Forum » Loža » Nakladalnica (ex kdaj hodite spat)
Nakladalnica (ex kdaj hodite spat)
Temo vidijo: vsi

mtosev ::
Kmalu bo bozic in novo leto.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

koyotee ::
dej ti materjalist, STFU
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Bananovec ::
A ni to že lani blo?
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

crazyLIKEme ::
Kmalu bo bozic in novo leto.
Yeah, just same fu*king sh*t like last year and the year before and the year before before and the year before before before....
Get it?

Bananovec ::
just some hot modafokingJ trance
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

iNooby ::
Evo moram vam pokazat primer dobrega remixa!
original song :
to je pa prišlo izpod rok aviciija:
original song :
to je pa prišlo izpod rok aviciija:
Haters gonna hate...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: iNooby ()

strictom ::
Drozje original, se bolj drozje rmx. Sicer spoštujem vse zvrsti glasbe ampak to sranje (ter dober del rapa) za mene ni glasba.
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

Bananovec ::
Drozje original, se bolj drozje rmx. Sicer spoštujem vse zvrsti glasbe ampak to sranje (ter dober del rapa) za mene ni glasba.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

whatever ::
Ye fucking olde.
27 and counting

I'll be here till the end of Slo-tech, Nakladalnica or myself. Whichever comes first

Veliko jih je notri, še več jih je pa zunaj.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: whatever ()

Limit-sky ::
crazyLIKEme je izjavil:
Kmalu bo bozic in novo leto.
Yeah, just same fu*king sh*t like last year and the year before and the year before before and the year before before before....
Get it?![]()
Kako zanimiva uporaba besede "before". To je kakšno posebno narečje? Ker vem, da obvladaš več tujih jezikov, lahko obrazložiš tako uporabo? Pred tremi dnevi je po tem primeru " the day before before yesterday"? Probaj v kitajščini, mogoče ti bolj sede.

whatever ::
Ne ne, tisto je bil(a) Caleneth - drug uporabnik. Si zamešal.
Veliko jih je notri, še več jih je pa zunaj.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.

Limit-sky ::
Oooo, sorry. Se posipljem s snegom. 
Sem imel nekaj dni pavze in sem zamešal. Je bilo že kakšen teden nazaj ali "before before before" that.

Sem imel nekaj dni pavze in sem zamešal. Je bilo že kakšen teden nazaj ali "before before before" that.

iNooby ::
kje bi dobil poceni matično za acerja aspire 5520, kurba mi je crknila
Haters gonna hate...

mtosev ::
na avtoodpadu

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

iNooby ::
mtosev ko zastavim neko vprašanje ga ti kr ignoriraj, hvala za razumevanje
Haters gonna hate...

iNooby ::
ma ja, sem že preveril, ni pod 200EUR matične, ma ne dam, iz principa ne
Haters gonna hate...

Steinkauz ::
Prenosnika starejšega od 2eh let se ne splača popravljat.
Tut če dobiš relativno pocen plato(pa je pod 100eur ne boš dubu imho), morš računat še delo
Tut če dobiš relativno pocen plato(pa je pod 100eur ne boš dubu imho), morš računat še delo

PrimozR ::
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: PrimozR ()

IvoJan ::
Lol @ pipi the ebay camper :)
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|

koyotee ::
najbolj debilno je pa streljačine špilat na konzoli xD
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

mtosev ::
lepa kolicina smega je zunaj. letosnja zima naj bi bila rekordno zmrzla
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

whatever ::
Money has arrived. Now just trying to figure out how to get rid of the corpses.
Money has arrived. Now just trying to figure out how to get rid of the corpses.
Veliko jih je notri, še več jih je pa zunaj.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.

galu ::
najbolj debilno je pa streljačine špilat na konzoli xD
To vedno pravijo tisti ki ne vejo igrat.. :D
Ti povem, da po par mesecih treninga igraš z tako dobrim aimom, da bi še par 'medicore' computer g33kov stepel z tistim joypadom.
Tako to gre.

Meizu ::
najbolj debilno je pa streljačine špilat na konzoli xD
To vedno pravijo tisti ki ne vejo igrat.. :D
Ti povem, da po par mesecih treninga igraš z tako dobrim aimom, da bi še par 'medicore' computer g33kov stepel z tistim joypadom.
Valda da ja, če maš pa semi autoaim ;)