
C++/FW Engineer -- brisan oglas

Opis delovnega mesta

Pri Luxonisu ustvarjamo platformo za stereo kamere z umetno inteligenco. Smo startup iz Kolorada, delo je hibridno (iz Črnuč).
We are looking for a software engineer who is passionate about computer vision to help develop the next suite of DepthAI products. This role will be designing the next generation of DepthAI systems, with a focus on the core firmware that performantly ties all the disparate CV/AI/spatial hardware capabilities together.

Od kandidatov zahtevamo

- C/C++ in-depth understanding
- CMake
- Hardware and embedded experiences
- Software engineering knowledge
- Library development and best practices
- System programming and understanding of operating systems
- Multithreading and multiprocessing
Nice to have
- ML/AI knowledge
- Code optimization and profiling (vectorization, caching, ...)
- Computer vision algorithms understanding and familiarity

Kandidatom ponujamo

- 3k-4k eur/mo bruto

Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

Hibridno / Črnuče
3k-4k EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

See above
predhodno znanje ni potrebno