Forum » Kriptovalute in blockchain » špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
špekuliranje cen kriptovalut in ICO-jev
Temo vidijo: vsi
K0l1br1 ::
matico1 ::
še odgovor od Envion-a:
But here we are, so here goes:
Postponing was a no-brainer. We're looking at deals that could rival the size of our ICO and bring greater returns to every token holder. Nobody who manages to get a token on the 15th is going to second-guess that decision.
We'll give evidence of the cooperation in the coming days even if we can't give the bank name. This is big news for us and a top priority.
Our MMUs work at VERY low temp with outside temperatures in a normal range. Our testing shows that it will work in 40C. Also, if we need to retrofit a container for a special installation location, then we'll do that.
We plan on a number of customization to deal with environmental factors, not just temperature. For example, our latest innovations have to do with shock since micro vibrations can affect chips in the long term.
Right now we have the luxury of choice of where in the world we install. These edge cases are a non-issue to profitability. For some reason, people think the company can't make money because there exist places in the world where X occurs. We just won't take those deals if we can't figure out a way to make money. There are plenty of offers where we can do just fine.
Our operating unit is currently inside a factory providing winter heat.
Anyone can put GPUs in a box and call it a mining unit. Our innovation is that we use the same processes that industry uses to design for maintenance, for production lines, and for remote operation. If you are comparing envion to random miners operating in a random corner of the world and not enterprises like Bosch or Samsung, then you don't grasp how we operate.
The MMUs are designed to be as low maintenance as possible. Even thought they are close to zero maintenance, our first customers will host large arrays of dozens of MMUs--places where it will be cost effective to have maintenance personnel on duty or where power plant personnel can be trained to perform routine activities.
Eventually, we will engineer all of the remaining manual maintenance activities out of the design and it will be possible to install a single unit somewhere where maintenance personnel is not available. Again, for now we have the luxury of choice and all the calculations for this are in the ROI details we've published.
Our calculations include regular hardware replacements due to bad miners or occasional burn out. More importantly, our mining software makes those replacements much less likely.
When the hardware is no longer able to mine profitably, then we use it for something else. Large enterprises as well as startups are investing billions into blockchain technologies and the computational power from these miners can be used to provide the physical infrastructure these businesses rely on. The cost of the container itself is marginal compared to the GPU/ASIC price. When they are completely obsolete and cannot provide any more value, the entire unit will simply be replaced. That's part of what the 25% reinvestment is about--growth and deprecated MMU replacement. That is all part of the ROI calculations.
But here we are, so here goes:
Postponing was a no-brainer. We're looking at deals that could rival the size of our ICO and bring greater returns to every token holder. Nobody who manages to get a token on the 15th is going to second-guess that decision.
We'll give evidence of the cooperation in the coming days even if we can't give the bank name. This is big news for us and a top priority.
Our MMUs work at VERY low temp with outside temperatures in a normal range. Our testing shows that it will work in 40C. Also, if we need to retrofit a container for a special installation location, then we'll do that.
We plan on a number of customization to deal with environmental factors, not just temperature. For example, our latest innovations have to do with shock since micro vibrations can affect chips in the long term.
Right now we have the luxury of choice of where in the world we install. These edge cases are a non-issue to profitability. For some reason, people think the company can't make money because there exist places in the world where X occurs. We just won't take those deals if we can't figure out a way to make money. There are plenty of offers where we can do just fine.
Our operating unit is currently inside a factory providing winter heat.
Anyone can put GPUs in a box and call it a mining unit. Our innovation is that we use the same processes that industry uses to design for maintenance, for production lines, and for remote operation. If you are comparing envion to random miners operating in a random corner of the world and not enterprises like Bosch or Samsung, then you don't grasp how we operate.
The MMUs are designed to be as low maintenance as possible. Even thought they are close to zero maintenance, our first customers will host large arrays of dozens of MMUs--places where it will be cost effective to have maintenance personnel on duty or where power plant personnel can be trained to perform routine activities.
Eventually, we will engineer all of the remaining manual maintenance activities out of the design and it will be possible to install a single unit somewhere where maintenance personnel is not available. Again, for now we have the luxury of choice and all the calculations for this are in the ROI details we've published.
Our calculations include regular hardware replacements due to bad miners or occasional burn out. More importantly, our mining software makes those replacements much less likely.
