Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
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FrRoSt ::
...osnove realpolitike.....
še vedno lažeš, v tvojih sestavkih ni ne realizma, ne politike, samo nacistični novorek z agitatorskim opravičevanjem ruskih brutalnih poskusov osvajanja sosednjih držav. Za začetek, popolnoma nesposoben si zapisati resnične interese Putina in Putinove Rusije, tako da se vsako tvoje nakladanje o real-politiki konca se preden se zares začne. Putin bi se ti smejal.
Še em pametnjakovič, ki je doktoriral iz zgodovine, mednarodnih odnosov in kolonializma!??
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tomlin ()
FrRoSt ::
V tem obdobju (1991-1993) se je Moskva vzdržala nasprotovanja širitvi Nata. Poleg tega so visoki ruski uradniki
(predsednik Boris Jelcin, podpredsednik Aleksandr Ruckoj, zunanji minister Andrej Kozirev, državni sekretar
Genadij Burbulis itd.) večkrat predlagali, da bi Rusija nekega dne postala polnopravna članica Nata (Pravda). ,
23. december 1991; Rossiyskaya gazeta, 5. marec 1992). Po mnenju atlantistov je bil Nato pomemben instrument za
zagotavljanje evropske in čezatlantske varnosti. Atlantisti so trdili, da bi lahko Nato skupaj s konferenco o
varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi (KVSE) postal izhodišče za oblikovanje nove vrste evroatlantske skupnosti; ki
bi lahko zagotovil mednarodno stabilnost od Vancouvra do Vladivostoka.
Sprašuj se dalje!!
Poišči na mmc ponedeljkov podkast Ars humana, prvi program ob 14h, ga poslušaj in ga za domačo nalogo še prilepi tukaj.
Drugače pa je tvoja ustavna in demokratična pravica, da tukaj nabijaš svoje poglede in čustva.
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tomlin ()
A. Smith ::
Drugače pa je tvoja ustavna in demokratična pravica, da tukaj nabijaš svoje poglede in čustva.Tako, kot je tvoja, da nabijaš na forumu vsebinsko prazne poste s 500 preveč smeškoti.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
D3m ::
Sup bitchezzzzzz.
Kva bo dobrga?
Kva bo dobrga?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: LuiIII ()
Bostjan_321 ::
Bostjan_321 je izjavil:
...gledamo samo na svojo rit, nekako podobno kot kitajska. Torej ne vtikamo se v druge države in njihove konflikte, ignoriramo kršitve človekovih pravic, ... Vse zato, da imamo poceni surovine in energente
lahko reces, da je zunanja politika samo nadaljevanje notranje, tako da to zgoraj se itak dela, ampak v dometu tega koliko pogoltne domača javnost.
Lahko sicer pumpaš domačo javnost z večvrednostjo lastne nacije, ampak ko ti to uide iz rok, se zgodi nekaj takega kot obe svetovni vojni, ko so posamezne evropske nacije začele verjeti v to da so upravičene do primata. Šlo je tako daleč, da so poskušali "znanstveno" dokazovali "naravno pravico" do položaja*. Končalo se je s sesuto staro celino, poklanimi milijoni in izgubo primata v svetovnem pogledu.
*podoben novorek lahko trenutno opazuješ ob Putinovi mobilizaciji domače javnosti, ponavljajo pa ga tudi apologeti agresije v tej temi
Kako pumpanje z večvrednostjo ?
Pač se ne vmešavaš v druge z namenom cenejših energento in surovin. Pač za ekonomski dobrobit EU skupnosti zamižiš na eno ali obe očesi.
Če tega nočeš delati, ker imaš visoke moralne standarde (karkoli naj bi to že bilo), pa se moraš vsaj v naprej pripravit. Biti idealist je težko, zahteva dodaten trud, čas, denar... To velja v zasednem življenju posameznika in zagotovo tudi velja na nivoju države ali skupnosti držav (EU).
Pac-Man ::
NYT je dobil Pulitzerjevo za poročanje o civilnih žrtvah in kolateralni škodi ob ameriških zračnih napadih.
