Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

c3p0 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
ni za dvakrat rečt, da je to ta lada iz slike levo spodaj:
Lada Niva, kaj pa druga.

kow ::
Kdaj bodo Rusi zapustili Belorusijo? Verjetno je čas, da prenehajo izzivati močno Poljsko državo, ki ima pravico do buffer območja in lastne varnosti. Ali je čas, da Poljska napade fašistično hunto v Minsku?

Cveto ::
Brez nuklearnega orožja bi bila situacija precej drugačna. Poljaki bi z lahkoto pregazili Belorusijo, sploh ker tam pa bi se zrušil režim in pobegnil predsednik (ki ga itak večina ne podpira). Vse govorim za primer, da Rusi ne bi mogli posredovat (trenutno bi težko, vsaj na kopnem ne več s čem bi).
Je pa to isto nuklearno orožje, ki zdaj ščiti Rusijo, dolga leta ščitilo zahodno Evropo. Računajte, kako močan je bil Varšavski pakt, kompletna Rusija z veliko večjim proračunom kot zdaj, Poljska, Ukrajina, Madžarska, Češkoslovaška, da Belorusije in raznih "stan" držav niti ne omenjam. Brez grožnje zahoda z nuklearnim orožjem bi se ustavili ravno na Pirinejih. NATO je imel seveda kup vojske, a precej tega izven Evrope, z atlantikom polnim podmorniv vmes (in precej verjetno osvojenim Islandom kot Sovjetsko "letalonosilko".
Je pa to isto nuklearno orožje, ki zdaj ščiti Rusijo, dolga leta ščitilo zahodno Evropo. Računajte, kako močan je bil Varšavski pakt, kompletna Rusija z veliko večjim proračunom kot zdaj, Poljska, Ukrajina, Madžarska, Češkoslovaška, da Belorusije in raznih "stan" držav niti ne omenjam. Brez grožnje zahoda z nuklearnim orožjem bi se ustavili ravno na Pirinejih. NATO je imel seveda kup vojske, a precej tega izven Evrope, z atlantikom polnim podmorniv vmes (in precej verjetno osvojenim Islandom kot Sovjetsko "letalonosilko".

krucymucy ::
Kdaj bodo Rusi zapustili Belorusijo? Verjetno je čas, da prenehajo izzivati močno Poljsko državo, ki ima pravico do buffer območja in lastne varnosti. Ali je čas, da Poljska napade fašistično hunto v Minsku?
Nekdo mora danacificirat Belorusijo, zasesti Minsk in menjati nacisticno vlado.
Nekako tako so bili prvotni cilji 34 dni nazaj.
V glavnem naj se ta norija cimprej konca, sankcije pa nadaljevati.

fikus_ ::
Nekateri se obnašate prav otročje. Če ste pa odrastli, pa po sistemu faušije, če meni ena krava crkne, sosedu pa dve, sem zadovoljen.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

chucki ::
Ce podpirajo putina, potem naj stradajo ane.
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti

bbbbbb2015 ::
Brez nuklearnega orožja bi bila situacija precej drugačna. Poljaki bi z lahkoto pregazili Belorusijo, sploh ker tam pa bi se zrušil režim in pobegnil predsednik (ki ga itak večina ne podpira). Vse govorim za primer, da Rusi ne bi mogli posredovat (trenutno bi težko, vsaj na kopnem ne več s čem bi).
Predlagam ti, da Poljske ne omenjaš v takem kontekstu. Poljska je doživela večji napad s strani Nemčije v, večina pa je pozabila dodati, da je pol ozemlja sedanje Poljske v bistvu bivša Nemčija oz. Prusija.
S strani kavč zgodovinarjev, predvsem tegale:
je bilo vse to analizirano in njegova sodba je sicer, da je bila agresivna predvsem Nemčija (v, Poljska pa je z izjavami in politiko to agresijo še stopnjevala.
Poljaki so tudi sedaj med najbolj agresivnimi (predvsem pol Poljske je bilo nekdanje rusko carstvo). Namesto, da bi napetost umirjali, Poljaki še bolj prilivajo bencin na ogenj.
Poljakom ne želim nič slabega, samo obnašajo se prav agresivno, na nivoju banditskosti. To ni v redu. Zato je treba Poljake malo umiriti. Ta vojna se mora končati. Poljaki pa kot da bi bili veseli, da se kuri Ukrajina in da krvavi Rusija.

