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Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije

Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije

Temo vidijo: vsi
89 / 114

koyotee ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Na fotografiji vladar svobodnega sveta Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin. Fotografija naj bi bila posneta danes, ko se je sestal z vladarjem Turkmenistana. Dobro zgleda za 70 let starega mozakarja.

Če mene vprašaš zgleda perfektno tik pred smrtjo, nikoli bolje

Hvala bogu za zlobno zahodno tehnologijo.

16 julij leta gospodovega 2018, smrad lažnjivi
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: koyotee ()

endelin ::

Lep logo za ruski mcdonalds:))

VladarP ::

Akhmat sila

koyotee ::

endelin je izjavil:

Lep logo za ruski mcdonalds:))

Misliš pampers? :))

Očitno bo treba uporabiti un link za prijavo degeneriranih proruskih kvasovcev, tega sranja v Sloveniji res ne rabimo.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: koyotee ()

VladarP ::

Akhmat sila

tomlin ::

Jebemti sunce, matr že spet driska, komaj zadržujem, uuh prokleta kemoterapija...


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: tomlin ()

koyotee ::

Vlada, rukni vsaj kak dober pir, ne tisti kvas, to se daje v testo ponavadi...

Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

VladarP ::

koyotee je izjavil:

Vlada, rukni vsaj kak dober pir, ne tisti kvas, to se daje v testo ponavadi...

Hvala za predlog, spoštujem a ne pijem alkohola. O zdravilnosti kvasa si pa poguglaj.
Akhmat sila

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

Unchancy ::

Kakšno presenečenje, slovenska “levica” je začutila, da je varno “coming out” in podpret Putninov landgrab:


Da vidimo zdaj, v kakšni državi se nahajamo in ali jo bo treba zapustiti predno se tudi uradno spremeni v Putinovo banana republiko in ograjo na meji spremeni v ograjo, ki preprečuje državljanom odhod iz države.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Sc0ut ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

Kakšno presenečenje, slovenska “levica” je začutila, da je varno “coming out” in podpret Putninov landgrab:


Da vidimo zdaj, v kakšni državi se nahajamo in ali jo bo treba zapustiti predno se tudi uradno spremeni v Putinovo banana republiko in ograjo na meji spremeni v ograjo, ki preprečuje državljanom odhod iz države.

Sem bil dans čisto šokiran.
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

VladarP ::

"Russia is not at war with Ukraine, it is driving the devil out of Ukraine, this is a geopolitical exorcism."

-- Alexander Dugin
Akhmat sila

endelin ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

Kakšno presenečenje, slovenska “levica” je začutila, da je varno “coming out” in podpret Putninov landgrab:


Da vidimo zdaj, v kakšni državi se nahajamo in ali jo bo treba zapustiti predno se tudi uradno spremeni v Putinovo banana republiko in ograjo na meji spremeni v ograjo, ki preprečuje državljanom odhod iz države.

To je bilo samo vprašanje časa do kdaj se bodo lahko kontrolirali tisti ki so putlerju lizali rit na Vršiču.

Jaz samo upam da organizirajo kak petkov shod v podporo rusiji:))

tomlin ::

Ma kakšen gugl, ne rabim, samo tebe preberem vsak dan, saj pokaš po vseh šivih od psihofizičnega superlativa

VladarP je izjavil:

koyotee je izjavil:

Vlada, rukni vsaj kak dober pir, ne tisti kvas, to se daje v testo ponavadi...

Hvala za predlog, spoštujem a ne pijem alkohola. O zdravilnosti kvasa si pa poguglaj.

PrimoZ_ ::

VladarP, je to tvoje delo ?

Da bi prikrili bolezen, pobirajo njegove iztrebke

Pobiraš iztrebke ?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

endelin ::

VladarP ::

Pravkar Rusi izvajajo denacifikacijo nad Harkovom z Iskander raketami.
Akhmat sila

tomlin ::

Ni presenetljivo, vojna v UK je relativno zamrznjena in traja že tri mesece +. "Naši" so izbrali trenutek, da

prilezejo na plano. In kaj naj bi pomenilo Fajonova, ki ji je Avtrijec ravnokar navil ušesa, se delno strinja?

