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Kako naj vem da ima CRT monir raven ekran?

Kako naj vem da ima CRT monir raven ekran?

Andy18 ::

Kako naj vem da ima CRT monir raven ekran?

to vprašanje se mi postavlja že nekaj časa pa ne najdem odgovora.

npr. monitor 19" Samsung SyncMaster 950p

prosim odgovorite na vprašanje čim prej.
Plata 7VT600L,Athlon 2600+,512 MB,GF 6600 128 MB,LC 550W,160 GB,LCD Samsung 913N

Entity ::



Product Description
Amazon.com Product Description
Would you like to be dazzled when you look at your screen? Samsung combines plug-and-play convenience with a 19-inch screen to optimize your graphics with intense color and flat-screen technology in the SyncMaster 950P monitor. Offering crisp images without the usual curvature of other monitors, this monitor maximizes the options for advanced imaging and high-speed interactivity. This monitor also has an 18-inch viewable flat screen and innovative digital onscreen controls. It is compatible with both PCs and Macs.

K0K0 ::

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