Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
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Pac-Man ::
vojaški zgodovinar, ex-NSA
Kolesnikov was CG of the 29th CAA, not the boss of the Eastern MD. Note that GenMaj in Russia is a 1-star rank rank (not 2 stars as in NATO). 3 dead 1-stars is a bad look for Moscow, but there are always colonels eager to move up to take their place.
Now THIS is a very big deal...ROC/MP will not be happy about this.
This is a stunning defeat for Putin and the "Russian World" concept. In spiritual terms, Moscow has already lost the war.
Strangely, Metropolitan Onufriy, the head of the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church, made no mention of "Nazis" or "genocide" or US bio-labs when he denounced Moscow for its aggression against "our country" -- and war as "the worst sin in the world."
Q: I am curious to know your take on Putin turning to foreign volunteers and now Belarusians. Does it signify more difficulty for him that he is outsourcing this early into it?
A: Most Russian conscripts don't want to fight Ukrainians and/or die in a disastrously-run campaign in a war of choice against their neighbor. That's what this means.
Odd that Fukuyama omitted the word "nuclear" from his analysis, given that "escalate to de-escalate" is stated Russian MoD doctrine.
I hope Fukuyama's right about Putin's impending defeat and collapse, but this is academic #happytalk .
The word "nuclear" is absent from this essay -- which is delusional given what we know even at the UNCLAS level about Russian MoD warfighting doctrine.
Russia will ultimately be defeated in Ukraine. Though that may be a while yet. It's also quite possible that Putin will escalate the conflict, perhaps with tactical nuclear weapons.
Indeed, looming Kremlin defeat may make escalation more likely. Easy outcomes are gone, folks.
Q: What do you make of the Jerusalem talks?
A: Pretty much any negotiated settlement seems preferable to continuing this awful war, but we haven't left Putin many offramps, so....we'll see.
The Kremlin stupidly assessed that Ukrainians would greet Russian troops as their "liberators" from Kyiv's "Nazi junta."
Therefore, don't expect Moscow's intelligence assessments of NATO's intentions and war planning to be any more reality-based here.
Many countries have nukes. Only one country has an official military doctrine based on the (frankly insane) notion of "escalate to de-escalate" with tactical nuclear weapons.
The more you know about Russian MoD doctrine, the more nervous you are right now.
Apparently FSB had prepared analyses suggesting widespread discontent.
Classic intel failure: discontent with government = we'll be welcomed as liberators.
Iraqi Shia hate Saddam, ergo they'll be thrilled to see us!
Yeah, I've heard this one before.
Kolesnikov was CG of the 29th CAA, not the boss of the Eastern MD. Note that GenMaj in Russia is a 1-star rank rank (not 2 stars as in NATO). 3 dead 1-stars is a bad look for Moscow, but there are always colonels eager to move up to take their place.
Now THIS is a very big deal...ROC/MP will not be happy about this.
The Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Onufry made a statement about Russia's war against Ukraine. He, in particular, stated that "today our country is going through a time of difficult trials caused by the attack on our country by the troops of the Russian Federation ," and also called the war "a terrible sin."The Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church has taken sides in the Ukraine war -- against Russia, from the head of the UOC himself.
This is a stunning defeat for Putin and the "Russian World" concept. In spiritual terms, Moscow has already lost the war.
Strangely, Metropolitan Onufriy, the head of the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church, made no mention of "Nazis" or "genocide" or US bio-labs when he denounced Moscow for its aggression against "our country" -- and war as "the worst sin in the world."
Q: I am curious to know your take on Putin turning to foreign volunteers and now Belarusians. Does it signify more difficulty for him that he is outsourcing this early into it?
A: Most Russian conscripts don't want to fight Ukrainians and/or die in a disastrously-run campaign in a war of choice against their neighbor. That's what this means.
Odd that Fukuyama omitted the word "nuclear" from his analysis, given that "escalate to de-escalate" is stated Russian MoD doctrine.
I hope Fukuyama's right about Putin's impending defeat and collapse, but this is academic #happytalk .
The word "nuclear" is absent from this essay -- which is delusional given what we know even at the UNCLAS level about Russian MoD warfighting doctrine.
Russia will ultimately be defeated in Ukraine. Though that may be a while yet. It's also quite possible that Putin will escalate the conflict, perhaps with tactical nuclear weapons.
Indeed, looming Kremlin defeat may make escalation more likely. Easy outcomes are gone, folks.
Q: What do you make of the Jerusalem talks?
A: Pretty much any negotiated settlement seems preferable to continuing this awful war, but we haven't left Putin many offramps, so....we'll see.
The Kremlin stupidly assessed that Ukrainians would greet Russian troops as their "liberators" from Kyiv's "Nazi junta."
Therefore, don't expect Moscow's intelligence assessments of NATO's intentions and war planning to be any more reality-based here.
Many countries have nukes. Only one country has an official military doctrine based on the (frankly insane) notion of "escalate to de-escalate" with tactical nuclear weapons.
The more you know about Russian MoD doctrine, the more nervous you are right now.
Apparently FSB had prepared analyses suggesting widespread discontent.
Classic intel failure: discontent with government = we'll be welcomed as liberators.
Iraqi Shia hate Saddam, ergo they'll be thrilled to see us!
Yeah, I've heard this one before.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

