Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
TezkoDihanje ::
"The week, when Ukrainian artillery finally got enough ammo was total terror on Russia - hitting everything and everywhere (not allowed to disclose a lot), winning counter-artillery battles while being outnumbered 1:5 (problems start, when being outnumbered 1:10). One of possible reasons for slowdown of weapons, is that previous Ramstein meeting did place bets on finding old USSR weapons for Ukraine, however there are not a lot of old ammo and missiles, and those few missiles found, Russians did attempt to buy first."
"The week, when Ukrainian artillery finally got enough ammo was total terror on Russia - hitting everything and everywhere (not allowed to disclose a lot), winning counter-artillery battles while being outnumbered 1:5 (problems start, when being outnumbered 1:10). One of possible reasons for slowdown of weapons, is that previous Ramstein meeting did place bets on finding old USSR weapons for Ukraine, however there are not a lot of old ammo and missiles, and those few missiles found, Russians did attempt to buy first."
VladarP ::
A je Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin vstal od mrtvih?
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
Utk ::
Odgovor mlajše ženske iz videa. Popolna resignacija , ki jo prikrije s kislim
nasmeškom. Beda nad bedo.:
"This is Russia.It simply cannot get better."
Haha, veliko jih nič ne čuti, pravijo pa vseeno da bo samo še slabše, zakaj, če itak ni nič, o vojni pa itak nihče ne upa nič rečt. Čeprav mislim da bi pri nas zlahka našel 3 podpornike vojne na 10 ljudi. V Rusiji očitno ne.
TezkoDihanje ::
aja, za ta počasne:
Russia doing the same everywhere - achieving small gains by using own solders as cannon fodder. This is great insight into WW2, that can be obtained by watching the Russian army. Putin hasn't understood couple of things - He is not Stalin, he doesn't have 27 million mobilized soldiers, he doesn't have lend-lease (in fact, Ukraine has lend-lease). However this is countered by using energy as weapons, and amount of 5th column in Europe.
Russia doing the same everywhere - achieving small gains by using own solders as cannon fodder. This is great insight into WW2, that can be obtained by watching the Russian army. Putin hasn't understood couple of things - He is not Stalin, he doesn't have 27 million mobilized soldiers, he doesn't have lend-lease (in fact, Ukraine has lend-lease). However this is countered by using energy as weapons, and amount of 5th column in Europe.
VladarP ::
VEČ kot 100.000 prebivalcev Zaporožja je zaprosilo za rusko državljanstvo - je povedal član glavnega sveta vojaško-civilne uprave regije Zaporožje Vladimir Rogov. Dodal je, da ima na tisoče in tisoče ljudi pripravljene dokumente za iskanje in pridobitev ruskega državljanstva. Rogov je napovedal "popolno osvoboditev ozemlja regije Zaporožje od ukrajinskih nacionalistov": Aleksej Selivanov, namestnik vodje glavnega direktorata ministrstva za notranje zadeve regije Zaporožje, je konec maja sporočil, da si 86 odstotkov prebivalstva želi ruski potni list.
Akhmat sila
Akhmat sila
VladarP ::
Another Ukrainian soldier received an artillery shell into his trench right during filming. The soldier's fate is unknown.
Medtem je v regiji Herson toliko ljudi, ki želijo pridobiti rusko državljanstvo, da so se oblikovale čakalne vrste. "Navduševanje je veliko," je dejal Kirill Stremousov, namestnik vodje vojaško-civilne uprave regije. "Povečujemo število upravnih centrov za sprejemanje dokumentov." Oddanih je že več kot 10.000 vlog za ruski potni list.
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
V Khersonu je prišlo po rusko državljanstvo 23 ljudi. Od 250 tisoč v mestu.
Medtem je v regiji Herson toliko ljudi, ki želijo pridobiti rusko državljanstvo, da so se oblikovale čakalne vrste. "Navduševanje je veliko," je dejal Kirill Stremousov, namestnik vodje vojaško-civilne uprave regije. "Povečujemo število upravnih centrov za sprejemanje dokumentov." Oddanih je že več kot 10.000 vlog za ruski potni list.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Če to pravi Rus, potem je to seveda lahko samo laž. To bi že lahko vedel do sedaj.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
VladarP ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Če to pravi Rus, potem je to seveda lahko samo laž. To bi že lahko vedel do sedaj.
Trdijo ljudje, ki trosijo lazi po forumu da je Putin umrl, da je v komi, da je bolan....