fikus_ ::
Težava nastane, da stradajo vsi. Tisti, ki so bližje pri koritu in dejansko podpirajo vladajoči režim, bodo še najmanj stradali.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

bbbbbb2015 ::
Kaj ti bo orožje če nimaš kadra... Mater ste butci, Ukrajinci še NLAWov ne znajo uporabljat.
Ahahah, kavč vorijor.
En sam posnetek je, kjer je vojak Ukrajine ustrelil NLAW preblizu in se vžigalnik ni aktiviral. Drugače pa so skurili kar nekaj oklepnikov Rusije.
Pa čist tako. Predlagam ti, da greš kot prostovoljec malo tja, ter se podučiš in jih podučiš, kako se žoka protitankovsko orožje.
V realnosti je tako, da pomoliti glavo ven, se izpostaviti, aktivirati orožje, pomeriti, držati sprožilec 3 sekunde (da NLAW izračuna prehitek) - to rabiš kar pogum. Moraš biti že izkušen borec, sprožiti kar nekaj izstrelkov, da to rutinirano narediš.
Tako da šimfati Ukrajince ni v redu. Vsi jih ocenjujejo (sploh ZDA) kot učinkovite vojake.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()

s1m0n ::

rejven ::
Brez nuklearnega orožja bi bila situacija precej drugačna. Poljaki bi z lahkoto pregazili Belorusijo, sploh ker tam pa bi se zrušil režim in pobegnil predsednik (ki ga itak večina ne podpira). Vse govorim za primer, da Rusi ne bi mogli posredovat (trenutno bi težko, vsaj na kopnem ne več s čem bi).
Še to se nam manjka, da daleč najbolj zahojen narod v evropi obudi svoje ozemeljske težnje...

Lonsarg ::
Sladkor je v bistvu precej slaba hrana in je fino zmanjsat.
Dokler ima clovek beljakovine in vitamine to ni stradanje.
Dokler ima clovek beljakovine in vitamine to ni stradanje.

sbawe64 ::
MSM počasi obrača ploščo
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order

ripmork ::
Že kako ga je Jelcin nastavil, je za bruhat. Jelcin v že zelo razviti stopnji demenece, si je izbral svojega naslednika Putkota.
Prejšnji teden bila serija dokumentarcev o Putlerju, so tudi ta del prikazali. Snemalci ob Jelcinu in njegovi familiji čakali, da novoizvoljeni Vladimirovič vrne častni klic in se predhodniku zahvali za pomoč, pa ga niso dočakali


Pac-Man ::
The first channel: in the ruined (destroyed by the Russian army, by the way) temples survived in Mariupol, which means that God is with us.
There is nothing human in Putin's propaganda anymore.
Only the cult of war - with temples of war, with the consecration of missiles, with prayers to the glory of the warlike king.
in video, 18+
Video from Irpin shows death and destruction in the city
The first channel: in the ruined (destroyed by the Russian army, by the way) temples survived in Mariupol, which means that God is with us.
There is nothing human in Putin's propaganda anymore.
Only the cult of war - with temples of war, with the consecration of missiles, with prayers to the glory of the warlike king.
in video, 18+
Video from Irpin shows death and destruction in the city
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
POV: you are living at the Gates of Europe [seznam vseh bitk za Kijiv z Wikija] Did I mention living through history actually sucks? 0/10 wouldn't recommend
POV: you are living at the Gates of Europe [seznam vseh bitk za Kijiv z Wikija] Did I mention living through history actually sucks? 0/10 wouldn't recommend
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::
Ruske izgube opreme: 2085, of which: destroyed: 1041, damaged: 38, abandoned: 235, captured: 771
Od tega tankov: 340, of which destroyed: 149, damaged: 6, abandoned: 43, captured: 142
Od tega tankov: 340, of which destroyed: 149, damaged: 6, abandoned: 43, captured: 142

cias ::
Švedi so na napačni strani zgodovine!
Pomemben podatek za nas ki smo kupili rublje ko so bili na minimu.
Who gives a fuck![]()
Pomemben podatek za nas ki smo kupili rublje ko so bili na minimu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()