MojaDežela ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
MojaDežela je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
MojaDežela je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Draga cena za ego in trmo obeh strani. Zelenski bi vendarle moral zascititi svoj narod.
ker nisi ukrajinec tega ne boš razumel..
on ščiti narod ker si to ukrajinci želijo in hočejo bojevati-braniti!!!
če bi Zelenski odstopil-pobegnil bi bil največja sramota za njih ker jih je zapustil-
begunci na polskem vsebolj podpirajo Zelenskega in nočejo da se preda oz predajo - ker so Ukrajinci v tej vojni barbarsko napadeni in vedo da je svet na njihovi strani.
Populist je naredil, kar so želeli državljani, kar pa je večkrat napacna odločitev. Državljani razmisljajo s srcem in kri ne pride do možganov.
se pravi slovenski populisti 91 (bučar, pučnik) so naredili kar smo želeli državljani in po tvoje je to bila napaqčna odločitev? pa ljudje kje vi živite? v Beogradu, Minsku -očitno ne razmišljate po slovensko ampak po rusko-žal ni vam pomoči-haha
Pravim, da bi lahko Zelenski vse skupaj bolje premislil, sel v vojno bolj strateško, bolj pogajalsko, brez civilnih zrtev.
Odlocil se je za najhujse možno, pomesal vojake med civiliste, ukazati pa bi moral evakuacijo vseh civilistov.
V glavnem kreten.
no kako bi pa prvi dan vojne po prvem bombardiranju začel z evakuacijo cca 40 milijonskega naroda (donbas ni računan) -tega še v zdodovini ni bilo in ne bo - ah ja ... vprašat bi moral putinčka...on vse ve... on bi počakal mesec dni da se evakuirano in potem prsa ob prsa - v glavnem kdo je zdaj kreten?
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
MojaDežela je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
MojaDežela je izjavil:
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Draga cena za ego in trmo obeh strani. Zelenski bi vendarle moral zascititi svoj narod.
ker nisi ukrajinec tega ne boš razumel..
on ščiti narod ker si to ukrajinci želijo in hočejo bojevati-braniti!!!
če bi Zelenski odstopil-pobegnil bi bil največja sramota za njih ker jih je zapustil-
begunci na polskem vsebolj podpirajo Zelenskega in nočejo da se preda oz predajo - ker so Ukrajinci v tej vojni barbarsko napadeni in vedo da je svet na njihovi strani.
Populist je naredil, kar so želeli državljani, kar pa je večkrat napacna odločitev. Državljani razmisljajo s srcem in kri ne pride do možganov.
se pravi slovenski populisti 91 (bučar, pučnik) so naredili kar smo želeli državljani in po tvoje je to bila napaqčna odločitev? pa ljudje kje vi živite? v Beogradu, Minsku -očitno ne razmišljate po slovensko ampak po rusko-žal ni vam pomoči-haha
Pravim, da bi lahko Zelenski vse skupaj bolje premislil, sel v vojno bolj strateško, bolj pogajalsko, brez civilnih zrtev.
Odlocil se je za najhujse možno, pomesal vojake med civiliste, ukazati pa bi moral evakuacijo vseh civilistov.
V glavnem kreten.
no kako bi pa prvi dan vojne po prvem bombardiranju začel z evakuacijo cca 40 milijonskega naroda (donbas ni računan) -tega še v zdodovini ni bilo in ne bo - ah ja ... vprašat bi moral putinčka...on vse ve... on bi počakal mesec dni da se evakuirajo in potem le vojaki prsa ob prsa - v glavnem kretensko, ne?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MojaDežela ()