Pa jih niso razglasili za sovražnike naroda ali lügenpresse, ampak jim je tiskovni predstavnik Pentagona čestital.
Pa jih niso razglasili za sovražnike naroda ali lügenpresse, ampak jim je tiskovni predstavnik Pentagona čestital.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Ohhhhhh. Kako ameriško od njih.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tomlin ()
Bostjan_321 ::
Neko načelonost in pravičniške ideale se lahko greš, ko si samozadosten oz. kjer to ne gre imaš zadosti diverzificirane dobavne verige.
Mi pa smo junki z iglo v žili (plinovod), ki se dere na dilerja.
To je zagotovo recept za uspeh ?
Neko načelonost in pravičniške ideale se lahko greš, ko si samozadosten oz. kjer to ne gre imaš zadosti diverzificirane dobavne verige.
Mi pa smo junki z iglo v žili (plinovod), ki se dere na dilerja.
To je zagotovo recept za uspeh ?
tomlin ::
Kot berem zadnje analize, atlantisti v Rusiji še zdaleč niso odpisani, vprašanje časa je kdaj bodo s pučem
odstranili Putina.
odstranili Putina.
Mr.B ::
Kot berem zadnje analize, atlantisti v Rusiji še zdaleč niso odpisani, vprašanje časa je kdaj bodo s pučem
odstranili Putina.
No sej bo, v peteh mesecih bo Ukrajina dobila toliko pomoči v obliki vojaške opreme , kot nekaj evropskih držav skupaj, nebi v nekaj letih imele vojaški budže.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tomlin ()
Bostjan_321 ::
Denar, ki bi ga lahko bolje porabili za izboljšanja življenja svojih ljudi v EU.
Ali če nam že smrdi Ruski plin, za investicije v brez ogljično družbo. To ubistvu je hkrati investicija v izboljšavo lastne držbe.
Ali če nam že smrdi Ruski plin, za investicije v brez ogljično družbo. To ubistvu je hkrati investicija v izboljšavo lastne držbe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Bostjan_321 ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Upam da ste me pogrešal kej :*
Številke pa lepo rastejo :)
Russia - 3606, of which: destroyed: 1990, damaged: 71, abandoned: 274, captured: 1271
Tanks (659, of which destroyed: 352, damaged: 21, abandoned: 46, captured: 238)
Številke pa lepo rastejo :)
Russia - 3606, of which: destroyed: 1990, damaged: 71, abandoned: 274, captured: 1271
Tanks (659, of which destroyed: 352, damaged: 21, abandoned: 46, captured: 238)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
blay44 ::
D3m ::
Če tako razmišljaš pol je tudi M1A2 in Leopard 2 za v muzej, ker so jih v Jemnu in Siriji uničevali.
Če tako razmišljaš pol je tudi M1A2 in Leopard 2 za v muzej, ker so jih v Jemnu in Siriji uničevali.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
blay44 ::
A to misliš tisti fake posnetek, ki si ga pod drugim nickom nalepil.
Poglej plahto. Tank eksplodira, gori ko pes, plahta na njem se pa niti ne premakne?
Sej ne rečem, Sam zasnovo, da skladišče streliva odvrže je pa boljša.
Reč, da rusa pošlješ v boj tank na tank. Nima šans, da ob zadetku preživi.
Poglej plahto. Tank eksplodira, gori ko pes, plahta na njem se pa niti ne premakne?
Sej ne rečem, Sam zasnovo, da skladišče streliva odvrže je pa boljša.
Reč, da rusa pošlješ v boj tank na tank. Nima šans, da ob zadetku preživi.
FrRoSt ::
Tako, kot je tvoja, da nabijaš na forumu vsebinsko prazne poste s 500 preveč smeškoti.
Še eden, ki mu je potrebno razložiti RAZLIKO med Smeškoti in Emotikoni!??
Le kdo je ponovno priklenil zee-ja in kuglovnika na ketno, se tudi sprašujem jaz.