fikus_ ::
Težava nastane, da stradajo vsi. Tisti, ki so bližje pri koritu in dejansko podpirajo vladajoči režim, bodo še najmanj stradali.
Kdo pa jih brani, da se izselijo iz Rusije pa gredo na boljše… Ali pa so prisiljeni pobegnit tako kot milijoni nič krivih Ukrajincev.
To je populistično nabijanje, kot da se bi lahko kar tako preseljevali med državami. Verjamem, da bi marsikdo že pred vojno raje šel nekam na zahod, pa ni imel pogojev, ga zahod ne bi sprejel. Sedaj je pa zahod sovražno nastrojen proti Rusom, tako da je še manj možnosti za preselitev.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

mackilla ::

Yohan del Sud ::
Hvalit se z nakupom rubljev v tem trenutku je isto kot bi se hvalil, da si na antipsihotikih.

mackilla ::

fikus_ ::
So si sami krivi... Kaj pa se igrajo takšnih igric pri soverenih sosedih.
Pojdi vprašat navadnega nepriviligiranega ruskega volilca, ali je za vojno v UA. Vprašaj ga tako, da se bo počutil varnega pred RU državo. Grem stavit, da bo velika večina proti vojni.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

s1m0n ::
So si sami krivi... Kaj pa se igrajo takšnih igric pri soverenih sosedih.
Pojdi vprašat navadnega nepriviligiranega ruskega volilca, ali je za vojno v UA. Vprašaj ga tako, da se bo počutil varnega pred RU državo. Grem stavit, da bo velika večina proti vojni.
Izobraženi mladi bodo protii pa čeprav tega ne bodo direktno povedali. Vsi ostali pa so oprani s strani medijev in to vojno podpirajo.

cias ::
Si kupil jaPics or it didn't happen.
Par tednov nazaj ste se mi smejali če me z rublji placujejo, danes pa že da sploh nimam rubljev.
Ne razumem kako nimate niti osnovnih poznavanj trga- buy the dip.
Stavili ste na nacije, naciji izgubljajo, ste na napačni strani zgodovine.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: sirotka ()

kow ::
Buy the dip strategija deluje, samo ce kupujes dobrino, ki ohranja ali ji narasca vrednost. Si 'buy the dip' naredil tudi po zasedbi Krima?

mackilla ::
Si kupil jaPics or it didn't happen.
Par tednov nazaj ste se mi smejali če me z rublji placujejo, danes pa že da sploh nimam rubljev.
Ne razumem kako nimate niti osnovnih poznavanj trga- buy the dip.
Stavili ste na nacije, naciji izgubljajo, ste na napačni strani zgodovine.
Nehaj prosim vsi vemo,da nimaš nič. Oziroma manj kot VladarP,ki je baje kupil 2000 Rubljev.


mackilla ::

