» »

Trenutno poslušam

Trenutno poslušam

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NoComent! ::

Nightwish - Dark Chest of Wonders

Kaličopko ::

Gigi D'Agostino---L'Amour Toujours:))

DOOM_er ::

cannibal corpse - Staring Through the Eyes of th
Robots will steal your job. But that's OK

@LOL ::

8-) Falco - Der Komissar8-)
Hippy: The Doors?
Geek: The Windows!

iNN ::

Guano apes - open your eyes

Kaličopko ::

Asia---Heat of the moment

evo še LINK dodajam:\

Zgodovina sprememb…

Thomas ::

Joe Pesci - If It Doesn't Snow For Christmas
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

jype ::

Ojej, kdo bi si mislu, da Thomas take vulgarne albume posluša :)

Tule je Tom Waits - Rain Dogs (album, trenutno Jockey Full of Bourbon).

|CyGNUS-x ::

Crvena Jubuka - Da znaš da me boliš :))
Ni in ne more biti nobenega drugega načina za preizkušanje
resnične moči kapitalistične države kot je vojna.

Goldee ::

Pink Floyd - Comfortably numb
And Now for Something Completely Different...

-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-


Slovensko klasiko:
NIET - Bil je maj


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: STASI ()

overlord_tm ::

Kaličopko ::

The Corrs---Breathless:)


Zgodovina sprememb…

Amare ::

NoComent! ::

Lacuna Coil - Heaven's A Lie

Freezy ::

Radio Ekspres

Kaličopko ::

Flash Dance---She's a Maniac

strictom ::

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Honeybear
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

MaCoFaCo ::

Ella Fitzgerald - Sleigh Ride

šernk ::

nightwish - Wish I Had An Angel
In general, high velocity doesn't produce harmful injuries.
But what is dangerous is the high acceleration
or deceleration given at a certain time interval.

@LOL ::

Orlek: Mala Zagorjanka:D
Hippy: The Doors?
Geek: The Windows!

Thomas ::

Fly me to the Moon - Sinatra.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Trubadur ::

Quo Vadis - On The Shores Of Ithaka
Berite Thomasa!

Thomas ::

Your Cheatin' Heart - Hank Williams.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Goldee ::

Zvonenje telefonov v službi :)
And Now for Something Completely Different...

-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

Kaličopko ::

Korado in Brendi---kam so šli vsi cigani:))

Thomas pa country posluša:D :\

whatever ::

Da je duša od papira, ne bi tada bila zate vezana nikada...
Veliko jih je notri, še več jih je pa zunaj.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.

IgorGrozni ::

http //Special radio ( RUS) - Džaaaz and blues = jazz in muzak !;)

@LOL ::

Willie Nelson and Johhny Cash: Ghost Riders in the Sky8-)
Hippy: The Doors?
Geek: The Windows!

iskra ::

The Cranberries - Zombie
Ajow! 5 metru drow ...
Če bi imel Ronaldinho izvenzakonskega sina, bi se klical Bastardinho.

Trubadur ::

Quo Vadis - Silence Calls the Storm
naprej gre pa
Manowar - Hail and Kill >:D
Berite Thomasa!

Ejsi_Disi ::

AC/DC - Big Gun

Mogoče se spomnetekitarskega začetka, ki ga predvajajo na Valu 202. Potem pa možakar reče: ˝Popevka tedna˝. :D

veteran ::

Jean Michel Jarre - Calypso (2)

Vajenc ::

Pixies - Where Is My Mind (med dajanjem slušalk na bučo, so mi te skočile v uč, tko da malo jokam zraven)

muzičar ::

Prsill so me da poslušam:

Cascada - Piece of Heaven

Sadida ::

Bon Jovi - Bed of roses:8)

Oxford ::

Duran Duran - Wild Boys

Yes! 8-)

Zheegec ::

Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Buldožer ::

Placebo - Nancy Boy
Več glav več ve. No, ni nujno!

stealth ::

Bonfire - Right Things Right

Vajenc ::

Massive Attack & Tricky - Karma Coma

DOOM_er ::

sepultura - arise :D
Robots will steal your job. But that's OK

NoComent! ::

Within Temptation - Aquarius

martinsm3 ::

Kaličopko ::

DJ Shadow ft. Mos Def---Six Days

gzibret ::

Faithless - album Reverence
Vse je za neki dobr!

Kaličopko ::

C.C.R.---Have U Ever Seen The Rain

edit: LINK (sicer Rod Stewart ampak nej bo)

Zgodovina sprememb…

Sadida ::

Reel big fish - She Has A Girlfriend Now

Goldee ::

Si mi dal/a idejo:

Reel Big Fish - I'm Cool

Legendarni komad. :)
And Now for Something Completely Different...

-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

NoComent! ::

Epica - Run for a Fall
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