Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
Unchancy ::
100X ponovljen odgovor na debilni komentar: Anglija oziroma Zahod ni šel v WWII zaradi Poljske temveč za sebe.
NATO (posredno) brani in pomaga Ukrajini za sebe, za Evropo, za nas pred Ruskimi krvoloki.
Unilseptij je izjavil:
a je kdo ze pomislil na moznost, da Rusi lahko vrzejo par takticnih nukic (nekaj 100 tonskih, morda par kilotonskih) na par strateskih ukrajinskih pozicij in dajo ultimat Kijevu za brezpogojno predajo ali pa totalno unicenje? Saj vem, bolj je vazno, da stejemo tanke in podobno, ker je tako fino gledati, kako sem in tja kaksnega unicijo, ampak kaj dejansko zadrzuje Rusijo (razen neke elementarne clovecnosti, ce hocete), da naredi nekaj podobnega, ko bo vrag vzel salo...
To naredijo, pa NATO zapre zračni prostor nad Ukrajino in sesujejo jim most na Krim s čemer jim odrežejo celoten južni del oskrbe... Potem je pa samo še milimeter, da se začne WW3.
Putler dobro ve, da je prestopu mejo dovoljenega in da še ena bedarija in bo čez rdečo črto, kjer ne bo povratka in najebal bo prvi on.
Seveda, NATO bo šel v jedrski spopad z rusi za človekove pravice ukrajincev. :)
Poldi je ali preglup, da bi to razumel, ali pa je pač plačani trol in se dela bolj neumnega, kot je.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
fur80 ::
Daj Polde to da podcenjuješ zahod vemo vsi, da ne verjameš niti v svoje ljudi in raje navijaš za ljudi, ki ti grozijo s smortjo in nukanjem je pa naravnost smešno!
Pač nisem naci, za razliko od bee patriotov, ki slepo navijate za "naše". In potem se ljudje sprašujejo, kako so originalni naciji lahko delali take svinjarije - enostavno - bili so patrioti - za naše.
Saj ni težko - rečeš povprečni ovci, da je nekaj več, pa bo sovražila vse "manjvredne". Od tod do klanja je pa zgolj mali korak.
Kaj boš rekel za Fince, ki se že 50 let pripravljajo na vojno z Rusi, ki jim grozijo že od osamosvojitve, kdo je tu naci? Boš rekel za Fince, da so napadalni, želijo si le svoj mir in biti stran od Rusov! Kaj boš rekel za Estonce, Latvijce, Litvance, Ukrajnce... Vsi imajo poln kurac Rusov in njihovih groženj! Ampak vem, da tebi glava ne potegne naprej tam od leta 1960!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Helsinki: "Finska mora v Nato brez odlašanja." Kremelj: "To je grožnja Rusiji."
Članstvo Finske v zvezi Nato sta podprla finski predsednik Sauli Niinistö in premierka Sanna Marin, ki sta se v
skupni izjavi zavzela, da mora Finska čim prej zaprositi za članstvo v zavezništvu.
Po zadnji anketi je blizu 70 odstotkov Fincev za pridružitev BRAVO FINCI!!!!!!!!!!
O šit, Finska si je oblekla minico.
sam ima pa bokser v desnici pa pištolo za pasom ;)
tomlin ::
Prepričan sem, da je slabo plačani kremeljski trol, naj bi bil registriran že 2002. Vsekakor trol s kilometrino
100X ponovljen odgovor na debilni komentar: Anglija oziroma Zahod ni šel v WWII zaradi Poljske temveč za sebe.
NATO (posredno) brani in pomaga Ukrajini za sebe, za Evropo, za nas pred Ruskimi krvoloki.
Unilseptij je izjavil:
a je kdo ze pomislil na moznost, da Rusi lahko vrzejo par takticnih nukic (nekaj 100 tonskih, morda par kilotonskih) na par strateskih ukrajinskih pozicij in dajo ultimat Kijevu za brezpogojno predajo ali pa totalno unicenje? Saj vem, bolj je vazno, da stejemo tanke in podobno, ker je tako fino gledati, kako sem in tja kaksnega unicijo, ampak kaj dejansko zadrzuje Rusijo (razen neke elementarne clovecnosti, ce hocete), da naredi nekaj podobnega, ko bo vrag vzel salo...