Sicer pa
"Center za sprejem beguncev iz Ukrajine bo od 16. junija zaprt v Pragi," je povedal podpredsednik vlade in minister za notranje zadeve Vit Rakushan.
Razlog je nedopustno obnašanje beguncev in odnos begunskih množic v prestolnici. Hkrati bo Češka po zaprtju prestolnice regionalnega centra za pomoč Ukrajini zagotovila registracijo beguncev v drugih čeških regijah.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
TezkoDihanje ::
"Povečujemo število upravnih centrov za sprejemanje dokumentov." Oddanih je že več kot 10.000 vlog za ruski potni list.
Dokazi za tole? Imaš kaj?? Nimaš. Torej, laž.
"Center za sprejem beguncev iz Ukrajine bo od 16. junija zaprt v Pragi," je povedal podpredsednik vlade in minister za notranje zadeve Vit Rakushan.
Razlog je nedopustno obnašanje beguncev in odnos begunskih množic v prestolnici. Hkrati bo Češka po zaprtju prestolnice regionalnega centra za pomoč Ukrajini zagotovila registracijo beguncev v drugih čeških regijah.
A lahko daš kakšen JEBENI LINK za tole???
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
VladarP ::
Kitajski napad na Tajvan bo vplival na svetovne trgovinske tokove bolj kot vojna v Ukrajini
To bo povzročilo pomanjkanje polprevodniških čipov, je za Reuters povedal glavni trgovinski pogajalec v Tajpeju John Deng.
Včeraj so se pojavile informacije, da je kitajski predsednik Xi Jinping podpisal ukaz o pravici do izvedbe "posebne operacije" proti Tajvanu. Besedilo dokumenta pričakujemo danes.
Kakšni polprevodniki pičke materine, samo udri
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
VladarP ::
SUV ameriske policije z novimi oznakami
Se ena lepa novica
SUV ameriske policije z novimi oznakami
Se ena lepa novica
Rusija bo te dni začela obnovo Donbasa s stanovanjskimi in socialnimi objekti - Ministrstvo za gradbeništvo Ruske federacije. Zdaj se v DPR že gradi nov vodovod, zahvaljujoč kateremu bo mogoče popraviti situacijo s problemom oskrbe z vodo v Donecku. Ministrstvo za gradbeništvo je tudi poročalo, da so za ruske gradbenike, ki sodelujejo pri obnovi DPR in LPR, zagotovljena povečana plača in višji socialni prispevki.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
koyotee ::
Hahahaha lažeš, pejt jarke kopat.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
VladarP ::
15. junija 1798 se je rodil izjemni ruski diplomat in državnik Aleksander Mihajlovič Gorčakov.
Ko je leta 1856 vodil zunanje ministrstvo, si je zadal nalogo, da ponovno napiše rezultate krimske vojne - ponovno pridobi nadzor nad Črnim morjem in Besarabijo "brez denarja in brez prelivanja ene kapljice ruske krvi." Oporo je našel v osebi Prusije, katere vpliv v Evropi se je do takrat močno povečal.
Diplomatska spretnost Gorčakova je pomagala preprečiti, da bi Avstrija vstopila v francosko-prusko vojno, ki je Prusiji zagotovila absolutno zmago. Rusija je ob podpori tega novega imperija napovedala, da ne bo več izpolnjevala zahtev pariškega kongresa - in nobena druga evropska sila si ni upala protestirati.
"Rusija ni jezna, Rusija se koncentrira" - ta slavni stavek pripada Gorčakovu. Zahvaljujoč njegovim prizadevanjem so se ustvarili ugodni pogoji za izvajanje reform, ki so zagotovile gospodarski preboj naše države v zadnji tretjini 19. stoletja.
#Diplomatom v spomin
Akhmat sila
VladarP ::
Namestnik vodje regionalne državne uprave v Hersonu Kirill Stremousov je Zelenskega označil za "neustreznega" in njegovi napadi besa zajemajo regijo z nesmiselnimi konvulzijami.
Zelensky je v svojem zadnjem videosporočilu obljubil vzpostavitev oblasti nad Krimom, Donbasom in regijami južne Ukrajine - regijami Herson in Zaporožje. Po besedah Stremousova so vse te grožnje milo rečeno neumne in debilne.