Vešči so mahinacij, toda mislim, da tokrat kalkulirajo narobe, Ukrajina zna "naše" pokopati! Ne pozabimo

Galicija/v Ukrajini je pomenila grob tisočletnega habsburškega cesarstva.

Sc0ut je izjavil:

Unchancy je izjavil:

Kakšno presenečenje, slovenska “levica” je začutila, da je varno “coming out” in podpret Putninov landgrab:


Da vidimo zdaj, v kakšni državi se nahajamo in ali jo bo treba zapustiti predno se tudi uradno spremeni v Putinovo banana republiko in ograjo na meji spremeni v ograjo, ki preprečuje državljanom odhod iz države.

Sem bil dans čisto šokiran.

korenje3 ::

i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

fur80 ::

korenje3 je izjavil:

Ameriške havbice

UkraineWar: Overview of Russian equipment losses added on 10/6/2022.



fur80 ::

low. The air strike we reported on against field formations of the #Russian army in #Kherson has killed two generals and 200 #Syrian mercenaries. Their visit to #Ukraine is now concluded.


Pac-Man ::

Mariupol, grob za grobom. Dvominutni video iz avtomobila.

Tako zgleda reševanje ruskogovorečih? Prvovrstni cinizem.

This is what the outskirts of #Mariupol look like. Thousands of new graves. Graves of #Ukrainians who were killed by #Russia. Mass grave without names. People are thrown into pits like garbage.
According to the Mariupol city council, Russia killed over 20,000 inhabitants.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service.

The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

gozdar1 ::

D3m je izjavil:

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service.

The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.

Zaharova je očitno zopet pregloboko pogledala v kozarec.

VladarP ::

D3m je izjavil:

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service.

The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.

Nimajo vec zainteresiranih za topovsko meso, da morajo zenske mobilizirati?
Akhmat sila

gozdar1 ::

VladarP je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service.

The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.

Nimajo vec zainteresiranih za topovsko meso, da morajo zenske mobilizirati?

V rusiji jih je očitno zmanjkalo že pred meseci.
Počasi bo očitno tudi prisilno mobiliziranega topovskega mesa iz okupiranih regij.

Pithlit ::

VladarP je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service.

The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.

Nimajo vec zainteresiranih za topovsko meso, da morajo zenske mobilizirati?

Maš ti kaj proti ženskam? Da te iz hlač ne stresnem slučajno...
Life is as complicated as we make it...

D3m ::


Mama bear mad.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

gozdar1 ::

To je bikla samo zaharova pod gasom. Očitno res rabi dopust.

D3m ::

Kaj se pa z Ukrajinskimi OSINT Twitterji dogaja?

Čemu več dnevni premor?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

gozdar1 ::

Štejejo mrtve orke.

PrimoZ_ ::

koyotee je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Na fotografiji vladar svobodnega sveta Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin. Fotografija naj bi bila posneta danes, ko se je sestal z vladarjem Turkmenistana. Dobro zgleda za 70 let starega mozakarja.

Če mene vprašaš zgleda perfektno tik pred smrtjo, nikoli bolje

Hvala bogu za zlobno zahodno tehnologijo.

16 julij leta gospodovega 2018, smrad lažnjivi

D3m ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Štejejo mrtve orke.

Očitno res. Svoje seveda.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

VladarP ::

V ZDA roparji ne odlašajo z ropanjem supermarketov.

Vse to se dogaja miljo od Capitol Hilla v Washingtonu. Niti en varnostnik si ne upa ustaviti zločina, saj se ljudje bojijo obtožb o rasizmu.

To je šele začetek!


Akhmat sila

gozdar1 ::

Rusija je samozadostna.

Sankcije proti Rusiji so vzrok, da je bila prodaja novih avtomobilov Rusiji maja na letni ravni manjša za 83,5 odstotka. Maja 2022 je bilo tako prodanih 123.110 vozil manj kot maja 2021.