korenje3 ::
Samo še čakamo na vojno med Iranom in ZDA. Iran pred pol ure bombardiral ameriško bazo v iraku.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

MojaDežela ::
haha - slike za zgodovinske učbenike v osnovni šoli! ne pa da se sedanji v 9.razredu učijo pri zgodovini o stalinizmu in kolektivizaciji v Rusiji pred in grozote le tega-kot da opisuje putinčkov režim--ojoj katera rusofilska komisija je to lansirala v OŠ? -

Pac-Man ::
V osnovi nit o Prigožinu in trol vojski
Putin has designs to rebuild a Russian empire, the old Soviet Bloc under his control.
He has said as much and demonstrated it with his acquisitions in Chechnya, Crimea, and Donbas
He is carefully avoiding NATO countries and there are indications that Moldova is next on his list. To me it looks an lot like the path of Germany in the 1930s... the Rhineland, Danzig, Anschloss, the Sudetenland, and Poland.
At any point before Poland it could have ended if England, France, and Czechoslovakia had been willing to go to war.
Instead they were so intent on peace at any cost that they sacrifice up Czechoslovakia for "peace for our time"
Putin has designs to rebuild a Russian empire, the old Soviet Bloc under his control.
He has said as much and demonstrated it with his acquisitions in Chechnya, Crimea, and Donbas
He is carefully avoiding NATO countries and there are indications that Moldova is next on his list. To me it looks an lot like the path of Germany in the 1930s... the Rhineland, Danzig, Anschloss, the Sudetenland, and Poland.
At any point before Poland it could have ended if England, France, and Czechoslovakia had been willing to go to war.
Instead they were so intent on peace at any cost that they sacrifice up Czechoslovakia for "peace for our time"
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Chalky ::
NOW - Multiple long-range ballistic missiles fired at US consulate in Erbil, Iraq, Sky News Arabia reports.
Koliko resnice je v tem bomo verjetno zvedeli kmalu. Drugače pa Severna Koreja, Iran, Rusija, Kitajska kar dobro drezajo v ZDA. To je kar velika preizkušnja za Američane, ki so takole na različnih kontinentih izvani. Zaenkrat so precej zadržani, me malce skrbi ker ponavadi ti dajo hitro vedeti kje ti je mesto. Samo upam da ne bo prišlo da kakšne večje štale, mislim da je že zdaj šlo vse preko meja.
Koliko resnice je v tem bomo verjetno zvedeli kmalu. Drugače pa Severna Koreja, Iran, Rusija, Kitajska kar dobro drezajo v ZDA. To je kar velika preizkušnja za Američane, ki so takole na različnih kontinentih izvani. Zaenkrat so precej zadržani, me malce skrbi ker ponavadi ti dajo hitro vedeti kje ti je mesto. Samo upam da ne bo prišlo da kakšne večje štale, mislim da je že zdaj šlo vse preko meja.

