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C++ programi
error101 ::
Kdo ve rešiti ta dva programa?
1 program:
Napišite program v izbranem programskem jeziku, ki bo napolnil Vnos iz tipkovnice - dvodimenzionalno polje poljubnih dimenzij [m x n]. Nato izpišite tiste člene v polju, ki imajo enak index - kar pomeni tam kjer je m=n. ( napr. [1,1], [2,2] in tako do [m,m].
2 program:
Izdelaj eno dinamično podatkovno strukturo (s pomočjo kazalcev), sklad, vrsta ali seznam.
Sklad je struktura tipa LIFO (last in first out) - zadnji naložen podatek se najprej dvigne.
Vrsta je struktura tipa FIFO (first in first out) - prvi vloženi podatek se prvi dvigne.
V seznam pa lahko podatke vstavljaš na poljubno mesto in tudi jemlješ lahko s poljubnega mesta.
Za strukturo, ki si ga izbral napiši ustrezne funkcije za vstavljanje, brisanje in čitanje podatkov. Posamezni element strukture lahko vsebuje poljubni podatek(e).
1 program:
Napišite program v izbranem programskem jeziku, ki bo napolnil Vnos iz tipkovnice - dvodimenzionalno polje poljubnih dimenzij [m x n]. Nato izpišite tiste člene v polju, ki imajo enak index - kar pomeni tam kjer je m=n. ( napr. [1,1], [2,2] in tako do [m,m].
2 program:
Izdelaj eno dinamično podatkovno strukturo (s pomočjo kazalcev), sklad, vrsta ali seznam.
Sklad je struktura tipa LIFO (last in first out) - zadnji naložen podatek se najprej dvigne.
Vrsta je struktura tipa FIFO (first in first out) - prvi vloženi podatek se prvi dvigne.
V seznam pa lahko podatke vstavljaš na poljubno mesto in tudi jemlješ lahko s poljubnega mesta.
Za strukturo, ki si ga izbral napiši ustrezne funkcije za vstavljanje, brisanje in čitanje podatkov. Posamezni element strukture lahko vsebuje poljubni podatek(e).
Tutankhamun ::
na hitr 1. naloga, drugo pa kasnej napišem
const int WIDTH = 4; const int HEIGHT = 4; char tabela [HEIGHT][WIDTH]; char *ptr = tabela [0]; for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT * WIDTH; i++) { cin >> *(ptr+i); } for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT && j < WIDTH; j++) { cout << tabela [j][j]; }
AMD Phenom QUAD 9950 Black Edition, 8GB
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tutankhamun ()
Tutankhamun ::
Uf, evo neki kode še za 2. nalogo. Mau sm zakompliciru, pa tut ne vem če dela lih 100%, ampak nekak zgleda da neki čara...
// Tvoji podatki struct DATA { DATA (int x) { a = x; } int a; }; class CStorageData { public: CStorageData () : m_prev (NULL), m_next (NULL) {} public: DATA *m_data; CStorageData *m_next; CStorageData *m_prev; }; class CStorage { public: CStorage () : m_first (NULL), m_last (NULL), m_count (0) {} void InsertAt (DATA *data, UINT index) { if (!m_count) { InsertFirst (data); m_count++; return; } if (index == m_count) { Append (data); return; } CStorageData *currStorAtIndex = this->GetElement (index); CStorageData *newStor = new CStorageData (); if (currStorAtIndex->m_prev == NULL) { m_first = newStor; } else { newStor->m_prev = currStorAtIndex->m_prev; } if (currStorAtIndex->m_prev != NULL) { currStorAtIndex->m_prev->m_next = newStor; } currStorAtIndex->m_prev = newStor; newStor->m_next = currStorAtIndex; newStor->m_data = data; m_count++; } void Append (DATA *data) { if (!m_count) { InsertFirst (data); m_count++; return; } CStorageData *newStor = new CStorageData (); newStor->m_data = data; m_last->m_next = newStor; newStor->m_prev = m_last; m_last = newStor; m_count++; } DATA* RemoveAt (UINT index) { DATA *data; if (m_count == 1 && index == 0) { data = m_first->m_data; delete m_first; m_first = NULL; m_last = NULL; m_count--; return data; } CStorageData *currStorAtIndex = this->GetElement (index); data = currStorAtIndex->m_data; if (currStorAtIndex->m_prev == NULL) { currStorAtIndex->m_next->m_prev = NULL; m_first = currStorAtIndex->m_next; delete currStorAtIndex; } else if (currStorAtIndex->m_next == NULL) { currStorAtIndex->m_prev->m_next = NULL; m_last = currStorAtIndex->m_prev; delete currStorAtIndex; } else { currStorAtIndex->m_prev->m_next = currStorAtIndex->m_next; currStorAtIndex->m_next->m_prev = currStorAtIndex->m_prev; delete currStorAtIndex; } m_count--; return data; } private: CStorageData* GetElement (UINT index) { if (index >= m_count) throw "index out of range"; CStorageData *storData = m_first; for (UINT i = 0; i < index; i++) storData = storData->m_next; return storData; } void InsertFirst (DATA *data) { m_first = m_last = new CStorageData (); m_first->m_data = data; } private: CStorageData *m_first; CStorageData *m_last; protected: UINT m_count; }; class LIFO : CStorage { public: LIFO () {} void Push (DATA *data) { CStorage::Append (data); } DATA* Pop () { return CStorage::RemoveAt (CStorage::m_count-1); } int Size () { return CStorage::m_count; } }; class FIFO : CStorage { public: FIFO () {} void Push (DATA *data) { CStorage::Append (data); } DATA* Pop () { return CStorage::RemoveAt (0); } int Size () { return CStorage::m_count; } }; class CCReg : CStorage { public: CCReg () {} void InsertAt (DATA *data, UINT index) { CStorage::InsertAt (data, index); } DATA* RemoveAt (UINT index) { return CStorage::RemoveAt (index); } int Size () { return CStorage::m_count; } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { UINT i; DATA *data; /* LIFO test */ LIFO lifo; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) lifo.Push (new DATA (i)); while (lifo.Size ()) { data = lifo.Pop (); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; } /* end LIFO test */ /* FIFO test */ FIFO fifo; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) fifo.Push (new DATA (i)); while (fifo.Size ()) { data = fifo.Pop (); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; } /* end FIFO test */ /* seznam test */ CCReg reg; reg.InsertAt (new DATA (0), 0); reg.InsertAt (new DATA (1), 0); reg.InsertAt (new DATA (2), 1); reg.InsertAt (new DATA (3), 0); reg.InsertAt (new DATA (4), 2); reg.InsertAt (new DATA (5), 4); data = reg.RemoveAt (4); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = reg.RemoveAt (2); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = reg.RemoveAt (1); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = reg.RemoveAt (0); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = reg.RemoveAt (1); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = reg.RemoveAt (0); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; /* end seznam test */ return 0; }
AMD Phenom QUAD 9950 Black Edition, 8GB
Tutankhamun ::
Ok neki sm pozabu prej :D
// Tvoji podatki struct DATA { DATA (int x) { a = x; } int a; }; template <class T> class CStorageData { public: CStorageData () : m_prev (NULL), m_next (NULL) {} public: T m_data; CStorageData *m_next; CStorageData *m_prev; }; template <class T> class CStorage { public: CStorage () : m_first (NULL), m_last (NULL), m_count (0) {} void InsertAt (T data, UINT index) { if (!m_count) { InsertFirst (data); m_count++; return; } if (index == m_count) { Append (data); return; } CStorageData<T> *currStorAtIndex = this->GetElement (index); CStorageData<T> *newStor = new CStorageData<T> (); if (currStorAtIndex->m_prev == NULL) { m_first = newStor; } else { newStor->m_prev = currStorAtIndex->m_prev; } if (currStorAtIndex->m_prev != NULL) { currStorAtIndex->m_prev->m_next = newStor; } currStorAtIndex->m_prev = newStor; newStor->m_next = currStorAtIndex; newStor->m_data = data; m_count++; } void Append (T data) { if (!m_count) { InsertFirst (data); m_count++; return; } CStorageData<T> *newStor = new CStorageData<T> (); newStor->m_data = data; m_last->m_next = newStor; newStor->m_prev = m_last; m_last = newStor; m_count++; } T RemoveAt (UINT index) { T data; if (m_count == 1 && index == 0) { data = m_first->m_data; delete m_first; m_first = NULL; m_last = NULL; m_count--; return data; } CStorageData<T> *currStorAtIndex = this->GetElement (index); data = currStorAtIndex->m_data; if (currStorAtIndex->m_prev == NULL) { currStorAtIndex->m_next->m_prev = NULL; m_first = currStorAtIndex->m_next; delete currStorAtIndex; } else if (currStorAtIndex->m_next == NULL) { currStorAtIndex->m_prev->m_next = NULL; m_last = currStorAtIndex->m_prev; delete currStorAtIndex; } else { currStorAtIndex->m_prev->m_next = currStorAtIndex->m_next; currStorAtIndex->m_next->m_prev = currStorAtIndex->m_prev; delete currStorAtIndex; } m_count--; return data; } private: CStorageData<T>* GetElement (UINT index) { if (index >= m_count) throw "index out of range"; CStorageData<T> *storData = m_first; for (UINT i = 0; i < index; i++) storData = storData->m_next; return storData; } void InsertFirst (T data) { m_first = m_last = new CStorageData<T> (); m_first->m_data = data; } private: CStorageData<T> *m_first; CStorageData<T> *m_last; protected: UINT m_count; }; template <class T> class LIFO : CStorage <T> { public: LIFO () {} void Push (T data) { CStorage<T>::Append (data); } DATA* Pop () { return CStorage<T>::RemoveAt (CStorage<T>::m_count-1); } int Size () { return CStorage<T>::m_count; } }; template <class T> class FIFO : CStorage <T> { public: FIFO () {} void Push (T data) { CStorage<T>::Append (data); } T Pop () { return CStorage<T>::RemoveAt (0); } int Size () { return CStorage<T>::m_count; } }; template <class T> class CList : CStorage <T> { public: CList () {} void InsertAt (T data, UINT index) { CStorage<T>::InsertAt (data, index); } T RemoveAt (UINT index) { return CStorage<T>::RemoveAt (index); } int Size () { return CStorage<T>::m_count; } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { UINT i; DATA *data; /* LIFO test */ LIFO <DATA*> lifo; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) lifo.Push (new DATA (i)); while (lifo.Size ()) { data = lifo.Pop (); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; } /* end LIFO test */ /* FIFO test */ FIFO <DATA*> fifo; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) fifo.Push (new DATA (i)); while (fifo.Size ()) { data = fifo.Pop (); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; } /* end FIFO test */ /* list test */ CList <DATA*> list; list.InsertAt (new DATA (0), 0); list.InsertAt (new DATA (1), 0); list.InsertAt (new DATA (2), 1); list.InsertAt (new DATA (3), 0); list.InsertAt (new DATA (4), 2); list.InsertAt (new DATA (5), 4); data = list.RemoveAt (4); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = list.RemoveAt (2); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = list.RemoveAt (1); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = list.RemoveAt (0); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = list.RemoveAt (1); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; data = list.RemoveAt (0); cout << data->a << endl; delete data; /* end list test */ return 0; }
AMD Phenom QUAD 9950 Black Edition, 8GB
iNooby ::
Bom kr tukaj napisal.
Kak bi lahko naredo en program ki bi simuliral igro milijonar al pa kaj podobnega...da bi uporabil if pa for zanke?
Kak bi lahko naredo en program ki bi simuliral igro milijonar al pa kaj podobnega...da bi uporabil if pa for zanke?
Haters gonna hate...
Ce nisi do zdej nic delal potem tudi naslednjic ne bos. Pac treba vzet stvar v roke resno in zacet delat.
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