igrajo samo 4 igralci.Lahko se srečamo na tem IP in skupaj zaigramo.
vabljeni soni
POPRAVEK 23.5.2002:oprostite vsi,ki vam ni uspelo priti na to domeno.Trenutno lahko igrajo samo 4 igralci.Lahko se srečamo na tem IP in skupaj zaigramo.
- spremenil: Soni ()

Soni ::
Danes se bo igralo FREE FOR ALL,petekTEAM MATCH,sobota ROUND BASE MATCH,nedelja OBJECTIV BASED MATCH,oziroma po dogovoru med igro:
Odločili smo se za MOHHA,ker je med najbolj igranimi igrcami(cca 3000-5000 igralcev na netu).Mogoče kdaj drugič.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Soni ()

Soni ::
Se ti zdi kdo ima server zelo pomemben podatek(pridi,preizkusi se)povezava56k,mal se hecam ADSL

Soni ::
SOF2 - včeraj je prišla šele ven,mogoče jo dobim že danes-se bomo zmenili
The sequel to one of 2000’s most innovative first person action games, Soldier
of Fortune 2 delivers a realistic covert-operative themed gameplay experience
with intense action, mind blowing Quake III Arena powered graphics and a
mile-a-minute storyline. Assume the role of John Mullins, a military consultant
working for the top-secret anti-terrorist group known as The Shop. In the game,
you must tackle a wide-range of missions from hostage rescue and intelligence
gathering, to search-and-destroy. Level design in Soldier of Fortune 2 is
flexible enough to allow for multiple styles of play. “Hit ‘em hard” with a
frontal assault or use stealth weapons for a subtle approach.
The sequel to one of 2000’s most innovative first person action games, Soldier
of Fortune 2 delivers a realistic covert-operative themed gameplay experience
with intense action, mind blowing Quake III Arena powered graphics and a
mile-a-minute storyline. Assume the role of John Mullins, a military consultant
working for the top-secret anti-terrorist group known as The Shop. In the game,
you must tackle a wide-range of missions from hostage rescue and intelligence
gathering, to search-and-destroy. Level design in Soldier of Fortune 2 is
flexible enough to allow for multiple styles of play. “Hit ‘em hard” with a
frontal assault or use stealth weapons for a subtle approach.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Soni ()

matter ::
Soni: Dol si potegni SOF2 DEMO. Vsi serverji (boljši) so skos polni. Igra je super. Daj nared server. Ker SOF2 DEMO je od Moaa v multiplayer načinu komad boljši.

matter ::
Hehe učer sm špilu sof2 demo od 17 pa do 12.00. Ouiiiii bi reku. Ko strai časi ko smo q2 nabijal tkole. Tale sof2 te not potegne da si čist obseden.
Daj nared sof2 demo pure server,
Daj nared sof2 demo pure server,
Vredno ogleda ...
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