To so nesmiselni kriki fašističnega režima. Hersonska regija je bila za vedno osvobojena fašizma in teh politikov, ki so naredili vse, da bi ga ukradli, uničili, odnesli, a to so počeli že v preteklosti. Hersonska regija je prvotna ruska dežela, ki bo kmalu postala subjekt Ruske federacije, kar bodo potrdili tudi prebivalci Hersonske regije na plebiscitu, ki bo letos 100-odstotno potekal, je dejal Stremousov.
Namestnik vodje regije Kherson je dodal, da Ukrajina že dolgo ni več kot država. In človek na oblasti se obnaša kot otrok, ki se je igral politiko, ki mu ni mar za navadne ljudi in njihove težave.
Zelenski je neuravnovešena oseba, ki v smrt namerava odpeljati vse, do zadnjega Ukrajinca. Vsaka njegova izjava vzame na tisoče življenj. je zaključil Stremousov.
Akhmat sila
AvtoR ::
Najprej sem mislil, da si navaden trol, zdaj pa vidim, da si ali psihični bolnik ali pa ruski agent, druge ni...
VladarP ::
Poleg tega so Wagnerjevi borci zvečer prevzeli nadzor nad zadnjim naseljem Semigorje in s tem obkrožili nacistično skupino v TE Uglegorsk in Novolugansk. Jutri bodo ukri tam poginili, če se ne predajo ali pobegnejo po poljih.
Citiram tako kot je napisano in strojno prevedeno, se vedno namrec trdim da wagner ne obstaja oziroma gre za romantiziran mit.
Akhmat sila
gozdar1 ::
Poleg tega so Wagnerjevi borci zvečer prevzeli nadzor nad zadnjim naseljem Semigorje in s tem obkrožili nacistično skupino v TE Uglegorsk in Novolugansk. Jutri bodo ukri tam poginili, če se ne predajo ali pobegnejo po poljih.
Citiram tako kot je napisano in strojno prevedeno, se vedno namrec trdim da wagner ne obstaja oziroma gre za romantiziran mit.
Spet ruska propaganda projecira, wagnerjevci so nacistična skupina obkoljeni pa spet kaki civili.
VladarP ::
Poleg tega so Wagnerjevi borci zvečer prevzeli nadzor nad zadnjim naseljem Semigorje in s tem obkrožili nacistično skupino v TE Uglegorsk in Novolugansk. Jutri bodo ukri tam poginili, če se ne predajo ali pobegnejo po poljih.
Citiram tako kot je napisano in strojno prevedeno, se vedno namrec trdim da wagner ne obstaja oziroma gre za romantiziran mit.
Spet ruska propaganda projecira, wagnerjevci so nacistična skupina obkoljeni pa spet kaki civili.
Lahko se tudi tako tolazis
Za dobro jutro
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
VladarP ::
'Ceno dveh evrov za liter lahko pričakujemo tudi v Sloveniji'
Ljubljana, 15.06.2022, 6:00 | Posodobljeno pred eno uro
Jaz mislim, da je to pošteno. Da bo Ukrajinec svobodno se sprehajal po turističnih točkah po svetu, mora tudi sleherni Janezek v Sloveniji kaj prispevati. Janezek se mora sprijazniti, da ukrajinska svoboda in palačinke v Izoli pri marini koštajo. Janezek se mora sprijazniti, da bo za ukrajinsko svobodo in da bodo Ukrajinci jedli okusne palačinke v Izoli moral več ur za manj denarja preživeti v bagru, pisarni, fabrki, kamionu.... Janezek ima dobro hrbtenico in bo brez skrbi poleg sebe hranil še 3 Ukrajince s svojim delom. Janezek bo pridno plačal davke, ker ukrajinski BMW XM5 in XM6 veliko pije.
Janezek se bo kopal doma v banji, ker bo raje del plače namenil za orožje Ukrajini.
Janezek nima otrok in jih ne rabi, ker važno da jih ima 5 Ukrajinec
Janezek bo jedel poli salamo in parizer, ker je Javelin draga reč.
Janezek bo kuril traktorske gume pozimi in se zdravil za kronično obstruktivno boleznijo pljuč, ker Zelenski ne sme biti brez kokaina.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
Miki N ::
Janezek se mora sprijazniti, da bo za ukrajinsko svobodo in da bodo Ukrajinci jedli okusne palačinke v Izoli moral več ur za manj denarja preživeti v bagru, pisarni, fabrki, kamionu.... Janezek ima dobro hrbtenico in bo brez skrbi poleg sebe hranil še 3 Ukrajince s svojim delom.
