Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
Temo vidijo: vsi
Andre ::
Vprasanje glede ArcBlock:
Ali je kdo ze dobil address za nakazilo?
Na telegramu so zapisali:
10. How public sale distribute? Gas war?
Each account will have one unique offline cold wallet ETH address will be on available on sale day that you have to log in to check, first come first serve but no need gas war.
Gemblerka ::
Ajnstajn` ::
Trg bremzajo predvsem tisti, ki so vplačali BTC futures in preprečujejo, da se korekcija izvrši do konca na datum, ki njim ni ustrezen.
BTC 30k v roku 2 mesecev.
Zakaj se točno gre pri futuresih?
Gamberka je še vedno tukaj? Ziher gre dol v roku tedna.
Pri futuresih pa gre za to da staviš, koliko bo bitcoin v prihodnosti. Lahko staviš da bo 15.000$ ali 5.000$ Če zadaneš, zaslužiš ne glede na to če gre btc dol ali gor.
Mato989 ::
4 ounces of gold from @Bitstamp instead of fiat, an option for withdrawal in case Banks are causing you trouble.
Če je to res, se bomo pa kopali v zlatu ane :P
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
Somm ::
Revealing the Big News: Bankera's Co-founders Have Acquired a Bank
We have come a long way since we first launched Bankera's pre-ICO. We have managed to raise 80 million euros from over 66,000 contributors, making us the largest ICO in relation to the number of contributors and we are now in the top 10 biggest ICOs according to the amount of money raised.
Since the beginning of Bankera, we have been focused on three core elements: IT infrastructure, licenses, and capital. So now, after 4 months of dedication, we are happy to announce that Bankera's co-founders have acquired the Pacific Private Bank based in Vanuatu.
The Pacific Private Bank is a well-established bank with more than 20 years of experience. Currently, the bank's focus is on private banking and wealth management, which translates into solutions tailored to clients in a manner that is much more beneficial than a traditional bank.
By acquiring the bank, our team has secured a working product with a strong client base and, most importantly, a solid IT infrastructure. The bank's know-how will be a significant resource to help Bankera ensure its success. However, teams from the Pacific Private Bank and Bankera will focus on different goals. The Pacific Private Bank will continue to focus on private banking solutions and Bankera will keep its focus on becoming the most innovative blockchain driven bank for the new era.
We truly believe that Bankera is in a very good position to become a key player in the banking revolution.
We have come a long way since we first launched Bankera's pre-ICO. We have managed to raise 80 million euros from over 66,000 contributors, making us the largest ICO in relation to the number of contributors and we are now in the top 10 biggest ICOs according to the amount of money raised.
Since the beginning of Bankera, we have been focused on three core elements: IT infrastructure, licenses, and capital. So now, after 4 months of dedication, we are happy to announce that Bankera's co-founders have acquired the Pacific Private Bank based in Vanuatu.
The Pacific Private Bank is a well-established bank with more than 20 years of experience. Currently, the bank's focus is on private banking and wealth management, which translates into solutions tailored to clients in a manner that is much more beneficial than a traditional bank.
By acquiring the bank, our team has secured a working product with a strong client base and, most importantly, a solid IT infrastructure. The bank's know-how will be a significant resource to help Bankera ensure its success. However, teams from the Pacific Private Bank and Bankera will focus on different goals. The Pacific Private Bank will continue to focus on private banking solutions and Bankera will keep its focus on becoming the most innovative blockchain driven bank for the new era.
We truly believe that Bankera is in a very good position to become a key player in the banking revolution.
4knative ::
Kje je pa trenutno The Key? A je že x10 in na Binancah ali Kucoin?
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: tomaz- ()
Mato989 ::
Evo, update na Neblio: First working product (third party)
Čez par dni ga shippajo in obvestijo o prvih listanjih (Kucoin itd...)
Kje je pa trenutno The Key? A je že x10 in na Binancah ali Kucoin?
Čez par dni ga shippajo in obvestijo o prvih listanjih (Kucoin itd...)
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
4knative ::
Evo, update na Neblio: First working product (third party)
Neblio tue dhe moon! Penzija ohohogho.
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."
Mato989 ::
50 Cent Accidentally Made Millions by Accepting Bitcoin for His Last Album
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!
Gemblerka ::
Trg bremzajo predvsem tisti, ki so vplačali BTC futures in preprečujejo, da se korekcija izvrši do konca na datum, ki njim ni ustrezen.
BTC 30k v roku 2 mesecev.
Zakaj se točno gre pri futuresih?
Gamberka je še vedno tukaj? Ziher gre dol v roku tedna.
Pri futuresih pa gre za to da staviš, koliko bo bitcoin v prihodnosti. Lahko staviš da bo 15.000$ ali 5.000$ Če zadaneš, zaslužiš ne glede na to če gre btc dol ali gor.