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: tomlin ()
scythe ::
Tale je pa res rekorder.
Pa zakaj to šaro ne zapeljejo v muzej?
Tole se naj bi zgodilo blizu mesta Novoazovska, mesto je že od 2014 pod nadzoru DNR-ja. Tole je mogu bit kakšen dron v akciji, haubica ne vem če bi trofla...
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|
Comandante ::
sirotka ::
Ti si že prerasel termin "bolnik". Pač res navadno prase si in nič več.
Tak roman pa že ne mislim brati od Pac-mana
Če je problem v smrti enega lahko pripopam link pokopališča otrok s strani Donbassa.
A bi rad?
Ni potrebe, tudi za tisto sranje so krivi Rusi, tam je bil mir, dokler se niso odločili, da bi radi malo razširili svoje meje.
Mr.B ::
Ti si že prerasel termin "bolnik". Pač res navadno prase si in nič več.
Tak roman pa že ne mislim brati od Pac-mana
Če je problem v smrti enega lahko pripopam link pokopališča otrok s strani Donbassa.
A bi rad?
Ni potrebe, tudi za tisto sranje so krivi Rusi, tam je bil mir, dokler se niso odločili, da bi radi malo razširili svoje meje.
Da kot so Rusi spomladi 1945 vkorakali v Berlin.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
D3m ::
Ni potrebe, tudi za tisto sranje so krivi Rusi, tam je bil mir, dokler se niso odločili, da bi radi malo razširili svoje meje.
Prav veš ane?
Tam je bilo trenje isto, kot je trenje bilo na Kosovo in, kot je trenje v Kataloniji.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
l0g1t3ch ::
Russia - 3623, of which: destroyed: 2006, damaged: 71, abandoned: 273, captured: 1273
Tanks (664, of which destroyed: 358, damaged: 21, abandoned: 45, captured: 238)
mackilla ::
Comandante je izjavil:
Tole je mogu bit kakšen dron v akciji, haubica ne vem če bi trofla...
Mozno da eno z drugim - dron v zraku, plus voden izstrelek iz 155mm - M982. CEP je 4m, potrebujes pa natancne koordinate.
Ali pa pac lucky hit.
Mogoče je kakšen Rus odvrgel čik v kesel tako kot na njihovi križarki Moskva?
Pac-Man ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
I'm going to call this Russian river crossing attempt a failure.
Zgleda legit, morda malo olepševanja.
What I did to destroy Russian pantonne bridge over Siverskyi Donets - a thread 🧵
Here you go -> -> ->
The context:
I am UA military engineering + EOD officer. I have served one turn in Donbas prior to the recent invasion.
Recently, I have accomplished a mission which made huge impact on Russian losses and completely screwed up their plans to encircle Lysychansk.
Initially, there was intelligence from frontline units that there are Russians on the other side of the river and they gather various vehicles. So, my commander asked on 6th May me as one of the best military engineers to do engineering reconnaissance on Siverskyi Donets river
Together with recon units for backup, I went to explore the area of Hryhorivka and Bilohorivka on 7th May.
Frontline units in Bilohorivka reported multiple RU vehicles gathering on the other side of the river.
I explored the area and suggested a location where Russians might attempt to mount a pontone bridge to get to the other side. And, used rangefinders to figure out river is 80m wide, thus Russians would need 8 parts (10m each) of the bridge connected to get to the other side. With that flow of the river, I knew they would need motorized boats to arrange such a bridge, and it would take them at least two hours of work.
Took me a day to check everything. And I had to do it on 8th of May as well.
So, reported this information I had to my commanders.
Also, I told the unit who observed that part of the river that they need to be on the look out for sound of motor boats.
Visibility was shit in the area because Russians put fields & forests on fire, and were throwing a lot of smoke grenades. On top of that, it was foggy.
They had to hear the sound. And they did on May 8th early morning. Right at the place I said. I was there to check it as well - and I have seen with my drone as Russians do the pontonne bridge. Reported immediately to commanders.