Predlagam program pomoči "Ukrajinke za palačinke"! Saj trenutno kaj dosti drugega razen bab nam Ukrajina niti ne more ponuditi, zaenkrat.
VladarP ::
Janezek se bo se cetrtic cepil, ce mu to ukaze Klaus Svab, Milan Krek, Jelko Kacin in Bilko Debilko.
Akhmat sila
Utk ::
'Ceno dveh evrov za liter lahko pričakujemo tudi v Sloveniji'
Ljubljana, 15.06.2022, 6:00 | Posodobljeno pred eno uro
Jaz mislim, da je to pošteno. Da bo Ukrajinec svobodno se sprehajal po turističnih točkah po svetu, mora tudi sleherni Janezek v Sloveniji kaj prispevati. Janezek se mora sprijazniti, da ukrajinska svoboda in palačinke v Izoli pri marini koštajo. Janezek se mora sprijazniti, da bo za ukrajinsko svobodo in da bodo Ukrajinci jedli okusne palačinke v Izoli moral več ur za manj denarja preživeti v bagru, pisarni, fabrki, kamionu.... Janezek ima dobro hrbtenico in bo brez skrbi poleg sebe hranil še 3 Ukrajince s svojim delom. Janezek bo pridno plačal davke, ker ukrajinski BMW XM5 in XM6 veliko pije.
Janezek se bo kopal doma v banji, ker bo raje del plače namenil za orožje Ukrajini.
Janezek nima otrok in jih ne rabi, ker važno da jih ima 5 Ukrajinec
Janezek bo jedel poli salamo in parizer, ker je Javelin draga reč.
Janezek bo kuril traktorske gume pozimi in se zdravil za kronično obstruktivno boleznijo pljuč, ker Zelenski ne sme biti brez kokaina.
To je majhna cena za še večje trpljenje Rusov, in Srbov skupaj z njimi. Enkrat se ta golazen mora znormalizirat (to ni žaljenje, ampak opis stanja, ker Rusi imajo na visokih položajih ljudi, ki čisto odkrito grozijo z nukanjem Londona in podobno). Hvala Ukrajini, da bo največ pripomogla k temu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Utk ()
VladarP ::
Janezek se bo cepil cetrtic, ker drugace mu studentka ne bo prinesla pol gajbe laskota za mizo.
Janezek bo zivel pri starsih do njihove smrti, ker ne bo tujcu odvzemal pravico do socialnega stanovanja.
Janezek bo tudi letos paradajz turist, da ga ne bodo Hrvatarji na Krku olupili, ker je Janezek.
Janezek bo zivel pri starsih do njihove smrti, ker ne bo tujcu odvzemal pravico do socialnega stanovanja.
Janezek bo tudi letos paradajz turist, da ga ne bodo Hrvatarji na Krku olupili, ker je Janezek.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
VladarP ::
Janezek je zadolzen do grla in ga ena placa loci od skoka iz neboticnika na avtobus Ljubljanskega potniškega prometa.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
UkrFTW! ::
Kozji, se ponavljaš. Putlerjeva glava pa vseeno raste in bo kmalu kot balon.
Se poslavljaš in greš na front? Putler te čaka.
Zajebana, tale psihiatrija, je res, ko se ti misli vsiljujejo in eno te isto blodiš.
Se poslavljaš in greš na front? Putler te čaka.
Zajebana, tale psihiatrija, je res, ko se ti misli vsiljujejo in eno te isto blodiš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: UkrFTW! ()
VladarP ::
Janezek vrjame nacistom, da je Putin v komi.
Janezek vrjame, da je Putin umrl.
Janezek, bere twitter in se ima za vplivnega tviteraša
Janezek vrjame, da je Putin umrl.
Janezek, bere twitter in se ima za vplivnega tviteraša
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
UkrFTW! ::
VladarP ::
Janezek nima pojma, da je predsednik Ruske Federacije v boljši psihofizični kondiciji kot on.
Akhmat sila
UkrFTW! ::
Janezek nima pojma, da je predsednik Ruske Federacije v boljši psihofizični kondiciji kot on.
Tudi jaz bi bil, če bi vzgon moje glave prepolovil mojo težo. S tem, da jaz bi se potegnil in postal višji, putlerja pa plenice Pampers plenice vlečejo dol.
Kozji, dobro psihiatrijo imaš danes!