To naredijo, pa NATO zapre zračni prostor nad Ukrajino in sesujejo jim most na Krim s čemer jim odrežejo celoten južni del oskrbe... Potem je pa samo še milimeter, da se začne WW3.
Putler dobro ve, da je prestopu mejo dovoljenega in da še ena bedarija in bo čez rdečo črto, kjer ne bo povratka in najebal bo prvi on.
Seveda, NATO bo šel v jedrski spopad z rusi za človekove pravice ukrajincev. :)
Poldi je ali preglup, da bi to razumel, ali pa je pač plačani trol in se dela bolj neumnega, kot je.
scythe ::
Helsinki: "Finska mora v Nato brez odlašanja." Kremelj: "To je grožnja Rusiji."
Članstvo Finske v zvezi Nato sta podprla finski predsednik Sauli Niinistö in premierka Sanna Marin, ki sta se v
skupni izjavi zavzela, da mora Finska čim prej zaprositi za članstvo v zavezništvu.
Po zadnji anketi je blizu 70 odstotkov Fincev za pridružitev BRAVO FINCI!!!!!!!!!!
O šit, Finska si je oblekla minico.
sam ima pa bokser v desnici pa pištolo za pasom ;)
A rdeči gumbek imajo? Da bodo lahko tak mahali po Putin ¨Jaz imam, ti pa nimaš¨ Me zanime, če je Putin pred vojno študiral o tem opciji, da bi znala it Finska ali Švedska v Nato. Tole je pomoje bila nepričakovana poteza Finske in Švedske.
Dober se znajdejo Ukrajinci oz. orožje v male tovornjake pa gasa :D
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: scythe ()
D3m ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tikitoki ()
mackilla ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
Če je to rekel Putin je zagotovo laž.
scythe ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
En mali dron S300, 1 teden pred žetvijo in gre vse v maloro, suho žito gori presneto hitro. Isto bodo Rusi naredili v Ukrajini,......
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
D3m ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
Če je to rekel Putin je zagotovo laž.
Koliko zemlje imaš ;)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
PrimoZ_ ::
Former CHINESE ambassador to Ukraine: "Russia is headed for a total defeat in Ukraine" "Russia repeatedly violated foreign territory and sovereignty, this is the greatest threat to peace, security and stability of Eurasia"
Kitajci že vedo kaj jim bo najbolj koristilo, h kateremu koritu se morajo postavit.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()
scythe ::
Neki se dogaja na morju, Hawk RQ-4B na delu. A bo kakšna akcija na morju?
-USAF RC-135W Rivet Joint HOMER41
-USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE11
-NATO A330-243MRTT MMF18
-Swedish AF GLF4 Korpen SVF622
-USAF RC-135W Rivet Joint HOMER41
-USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE11
-NATO A330-243MRTT MMF18
-Swedish AF GLF4 Korpen SVF622
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Unchancy ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
Če je to rekel Putin je zagotovo laž.
Koliko zemlje imaš ;)
A si jo hotel ukrast?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Unchancy ::
Finnish foreign minister says the government expected to propose country join NATO on Sunday
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pac-Man ::
Neki se dogaja na morju, Hawk RQ-4B na delu. A bo kakšna akcija na morju?
-USAF RC-135W Rivet Joint HOMER41
-USAF RQ4 Global Hawk FORTE11
-NATO A330-243MRTT MMF18
-Swedish AF GLF4 Korpen SVF622
Eno ladjo naj bi spet poškodovali.
Update from Aleksey Arestovych 12 May.
Not much changing on the frontlines, Russia regrouping in Luhansk. Big intrigue in new ‘Chernobaivka’ - Bilohorivka locality where Russia attempted five times to cross the river losing 78 vehicles.
Two strikes on Kherson resulting in losses of several dozen Russian vehicles. New ship - Vsevolod Bobrov - preliminary data - it’s NOT sunk but seriously damaged. Russian advancement is losing breath, unable to conduct more strategic operations.
Mariupol - politicians are working, negotiations are increasing pace. No chance of a military resolution according to Ukraine’s General Staff. Ukraine asking everyone to not get involved in the fragile negotiations process.
