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Trenutno poslušam

Trenutno poslušam

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innerspace ::

Trenutno slisim nabijanje iz Diskonautike skozi okno!
To bo se tezka noc...

kuglvinkl ::

Your focus determines your reallity

kratos ::

Bob Marley - Stir it up

r5r ::

Bajaga - 300 na sat
And it makes me wonder.

AmokRun ::

iNooby ::

Trenutno slisim nabijanje iz Diskonautike skozi okno!
To bo se tezka noc...

srečnež :/
Haters gonna hate...

iNooby ::

Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Under Your Spell

Haters gonna hate...

White&Nerdy ::

Iron Maiden - The Trooper - Vem na kitaro.8-) (razen tistega težjega soloja:)))

PrimozR ::

Good choice.

T-h-o-r ::

Muse - Glorious
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Okapi ::

Riblja Čorba - Orfej.


AmokRun ::

White&Nerdy ::

Canadian Idiot - Weird Al :D


Feel Good - Gorillaz

Zgodovina sprememb…

marS ::

...no more heroes...

A. Smith ::

"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis

iNooby ::

Hybrid-Finished Symphony (Deadmau5 Remix)
Haters gonna hate...

White&Nerdy ::

Nirvana - Teen Spirit

ABX ::

Starchaser - A New Society (Vocal Mix)

Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!

innerspace ::

Sigur Ros - Hljomalind

iNooby ::

Above & Beyond - Alone Tonight

Haters gonna hate...

cewapcic ::

Sublime - santeria

galu ::

KISS - I Was Made For Loving You (Legenda zame:D)

PacificBlue ::

I’m out.

NoComent! ::

Okapi ::

Pomaranča - Goba zla

marS ::

...no more heroes...

sass628 ::

pendulum - propane nightmare

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: sass628 ()

USS Liberty ::


galu ::

U2 - Vertigo

Brane2 ::

Perpetuum Jazzile - Africa (Toto)

Se mi pa zelo dopadejo tudi praktično vsi ostali njihovi materiali.

Bo treba žvajznit CD in tanovi DVD, ko pride...
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

PromeuZ ::

String Quartet - Tribute to Sum 41
<!-- https://pisalnik.wordpress.com -->

YaN-cH ::

marS ::

...no more heroes...

schtr4jh ::

donfilipo ::

Marko Brecelj legenda:)
Takih modelov na balkanu ne delajo več. Ostalo je bolj coca cola light:)
Sem poangležil 'Ta stol' in iščem kam naj obesim liriko, da 'plava šljivovica' mojega osebnega heroja zaodmeva malce bolj internacionalno:)
Če pa kdo zna na kitaro naj se poizkusi. Zna delovati pri nežnejšem spolu bolje od fitnesa in kozmetike:)

This Chair

This chair's not gonna be a new one
although you're sawing it with thread n'needle
this day when i'm almost gone
to farewell you're patching it with care.

This chair's not mine but from your mother
and we'll return it were it once belonged
this day i'm close to you like brother
although our love is very long time gone.

This chair will be the chair of honor
i still remember dreaming of you there
this day when i'm almost a goner
we give each other what we couldn't share.

This chair was also our table
from which i eat your bread and licked your salt
this day when ending our fable
it won't be strong enough for me to halt.

This chair's not gonna be a new one
our love was careless now it's gone away
this time when you might be alone
and you won't see me any other day.
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

donfilipo ::

Zlatko ma flow, nekdo od produkcije pa pravi smisel za humor:
'Dej reć temu orangutanu da gre stran'
In times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth
becomes revolutionary act. Orwell

slawc ::

CCR - Sweet hitch hiker

hiiiiiiiiiii :)
LP, Slawc

gzibret ::

donfilipo - zakon tale Zlatko... he he..

Drugače pa - malo Indijske muzike...
Vse je za neki dobr!

Vajenc ::

Bossa de Novo - Selma

Tole sem zdele na TVju poslušal. Super stvar. Domači bend ;)
Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.
Woody Allen

mavec ::

Dalmatino - Zvizdo danice

galu ::

Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower 8-)

Tako to gre.

innerspace ::

Meshuggah - Bleed

sass628 ::

divlje jagode - motori

innerspace ::

Max Roach, Abbey Lincoln - Freedom Day

A blast from the past:)

innerspace ::

Jojo Mayer & Nerve - Syncopath

Can you follow the beat? 8-)

Galaxy ::

Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight)


marS ::

...no more heroes...

ZaOstali ::

Dream Trance (ponovem tudi malo Fantasy Trance)

geek93 ::

Refresh - A Step Too Far

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: geek93 ()

win64 ::

3 bote - figon
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