Pac-Man ::
The Times:
Natalya is not her real name and her son is not called Oleksii, but those are the names she has chosen to tell the story of how their lives were turned upside down by the Russian soldiers who invaded their home, stole from them and shot dead her husband before raping her repeatedly over the course of several hours on March 9.
Natalya, 33 and her husband, Andrey, 35, lived in a small hamlet near Shevchenkove village in Brovary district, outside Kyiv, where the couple chose to build their first home together next to a thick pine forest.
“We were planning a child and we were dreaming about our first home,” she recalls in a long phone call from Ternopil, the city where she is now sheltering. “We wanted to live closer to nature, that’s why we didn’t live in the city.
The next morning, they heard a single gunshot outside the house and the sound of the gate being broken down. Coming out of the house with their hands raised, they saw a group of soldiers, one with his rifle still pointed at their dog lying dead in the yard.
Later the soldiers went looking for petrol for a quad bike they had stolen from their neighbours. The commander leered at Natalya, introducing himself as Mikhail Romanov, saying that if there were not a war on they would surely have a romance.
“There was another guy named Vitaly who asked for forgiveness for the dog. He said back in his home town he and his wife were dog breeders,” Natalya said. “Mikhail at that moment seemed a bit drunk.
The commander grew aggressive when he saw a camouflage jacket in Andrey’s car and opened fire, shooting it up, before threatening to blow up Natalya’s car with a grenade. She begged him to leave it for emergencies but he snatched the keys, revving the engine and crashing it into a fallen tree trunk before abandoning it and stomping off. After dark, they heard a commotion at the gate and Andrey went out to check what was happening, leaving the door open.
“I heard a single shot, the sounds of the gate opening and then the sound of footsteps in the house,” Natalya said. It was Romanov, who had returned with a different man in his twenties, wearing a black uniform “I cried out, where is my husband, then I looked outside and I saw him on the ground by the gate. This younger guy pulled gun to my head and said: ‘I shot your husband because he’s a Nazi.’”
Natalya called to her son to stay in the boiler room where they had been sheltering from the shelling. “He said ‘you’d better shut up or I’ll get your child and show him his mother’s brains spread around the house’,” she recalled, her voice fading for the first time. “He told me to take my clothes off. Then they both raped me one after the other. They didn’t care that my son was in the boiler room crying. They told me to go shut him up and come back. All the time they held the gun by my head and taunted me, saying ‘how do you think she sucks it? Shall we kill her or keep her alive?’”
After some time, the men left and she went to her son, who was rigid with fear and refusing to move. About 20 minutes later, they returned, and raped her again before stumbling off. “When they came back for the third time, they were so drunk they were barely standing,” Natalya said. “Eventually both of them fell asleep in the chairs. I crept into the boiler room and told my son we have to run away really fast or we will get shot.” This time he followed mutely into the yard.
Natalya continued: “While I was opening the gate my son was standing next to his father’s body but it was dark and he did not understand it was his father. He said ‘will we get shot the same as this man here?’”
She identified Romanov from social media profiles, later learning he was accused of multiple assaults. She does not know the identity of the second rapist, only that she is the only victim who might be able to identify him. Last week she was contacted to be told a man believed to be Romanov had been killed by Ukrainian forces in Brovary, “but I still do not know for sure if it is true.”
Natalya is not her real name and her son is not called Oleksii, but those are the names she has chosen to tell the story of how their lives were turned upside down by the Russian soldiers who invaded their home, stole from them and shot dead her husband before raping her repeatedly over the course of several hours on March 9.
Natalya, 33 and her husband, Andrey, 35, lived in a small hamlet near Shevchenkove village in Brovary district, outside Kyiv, where the couple chose to build their first home together next to a thick pine forest.
“We were planning a child and we were dreaming about our first home,” she recalls in a long phone call from Ternopil, the city where she is now sheltering. “We wanted to live closer to nature, that’s why we didn’t live in the city.
The next morning, they heard a single gunshot outside the house and the sound of the gate being broken down. Coming out of the house with their hands raised, they saw a group of soldiers, one with his rifle still pointed at their dog lying dead in the yard.
Later the soldiers went looking for petrol for a quad bike they had stolen from their neighbours. The commander leered at Natalya, introducing himself as Mikhail Romanov, saying that if there were not a war on they would surely have a romance.
“There was another guy named Vitaly who asked for forgiveness for the dog. He said back in his home town he and his wife were dog breeders,” Natalya said. “Mikhail at that moment seemed a bit drunk.
The commander grew aggressive when he saw a camouflage jacket in Andrey’s car and opened fire, shooting it up, before threatening to blow up Natalya’s car with a grenade. She begged him to leave it for emergencies but he snatched the keys, revving the engine and crashing it into a fallen tree trunk before abandoning it and stomping off. After dark, they heard a commotion at the gate and Andrey went out to check what was happening, leaving the door open.
“I heard a single shot, the sounds of the gate opening and then the sound of footsteps in the house,” Natalya said. It was Romanov, who had returned with a different man in his twenties, wearing a black uniform “I cried out, where is my husband, then I looked outside and I saw him on the ground by the gate. This younger guy pulled gun to my head and said: ‘I shot your husband because he’s a Nazi.’”
Natalya called to her son to stay in the boiler room where they had been sheltering from the shelling. “He said ‘you’d better shut up or I’ll get your child and show him his mother’s brains spread around the house’,” she recalled, her voice fading for the first time. “He told me to take my clothes off. Then they both raped me one after the other. They didn’t care that my son was in the boiler room crying. They told me to go shut him up and come back. All the time they held the gun by my head and taunted me, saying ‘how do you think she sucks it? Shall we kill her or keep her alive?’”
After some time, the men left and she went to her son, who was rigid with fear and refusing to move. About 20 minutes later, they returned, and raped her again before stumbling off. “When they came back for the third time, they were so drunk they were barely standing,” Natalya said. “Eventually both of them fell asleep in the chairs. I crept into the boiler room and told my son we have to run away really fast or we will get shot.” This time he followed mutely into the yard.
Natalya continued: “While I was opening the gate my son was standing next to his father’s body but it was dark and he did not understand it was his father. He said ‘will we get shot the same as this man here?’”
She identified Romanov from social media profiles, later learning he was accused of multiple assaults. She does not know the identity of the second rapist, only that she is the only victim who might be able to identify him. Last week she was contacted to be told a man believed to be Romanov had been killed by Ukrainian forces in Brovary, “but I still do not know for sure if it is true.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kopriwa ::
Brez da bi dal kaj vrednosti na (vsiljivo) mnenje Zelenskega, ampak vse sankcije, ki smo jih uvedli proti Rusiji morajo ostat za nedoločen čas. Neposredna in posredna ekonomska škoda povzročena zaradi te vojne je ogromna in nikoli ne bo "poplačana", vsaj jaz ne vidim načina kako bi Rusija lahko to vrnila. Da ne govorimo o preostali škodi v odnosu prebivalcev zahoda in Rusije ter izgubi vseh človeških življenj. Nič več ne bo tako kot je bilo.
P.S.: Edina "dobra" stran te vojne, da se je zmanjšalo število nacionalistov na eni in drugi strani. A kaj ko je dostikrat posledica vojne ravno povečanje števila le-teh.
P.S.: Edina "dobra" stran te vojne, da se je zmanjšalo število nacionalistov na eni in drugi strani. A kaj ko je dostikrat posledica vojne ravno povečanje števila le-teh.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: kopriwa ()