Looking back, I think my recon + hints to the river unit made the biggest impact. I outplayed RU mil engineers.
Russians attempted to place a bridge RIGHT in the place where I guessed.
River unit didn’t see RU units, but was able to hear motor boats and report it immediately
Artillery was ready.
We have been able to confirm Russians mounted 7 parts of the bridge out of 8. Russians have even succeeded to move some troops and vehicles over the river. Combats started.
8. In ~20 minutes after recon unit confirmed Russian bridge being mounted, HEAVY ARTILLERY engaged against Russian forces, and then aviation chipped in as well.
I was still in the area, and I have never seen / heard such heavy combat in my life.
After one day of combats, 9th May morning the bridge was down. Some Russian forces (~30-50 vehicles + infantry) were stuck on Ukrainian side of the river with no way back. They tried to run away using broken bridge. Then they tried to arrange a new bridge.
Then, Aviation started heavy bombing of the area and it destroyed all the remains of Russians there, and other bridge they tried to make.
Rumors say it’s ~1500 RU dead.
Their strategic objective was to cross the river and then encircle Lysychansk. They miserably failed.
10th May pontonne bridge was completely down. That’s about time when you started to get all the pictures from the area.
I was on the ground, doing the work there, alongside with other Ukrainian heroes.
I did my part and it had significant impact.
Proud to serve Ukraine!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Deblaki so malo prepozno napadli preveč razvito državo. HD kamere povsod, ko šarijo po notranjosti se jih da odlično identificirati.
@0:35, direktno v hrbet, potem ko so preverili, da sta neoborožena in prosili za cigarete. En je celo preživel & poklical pomoč, vendar kasneje izkrvavel.
Samo ja, fotošop, CNN and sth.
Surveillance video shows Russian forces shooting civilians
@0:35, direktno v hrbet, potem ko so preverili, da sta neoborožena in prosili za cigarete. En je celo preživel & poklical pomoč, vendar kasneje izkrvavel.
Samo ja, fotošop, CNN and sth.
Surveillance video shows Russian forces shooting civilians
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Povzetek/komentar članka v Komsomolski pravdi. Tako blizu, a hkrati tako daleč.
"The Ukrainian army is an amazing and very strong combination of a Russian soldier, a fascist officer and an American general" The convolutions hardline Russian commentators must go through to explain their failures in #UkraineRussianWar.
It is, of course, quite a challenge how to pivot from "we will be welcomed" to "we are being hammered" but Russia's propagandists are doing their best. Markov's article, linked in the first tweet, is a better example than most
1st, the need to share the blame: "The Ukrainian army turned out to be much stronger than it was supposed, looking from Russia, and much stronger than it was seen by Western analysts" - ie, we were no more wrong than anyone else
2nd, an attempt, in effect, to claim the credit (this is quite ingenious): "The rank and file are Russian people; the language of the UKR army is RU. The RU soldier has been considered one of the strongest in the world for centuries."
In other words, the only reason Russians are not winning is that they are being resisted by, if they but knew it, Russians! But why are they fighting?
It's because they are controlled by a "nazified" "officer corps ...[that] is very ideological, motivated, ready to die and kill others. This combination of Russian soldier and fascist officer is successfully managed by American generals"
3rd. US generals? Of course - this is just a proxy war with NATO, run "not only by advisers from the Pentagon, but also UKR generals trained over the years by the Americans. They are loyal to the US and Britain, and most have both American and British passports" (News to me)
They also "receives strong support from the electronic intelligence of the strongest military powers - the United States and Britain" (It's always nice for the UK to get co-star billing in these lurid nationalist dramas). The point is that RU failures are because of NATO
So it's an excuse and also a pretext for any further escalation to wartime footing and mobilisation: because RU is not just losing against a country with less than 1/3rd its pop, but the whole Western alliance
So the UKR army "is, in fact, the external centre's occupying army, using civilians as hostages. But the moment the population of Ukraine is not able to express its political will, being under the pressure of terror and propaganda."