When the hardware is no longer able to mine profitably, then we use it for something else. Large enterprises as well as startups are investing billions into blockchain technologies and the computational power from these miners can be used to provide the physical infrastructure these businesses rely on. The cost of the container itself is marginal compared to the GPU/ASIC price. When they are completely obsolete and cannot provide any more value, the entire unit will simply be replaced. That's part of what the 25% reinvestment is about--growth and deprecated MMU replacement. That is all part of the ROI calculations.
chavlji ::
Kul. Me je malo že začela skrbet ta hitra rast. Jaz bom tudi počakal v fiat na par zelenih stickov nad 10k, preden bom kupil nazaj za hold.
Pa dipe probam vmes zadet.
Pa dipe probam vmes zadet.
sivistol ::
prvo gre dol do 7k
binance referal ( 10% off )
Tarzan ::
Spet ni prebilo, po mojem bo šlo spet do okoli 9400, mogoče celo nižje, če se bodo tokrat kiti bolj potrudili. :)
Hair ::
Kje lahko shortam coine?
Na voljo imaš CFDje in Margin trading.
Za CFDje je po mojih raziskavah najboljši Plus500, za MT pa ne vem - vem samo, da ga ima Bitfinex, pa vrjetno še kakšna borza.
Soft-shortanje (mogoče še najbolj pametno), pa je to, da prodaš kovance in greš v fiat.
Je pa Plus500 v zadnjih dveh tednih spremenil leverage na BTC iz 1:30 na 1:2, kar meni skoraj ni več zanimivo. Se vedno bolj spogledujem z drugimi konvanci, ki imajo bolj agresivne vzvode. Po drugi strani je pa zdaj malo boljše za živce.
Whenever people agree with me, I feel I must be wrong.
Rok Woot ::
Gledam sedaj Plus500, pa so premije brutalne. To je 500x višja premija kot pri delnicah (oziroma 50000 % večja). Je to normalno? Tudi na razpolago je le ene 10 različnih coinov ...
Hair ::
Je normalno, ker je tudi volatilnost za podobno % večja, kot pri delnicah. Coine redno dodajajo glede na trading volume, ki ga dosegajo (ker je volume pač nujno potreben za likvidnost CFDjev).
Še za te, ki so trenutno na platformi, se večkrat zapre možnost trgovanja (ali zapiranja pozicij!!!). BTC ima najmanj problemov, ker ima pač največji volume.
0.001 Contracts
Unit amount
Fixed Spread
Premium buy
-0.5000 %
Premium sell
-0.2000 %
Initial margin
50.00 %
Maintenance margin
25.00 %
Expires daily
Še za te, ki so trenutno na platformi, se večkrat zapre možnost trgovanja (ali zapiranja pozicij!!!). BTC ima najmanj problemov, ker ima pač največji volume.
0.001 Contracts
Unit amount
Fixed Spread
Premium buy
-0.5000 %
Premium sell
-0.2000 %
Initial margin
50.00 %
Maintenance margin
25.00 %
Expires daily
Whenever people agree with me, I feel I must be wrong.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Hair ()
K0l1br1 ::
Baja ::
jaz vidim višji high in visji low od vceraj. na 1D grafu zgleda kot bull flag. kaj pa vem. $7k se zdi vedno manj možno.
perci ::
Whali ne želijo, da cena prehitro pade - imajo še dosti za prodat, preden spustijo cene za nove nakupe.
CoreySteel ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
I am very proud to announce that our new rewarding system is now LIVE. We hit our deadline again and delivered as promised. Help us by contributing, growing and promoting the cause!!
Fantje, kupte dokler je vajb še dokaj cheap. To je x5 potencial imo
Zahvalite se mi lahko čez pol leta![]()
Resno? Tole je bistveno vecji potencial
Začneva na veliko spamat to tukaj? :D
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
chavlji ::
A še kdo spremlja to youtuberko?
Sej vem... youtube, even worse than fb groups. Ampak ta se mi zdi kul. Trezno, analitično razmišlja.
Ko zmeraj sprašujem kaj vi spremljate za hinte (poleg tega foruma), pa ni nikoli glih odziva :)
Sej vem... youtube, even worse than fb groups. Ampak ta se mi zdi kul. Trezno, analitično razmišlja.
Ko zmeraj sprašujem kaj vi spremljate za hinte (poleg tega foruma), pa ni nikoli glih odziva :)
CoreySteel ::
Kok procentov svojega portfelija ponavad vlozite v taksne?