TezkoDihanje ::

D3m je izjavil:

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service. The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.

LOL, kako opazno projicirajo svoje probleme... :))

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Rusija je samozadostna.

Sankcije proti Rusiji so vzrok, da je bila prodaja novih avtomobilov Rusiji maja na letni ravni manjša za 83,5 odstotka. Maja 2022 je bilo tako prodanih 123.110 vozil manj kot maja 2021.


Lada, recently re-nationalised by the Russian government, presents "Lada Granta Classic 2022", proudly getting rid of foreign influences:

- no ABS
- no ESP
- no GPS (or even RU satnav)
- no seat belt pretensioners
- no airbags
- no 21st century emission restrictions (Euro-2)

Zgodovina sprememb…

VladarP ::

Vecino elektronike tudi jaz ne potrebujem v avtomobilu. Tudi klimo obcasno prizgem samo zaradi otrok.

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Rusija je samozadostna.

Sankcije proti Rusiji so vzrok, da je bila prodaja novih avtomobilov Rusiji maja na letni ravni manjša za 83,5 odstotka. Maja 2022 je bilo tako prodanih 123.110 vozil manj kot maja 2021.



Pa se to kar se je prodalo se je 90% prodalo na puf.
Akhmat sila

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

VladarP ::

Raje lada domaca za 5 tisoc evrov kot preplacan renault za 40 tisoc evrovz nepotrebno kramo. Za ruska prostranstva ne rabis nic posebnega, sam sipaj in gas. Sicer pa tudi v EU videvam stare golfe, astre, renault clio 1 in renault 5 itd... A veste komu najbolj sluzi start stop sistem? Prodajalcem vztrajnikov, starterjev in akumulatorjev :))
Akhmat sila

scythe ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

In Ukraine, the mobilization of women is being prepared for the purpose of "uninterrupted replenishment of the losses of personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. First of all, until June 15, the mobilization of women who are already liable for military service will start, and until June 31 Ukrainian women from 18 to 60 will be registered for military service. The order concerns the Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv, Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, parts of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions.

LOL, kako opazno projicirajo svoje probleme... :))

gozdar1 je izjavil:

Rusija je samozadostna.

Sankcije proti Rusiji so vzrok, da je bila prodaja novih avtomobilov Rusiji maja na letni ravni manjša za 83,5 odstotka. Maja 2022 je bilo tako prodanih 123.110 vozil manj kot maja 2021.


Lada, recently re-nationalised by the Russian government, presents "Lada Granta Classic 2022", proudly getting rid of foreign influences:

- no ABS
- no ESP
- no GPS (or even RU satnav)
- no seat belt pretensioners
- no airbags
- no 21st century emission restrictions (Euro-2)

Ceno si še pozabu dodati za tak ¨olupljen¨ avto cca 11000EUR oz 675.900RUB v Rusiji. Za povprečno plačo rusa, je tole kr cena za avto....
X670F | 7700X | 2x16Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: scythe ()

UkrFTW! ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Raje lada domaca za 5 tisoc evrov kot preplacan renault za 40 tisoc evrovz nepotrebno kramo. Za ruska prostranstva ne rabis nic posebnega, sam sipaj in gas. Sicer pa tudi v EU videvam stare golfe, astre, renault clio 1 in renault 5 itd... A veste komu najbolj sluzi start stop sistem? Prodajalcem vztrajnikov, starterjev in akumulatorjev :))

Rusi bodo veseli tega, da ne bodo imeli nepotrebne krame. Že kupuješ lado nivo za 5 jurjev, ali zaradi otrok in ruske žene ne?

scythe je izjavil:

Ceno si še pozabu dodati za tak ¨olupljen¨ avto cca 11000EUR oz 675.900RUB v Rusiji. Za povprečno plačo rusa, je tole kr cena za avto....
Dobra cena. Ruski vladar koz torej spet laže.