BorutO ::
Čemu je tako, ko pa rusofili trdijo drugače. Razen, če gre še za en fejkan članek?
Čemu je tako, ko pa rusofili trdijo drugače. Razen, če gre še za en fejkan članek?

korenje3 ::
Rusi "Bežijo" iz Rusije. wtf?
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: korenje3 ()

strawman ::

BorutO ::
Tako je ... Ukrajinci so begunci, rusi so pa migranti ... ekonomski migranti, kajti v rusiji ni vojne ... razen, če se ukrajincev bojijo, da bi jih napadli ... kot pravi Putler, se brani pred ukrajinci.

Pac-Man ::
Nit o ruski zaporniški kulturi in njeni aplikaciji na tamkajšnjo politiko + malo zgodovine
Let me tell you about social structure and dynamics of Russian prison. The lowest position in the hierarchy is reserved for pariahs, the "cocks".
What defines a cock? First, he must sleep by the toilet, parasha. Hence a punchline "I hear a voice from parasha" you use to destroy your opponent's argument, by suggesting he's a cock.
Ofc, a cock will be raped by anyone. There's other stuff Twitter might block me for describing Now, how do you become a cock? Largely by consenting to it. Ofc nobody would ask you directly "wanna be a cock?" and nobody would ever agree.
Agreement is given implicitly, step by step, by acting nicely, reasonably and avoiding confrontation. Which "moves you down" in hierarchy
How is relevant to the ongoing conflict. To start with, Russian ruling class is no stranger to this culture. They actively hang out and do "business" with mafia
They act like mafia - here you see a parade of alumni of the FSB academy.
Federal Security Service is as their chief told "the new nobility" of Russia and the very elite core of the regime. They own the country And they are mafia: that's an attorney of the city of Obninsk. Nobody really hides anything ...
Russian social media look pretty funny.
One of my favourite comments with tons of likes is kinda "keep calm, you don't really think Putin would do this without clearly understanding the consequences and what to do next?".
That's the unironically loyalist position right now
In a sense Putin made a mistake declaring his invasion of Ukraine. In Georgia and in Chechnya he claimed to be beating off the aggression or the "provocation".
That was BS ofc, but he denied responsibility for the escalation. And now he admitted it himself, publicly, willingly
That will be disastrous for him not regarding the world public opinion, but regarding his reputation in Russia.
Why did he declare it's *he* who started the war? Because he expected 100% win and was PR-maxing.
Thus he proudly assumed responsibility for the guaranteed victory
But now the victory doesn't look that guaranteed. And even the loyalists are telling each other to keep calm, cuz the national leader surely knew what he was doing.
But with every day, with every new sanction, with inevitable hyperinflation, they'll be questioning this assumption
Consider the following. Typically such regimes fall after a small victorious war they initiated and lost.
Again, typically they were absolutely certain they would win and thus attacked.
For this reason the defeat brings huge disillusionment and destroys the legitimising mythos
For example the key factor of the fall of Russian Empire was the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.
That's how Japan was portrayed in the war propaganda. A tiny country, puppet of foreigners, no match to our great forces Imperial hubris looks striking. Japanese were portrayed as subhumans, yellow slant-eyed macaques who will 100% be beaten both on land And on sea. Just trust the plan, emperor surely knows what he's doing ...
Let me tell you about social structure and dynamics of Russian prison. The lowest position in the hierarchy is reserved for pariahs, the "cocks".
What defines a cock? First, he must sleep by the toilet, parasha. Hence a punchline "I hear a voice from parasha" you use to destroy your opponent's argument, by suggesting he's a cock.
Ofc, a cock will be raped by anyone. There's other stuff Twitter might block me for describing Now, how do you become a cock? Largely by consenting to it. Ofc nobody would ask you directly "wanna be a cock?" and nobody would ever agree.
Agreement is given implicitly, step by step, by acting nicely, reasonably and avoiding confrontation. Which "moves you down" in hierarchy
How is relevant to the ongoing conflict. To start with, Russian ruling class is no stranger to this culture. They actively hang out and do "business" with mafia
They act like mafia - here you see a parade of alumni of the FSB academy.
Federal Security Service is as their chief told "the new nobility" of Russia and the very elite core of the regime. They own the country And they are mafia: that's an attorney of the city of Obninsk. Nobody really hides anything ...
Russian social media look pretty funny.
One of my favourite comments with tons of likes is kinda "keep calm, you don't really think Putin would do this without clearly understanding the consequences and what to do next?".
That's the unironically loyalist position right now
In a sense Putin made a mistake declaring his invasion of Ukraine. In Georgia and in Chechnya he claimed to be beating off the aggression or the "provocation".
That was BS ofc, but he denied responsibility for the escalation. And now he admitted it himself, publicly, willingly
That will be disastrous for him not regarding the world public opinion, but regarding his reputation in Russia.
Why did he declare it's *he* who started the war? Because he expected 100% win and was PR-maxing.
Thus he proudly assumed responsibility for the guaranteed victory
But now the victory doesn't look that guaranteed. And even the loyalists are telling each other to keep calm, cuz the national leader surely knew what he was doing.
But with every day, with every new sanction, with inevitable hyperinflation, they'll be questioning this assumption
Consider the following. Typically such regimes fall after a small victorious war they initiated and lost.
Again, typically they were absolutely certain they would win and thus attacked.
For this reason the defeat brings huge disillusionment and destroys the legitimising mythos
For example the key factor of the fall of Russian Empire was the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.
That's how Japan was portrayed in the war propaganda. A tiny country, puppet of foreigners, no match to our great forces Imperial hubris looks striking. Japanese were portrayed as subhumans, yellow slant-eyed macaques who will 100% be beaten both on land And on sea. Just trust the plan, emperor surely knows what he's doing ...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

