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Windows xp SP2 in Sony DHR-1000

Windows xp SP2 in Sony DHR-1000

Spc ::

Torej imam Sony DHR-1000 Video rekorder in stvar mi noče delovati preko firewire v Windows xp SP2 ali Windows Server 2003 SP1.
Če stestiram stvar na Windows Server 2003 (brez SP1) deluje takoj in tudi pri xpjih (brez sp2) deluje normalno .. sedaj pa vprašanje..
Kaj moram narediti, da bo stvar prepoznalo in nato delovalo v SP2 oz SP1 ?

Na googlu sem našel to:
Connecting a Sony DHR-1000 DV VCR to a Linux system via Firewire keeps me busy for a couple of days. The firmware of the DHR-1000 seems to have a bug that the device is not recognized as an AVC device. In Windows XP SP1 there is a workaround.
With the help of Dan Dennedy and a friendly support engineer at Sony Deutschland, I found the reason. The DHR-1000 was produced before the AV/C standard was finalized. The device can not send the right AVC Subunit type because it was unknown this time. A workaround is to modify the libavc1394 to answer 'yes' for every subunit type. The test tool 'dvcont' at least talks to the VCR. Right now only stop, pause and eject works.
Will post any further results.

ampak to mi žal nič ne pomaga. :|

Imam pa tudi Sony camcorder .. tega pa takoj prepozna v xpSP2 in W2K3SP1 ..
  • spremenil: Spc ()

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Kateri -win server 2003 R2-

Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi
462685 (1931) Mr.B

Nizki udarci Sony-ja

Oddelek: Novice / Optične enote / mediji
134225 (3448) Stajerc

Pinnacle PCTV revealed (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Zvok in slika
537113 (5049) maxy

Manjši popravke za uporabnike Windows Firewall

Oddelek: Novice / Varnost
163389 (2853) denial

montaža videa

Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti
134054 (3733) daylight

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