VladarP ::
Janezek bo čakal, 2 ure na mrazu pred polikliniko na eni nogi, ker ga varnostnik ne spusti notri sedeti zaradi namišljene bolezni.
Janezek ima fobije pred Putinovo glavo
Janezek ima fobije pred Putinovo glavo
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
PrimoZ_ ::
Danes gre pa Rusom slabo.
Ko se VladarP takole aktivira, pol veš da jim kuzla v rit skače :D
Ko se VladarP takole aktivira, pol veš da jim kuzla v rit skače :D
PrimoZ_ ::
PrimoZ_ ::
Janezek hodi škrbast po svetu, ker nima 200e za zalivko na več ploskvah.
Ne vem če bo Rusom kul da jim praviš Janezki.
Ampak ti že veš :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()
Pac-Man ::
rašisti, začnite bežat
herson je ukrajina
Zgrešil, prav je "rašisti zdaj je prepozno za beg"
rašisti, začnite bežat
herson je ukrajina
Zgrešil, prav je "rašisti zdaj je prepozno za beg"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Utk ::
Glede na to kako se je zmaugyju odpeljalo, sem precej prepričan, da je Putler res pri koncu.
Misliš da je zmaugy tole?
Ali on ali pa poldi, dve strani istega kovanca. Jaz bi stavil na zmaugyja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Utk ()
TezkoDihanje ::
PrimoZ_ ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Ne uporabljam, neda žena
Pa kakšen islamist pa si ti nam?? Ne da žena??![]()
VladarP je emancipirani soyboy :D
Žena nosi hlače :)
Nazadnje so ga povabil na tortico, pa se je usral.
Verjetno ni bila presna, pa kava ni bila soy latte :D
Žena mu je rekla da mora bit doma
PrimoZ_ ::
Glede na to kako se je zmaugyju odpeljalo, sem precej prepričan, da je Putler res pri koncu.
Misliš da je zmaugy tole?
Ali on ali pa poldi, dve strani istega kovanca. Jaz bi stavil na zmaugyja.
Možno, poldi že 3 tedne ni nič napisal na forum in močno dvomim da abstinira, ampak se skriva pod drugimi nicki.
Sej vsi tile psihopatski acconti so sveže pridobitve.
Pac-Man ::
Toliko o plačancih, en drug je slikan ko prisega v ukrajinsko vojsko. Če jih res ustrelijo, bo to le še en vojni zločin.
From Morocco to Mariupol. The story of a 21-year-old foreigner who was "sentenced" to death in Donetsk
Brahim was born in 2000 and grew up in Morocco. Friends prefer not to talk about his family and personal life in his homeland. The boy's family relations were not the best, and his family did not want to communicate with the press. It is known that his father is a soldier at home.
"He loved to develop himself, knows many languages (according to the boy in the video from captivity, speaks 5 languages - UE) , is interested in social issues," - describes Brahima, his close friend of Kiev Muiz.
In 2019, the young man came to Ukraine on a student visa. He organized the move himself, the family only paid for the ticket. At the same time, Brahim entered the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty of Aviation and Space Systems. And quickly gained friends and social ties.
"The true soul of the company and our faithful friend," - write acquaintances about the foreigner.
Muiz, who tells us about a young Moroccan man, met him in one of the most popular progressive youth institutions in the capital:
"Brahim has contacts everywhere. He introduced me to many people." In 2021, Brahim decided to change his training to military service.
"What he told me personally - that he did not feel good, " Muiz recalls his friend's motives .
Last autumn, the young man signed a contract with the Armed Forces.
"I went to school in November, and from the beginning of February I took part in active hostilities," said his girlfriend Dasha. Brahim started as a driver. He later took a gunner's course. In this guy helped his brothers.
He served as a Moroccan in the 36th Marine Brigade. Which in March-April became one of those units to which the most attention was paid. After all, this unit took part in the heroic defense besieged Mariupol.
Brahim managed to contact his friends from the front line.
"He had a broken phone, and he took it from friends, " says Muiz .
Brahim told little about his service. He said he didn't even kill anyone. His job was to monitor how the enemy moved and guarded the territory.
The last time he got in touch was on March 27, from the territory of the Azovmash plant in Mariupol. The last thing his friend received from the military were 4 messages: "everything is fine, everything will be fine, there is no internet."