korenje3 ::
Rusi "Bežijo" iz Rusije. wtf?
Sedaj jim lahko rečeš ekonomski migranti.
Zakaj bi rusi bežali v revnejše države?
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::
Zakaj bi rusi bežali v revnejše države?
Ker kmalu ne bodo več revnejše?
Familija spizdila iz Rusije v Uzbekistan.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Voss ::
Reportedly death squads follow #Russia military convoys with order to kill deserters and all soldiers refusing to execute orders. Putin clearly gets his inspiration from Stalin in WW2 and mixes in a bit of Hitler. #StopPutler
Soldiers of Belarus said a firm NO to attacking #Ukraine Lukashenka/Putin try to quench uprising by putting #Russia officers in command
by Lesia Vasylenko - Ukrainian MP
Potrebno je vzeti tele njene zapise with grain of salt. So pa američani kar samozavestno danes govorili, da Belorusi ne bodo napadli...
Soldiers of Belarus said a firm NO to attacking #Ukraine Lukashenka/Putin try to quench uprising by putting #Russia officers in command
by Lesia Vasylenko - Ukrainian MP
Potrebno je vzeti tele njene zapise with grain of salt. So pa američani kar samozavestno danes govorili, da Belorusi ne bodo napadli...

korenje3 ::
Kako ima tale Pac-Man takojšen dostop do propagandnega gradiva. Kr povleče razne ruske vlogerje za katere 99,99% sveta ni slišal.
Majke mi če ni ta pac-man plačani agent za propagando.
Majke mi če ni ta pac-man plačani agent za propagando.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

BorutO ::
Čemu pa ti verjameš, korenček? Katerim medijem, vlogerjem, časnikom, videem itd? Ker nekomu moreš verjeti, ker ne moreš potem trditi, kdo so rusi, kdo so ukrajinci, kdo je v kateri državi itd, če ničesar ne spremljaš ... malo še nam ti svoje vire pokaži, da vemo, če so pravi.

