Forum » Programiranje » Zend Studio problem
Zend Studio problem

Qushaak ::
Ko hočem pognat php kodo s stiskom na gumb "Run", se mi znotraj tega programa odpre novo okno od Internet explorerja, kjer se mi prikaže tole:
The webpage cannot be found
HTTP 404
Most likely causes:
There might be a typing error in the address.
If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.
What you can try:
Retype the address.
Go back to the previous page.
Go to and look for the information you want.
Kakor vem, bi morel Zend Studio (6.1.0) met že vgrajen server, da bi mogu interpetirat kodo.
Je pa res, da nisem inštaliru unga plug-ina med inštalacijo Zend Studa za IE ampak samo za Firefox.
Morda kdo ve v čem je keč, da mi tole dela?
Hvala za nasvete.
The webpage cannot be found
HTTP 404
Most likely causes:
There might be a typing error in the address.
If you clicked on a link, it may be out of date.
What you can try:
Retype the address.
Go back to the previous page.
Go to and look for the information you want.
Kakor vem, bi morel Zend Studio (6.1.0) met že vgrajen server, da bi mogu interpetirat kodo.
Je pa res, da nisem inštaliru unga plug-ina med inštalacijo Zend Studa za IE ampak samo za Firefox.
Morda kdo ve v čem je keč, da mi tole dela?
Hvala za nasvete.

Qushaak ::
http://localhost/Vaja%20PHP/Vaja.php (to piše v zavihku)
Spodaj v oknu pa:
anyone please?
Spodaj v oknu pa:
anyone please?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Qushaak ()
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