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Trench (Aquaman)

Trench (Aquaman)

oo7 ::

WB dela film Trench, ki naj bi se dogajal med filmoma Aquaman in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom [Aquaman 2]. Trench bo po vsej verjetnosti neke vrste grozljivka.

First introduced in 2018's Aquaman, the Trench is a dark and horrifying place deep within ocean that is filled with monstrous fish-like creatures. A spinoff film based around the Trench is currently in production and, according to Aquaman screenwriter David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, will not be a prequel to the DCEU film as some had guessed.

On Twitter, Johnson-McGoldrick was asked about The Trench's place within the DC Extended Universe timeline. "Theoretically, it takes place between 1 and 2," he said. "But some pieces of this is still being worked out." Official plot points and additional details about the film weren't given.


Trench v filmu Aquaman

Aquaman (2018) - The Trench Attacks Scene

Verjetno najboljši del filma Aquaman :)

Tac20 ::

Ja "The Trench" prizori so bili zakon, najbolj ostalo v spominu!

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