strawman ::

endelin ::
Baje naj bi Putler izgubil v treh tednih več vojakov kot američani v Iraku v več letih. Sem prav bral?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

strawman ::
Če gledaš samo smrti ameriških vojakov, potem da. Če šteješ še vse milice in zunanje vojaške kontraktorje, verjetno ne.
Pa seveda ruski vojaki niso mrtvi. So samo v 'posebnem zdravstvenem stanju'.
Pa seveda ruski vojaki niso mrtvi. So samo v 'posebnem zdravstvenem stanju'.

fur80 ::

korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Pac-Man ::
Kako ima tale Pac-Man takojšen dostop do propagandnega gradiva. Kr povleče razne ruske vlogerje za katere 99,99% sveta ni slišal.Algoritem, bro. Pa za gugl si že slišal?
Majke mi če ni ta pac-man plačani agent za propagando.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

strawman ::
V svobodni Rusiji je očitno že prepovedano držati prazen list papirja v rokah.

endelin ::
Russians who say they are ashamed of the country's "special military operation" in Ukraine are not real Russians, the Kremlin said on Friday

enemon ::

sir_mha ::
Idealna priložnost, da si sedaj ustvarimo sliko, kako lahko cerkve delujejo v vojnih situacijah. Pri nas v WW2 je bilo sicer še huje, ker so bili božji mirovniki res fokusirani le na določene skupune sodržavljanov.
Listen to this sermon which reflects a message that has an increasing mass support. He's preaching for annexing Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia. "And what is gonna happen with Baltic countries - you can imagine yourself". Public cheers the escalation and imperial expansion

voss_ ::
Kaj sem danes nekaj prebral na Telegramu?
Z and V, you are not alone.
Hmm, fantje in punce, veliko boste kolesarili
Majhna cena da stojimo ob strani največji demokraciji na svetu.
Z and V, you are not alone.
Hmm, fantje in punce, veliko boste kolesarili

Majhna cena da stojimo ob strani največji demokraciji na svetu.

gozdar1 ::

voss_ ::

sir_mha ::
Saj bo na poptv čez kakšen teden, če bojo ocenili da je vam sploh treba vedet. V svobodi in demokraciji ne moreš kar poročat o dogodkih po svetu, brez da bi prej šlo čez kompetentne, kredibilne presojevalce.
Ali bi bil tako prijazen in nam zaupal svoj vir?

sparklyslo ::
Medtem ko Putlerjevi mirovniki bombardirajo mesta, šole in bolnice, Ukrajinska vojska uničuje ruske tanke...

Aston_11 ::
MojaDežela je izjavil:
putinova denacifikacija pomeni istočasno ubijati naci-nosečnice, naci-dojenčke, naci-otroke, naci-dedeke in babice?
DA, ker je rekel denacifikacijo ukrajine! pomeni ves stem se strinja mnogo Slovencev sodeč po komentarjih - ogabno!!!!! bi razumel da je to rekel psihični shizofrenik v psihiatrijski ustanovi na zprtem oddelku - a od daleč se vidi da v to skupino spada tud putin-poosebljenje zla!
V 2020 je vsak dan umrlo 13,800 otrok. Si tocil solze? Aja nisi... ker ni bilo podpore medijev in ni bilo moderno.
Moraš biti res težek psihopat, da ti to služi kot opravičilo za nadalnja pobijanja.

Pac-Man ::
A way to picture the magnitude of the wealth accumulated by Russian oligarchs.
One oligarch’s super yacht seized in Italy is worth more than all the money pledged by the EU to arm Ukraine.
A way to picture the magnitude of the wealth accumulated by Russian oligarchs.
One oligarch’s super yacht seized in Italy is worth more than all the money pledged by the EU to arm Ukraine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dice7 ::