Then there was 3 weeks of silence. At that time, the whole country was worried about the fighters in Mariupol. Events unfolded rapidly. In the first half of April, the Marines said they were running out of ammunition and the "last battle" was about to take place. One of Brahim's brothers, with whom he was acquainted before the service, Briton Aidin Eislin, then told the family that the military was planning to lay down its arms due to very difficult conditions.
On the same day, it was reported that part of the 36th Brigade made a breakthrough and reached the Azov unit stationed in Azovstal. During the breakthrough, some infantry surrendered .
It was then, according to friends, Brahim and joined the militants. His lawyer will later tell another version, saying that the guy surrendered near Volnovakha.
After 3 weeks of silence, friends saw a video of a Moroccan posted on a militant YouTube propaganda channel. It was later shown by the Kremlin's Russia-24 TV channel. On the records, the guy, according to a friend, looks scared:
"He has some mental health problems, and this is evident in the video. He needs psychological help."
Nevertheless, Muiz admits that he was even happy to see his friend alive in captivity:
"I thought he would be treated like a prisoner, that he would just be exchanged. Who needs him? If the British can be used for political purposes, what do they want from a citizen of a neutral country?"
Brahim's friends in Kyiv keep in touch with his sister. The young man did not come out of captivity with any of them.
The next thing the relatives saw were the terrorists' statements about the "death penalty" that threatens Ukraine's foreign defenders.
In early June, the terrorist DNR reported that it had "completed the investigation" into three foreigners and would "try" them . They were Brahim, the aforementioned Aidin Eislin, and another Briton, Sean Pinner.
The military was accused of "mercenary". And threatened with the death penalty, which eventually "sentenced".
Mercenaries, ie paid participation of a foreigner in the war, are also punished in civilized countries. However, even the so-called "DNR Criminal Code" says that a person does not fall under this status if he has lived in the country he is fighting for for some time. That was the story of Brahim. His lawyer should have made these arguments. But in a fake "republic" and protection is appropriate. The militants put Russian lawyers Dmitry Ershov and Igor Vagin among the prisoners. All indications are that these are ordinary "manual" lawyers of the occupiers.
Lawyers are commenting on Russian propagandists , calling their clients "mercenaries" and saying the occupiers are "loyal" to them.
There is almost no information about these Russian lawyers and their activities online. The only thing you can find about the Muscovite Vagin is that in 2018 his son was involved in a case of bank fraud, and the family property was searched. This lawyer was also awarded the medal "For Merits in Protecting the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens" in Russia.
Russian media also call Ershov a "Moscow lawyer." However, such a lawyer is not registered in the Russian capital at all.
Vagin and Ershov work not only with these 3 foreigners. They also "protect" other Ukrainian prisoners.
A few days ago, Vagin reiterated to the Kremlin media that one of the infantry "confessed to killing civilians." Such "spoilers" are nonsense for real defenders. For example, even the lawyer of the first convicted Russian war criminal in Kyiv, Vadim Shishimarin, did not tell reporters about the defense's position until the court reached this stage.
That is, the captured Ukrainian defenders are deprived of real protection.
Brahim's friends complain that the Moroccan government has abandoned its citizen at random, and embassies do not even make public statements.
The fate of "convicted" foreigners remains in question. Do the militants really dare to shoot them? Will they be used as hostages for blackmail in negotiations?
One thing is clear. This "sentence" has become another brick for the world to understand who it is really dealing with.
The further away, the less "neutral countries" will remain in the world, as Brahim's friend says of Morocco.
From Morocco to Mariupol. The story of a 21-year-old foreigner who was "sentenced" to death in Donetsk
Brahim was born in 2000 and grew up in Morocco. Friends prefer not to talk about his family and personal life in his homeland. The boy's family relations were not the best, and his family did not want to communicate with the press. It is known that his father is a soldier at home.
"He loved to develop himself, knows many languages (according to the boy in the video from captivity, speaks 5 languages - UE) , is interested in social issues," - describes Brahima, his close friend of Kiev Muiz.
In 2019, the young man came to Ukraine on a student visa. He organized the move himself, the family only paid for the ticket. At the same time, Brahim entered the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the Faculty of Aviation and Space Systems. And quickly gained friends and social ties.
"The true soul of the company and our faithful friend," - write acquaintances about the foreigner.
Muiz, who tells us about a young Moroccan man, met him in one of the most popular progressive youth institutions in the capital:
"Brahim has contacts everywhere. He introduced me to many people." In 2021, Brahim decided to change his training to military service.