PrimoZ_ ::
Si kupil jaPics or it didn't happen.
Par tednov nazaj ste se mi smejali če me z rublji placujejo, danes pa že da sploh nimam rubljev.
Ne razumem kako nimate niti osnovnih poznavanj trga- buy the dip.
Stavili ste na nacije, naciji izgubljajo, ste na napačni strani zgodovine.
Stavili na Ruse ? Ne nismo.
Lepo pa da priznaš da Rusi izgubljajo.

Pac-Man ::
Pojdi vprašat navadnega nepriviligiranega ruskega volilca, ali je za vojno v UA. Vprašaj ga tako, da se bo počutil varnega pred RU državo. Grem stavit, da bo velika večina proti vojni.
So vprašali. Stavo bi izgubil.
About 58 percent of Russians approve of the invasion of Ukraine, while 23 percent oppose it, according to a poll conducted across Russia a week into Moscow’s full-scale assault.
The telephone survey, carried out last week by a group of independent survey research organizations, found relatively modest support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine compared with typical levels in the early stages of past incursions.
The national survey was conducted between Feb. 28 and March 1 among a random sample of 1,640 adults across the country. Participants were asked whether they support the Russian military operation on Ukrainian territory. The research firms released the full questionnaire and data set publicly.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::
Že kako ga je Jelcin nastavil, je za bruhat. Jelcin v že zelo razviti stopnji demenece, si je izbral svojega naslednika Putkota.
Prejšnji teden bila serija dokumentarcev o Putlerju, so tudi ta del prikazali. Snemalci ob Jelcinu in njegovi familiji čakali, da novoizvoljeni Vladimirovič vrne častni klic in se predhodniku zahvali za pomoč, pa ga niso dočakaliBoris, ki je bil ključen za Putinovo uspešno kampanjo, je bil takoj po izvolitvi zavržen kot stara cunja. Samo en od mnogih uvidov v to, s kakšnim karakterjem je opravka.
Dokumentarce sem gledal tudi jaz in ni bilo čisto tako. Jelcin je bil ob zadnji tretjini svojega mandata vsak dan tako pijan, da je ob sestankih ministrskega sveta za enega ministra trdil, da pokriva eno področje, v resnici pa je pokrival nekaj povsem drugega.
Jelcin je vztrajal, da se ministri presedejo in se tudi so.
Kaj je Putin za Jelcina naredil, je naredil to, da je sprejel zakon ali odredbo, da noben predsednik kriminalno ne odgovarja ali sploh ne odgovarja za dejanja v času svojega službovanja.
To je naredil zaradi Jelcina.
To je to. Potem je Putin šel naprej, Jelcin pa ne vem, kaj je pričakoval.
Glede na vse povedano, je Putin takrat po moje ravnal prav in državnotvorno.
V Sloveniji bi en visok uradnik, rumenokljuni ptič, letel k svoji ženki na televizijo in bi takoj ekipa šla snemat bivšega predsednika, kako si pijačo daje na zob.
Ter potem takoj *EKSKLUZIVNO* na TV, kjer ne bi vedel, če moraš zdaj gledati joške poročevalke ali bivšega predsednika, ki ga nažiga. In se človek sprašuje, kako je lahko tako namazana ob 5h zjutraj, ko bi bila hišna preiskava pri bivšem predsedniku, ker bi iskali pijačo.
Naslednji dan pa bi uni vilenec, davkoplačevalec, ki se ne da, takoj žokal kazensko ovadbo na kosu WC papirja. Čez bivšega predsednika, sedanjega presednika, oziroma vse po spisku, s čistilko vred.
Cel svet pa bi se Sloveniji režal.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()