Russia has nothing to respond to Finland and Sweden joining NATO with. Most allies including South Osetia are not keen on sending any more troops. All Russian armies are in Ukraine including those bordering Finland.
'Great' results for Russia who aimed to stop NATO expansion to the east but ended up with no army and two bordering nations joining NATO. Soon only tactical movements and defence will remain.
Serious pushback regarding weapon supplies. Germany is putting breaks on their own deliveries. The constant phone calls between Scholz and Macron are concerning, added to their recent announcement that perhaps Ukraine should be offered some different form of EU membership. Someone must be ‘closely working with Germany and France’. Russia says they are against Ukraine joining EU because doing so would result in the war ending. 6th sanction pack is slowed down by Hungary.
Looking back: evacuation by Ukrainian security was offered to Zelenskiy on day 3 when sabotage groups were numerous in Kyiv. Rejected decisively. Ukrainian security believed they wouldn’t survive.
Arestovych himself between days 2 and 5 was confident they were not going to make it as hundreds of sabotage groups were entering Kyiv. Days 2, 3 and 4 were the most difficult. Fights within the city were intense and the office was attacked numerous times.
But then videos of destroyed Russian columns started appearing which increased morale massively. UK/USA also offered evacuation but Zelenskiy staying not just in Kyiv but in the office saved the country.
This is last operational offensive of Russia. Next will be positional war with attempts to accumulate forces. They still have reserves - 15 BTG. They can still be throwing into the fight which will be idiotic. War might stall soon.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
Če je to rekel Putin je zagotovo laž.
Koliko zemlje imaš ;)
7 hektarov. Imam pa tudi omaro z orožjem,če imaš slučajno kakšne ruske ideje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Pac-Man ::
Prvi video z M113. Več M113. Nizozemska donacija.
Ukraine forces first time seen operating a western supplied M113 APCs
YPR-765 - The Standard IFV for the Royal Netherlands Army Developed From The Successful M113 APC
Ukraine forces first time seen operating a western supplied M113 APCs
YPR-765 - The Standard IFV for the Royal Netherlands Army Developed From The Successful M113 APC
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
D3m ::
Nakladati pa res ni treba mackilla.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
endelin ::
ripmork ::
Mladi rusi (vsaj tisti, ki nimajo spranih možganov) imajo poln kufer. Fant sredi videa na vprašanje o "borbi proti fašistom" dobro pove, da bi mogoče morali najprej počistit fašizem doma. Prisilna mobilizacija bo pa bajonete usmerila proti lastnemu vodstvu.
Še daily reminder genialnosti
Mladi rusi (vsaj tisti, ki nimajo spranih možganov) imajo poln kufer. Fant sredi videa na vprašanje o "borbi proti fašistom" dobro pove, da bi mogoče morali najprej počistit fašizem doma. Prisilna mobilizacija bo pa bajonete usmerila proti lastnemu vodstvu.
Še daily reminder genialnosti
l0g1t3ch ::
Iz 2002.
Ahhhhh. Takrat so bili še v dobrih odnosih. :)
Bistvo je da Putin sam priznava:
- da se vsak lahko odloči kako si bo zagotavljal varstvo, najsi bo to nato ali karkoli pač
- da je NATO obrambna organizacija
To leti predvsem na našega Poldeka, ki to sicer vedno znova ignorira in lajna svoje
D3m ::
Odvisno od lobiranja.
Finska, Sweden mi je malo mim brez referenduma.
Tak, da pričakujem vsaj nekaj blokad s strani članic.
Finska, Sweden mi je malo mim brez referenduma.
Tak, da pričakujem vsaj nekaj blokad s strani članic.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
ripmork ::
"NATO recruiter of the year" indeed
Putler se bo v zgodovino zapisal kot en največjih Meme "kontributorjev".
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ripmork ()
tomlin ::
Finska je uradno napovedala, da se namerava pridružiti Natu, njena odločitev je posledica ruske invazije na
Ukrajino. Država je bila desetletja vojaško nevtralna, z Rusijo deli 1300 kilometrov dolgo mejo.