VladarP je izjavil:

Vecino elektronike tudi jaz ne potrebujem v avtomobilu. Tudi klimo obcasno prizgem samo zaradi otrok.

Rusi bi te označili za izdajalca. Verjetno so te že in bo veselica, ko se pokažeš na Krimu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: UkrFTW! ()

Pac-Man ::

Zdaj imperialistični Putin še z angleškimi podnapisi. Dobra minuta, priceless punca, ki ji je postalo jasno, da mora emigrirat, če hoče kaj od življenja je @0:34

Putin compares himself to Peter the Great in Russian territorial push

Lepite na široko, ko kdo izjavi da so za vojno krivi ZDA/Zelenski ipd.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Unchancy ::

Prava "Lebensraum" izjava.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

Pac-Man ::

Medtem je ruski nacionalistični smrad vložil zakon, ki bi umaknil priznanje litvanske neodvisnosti.


A Russian lawmaker called for Lithuania's independence to be repealed, submitting a draft bill claiming the Baltic republic illegally left the Soviet Union more than three decades ago.
The proposed legislation was submitted to the Russian lower house, the Duma, on Wednesday by Yevgeny Fyodorov, a member of the ruling United Russia party.


The State Council of the USSR, chaired by its last president, Mikhail Gorbachev, eventually adopted Lithuania's independence decree on September 6, 1991, by which time the Baltic republic's new status had already been recognized by 50 countries.


Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fyodorov @ Wikipedia

Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fedorov or Fyodorov (Russian: Евгений Алексеевич Фёдоров; born May 11, 1963) is a Russian politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia four convocations (1993–96, 2003), chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the State Duma, member of the Central Political Council of United Russia party, PhD. State Councilor of the Russian Federation, coordinator of the organization "National Liberation Movement".


According to Fyodorov rock music is "U.S.-instigated sabotage".[4] After Russian rock musician Andrey Makarevich performed for Ukraine's internally displaced people in the Ukrainian town Slovyansk during the war in Donbass in August 2014 Fyodorov vowed to introduce legislation to strip Makarevich of all Russian state honors because his performance in Slovansk was "collaborating with the fascists".[4][5]

In September 2012, he stated that Russia and China were the leading powers in ending an alleged "colonization" of the world by the USA, where "everyone still plays by the American rules" .[6]

In a long video-interview from May 2014, Fyodorov falsely predicted a violent coup d'état in Moscow and Russia within a couple of years, organized by the Western powers, this is, a US-EU funded "color revolution", (as those previously taking place in Georgia or Ukraine), with collaboration from a local "5th Column". The aim of such a "revolution" would be the grabbing of Russia's natural resources, after destroying the federation as such, which would lead to a dramatic population reduction, as a result of civil war, children's sterilization, LGBT agenda, famine, etc., "like it happened with the American Indians, also as it happed with the African Americans during age of slavery and segregation". This would take place as a continuation of NATO's policy towards the former Warsaw Pact countries. However, he stated, newborn People's Republics in Donetsk and Lugansk (collectively also known as Novorossia) were a hindrance to NATO strategy and a sign of popular reaction against US-EU's imperialism, able to encourage other former USSR citizens in Ukraine to break free from the Kiev government, and turn the course of events away from Western world dominance. Fyodorov also said that genocide and terror, sponsored by NATO, were taking place in Ukraine to a much larger extent than generally thought, using foreign mercenaries and Neo-nazis to terrorize and subdue the local population. Fyodorov said that his mass movement PLM (People's Liberation Movement, in Russian NOD, Национально-освободительное движение, sometimes known also as NLM, National Liberation Movement) had 100.000 members.[7]

In March 2015, he claimed that the recent assassination of the Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov had been organized by the CIA.[8]

In June 2015, he claimed that Russia´s acknowledgment of the independence of the Baltic states in 1991 had been illegal, and took initiative to the Russian State Prosecutor´s investigations on this subject .[9]

In September 2017, he stated in an interview that the crisis surrounding North Korea´s nuclear program was that of a situation with freedom fighters battling against the world hegemony of the USA, who however seemed to be acting increasingly cowardly, when facing even small threats.[10]

In January 2022, during the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, he proposed, among other things, to use nuclear weapons against the Nevada Test Site or to bomb American army laboratories as a warning.[11]


Spomnimo, to so stališča parlamentarca ruske vladajoče stranke, ki je bojda razumna, ampak se nihče iz vodstva ne spotakne ob njih. V bistvu je sam del vodstva.