cias ::
Nehaj prosim vsi vemo,da nimaš nič. Oziroma manj kot VladarP,ki je baje kupil 2000 Rubljev.![]()
Vse kar sem naredil je da sem prestopil na sklad ki stavi na Rusijo.
Torej profitiram na vsem od energentov, valute, hrane...
Sploh ne morem dojeti kako bi stvar lahko potekala drugače? Sedaj čakam kaj bo s plačevanjem v rubljih.
Za razliko od vas nisem čustveno investiran v to posebno vojaško operacijo. Strogo pa nasprotujem da se v Sloveniji poveča revščina za to da bojo Američani zadovoljni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: sirotka ()

Unchancy ::
Vse povedano v temu članku drži kot pribito:
Kljub temu nekateri ljudje ali prikimavajo Putinu, čeprav so bili vsi njegovi nedavni javni nastopi polni strateškega zavajanja in zgodovinskega revizionizma, ali pa pravijo, da ubogi avtokrat ob imperialističnih apetitih NATO-pakta ni imel druge izbire, kot da pobija ženske in otroke v sosednji državi.
Nazadnje, predvsem na zahodnoevropskem levem političnem polu se pojavlja argument tipa "Putin je avtokrat, ampak". Tovrstni argument sicer obsoja Putinovo invazijo, podpira protivojne proteste, a obsodba izzveni kot disclaimer, ki mu sledi ista zgodba o ameriškem imperializmu, ki je spremljala vse ameriške vojaške intervencije do sedaj, čeprav, kot rečeno, NATO trenutno ne meče bomb na evropske civiliste. Saj dejstva, ki jih navajajo, niso nujno napačna, samo moralnih prioritet ne razumem najbolje. Biti konsistenten in načelen ne pomeni še naprej obsojati NATO-zavezništva, ko Putin bombardira otroške bolnišnice v Ukrajini. Biti konsistenten pomeni obsoditi Putina, kot smo prej obsojali vojne ZDA, in podpreti ukrepe, ki bodo njegove načrte ustavili, četudi to v danih okoliščinah pomeni podporo zvezi NATO ali našim lastnim evropskim voditeljem, nad katerimi smo sicer vsi tako razočarani.
A vsaka tovrstna samorefleksija pomeni zgolj nov prizor na televiziji, v katerem vojaki s ceste umikajo trupla štiričlanske družine z dvema majhnima otrokoma, ki jim ni uspelo ubežati Putinovim bombam.
Ukrajinci zdajle nimajo časa za naše gledanje v ogledalo.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()

