» »

explorer.exe se mi restarta

explorer.exe se mi restarta

NevarHere ::

(Mislim da sem zelo slabo/površno/nerazumljivo opisal problem, tak da pojdite dol na "Zaključek" na bol jedernato razlago!)

Jaz sem na novo inštaliral winse xp in sem lepo sformatiral particijo v FAT32(kot že delam več let..)

In ko sem "prvič" zagnal winse sem šel na Windows Update si dol povleči service pack 1, pa use critical updejte vglavnem...

sem na novo zagnal komp inštaliral driverje in vse lepo in prav..

pol pa sem šel nekaj iskat po disku pa mi je zaštekalo, Not Responding problem...
in se mi je samodejno explorer.exe reštartal 8-O

če sem imel Not Responding problem pol se mi ni NIKOL explorer.exe na novo zagnal 8-O
pa pol je tudi šlo vse normalno, ampak v tem primeru pa ne!
Še več! ko se mi je naslednič zgodlo(stotič) sem šel v taskmngr pogledat kaj se sploh dogaja, in je bilo vse lepo in prav 19procesov laufle, ampak, POZOR , ampak
explorer.exe je uporabljal 100% CPU and 110.000K spomina8-O 8-O

to se mi je začelo dogajati ko sem pred dvakratnim formatom diska in reinštalacijo winsov inštaliral Tweak XP pro!
Pa je tam neka funkcija da reštarta explorer.exe da lažje zapre neke programe.. whatever,...

od takrat sem imel to težavo, sem 2x formatiral in na novo naložo vse pa še imam vedno isti problem :8)

pa ko sem dodal nov share od diskov na naši mreži, pa sem hotel neki fajl dol povleči iz LANa na moj komp mi je spet, na ISTI način freezno 8-O

Kaj sem že storil:
Dol sem potegno Spybot-search&destroy, Adaware, CWSshredder, Hijackthis
ter sem jih zagnal, zaznali niso nič, !RAZN!, adaware je zagnal nek Alexa toolbar shit, spybot pa je zagnal nek DSO exploit ki se mi nazaj pojavlja(vendar mislim da to nima preveč veze s tem problemom...ali pač?)

zagnal sem StartDreck in mi je tole napisalo:
StartDreck (build 2.1.5 public BETA) - 2004-07-04 @ 16:05:06
Platform: Windows XP (Win NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1)

»Run Keys
»Current User
»Default User
»Local Machine
»File Associations (CR)
*batfile="%1" %*
*comfile="%1" %*
*SpybotSD.DisabledFile="D:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\blindman.exe" "%1"
*exefile="%1" %*
*htafile=C:\WINDOWS\System32\mshta.exe "%1" %*
*JSFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*
*JSEFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*
*piffile="%1" %*
*scrfile="%1" /S
*txtfile=%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1
*VBSFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*
*VBEFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*
*WSHFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*
*WSFFile=%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*
`lnkfile= [key or value does not exist]
»Browser Helper Objects (LM)
»Autostart Folders
»Current User
*C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\desktop.ini
»Default User
*C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\desktop.ini
»Local Machine
*C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\desktop.ini
»Text Files
»Running Processes