Kaj predvidevate da bo, če BTC konkretno pade, recimo na 7k? Čeprav se mi zdi to skoraj nemogoče, zanimanja za kriptovalute je vse več, po moji logiki bi moglo vse rasti pa še v večji meri kot lansko leto.
galu ::
Kaj predvidevate da bo, če BTC konkretno pade, recimo na 7k?
Konkreten bull run/trap. [:P]
Vsi moji buy orderji so pod 8k$. Verjamem, da nas je takih veliko, glede na to, koliko se omenja ta magična meja.
Tako to gre.
Somm ::
Kaj pravte na to da je bankera kupila privatno banko? Je kj bliži licenci? PS: imetniki bnk bomo prejemali tudi provizijo od te pacifiške banke :D
4knative ::
BitConnect, One Coin, Bankera... Skratka taki ban da se bo kadilo, vlagatelji pa na suhem po večini. Ne pljuvam po vsem, ampak tu pa moram.
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: amacar ()
Horejšio ::
CME futures
Ker poteče, nekateri za jutri napovedujejo skok BTC...
Ker poteče, nekateri za jutri napovedujejo skok BTC...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Horejšio ()
slotechar ::
Bankera (spectrocoin) kupil privat banko v Vanuatu otocju. Mislim da so si izbrali ta otok, ker dovoli bitcoine in si celo lahko kupis drzavljanstvo z bitcoini. Morda se tam lahko izognejo morebitnim regulacijam. Nodi bo vesel. Vanuatu, pazi se, prihaja nodi
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
Gemblerka ::
Kako pogosto se bodo pa šli zdaj te stave z BTC-jem?
Zdaj je to čisto odvisno na kaj so whali stavili, LOL.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gemblerka ()
Horejšio ::
Kako pogosto se bodo pa šli zdaj te stave z BTC-jem?Zdaj je to čisto odvisno na kaj so whali stavili, LOL.
Dobra :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Horejšio ()
slotechar ::
Futures potece 26. Januarja. Ali kdo ve kdaj se zacnejo nove? Nekateri pravijo da 31. Januarja. Ali je to res?
Horejšio ::
Gemblerka ::
Futures potece 26. Januarja. Ali kdo ve kdaj se zacnejo nove? Nekateri pravijo da 31. Januarja. Ali je to res?
Sej če ne bi bili vsi alti odvisni od BTC-ja bi mi bilo vseeno. A to je zdej kakšna nova pogrutavščina, jaz to prvič slišim.
Ok upam da to rundo rata![]()
Sej ne veš kaj je že
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Gemblerka ()
tonis ::
Evo, update na Neblio: First working product (third party)
Neblio tue dhe moon! Penzija ohohogho.![]()
Tisti, ki smo ga kupili pri 40$, ga gledamo iz druge strani :D
slotechar ::
Se opravicujem vsem ker sem napisal da je slovenija komaj na 17. Mestu po iskanju eos na google trends. Eos ni samo ime za kriptovaluto. V iskanju izraza eos crypto je slovenija 2. Na svetu takoj za nizozemsko. Se je upanje
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
4knative ::
Zgleda da gre vse počasi na ATH.
"When we are dead, it's not what we HODL or SODL that matters.
It's what we BUIDL."
It's what we BUIDL."
_sas_ ::
Vazelin ::
punisher10 je izjavil:
RPX je še ok, v primerjavi u drugimi na kucoin
Ja, KCS ima free fall.
kontra ::
punisher10 je izjavil:
RPX je še ok, v primerjavi u drugimi na kucoin
Ja, KCS ima free fall.
Jaz HODL že en cajt pa nič od tega hehe
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kontra ()
Vazelin ::
naj te hrabijo HODLerji od rippla, ko so na smetano čakali skoraj leto dni
al pa ajde kak verge
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()
aljo558 ::
Se opravicujem ce je blo ze kje omenjeno glede tega, ampak me zanima kako ste vi kaj z Airdropi? Sodelujete ali je to bolj kot ne kaksen nateg? Kokr sm uspel razbrati iz googla naj bi dali nekaj coinsov v zameno za neke usluge (sheranje objav itd.).
Rok Woot ::
Kaj je s tem kucoinom, včasih dam order, pa kr zgine. Pol mam pa reserved amount nevem kolk cajta preden se sprosti.
Nobenih active orderjev ali nakazil, pa imam reserved denar.
Nobenih active orderjev ali nakazil, pa imam reserved denar.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rok Woot ()
Mato989 ::
fak ta tema je ratala čist mrtvilo, če se spomnim 3 tedne nazaj
Počakaj do naslednjega runa... zdaj počivamo, mene prsti bolijo :D
Če sem pomagal, se priporočam za uporabo linka!