"What he told me personally - that he did not feel good, " Muiz recalls his friend's motives .
Last autumn, the young man signed a contract with the Armed Forces.
"I went to school in November, and from the beginning of February I took part in active hostilities," said his girlfriend Dasha. Brahim started as a driver. He later took a gunner's course. In this guy helped his brothers.
He served as a Moroccan in the 36th Marine Brigade. Which in March-April became one of those units to which the most attention was paid. After all, this unit took part in the heroic defense besieged Mariupol.
Brahim managed to contact his friends from the front line.
"He had a broken phone, and he took it from friends, " says Muiz .
Brahim told little about his service. He said he didn't even kill anyone. His job was to monitor how the enemy moved and guarded the territory.
The last time he got in touch was on March 27, from the territory of the Azovmash plant in Mariupol. The last thing his friend received from the military were 4 messages: "everything is fine, everything will be fine, there is no internet."
Then there was 3 weeks of silence. At that time, the whole country was worried about the fighters in Mariupol. Events unfolded rapidly. In the first half of April, the Marines said they were running out of ammunition and the "last battle" was about to take place. One of Brahim's brothers, with whom he was acquainted before the service, Briton Aidin Eislin, then told the family that the military was planning to lay down its arms due to very difficult conditions.
On the same day, it was reported that part of the 36th Brigade made a breakthrough and reached the Azov unit stationed in Azovstal. During the breakthrough, some infantry surrendered .
It was then, according to friends, Brahim and joined the militants. His lawyer will later tell another version, saying that the guy surrendered near Volnovakha.
After 3 weeks of silence, friends saw a video of a Moroccan posted on a militant YouTube propaganda channel. It was later shown by the Kremlin's Russia-24 TV channel. On the records, the guy, according to a friend, looks scared:
"He has some mental health problems, and this is evident in the video. He needs psychological help."
Nevertheless, Muiz admits that he was even happy to see his friend alive in captivity:
"I thought he would be treated like a prisoner, that he would just be exchanged. Who needs him? If the British can be used for political purposes, what do they want from a citizen of a neutral country?"
Brahim's friends in Kyiv keep in touch with his sister. The young man did not come out of captivity with any of them.
The next thing the relatives saw were the terrorists' statements about the "death penalty" that threatens Ukraine's foreign defenders.
In early June, the terrorist DNR reported that it had "completed the investigation" into three foreigners and would "try" them . They were Brahim, the aforementioned Aidin Eislin, and another Briton, Sean Pinner.
The military was accused of "mercenary". And threatened with the death penalty, which eventually "sentenced".
Mercenaries, ie paid participation of a foreigner in the war, are also punished in civilized countries. However, even the so-called "DNR Criminal Code" says that a person does not fall under this status if he has lived in the country he is fighting for for some time. That was the story of Brahim. His lawyer should have made these arguments. But in a fake "republic" and protection is appropriate. The militants put Russian lawyers Dmitry Ershov and Igor Vagin among the prisoners. All indications are that these are ordinary "manual" lawyers of the occupiers.
Lawyers are commenting on Russian propagandists , calling their clients "mercenaries" and saying the occupiers are "loyal" to them.
There is almost no information about these Russian lawyers and their activities online. The only thing you can find about the Muscovite Vagin is that in 2018 his son was involved in a case of bank fraud, and the family property was searched. This lawyer was also awarded the medal "For Merits in Protecting the Rights and Freedoms of Citizens" in Russia.
Russian media also call Ershov a "Moscow lawyer." However, such a lawyer is not registered in the Russian capital at all.
Vagin and Ershov work not only with these 3 foreigners. They also "protect" other Ukrainian prisoners.
A few days ago, Vagin reiterated to the Kremlin media that one of the infantry "confessed to killing civilians." Such "spoilers" are nonsense for real defenders. For example, even the lawyer of the first convicted Russian war criminal in Kyiv, Vadim Shishimarin, did not tell reporters about the defense's position until the court reached this stage.
That is, the captured Ukrainian defenders are deprived of real protection.
Brahim's friends complain that the Moroccan government has abandoned its citizen at random, and embassies do not even make public statements.
The fate of "convicted" foreigners remains in question. Do the militants really dare to shoot them? Will they be used as hostages for blackmail in negotiations?
One thing is clear. This "sentence" has become another brick for the world to understand who it is really dealing with.
The further away, the less "neutral countries" will remain in the world, as Brahim's friend says of Morocco.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.