*0000009C=D:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe
*000005D8=D:\Program Files\mIRC\mirc.exe
*00000658=D:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe
*000000E4=C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\Mozilla.exe
*00000438=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\New Folder\StartDreck.exe
»NT Services
*Alerter Alerter - on demand
*Application Layer Gateway Service ALG - on demand
*Application Management AppMgmt - on demand
*Ati HotKey Poller Ati HotKey Poller running auto
*ATI Smart ATI Smart - auto
*Windows Audio AudioSrv running auto
*Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITS - on demand
*Computer Browser Browser running auto
*Indexing Service cisvc - on demand
*ClipBook ClipSrv - on demand
*COM+ System Application COMSysApp - on demand
*Cryptographic Services CryptSvc running auto
*DHCP Client Dhcp running auto
*Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service dmadmin - on demand
*Logical Disk Manager dmserver running auto
*DNS Client Dnscache running auto
*Error Reporting Service ERSvc running auto
*Event Log Eventlog running auto
*COM+ Event System EventSystem running on demand
*Fast User Switching Compatibility FastUserSwitchingCom running on demand
*Help and Support helpsvc running auto
*Human Interface Device Access HidServ - disabled
*IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service ImapiService - on demand
*IPv6 Internet Connection Firewall Ip6FwHlp - on demand
*Server lanmanserver running auto
*Workstation lanmanworkstation running auto
*TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper LmHosts running auto
*Messenger Messenger running auto
*NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing mnmsrvc - on demand
*Distributed Transaction Coordinator MSDTC - on demand
*Windows Installer MSIServer - on demand
*Network DDE NetDDE - on demand
*Network DDE DSDM NetDDEdsdm - on demand
*Net Logon Netlogon - on demand
*Network Connections Netman running on demand
*Network Location Awareness (NLA) Nla running on demand
*NT LM Security Support Provider NtLmSsp - on demand
*Removable Storage NtmsSvc - on demand
*Plug and Play PlugPlay running auto
*IPSEC Services PolicyAgent running auto
*Protected Storage ProtectedStorage running auto
*Remote Access Auto Connection Manager RasAuto - on demand
*Remote Access Connection Manager RasMan - on demand
*Remote Desktop Help Session Manager RDSessMgr - on demand
*Routing and Remote Access RemoteAccess - disabled
*Remote Registry RemoteRegistry running auto
*Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcLocator - on demand
*Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RpcSs running auto
*QoS RSVP RSVP - on demand
*Security Accounts Manager SamSs running auto
*Smart Card Helper SCardDrv - on demand
*Smart Card SCardSvr - on demand
*Task Scheduler Schedule running auto
*Secondary Logon seclogon running auto
*System Event Notification SENS running auto
*Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet C SharedAccess - on demand
`onnection Sharing (ICS)
*Shell Hardware Detection ShellHWDetection running auto
*Print Spooler Spooler running auto
*System Restore Service srservice - auto
*SSDP Discovery Service SSDPSRV running on demand
*Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) stisvc - on demand
*MS Software Shadow Copy Provider SwPrv - on demand
*Performance Logs and Alerts SysmonLog - on demand
*Telephony TapiSrv - on demand
*Terminal Services TermService running on demand
*Themes Themes running auto
*Telnet TlntSvr - on demand
*Distributed Link Tracking Client TrkWks running auto
*Upload Manager uploadmgr running auto
*Universal Plug and Play Device Host upnphost - on demand
*Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS - on demand
*Volume Shadow Copy VSS - on demand
*Windows Time W32Time running auto
*WebClient WebClient running auto
*Windows Management Instrumentation winmgmt running auto
*Portable Media Serial Number WmdmPmSp running auto
*Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Exten Wmi - on demand
*WMI Performance Adapter WmiApSrv - on demand
*Automatic Updates wuauserv running auto
*Wireless Zero Configuration WZCSVC running auto
»Application specific

pa... amm... antivirus sem tudi zagnal pa ni nič najdo...

1.: explorer.exe dela z 100% CPU (normalno je 0) ter več kot z 15.000K spomina (...)
2.: vse mi tak hudo šteka/počasi dela da morem ali manual reštartat explorer.exe ali pa mi ga(kot se je že mnogokrat, ko ni bilo napake, zgodlo)
3.: hvalabogu da mam mozillo :D

tak.. zelo bom vesel če mi boste pomagali..


Npr odstrani SP1 pa porocaj kaj se je zgodilo.:) Aha pa dodatne varnoste popravke pusti ne jih brisat.


pujsek_ ::

Polek antivirusa je zadnje čase potrebno met imet tudi kak Anti SPY programček...:\

revd ::

Hm.men tut dela explorer z približno 16.000k.Kaj to ni normalno?

NevarHere ::

ERGY: sn sformatiral, pa sn sam SP1 nalozo(ostalo pa ne), pa mi dela zaj...
cudno, kak toti mikro & softovci use popravke zaf00kajo ;)

pujsek_: mam anti spy progije ;)

revd: ma ja... to je ze visja meja :)

ampak to tak nic ni, jaz sn meu 110.000k pa 100% CPU pa tak dalje...

na lan partiju je komp vreji delal, explorer ni nic jebal!
tak da... tnx za use! ampak sn zaj nazaj u linuxu;)

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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