Finska je uradno napovedala, da se namerava pridružiti Natu, njena odločitev je posledica ruske invazije na
Ukrajino. Država je bila desetletja vojaško nevtralna, z Rusijo deli 1300 kilometrov dolgo mejo.
fur80 ::
Russia expects a record harvest this year - 130 million tons of cereals, including 87 million tons of wheat, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
It should be noted that we are expecting the first fruits of Serbian fruit seedlings soon, which forested Crimea and the southern region around Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
# Russia # Wheat
Kot rečejo Srbi, sanja svinja kokuruz!
Pac-Man ::
So vprašanja, če je račun res to za kar se predstavlja, ampak vsebina te niti ni vprašljiva.
#Girkin-#Strelkov just talked himself into 200 years of hard labour.
Addressing #Putin, he asks to see the head of the person(s) responsible for providing Putin with the wrong information about the operational situation in #Ukraine, and shitting away the entire war. [video]
I personally tend to agree with his assessment that #Putin was fed lies about the situation in #Ukraine. Consider: we know $5 billion were dedicated to the "Ukrainian Program", and apparently all it bought was dead souls and yachts and villas for everyone along the chain. The plan envisioned thousands of armed saboteurs in every major city, a swift victory over an army he was assured was not up to the task. Expired MREs, non-sterile gauzes, no IR, and most importantly terrible fucking soldiers are all a result of systemic corruption that bled the #Russian military dry long before this war. One cannot analyze a military withing understanding the culture of the people that join said military. In #Russia, you don't join because you want to be somebody. You join because you're terrible at everything else.
Everyone in #Russia lies upwards. So the guy with the truck took some, and then the warehouse guys took some, and then this officer wants a cut and that one wants a cut, and suddenly your inventory is short. So what do you do? You just repackage some old unusable shit and write in the report that everything is accounted for. And maybe the colonel knows and maybe the general suspects, but what are they gonna do, admit that this had happened under their watchful eye? Nope. They will just keep raking in the money and write reports that everything is kosher
#Girkin-#Strelkov just talked himself into 200 years of hard labour.
Addressing #Putin, he asks to see the head of the person(s) responsible for providing Putin with the wrong information about the operational situation in #Ukraine, and shitting away the entire war. [video]
I personally tend to agree with his assessment that #Putin was fed lies about the situation in #Ukraine. Consider: we know $5 billion were dedicated to the "Ukrainian Program", and apparently all it bought was dead souls and yachts and villas for everyone along the chain. The plan envisioned thousands of armed saboteurs in every major city, a swift victory over an army he was assured was not up to the task. Expired MREs, non-sterile gauzes, no IR, and most importantly terrible fucking soldiers are all a result of systemic corruption that bled the #Russian military dry long before this war. One cannot analyze a military withing understanding the culture of the people that join said military. In #Russia, you don't join because you want to be somebody. You join because you're terrible at everything else.
Everyone in #Russia lies upwards. So the guy with the truck took some, and then the warehouse guys took some, and then this officer wants a cut and that one wants a cut, and suddenly your inventory is short. So what do you do? You just repackage some old unusable shit and write in the report that everything is accounted for. And maybe the colonel knows and maybe the general suspects, but what are they gonna do, admit that this had happened under their watchful eye? Nope. They will just keep raking in the money and write reports that everything is kosher
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Odvisno od lobiranja.
Finska, Sweden mi je malo mim brez referenduma.
Tak, da pričakujem vsaj nekaj blokad s strani članic.
Katerih? :D Stoltenberg in ostali so tako srečni, da skačejo od veselja, še par miljonov vojakov več! ;) Drugače pa po tvoje Rusiji gre tako lepo, da se še sedaj ruski ekonomisti čudijo, kako si že prej niso sami nabili sankcij! :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
tomlin ::
Finnish President tells Russia 'You caused this' as he signs security pact with UK
The President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö has told a news conference in Helsinki that Russia's invasion of Ukraine
"changed the picture" on the country's security. In a message to Russia he said, "you caused this - look at the
Mr Niinistö was speaking after he signed a joined security pact with Boris Johnson.
Finnish President tells Russia 'You caused this' as he signs security pact with UK
The President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö has told a news conference in Helsinki that Russia's invasion of Ukraine
"changed the picture" on the country's security. In a message to Russia he said, "you caused this - look at the
Mr Niinistö was speaking after he signed a joined security pact with Boris Johnson.
scythe ::
Odvisno od lobiranja.