Od 1-5%, odvisno od projekta.
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
slotechar ::
Nekatere sem obcasno pogledal kaj napovedujejo. Tako mimogrede. Vendar so dostkrat zgresili. Se posebi pa bitcoin
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
slotechar ::
Problem pri vecini je ta da upostevajo ali samo grafe ali pa samo napovedujejo na podlagi novic. Najbolj je da uporabis vse kar mas na razpolago. In analizo in novice, govorice in intuicijo, vse kar mas in potem skusas iz tega povlect priblizno napoved
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
slotechar ::
Ne napovedujem vec ker sem uzaljen. Ker me nikol ne poslusas in delas obratno kot recem :)
K0l1br1 ::
Saj vsi na koncu koncev delamo po svoje. Radi pa imamo info in se potem odločamo. Ti kar povej, nč bat ;)
slotechar ::
Ali pa tist crypto pregovor ki pravi : Jaz se samemu sebi ne itak da ne zaupas. Kako si bo kdo zaupal ce skor vsakic pridela minus? Res. Se dobr da si ne zaupa. Ampak to ga verjetn ne preprecuje pred nadalnim gemblanjem ne?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
slotechar ::
Itak ce maste na desetine ce ne stotine btc. Jaz bi bil tut. Sem zelel kupit btc ze pred leti pa me je na slotech nekdo prestrasil naj ne kupujemo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: slotechar ()
Nimkapu ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Se splača koine prenašat iz ene na drugo borzo in jih prodajat kjer je dražje?
Isto razmišlu :) Verjetno je odvisno kok si vzame za digitalno pot, pa feeji.
Mogoč za večje cifre :)
PrihajaNodi ::
Postopek ponoviš 2x, 3x, potem pa se med potjo koini zgubijo...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
fukich ::
zdravo, zanimam se za majnšo investicijo v kriptovalute, vendar sem na tem področju še kar nov,tako da me zanima kaj bi kaj predlagali? gledal sem NEO,stratis, ethereum..
Hvala lp
Hvala lp
PrihajaNodi ::
zdravo, zanimam se za majnšo investicijo v kriptovalute, vendar sem na tem področju še kar nov,tako da me zanima kaj bi kaj predlagali? gledal sem NEO,stratis, ethereum..
Hvala lp
Kmd, Ethc, Monacoin, Lisk. Vse ostalo je predrago. 5% pa daš v riziko koine. Pa ja ne boš kupoval ETH ja za to ceno...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
YesPeace ::
zdravo, zanimam se za majnšo investicijo v kriptovalute, vendar sem na tem področju še kar nov,tako da me zanima kaj bi kaj predlagali? gledal sem NEO,stratis, ethereum..
Hvala lp
Najbolj primerno je če daš v BLX (na ICONOMI platformi) imaš lepo razprešno in najbolj varno... ne rabiš odpirati več exchangou in pošiljati kovance na 10 koncev...
Nimkapu ::
zdravo, zanimam se za majnšo investicijo v kriptovalute, vendar sem na tem področju še kar nov,tako da me zanima kaj bi kaj predlagali? gledal sem NEO,stratis, ethereum..
Hvala lp
Najbolj primerno je če daš v BLX (na ICONOMI platformi) imaš lepo razprešno in najbolj varno... ne rabiš odpirati več exchangou in pošiljati kovance na 10 koncev...
Najboljši nasvet :)
PrihajaNodi ::
Samo poglejte si dneve in rast, če to ni stabilna valuta...
Samo poglejte si dneve in rast, če to ni stabilna valuta...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PrihajaNodi ()
D3m0r4l1z3d ::
Stabilna valuta? Ne se hecat.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link:
Cryptopia ref. link:
kingsix ::
PrihajaNodi je izjavil:
Se splača koine prenašat iz ene na drugo borzo in jih prodajat kjer je dražje?
Danes sem na podoben način v plusu 7.4 ETH. Nice.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kingsix ()
PrihajaNodi ::
D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:
Stabilna valuta? Ne se hecat.
Da, samo poglej si dneve, kdaj je bil tak padec kot ICN ali Neo?
slotechar ::
Kingix a zaupas na katerih 2 menjalnicah si to naredu? Ker ta dobicek je vec kot mam jst vsega skp in zelo mika