Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Y: The Last Man (TV)
Y: The Last Man (TV)

oo7 ::
Y: The Last Man is a post-apocalyptic science fiction comic book series by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra published by Vertigo from 2002 through 2008.
Zgodba: On July 17, 2002, all living mammals with a Y chromosome—including embryos and sperm—simultaneously die, with the exception of a young amateur escape artist named Yorick Brown and his Capuchin monkey, Ampersand. Many women die from disasters caused by the men's deaths, such as plane crashes. Society is plunged into chaos as infrastructures collapse, and the surviving women everywhere try to cope with the loss of the men, and the belief that, barring a rapid, major scientific breakthrough or other extraordinary happening, humanity is doomed to extinction.
Y: The Last Man @ Wikipedia
TV serija naj bi prišla enkrat letos. Je kdo bral knjige ?
Zgodba je slišati kot popoln scenarij, da feministke zavladajo svetu

2dark ::
Naj raje posnamejo Rated-R serijo CROSSED
Okuženi z virusom delajo res sama grozdejstva in tukaj klasični zombiji izgledajo nedolžne ovčke.
Okuženi z virusom delajo res sama grozdejstva in tukaj klasični zombiji izgledajo nedolžne ovčke.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: 2dark ()

oo7 ::
TV serija naj bi izšla enkrat 2021 na FX.
Če kopiraš Y: The Last Man (TV) zakaj nimaš možnosti v iskalniku google poišči ... kaj je Y: neka čudna koda ?
Če kopiraš Y: The Last Man (TV) zakaj nimaš možnosti v iskalniku google poišči ... kaj je Y: neka čudna koda ?

Nupina ::
TV serija se je začela in ima bolj slabe oceneRT publika 43%
Ker je v seriji premalo moških?

The future is woke.
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