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Težava pri igri The Battle for Middle-earth II

Težava pri igri The Battle for Middle-earth II

Rotaidal ::

Pri tej igri imam nekaj težav. Recimo pri drugi misiji na "dobri" strani. Za nalogo imam da branim mesto. Ampak takoj kak pride moja vojska do sovražnika, vsi moji umrejo in vse stavbe se zrušijo...? Enako se zgodi na "zlobni" strani. Tam pa ko napadem vilince. Napiše samo Game over;(( Je to kak bug ali kakšna finta?

Preigral sem prvi del igre in tam takšnih problemov ni bilo.
  • zaklenil: Tilen ()

ArYeS ::

Manj piratiziraj pa bo...
to je anti-pirate zaščita BFME2 igre.

Rotaidal ::

LOL! Če je orginal igra!

Tilen ::

The game seems to run fine, but 3min and 38 sec into a game, all of my units die and I lose the mission, I have seen some other people with this problem, but no solution. Has anyone figured out how to fix this?

I did some reading around and this issue is apparently caused because the spitfire prog does not generate an encrypted CD key in a file lotrbfme2.dat which should match the CD key set in the registry.

ArYeS hvala :)

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