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Ali je to SPAM ali NE ?!

Ali je to SPAM ali NE ?!

lprelesn ::

Ker sem prejel podoben mail kot že neka os. pred mano , ki sem o tej zadevi začel malo preverjat me zanima ,če kdo od vas na (slo-techu) ve kaj o tem .

Izgled maila :

Je to SPAM ali ne?

The Camelot Group,
Operators of The National Lottery.
3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,
Aintree, Liverpool , L30 1RD


The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you
that the results of the E-mail address ballot lottery
international program by Great Britain held on the of 1st
June.2008. Your mail account have been picked as a winner of
a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred and ninty-one thousand,
nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds
(£891,934.00 pounds sterlings) in cash credited to file
REF NO.REF:UKL/74-A0802742008.

This is from total prize money of GBP £4,459,670.00shared
among the FIVE (5) international winners in this
category.All participants for the online version were
selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer
balloting system drawn from over 100,000 names database,
union associations and corporate bodies that are listed
online.This promotion is this year's United Kingdom National
Lottery Weekly bonus.

The Camelot Group, operators of the United Kingdom National
Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also
Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming
Regulators (IAGR).All winning must be claimed not later than
7 working days from this notification. After this time all
unclaimed funds will be returned to European Union Treasury
as unclaimed. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary
delays and complications please remember to quote your
reference number in all correspondence.Be advice to keep
your winning information confidential until your claims has
been processed and your money remitted to you.

This is part of our security protocol to avoid double
claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program.To begin your
claim, please contact your Claims Agent:

Prof. Derek Max.
26 Stanhope Road
Kent CT14 6AD London
United Kingdom
Tel: +447045718420
Tel: +447045747857

He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing
and remittance of your prize money.Note below your winning
details:Ticket No: 22-1356-4096-988, Serial no:
A069-07,Lucky No:
12-13-21-26-32-39 Bonus-17,File REF No.:
UKL/74-A0802742008,BATCH No.: 2008UKL-01



choose your claims option. (1)Courier(2)Bank Transfer

Congratulations again from all our staff.


Mrs. Dianne Thompson
Online Coordinator,CAMELOT GROUP,
Operator of The National Lottery.

Kaj menite o vsem tem ?!......a sem bogat al ne :D


Ne, dejansko si bogat. Sem lahko tvoj prijatelj. Daj ne nasedaj tem kozlarijam. Kje pa si še vido, da ti bo nekdo ponujal denar za nekaj, o čemer nimaš pojma.

LuGi ::

Ste vi mal prtisjeni? ALi pač noobi? Kopiraj stavek v google in bos dobil 1000 in 1 zadetek in ta je eden izmed njih http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/U...

lprelesn ::

ammmm, fora je to da sem neki igral sam na izžreb moje št. listka ..... tako da, sam pa nikoli nisem nasedal tovrstnim zajebancijam pa vendarle sem igral lotto ....pomoje pa je vseeno SPAM (90%) ,drgač pa si lohka moj kolega sam če maš dost €€€ :D

lprelesn ::

jeee winnerrrrr:D , kr poslal jim bom antrax nazaj >:D

Utk ::

Ja..na britanska nacionalna loterija ima email prek hotmaila. Kot Zidarstvo Mujo s.p.

lprelesn ::

he he, :D

bibip ::

Prodam svoj mail za 3.99€, pa boš miljarder, če hočeš.:)

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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