fikus_ ::
Pojdi vprašat navadnega nepriviligiranega ruskega volilca, ali je za vojno v UA. Vprašaj ga tako, da se bo počutil varnega pred RU državo. Grem stavit, da bo velika večina proti vojni.
So vprašali. Stavo bi izgubil.
About 58 percent of Russians approve of the invasion of Ukraine, while 23 percent oppose it, according to a poll conducted across Russia a week into Moscow’s full-scale assault.
The telephone survey, carried out last week by a group of independent survey research organizations, found relatively modest support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine compared with typical levels in the early stages of past incursions.
The national survey was conducted between Feb. 28 and March 1 among a random sample of 1,640 adults across the country. Participants were asked whether they support the Russian military operation on Ukrainian territory. The research firms released the full questionnaire and data set publicly.
Verjetno so se trudili po najboljših močeh izpeljati anketo, ampak verjamem, da navaden Rus, ki se ne želi zameriti državi, ne bo kar tako zaupal svojega mnenja nekomu po telefonu, ker ga to mnenje lahko "drago" stane.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

l0g1t3ch ::
Nehaj prosim vsi vemo,da nimaš nič. Oziroma manj kot VladarP,ki je baje kupil 2000 Rubljev.![]()
Vse kar sem naredil je da sem prestopil na sklad ki stavi na Rusijo.
Torej profitiram na vsem od energentov, valute, hrane...
Sploh ne morem dojeti kako bi stvar lahko potekala drugače? Sedaj čakam kaj bo s plačevanjem v rubljih.
Za razliko od vas nisem čustveno investiran v to posebno vojaško operacijo. Strogo pa nasprotujem da se v Sloveniji poveča revščina za to da bojo Američani zadovoljni.
Torej si pač vojni dobičkar.
Američani so ti samo prikladen izgovor.
Dejstva so sila enostavna, da je Rusija v tej zgodbi agresor nad sosednjo samostojno in suvereno državo.

cias ::
Vse povedano v temu članku drži kot pribito:
A vsaka tovrstna samorefleksija pomeni zgolj nov prizor na televiziji, v katerem vojaki s ceste umikajo trupla štiričlanske družine z dvema majhnima otrokoma, ki jim ni uspelo ubežati Putinovim bombam.
Ukrajinci zdajle nimajo časa za naše gledanje v ogledalo.
Kar na enkrat ni casa, kar na enkrat nas brigajo otroci. Uf, kje ste bili moralisti zadnjih 8 let? Šele ko Americani ukažejo aktivirate čustva?
September 8, 2014
Ukraine must stop ongoing abuses and war crimes by pro-Ukrainian volunteer forces
Torej si pač vojni dobičkar.
Zakaj ne smem konkurirati miljarderjem? Te moti ker Kamali Harris odžiram kak promil profita?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()

Pac-Man ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Kaj je Putin za Jelcina naredil, je naredil to, da je sprejel zakon ali odredbo, da noben predsednik kriminalno ne odgovarja ali sploh ne odgovarja za dejanja v času svojega službovanja.
Bilo je bolj omejeno na Jelcinovo družino. Vsi prijavljeni na njegovem naslovu so dobili imuniteto, tu je bila še posebej važna hčerka, ki je zadnja leta vodila posle.
oktober 1999
In recent months, the Dyachenko name has surfaced in two major international investigations into alleged corruption in Russia.
In Switzerland, prosecutors are looking into allegations that Tatyana Dyachenko charged thousands of dollars in purchases on a credit card given to her by the Swiss firm Mabetex, which received $300 million in construction contracts from the Kremlin.
In Washington, a top Bank of New York executive testified at a congressional hearing last month that her husband, Leonid Dyachenko, had two accounts in the bank’s Cayman Islands branch. The wealthy businessman has not been accused of wrongdoing, but his accounts are among dozens under scrutiny by U.S. investigators looking into possible Russian money-laundering through the bank.
januar 2000
Almost the first act of acting President Vladimir Putin was to issue a decree granting immunity to Mr Yeltsin and bestowing privileges on members of his family.
The text of the decree is open to interpretation as to how immune members of Mr Yeltsin's family will actually be from prosecution for corruption. But as Mr Yeltsin's residence has been declared immune and all the members of his family live at the same address, they look pretty safe at a time when revelations of largescale corruption are continuing to emerge.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