Finska, Sweden mi je malo mim brez referenduma.
Tak, da pričakujem vsaj nekaj blokad s strani članic.
Jaz pa pričakujem, da bodo po brznem postopku v NATU, da se čimprej rešijo te Rusije.
Če bi že bile kakšne blokade, potem bi že bile lepo javne. Drugače pa zakone tako prilagodiš, da je v tvoje dobro. Še vsejen lahko imajo referendum o iztopu iz NATA.
X870 | 9700X | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
tomlin ::
Pac-Man ::
Putin could livestream himself shooting schoolkids and Chomsky's reaction would be like "well if you look at NATO, meaning the USA, meaning the Pentagon, meaning Lockheed Martin... NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg... what he said in 2017, there's been a pattern of..."
Putin could livestream himself shooting schoolkids and Chomsky's reaction would be like "well if you look at NATO, meaning the USA, meaning the Pentagon, meaning Lockheed Martin... NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg... what he said in 2017, there's been a pattern of..."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
tomlin ::
@Poldi112 priporočam!, da boš lahko poročal v kremeljsko klet, kaj vse gledamo, poslušamo in se strinjamo tukaj v Sloveniji.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told a press conference in Helsinki that the "Russian invasion of Ukraine has
changed the equation of European security" as he signed a defence pledge with Finland.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told a press conference in Helsinki that the "Russian invasion of Ukraine has
changed the equation of European security" as he signed a defence pledge with Finland.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
tomlin ::
Velik strateški pomen za NATO in ves Zahod: s Finsko in Švedsko integracijo v Zavezništvo se pridobi praktično
ves nadzor Baltskega morja in se Rusijo odreže od raznih provokacij ter incidentov.
"Prvo sporočilo teh držav, ki se pridružijo Natu, je politično in je usmerjeno proti Rusiji. Drugič, za Nato gre
za resnične zmogljivosti, ki jih dajeta Finska in Švedska. Medtem ko so vsi drugi v Evropi nekako zmanjševali
svoje vojaške zmogljivosti po hladni vojni sta Finska in Švedska gradili svoje vojaške zmogljivosti, kar lahko
zavezništvu prinese kar nekaj,"
Švedi so vedeli , da če se bo Finska priključila, se bo morala priključiti tudi Švedska, ker bi bila sicer
Švedska sama izven Nata in bi morala porabiti veliko več za obrambo,"
"Finska je to počela v svoji zgodovini. Švedska ni imela potrebe po tem. Toda zdaj, ko se soočajo z agresivno
revizionistično, imperialistično, totalitarno, avtoritarno Rusijo, prihajajo do zaključka, da je članstvo v Natu
prava pot. ,"
"NATO se je oklepal bizarne ideje, da je Rusija strateški partner. Zaradi tega zavezništvo ni zgradilo močne
obrambe na vzhodu. To bo treba spremeniti,"
"Finska in Švedska sta že med najmočnejšimi in najbolj integriranimi partnericami Nata in pridružitev
zavezništvu bo povzročila močnejšo pomorsko prisotnost Nata v Baltskem morju,"
Velik strateški pomen za NATO in ves Zahod: s Finsko in Švedsko integracijo v Zavezništvo se pridobi praktično
ves nadzor Baltskega morja in se Rusijo odreže od raznih provokacij ter incidentov.
"Prvo sporočilo teh držav, ki se pridružijo Natu, je politično in je usmerjeno proti Rusiji. Drugič, za Nato gre
za resnične zmogljivosti, ki jih dajeta Finska in Švedska. Medtem ko so vsi drugi v Evropi nekako zmanjševali
svoje vojaške zmogljivosti po hladni vojni sta Finska in Švedska gradili svoje vojaške zmogljivosti, kar lahko
zavezništvu prinese kar nekaj,"
Švedi so vedeli , da če se bo Finska priključila, se bo morala priključiti tudi Švedska, ker bi bila sicer
Švedska sama izven Nata in bi morala porabiti veliko več za obrambo,"
"Finska je to počela v svoji zgodovini. Švedska ni imela potrebe po tem. Toda zdaj, ko se soočajo z agresivno
revizionistično, imperialistično, totalitarno, avtoritarno Rusijo, prihajajo do zaključka, da je članstvo v Natu
prava pot. ,"
"NATO se je oklepal bizarne ideje, da je Rusija strateški partner. Zaradi tega zavezništvo ni zgradilo močne
obrambe na vzhodu. To bo treba spremeniti,"
"Finska in Švedska sta že med najmočnejšimi in najbolj integriranimi partnericami Nata in pridružitev
zavezništvu bo povzročila močnejšo pomorsko prisotnost Nata v Baltskem morju,"
tomlin ::
vredno smeha, hvala si me nakrohotal
Odvisno od lobiranja.