Hence this can still be spun as a war of 'liberation' - but also liberating Ukrainians from the false consciousness of not realising that they are being repressed. All nonsense, of course, but for me the best encapsulation of the emerging Kremlin line and the bizarre contortions it is having to make.
"The Ukrainian army is an amazing and very strong combination of a Russian soldier, a fascist officer and an American general" The convolutions hardline Russian commentators must go through to explain their failures in #UkraineRussianWar.
It is, of course, quite a challenge how to pivot from "we will be welcomed" to "we are being hammered" but Russia's propagandists are doing their best. Markov's article, linked in the first tweet, is a better example than most
1st, the need to share the blame: "The Ukrainian army turned out to be much stronger than it was supposed, looking from Russia, and much stronger than it was seen by Western analysts" - ie, we were no more wrong than anyone else
2nd, an attempt, in effect, to claim the credit (this is quite ingenious): "The rank and file are Russian people; the language of the UKR army is RU. The RU soldier has been considered one of the strongest in the world for centuries."
In other words, the only reason Russians are not winning is that they are being resisted by, if they but knew it, Russians! But why are they fighting?
It's because they are controlled by a "nazified" "officer corps ...[that] is very ideological, motivated, ready to die and kill others. This combination of Russian soldier and fascist officer is successfully managed by American generals"
3rd. US generals? Of course - this is just a proxy war with NATO, run "not only by advisers from the Pentagon, but also UKR generals trained over the years by the Americans. They are loyal to the US and Britain, and most have both American and British passports" (News to me)
They also "receives strong support from the electronic intelligence of the strongest military powers - the United States and Britain" (It's always nice for the UK to get co-star billing in these lurid nationalist dramas). The point is that RU failures are because of NATO
So it's an excuse and also a pretext for any further escalation to wartime footing and mobilisation: because RU is not just losing against a country with less than 1/3rd its pop, but the whole Western alliance
So the UKR army "is, in fact, the external centre's occupying army, using civilians as hostages. But the moment the population of Ukraine is not able to express its political will, being under the pressure of terror and propaganda."
Hence this can still be spun as a war of 'liberation' - but also liberating Ukrainians from the false consciousness of not realising that they are being repressed. All nonsense, of course, but for me the best encapsulation of the emerging Kremlin line and the bizarre contortions it is having to make.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Naci hunta, osvobajanje ljudstva blablabla
Two interesting bits of statistics on Ukraine's economy during wartime.
1. The volume of UAH deposits held by individuals at Ukrainian banks has *increased* by 20% in comparison with the beginning of russia's invasion. Imo, result of both NBU's response and citizens' confidence.
2. In April, Tax Service has collected 6% *more* taxes than the gov't planned. This is despite a moratorium on inspections of businesses and disruptions of admin functions. So this revenue was entirely thanks to voluntary compliance of Ukr businesses, many paying tax in advance.
in to
An interesting statistic indeed. Announcing #Ukraine's new wartime business tax policy, president Zelensky famously said: "If you can pay, please do, if you can't, no questions asked". Looks to have been the right approach - for now at least.
Two interesting bits of statistics on Ukraine's economy during wartime.
1. The volume of UAH deposits held by individuals at Ukrainian banks has *increased* by 20% in comparison with the beginning of russia's invasion. Imo, result of both NBU's response and citizens' confidence.
2. In April, Tax Service has collected 6% *more* taxes than the gov't planned. This is despite a moratorium on inspections of businesses and disruptions of admin functions. So this revenue was entirely thanks to voluntary compliance of Ukr businesses, many paying tax in advance.
in to
An interesting statistic indeed. Announcing #Ukraine's new wartime business tax policy, president Zelensky famously said: "If you can pay, please do, if you can't, no questions asked". Looks to have been the right approach - for now at least.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Russia and Kazakhstan will discuss gasification issues in the north-eastern regions of the republic in May.
The delegation will arrive in Russia in the near future, Kazakh Energy Minister Bolat Akchulakov said.
Moscow and Nur-Sultan are also exploring the possibility of building a new gas pipeline.