FilipF ::
Ali te sankcije pomenijo razvoj nove vrste demokracije?
Bo postalo normalno, da nas lahko trenutni oblastniki razlastijo in zaplenijo bančne račune, brez razloga oziroma samo njim znanega razloga?
Sprašujem, ker sem si ogledal:
Bo postalo normalno, da nas lahko trenutni oblastniki razlastijo in zaplenijo bančne račune, brez razloga oziroma samo njim znanega razloga?
Sprašujem, ker sem si ogledal:

dice7 ::
Predlagam da v izogib nadaljnih mozganskih poskodb ne prebiras vec fox news opinion kolumnov

sir_mha ::
Zelo dober kratek pregled Putinove kariere od Čečenije naprej brez nekih kvazi filozofiranj in tudi brez nevrotičnih dodatkov "kaj je užalilo Putina, da je ponorel".

voss_ ::
Ali te sankcije pomenijo razvoj nove vrste demokracije?
Bo postalo normalno, da nas lahko trenutni oblastniki razlastijo in zaplenijo bančne račune, brez razloga oziroma samo njim znanega razloga?
Sprašujem, ker sem si ogledal:
Saj Zahod to že dgo dela, zapleni bančne račune in celo bitcoine posameznikom ki so nevarni za demokracijo in naše vrednote.
Rečejo da si beli supremacist, dokazov seveda ne rabijo in te oskubijo.
Nick Fuentes, the 22-year-old white nationalist leader, says the government seized a significant amount of money from him, while complaining that he was placed on a no-fly list that prevented him from flying from Chicago to Florida to attend a press conference yesterday.

FilipF ::
Predlagam da v izogib nadaljnih mozganskih poskodb ne prebiras vec fox news opinion kolumnov
Najlepša hvala za nasvet. Sigurno imaš tehtne razloge za takšen nasvet. Si prebral in razumel, kam se lahko prav hitro zapelje naša demokracija?
So dokazi, da se v demokraciji to že dogaja. So to vrednote za katere se zavzemaš?

voss_ ::

dice7 ::
Fejk, tako kot tisti Z ji poceckani po raznih oklepnikih
Je kar problem ce ne upostevas druzbene pogodbe
Predlagam da v izogib nadaljnih mozganskih poskodb ne prebiras vec fox news opinion kolumnov
Najlepša hvala za nasvet. Sigurno imaš tehtne razloge za takšen nasvet. Si prebral in razumel, kam se lahko prav hitro zapelje naša demokracija?
So dokazi, da se v demokraciji to že dogaja. So to vrednote za katere se zavzemaš?
Je kar problem ce ne upostevas druzbene pogodbe
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dice7 ()

Pac-Man ::
How Novaya Gazeta keeps covering Ukraine despite Russian laws outlawing the very use of the word "war".
They just write "[forbidden word]" every time they need to mention the war
How Novaya Gazeta keeps covering Ukraine despite Russian laws outlawing the very use of the word "war".
They just write "[forbidden word]" every time they need to mention the war
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

FilipF ::
Fejk, tako kot tisti Z ji poceckani po raznih oklepnikih
Predlagam da v izogib nadaljnih mozganskih poskodb ne prebiras vec fox news opinion kolumnov
Najlepša hvala za nasvet. Sigurno imaš tehtne razloge za takšen nasvet. Si prebral in razumel, kam se lahko prav hitro zapelje naša demokracija?
So dokazi, da se v demokraciji to že dogaja. So to vrednote za katere se zavzemaš?
Je kar problem ce ne upostevas druzbene pogodbe
Na podlagi katere družbene pogodbe v Kanadi že izvajajo zaplembo (rop) bančnih računov in drugega premoženja svojih državljanov?

Pac-Man ::
Sestreljeno letalo + 2 padali, video. Spet su-34?
Menda staro [trdi prorus], ampak sam prvič vidim.
Menda staro [trdi prorus], ampak sam prvič vidim.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

TezkoDihanje ::

redo ::
@FilipF: A boš dal link na sodne spise teh primere, ali rabimo sami najt?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: redo ()

FilipF ::
Follow the money
-nekonsistenten teoretik zarot
Lepo prosim, še enkrat preberi/poslušaj:
Na podlagi katerega zakona/predpisa, je bilo zaplenjeno premoženje podpornikov tovornjakarjev?