Finska, Sweden mi je malo mim brez referenduma.
Tak, da pričakujem vsaj nekaj blokad s strani članic.
Katerih? :D Stoltenberg in ostali so tako srečni, da skačejo od veselja, še par miljonov vojakov več! ;) Drugače pa po tvoje Rusiji gre tako lepo, da se še sedaj ruski ekonomisti čudijo, kako si že prej niso sami nabili sankcij! :D
gozdar1 ::
Daj Polde to da podcenjuješ zahod vemo vsi, da ne verjameš niti v svoje ljudi in raje navijaš za ljudi, ki ti grozijo s smortjo in nukanjem je pa naravnost smešno!
Pač nisem naci, za razliko od bee patriotov, ki slepo navijate za "naše". In potem se ljudje sprašujejo, kako so originalni naciji lahko delali take svinjarije - enostavno - bili so patrioti - za naše.
Saj ni težko - rečeš povprečni ovci, da je nekaj več, pa bo sovražila vse "manjvredne". Od tod do klanja je pa zgolj mali korak.
Eto tako izgleda politika rusije do ukrajine.
Pac-Man ::
Zahodna pomoč prihaja v uporabo, tokrat DANA samohodne havbice.
The 152-mm DANA howitzers transferred by the Czech Republic are finally in Ukraine and are going to the front line.
The 152-mm DANA howitzers transferred by the Czech Republic are finally in Ukraine and are going to the front line.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Je treba poudarit, da gre za težke govorice?
@michaeldweiss obtained a recording of an oligarch close to the Kremlin saying Vladimir Putin is “very ill with blood cancer.” Is this the truth, a rumor or clever disinformation intended to make a paranoid dictator look ripe for removal?
@michaeldweiss obtained a recording of an oligarch close to the Kremlin saying Vladimir Putin is “very ill with blood cancer.” Is this the truth, a rumor or clever disinformation intended to make a paranoid dictator look ripe for removal?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
FrRoSt ::
Daj Polde to da podcenjuješ zahod vemo vsi, da ne verjameš niti v svoje ljudi in raje navijaš za ljudi, ki ti grozijo s smortjo in nukanjem je pa naravnost smešno!
Pač nisem naci, za razliko od bee patriotov, ki slepo navijate za "naše". In potem se ljudje sprašujejo, kako so originalni naciji lahko delali take svinjarije - enostavno - bili so patrioti - za naše.
Saj ni težko - rečeš povprečni ovci, da je nekaj več, pa bo sovražila vse "manjvredne". Od tod do klanja je pa zgolj mali korak.
Kaj boš rekel za Fince, ki se že 50 let pripravljajo na vojno z Rusi, ki jim grozijo že od osamosvojitve, kdo je tu naci? Boš rekel za Fince, da so napadalni, želijo si le svoj mir in biti stran od Rusov! Kaj boš rekel za Estonce, Latvijce, Litvance, Ukrajnce... Vsi imajo poln kurac Rusov in njihovih groženj! Ampak vem, da tebi glava ne potegne naprej tam od leta 1960!
Pusti to Poldetovo starino pri miru!!
Ti je spet cukr padu!?? Pojdi v Mcdonaldsa in si privošči kakšnega Meca, pomfri in coca-colo!!
Žal mi je za Fince, bodo morali čakati še naprej!
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
FrRoSt ::
A misliš Slo, hahahaha... Mesec, Tašner bodo dobili drisko, ne bodi smešen... Golob bo pa itak odpadel kot "usran golob"... matr vic dneva si si lansiral..
Odkar je Toninček podpisal pogodbo za oklepnike boxer, sem iz strogo zaupnih virov izvedel, da so se rusi in Putin dobesedno usrali!!
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.