The delegation will arrive in Russia in the near future, Kazakh Energy Minister Bolat Akchulakov said.
Moscow and Nur-Sultan are also exploring the possibility of building a new gas pipeline.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
yansek ::
Predsednik in premierka: "Finska mora v Nato brez odlašanja." Kremelj: "To je grožnja Rusiji."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: yansek ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Predsednik in premierka: "Finska mora v Nato brez odlašanja." Kremelj: "To je grožnja Rusiji."
Bodo napadli finsko ?
Zadnja vojna na 2h frontah vemo kako je šla :D
D3m ::
For rubles.
Bloomberg reports that 20 European companies have already opened accounts with Gazprombank to pay for fuel in Russian currency.
Another 14 clients requested the documents necessary for their opening.
The deadline for payment for April deliveries for large Western European buyers is approaching at the end of this month, the publication clarifies.
Yesterday, the Italian Prime Minister said that Germany has already started paying for Russian gas in rubles.
Bloomberg reports that 20 European companies have already opened accounts with Gazprombank to pay for fuel in Russian currency.
Another 14 clients requested the documents necessary for their opening.
The deadline for payment for April deliveries for large Western European buyers is approaching at the end of this month, the publication clarifies.
Yesterday, the Italian Prime Minister said that Germany has already started paying for Russian gas in rubles.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
fur80 ::
To pa se je začelo. Belgorod naj bi bilo nekoč ukrajinsko mesto:
6 wounded 1 killed following a Ukrainian artillery strike on the Russian city of Belgorod a couple of hours ago.
6 wounded 1 killed following a Ukrainian artillery strike on the Russian city of Belgorod a couple of hours ago.
Pac-Man ::
Nemški novinar.
From "No point sending weapons. Russia will take Kyiv within days." to "Should we still send arms if Ukraine starts to invade Crimea?" in less than three months.
What a time to be alive.
This is an observation of some general discussions, punditry and politicians-wise, not so much regarding facts on the ground, if that isn't clear.
From "No point sending weapons. Russia will take Kyiv within days." to "Should we still send arms if Ukraine starts to invade Crimea?" in less than three months.
What a time to be alive.
This is an observation of some general discussions, punditry and politicians-wise, not so much regarding facts on the ground, if that isn't clear.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sbawe64 ::
Predsednik in premierka: "Finska mora v Nato brez odlašanja." Kremelj: "To je grožnja Rusiji."
Finska pm je članica WEF ygl:
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
l0g1t3ch ::
Predsednik in premierka: "Finska mora v Nato brez odlašanja." Kremelj: "To je grožnja Rusiji."
Finska pm je članica WEF ygl:
Reptili ?
nejcek74 ::
Finska pm je članica WEF ygl:
a ti se tu tam isti odgovor:
"oooooo, kuščarji, ti ti groza, še dobro da nas Putana brani pred njimi."
jp, očitno res obstaja ona ant-vax pro-putin svetovno zarotniška naveza, in ni čudno da je v njej cel kup Djokovicevih privržencev. Tezko se mi je sprijaznit z mislijo, da smo talci norih sodržavljanov in da bo tako ostalo.
tomlin ::
Invazija Vladimirja Putina na Ukrajino je NEUSPEH na več frontah. Toda ena najbolj katastrofalnih posledic za
ruskega predsednika je vstop Finske v Nato.
ruskega predsednika je vstop Finske v Nato.
tomlin ::
Ne samo, da bi bila to slaba novica za Kremelj, ampak bi bila vključitev Finske v veliko korist za Nato. Finska
je kljub razmeroma majhnemu prebivalstvu resna vojaška sila, ki je že desetletja neuradno povezana z Zahodom.
Njena vojska že desetletja uporablja opremo, kupljeno od ZDA, ki je združljiva z zaveznicami Nata, kar pomeni, da
bi se lahko zlahka pridružila Natovim misijam, če bi se tako odločila.
