Forum » Operacijski sistemi » [ winxp pro ] problem z network connections
[ winxp pro ] problem z network connections

looka ::
mene pa zanima, če se je komu že kdaj zgodil, da mu winsi nočejo dat pregleda nad mrežnimi povezavami.
greš control panel -> network connections - in tu ne vidiš tudi ene povezave. ko kliknem refresh, f5, mi javi error
the network connections folder was unable to retrievee the lihst of netrwork adapters on your machine. please make sure that the network connections service is enabled and running.
ps. slednje sm pogledu in laufajo. sem tud restartu. mašino ravnokar postavljam, še nima sp2 gor (se tud ni pustu inštalirat
greš control panel -> network connections - in tu ne vidiš tudi ene povezave. ko kliknem refresh, f5, mi javi error
the network connections folder was unable to retrievee the lihst of netrwork adapters on your machine. please make sure that the network connections service is enabled and running.
ps. slednje sm pogledu in laufajo. sem tud restartu. mašino ravnokar postavljam, še nima sp2 gor (se tud ni pustu inštalirat

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