Litvanski politik sarkastično odgovarja:


If Russia revokes her 1991 recognition of Lithuania's independence, Lithuania will revoke the 1634 Treaty of Polyanovka and demand that Putin submits to the authority of Władysław IV and returns all occupied territories to the Grand Duchy. Smolensk is Lithuania!

Hey @EmmanuelMacron @OlafScholz call me, let's negotiate

Spotoma sem našel še to. 2016, 5 minut, angleški podnapisi

How United Russia returned its children to Russia

I will return my children from England to Russia after they finish studying there! shouted United Russia deputy Sergei Zheleznyak. Screamed 4 years ago.
This figure has become just one and the symbols of lies and propaganda. He does not get out of the TV show, where he proves with foam at the mouth that the West is Russia's main enemy.
Let's check where the family members of this very "patriotic" deputy live.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Unchancy ::

Ojej, kje je zdaj Poldi?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Geho ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Medtem je ruski nacionalistični smrad vložil zakon, ki bi umaknil priznanje litvanske neodvisnosti.


A Russian lawmaker called for Lithuania's independence to be repealed, submitting a draft bill claiming the Baltic republic illegally left the Soviet Union more than three decades ago.
The proposed legislation was submitted to the Russian lower house, the Duma, on Wednesday by Yevgeny Fyodorov, a member of the ruling United Russia party.


The State Council of the USSR, chaired by its last president, Mikhail Gorbachev, eventually adopted Lithuania's independence decree on September 6, 1991, by which time the Baltic republic's new status had already been recognized by 50 countries.


Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fyodorov @ Wikipedia

Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fedorov or Fyodorov (Russian: Евгений Алексеевич Фёдоров; born May 11, 1963) is a Russian politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia four convocations (1993–96, 2003), chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the State Duma, member of the Central Political Council of United Russia party, PhD. State Councilor of the Russian Federation, coordinator of the organization "National Liberation Movement".


According to Fyodorov rock music is "U.S.-instigated sabotage".[4] After Russian rock musician Andrey Makarevich performed for Ukraine's internally displaced people in the Ukrainian town Slovyansk during the war in Donbass in August 2014 Fyodorov vowed to introduce legislation to strip Makarevich of all Russian state honors because his performance in Slovansk was "collaborating with the fascists".[4][5]

In September 2012, he stated that Russia and China were the leading powers in ending an alleged "colonization" of the world by the USA, where "everyone still plays by the American rules" .[6]

In a long video-interview from May 2014, Fyodorov falsely predicted a violent coup d'état in Moscow and Russia within a couple of years, organized by the Western powers, this is, a US-EU funded "color revolution", (as those previously taking place in Georgia or Ukraine), with collaboration from a local "5th Column". The aim of such a "revolution" would be the grabbing of Russia's natural resources, after destroying the federation as such, which would lead to a dramatic population reduction, as a result of civil war, children's sterilization, LGBT agenda, famine, etc., "like it happened with the American Indians, also as it happed with the African Americans during age of slavery and segregation". This would take place as a continuation of NATO's policy towards the former Warsaw Pact countries. However, he stated, newborn People's Republics in Donetsk and Lugansk (collectively also known as Novorossia) were a hindrance to NATO strategy and a sign of popular reaction against US-EU's imperialism, able to encourage other former USSR citizens in Ukraine to break free from the Kiev government, and turn the course of events away from Western world dominance. Fyodorov also said that genocide and terror, sponsored by NATO, were taking place in Ukraine to a much larger extent than generally thought, using foreign mercenaries and Neo-nazis to terrorize and subdue the local population. Fyodorov said that his mass movement PLM (People's Liberation Movement, in Russian NOD, Национально-освободительное движение, sometimes known also as NLM, National Liberation Movement) had 100.000 members.[7]