Rusija si trenutno deli približno 755 milj kopenske meje s petimi članicami Nata, navaja zavezništvo. Pristop
Finske pomeni še dodatnih 800 milj meje z NATO.
je kljub razmeroma majhnemu prebivalstvu resna vojaška sila, ki je že desetletja neuradno povezana z Zahodom.
Njena vojska že desetletja uporablja opremo, kupljeno od ZDA, ki je združljiva z zaveznicami Nata, kar pomeni, da
bi se lahko zlahka pridružila Natovim misijam, če bi se tako odločila.
Rusija si trenutno deli približno 755 milj kopenske meje s petimi članicami Nata, navaja zavezništvo. Pristop
Finske pomeni še dodatnih 800 milj meje z NATO.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: tomlin ()
mackilla ::
Finska pm je članica WEF ygl:
a ti se tu tam isti odgovor:
"oooooo, kuščarji, ti ti groza, še dobro da nas Putana brani pred njimi."
jp, očitno res obstaja ona ant-vax pro-putin svetovno zarotniška naveza, in ni čudno da je v njej cel kup Djokovicevih privržencev. Tezko se mi je sprijaznit z mislijo, da smo talci norih sodržavljanov in da bo tako ostalo.
Pozabil si še na fake Moon landing.
Jarno ::
Mislim, da sem razumel pomen črke "Z".
"Z" kot "Zombie", torej bitje, ki ne razmišlja z lastno glavo in sledi ukazom nekromanta Vlada.
"Z" kot "Zombie", torej bitje, ki ne razmišlja z lastno glavo in sledi ukazom nekromanta Vlada.
Chuck Norris je med števili 1 in 0.999... uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.
fur80 ::
Še malo daljši članek, na dogajanje in kaj se je Rusom zgodilo. V glavnem imejte v mislih, da si oni želijo biti DRUGA velesila sveta!
Rusi su pokušali prijeći ključnu rijeku. Izgleda da su ih Ukrajinci potpuno uništili
Rusi su pokušali prijeći ključnu rijeku. Izgleda da su ih Ukrajinci potpuno uništili
Unilseptij ::
a je kdo ze pomislil na moznost, da Rusi lahko vrzejo par takticnih nukic (nekaj 100 tonskih, morda par kilotonskih) na par strateskih ukrajinskih pozicij in dajo ultimat Kijevu za brezpogojno predajo ali pa totalno unicenje? Saj vem, bolj je vazno, da stejemo tanke in podobno, ker je tako fino gledati, kako sem in tja kaksnega unicijo, ampak kaj dejansko zadrzuje Rusijo (razen neke elementarne clovecnosti, ce hocete), da naredi nekaj podobnega, ko bo vrag vzel salo...
Scaramouche3 ::
Unilseptij je izjavil:
a je kdo ze pomislil na moznost, da Rusi lahko vrzejo par takticnih nukic (nekaj 100 tonskih, morda par kilotonskih) na par strateskih ukrajinskih pozicij in dajo ultimat Kijevu za brezpogojno predajo ali pa totalno unicenje? Saj vem, bolj je vazno, da stejemo tanke in podobno, ker je tako fino gledati, kako sem in tja kaksnega unicijo, ampak kaj dejansko zadrzuje Rusijo (razen neke elementarne clovecnosti, ce hocete), da naredi nekaj podobnega, ko bo vrag vzel salo...
Oni to ozemlje mislijo uporabiti, to bi bilo nespametno, potem ne moreš tam živeti!
Bolj me skrbi da bodo to stresli nad EU, ki bo potem ostala sama, ko Ameri padejo na odločitev, ali potencialna nuklearna vojna ali slabi odnosi z EU!
Pac-Man ::
Na vsak način izgubijo vse zaveznike, vključno s Kitajsko, NATO jih zna deložirat iz Ukrajine, vence se bo hodilo polagat v Kijiv, ne Moskvo.
Na vsak način izgubijo vse zaveznike, vključno s Kitajsko, NATO jih zna deložirat iz Ukrajine, vence se bo hodilo polagat v Kijiv, ne Moskvo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.