In March 2015, he claimed that the recent assassination of the Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov had been organized by the CIA.[8]

In June 2015, he claimed that Russia´s acknowledgment of the independence of the Baltic states in 1991 had been illegal, and took initiative to the Russian State Prosecutor´s investigations on this subject .[9]

In September 2017, he stated in an interview that the crisis surrounding North Korea´s nuclear program was that of a situation with freedom fighters battling against the world hegemony of the USA, who however seemed to be acting increasingly cowardly, when facing even small threats.[10]

In January 2022, during the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, he proposed, among other things, to use nuclear weapons against the Nevada Test Site or to bomb American army laboratories as a warning.[11]


Spomnimo, to so stališča parlamentarca ruske vladajoče stranke, ki je bojda razumna, ampak se nihče iz vodstva ne spotakne ob njih. V bistvu je sam del vodstva.

Litvanski politik sarkastično odgovarja:


If Russia revokes her 1991 recognition of Lithuania's independence, Lithuania will revoke the 1634 Treaty of Polyanovka and demand that Putin submits to the authority of Władysław IV and returns all occupied territories to the Grand Duchy. Smolensk is Lithuania!

Hey @EmmanuelMacron @OlafScholz call me, let's negotiate

Spotoma sem našel še to. 2016, 5 minut, angleški podnapisi

How United Russia returned its children to Russia

I will return my children from England to Russia after they finish studying there! shouted United Russia deputy Sergei Zheleznyak. Screamed 4 years ago.
This figure has become just one and the symbols of lies and propaganda. He does not get out of the TV show, where he proves with foam at the mouth that the West is Russia's main enemy.
Let's check where the family members of this very "patriotic" deputy live.

Ne samo to, Ukrajinci so spoznali da je bila ustanovitev moskve napaka in tako moskva ne bo obstajala oz. bodo morali ra[isti preimenovati mesto!

D3m ::

Torej bo Litva napadla Estonijo, Belorusijo, Latvijo in Rusijo?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Spotoma sem našel še to. 2016, 5 minut, angleški podnapisi

How United Russia returned its children to Russia

I will return my children from England to Russia after they finish studying there! shouted United Russia deputy Sergei Zheleznyak. Screamed 4 years ago.
This figure has become just one and the symbols of lies and propaganda. He does not get out of the TV show, where he proves with foam at the mouth that the West is Russia's main enemy.
Let's check where the family members of this very "patriotic" deputy live.

Fotr je avtor zakonov o cenzuri interneta in tujih agentih.

Najstarejša hčerka se je po študiju v Švici & VB zaposlila pri BBC in poročila Škota.
Mlajša hčerka je v času snemanja še študirala v VB in delala kot freelance grafična oblikovalka.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Unchancy ::

D3m je izjavil:

Torej bo Litva napadla Estonijo, Belorusijo, Latvijo in Rusijo?

Ne, zgolj rusobebci boste dobili, kar si moskovski gnoj tako želi: tretjo svetovno vojno. Da bo cel svet crknil skupaj z njim.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

UkrFTW! ::

D3m je izjavil:

Torej bo Litva napadla Estonijo, Belorusijo, Latvijo in Rusijo?

Debili tvojega kova bi skoraj lahko vedeli, da je večja verjetnost, da se bo ruskim fašistom popolnoma utrgalo (kot da se sicer jim še ni, trže se že debilom tvojega kova izven Moskve), in da bodo potegnili do Trsta. Mi in ruski podrebniki Madžari jim namreč ne bomo ovira.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: UkrFTW! ()

D3m ::

Torej....bo Litva napadla?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Unchancy ::

D3m je izjavil:

Torej....bo Litva napadla?

Ker - fuck logic?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
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