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Funny and cool links

Tero ::
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: Predator ()

Uporabnik ::

Dr_M ::
men tut u firebirdu 0.7 dela

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Tero ::
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tero ()

Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

fictionel ::
Ce bi Bozicek na vsa pisma odgovarjal posteno .....
Dragi Bozicek! Rad bi mel tak fajn igracko spejs renzer za bozic.
Bil sm pridn fant vse leto. Tvoj prijatu, TilEN
Dragi Tilen! Lepo crkovanje. Si na poti dobre kariere v pravu.
Kaj ko bi ti poslal eno trapasto knjigo, da bi se naucil
brati in pisati? Tvojemu starejsemu bratu bom podaril space rangerje.
Vsaj ON zna crkovati! Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! Celo leto sem bila pridna punca in edina stvar za katero te prosim,
Je mir in zadovoljstvo za vsakogar na Zemlji. Pozdravcek od Sare!
Draga Sara! Tvoji starsi so kadili travo, ko so te naredli, a ne?
Dragi Bozicek! Ne vem, ce lahko to naredis, vendar za Bozic si zelim,
da bi mami in ocka ostala skupaj. Prosim poskusi to narediti. Pozdravcek od Urosa
Dragi Uros,
Poglej, tvoj ocka poriva varusko kot hurikan steklena vrata.
Mislis, da bo pustil vse to in prisel nazaj k tvoji frigidni mami z veliko ritjo?
Cas je, da opustis to sanjarjenje. Prinesel ti bom raje ene lepe Lego kocke.
Dragi Bozicek! Zelim si novo kolo, Playstation, vlakec, nekaj legokock, psa,
ponija, klavir. Lep pozdrav, Franci
Dragi Franci, Kdo se danes imenuje svoje otroke "Franci"? Sigurno si peder.
Dragi Bozicek! Pustila sem ti malo mleka in piskote na drevesu, pa tudi malo
korencka za tvoje jelencke tam zunaj. Suzana >
Draga Suzana, Po mleku dobim izpuscaje in korenje povzroci,
da mi jeleni serjejo v obraz med voznjo v saneh. Mislis, da si mi naredila uslugo?
Pusti mi raje steklenico viskija. Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! Kaj pocnes drugih 364 dni v letu? Si zaposlen z izdelovanjem igrac?
Tvoj prijatelj Tomaz
Dragi Tomaz, Vse igrace so narejene na Kitajskem. V Vegasu imam vikend,
kjer prezivim vecino casa z izdelovanjem nizkoproracunskih porno filmov.
Med dnevi pocnem nemnosti, prijemam za riti natakarice in zgubljam denar v Casinoju.
Zelis vedeti se kaj? Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! Ali nas vidis, ko spimo, ali res ves, kdaj smo zbujeni, kot v
pesmici? tvoja prijateljica Mojca
Draga Mojca, A si res tako butasta? Veliko srece, karkoli bos ze pocela v zivljenju.
Tvojo hiso bom preskocil. Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! To leto si res zelo zelo zelo zelim puncko. Prosim prosim prosim PROSIM PROSIM
ali jo lahko dobim? Katja
Draga Katja, To butasto tecnarjenje mogoce deluje pri tvojih starsih,
vendar pri meni ne. Spet bos dobila pulover. Bozicek
Pol mu pa pište
Dragi Bozicek! Rad bi mel tak fajn igracko spejs renzer za bozic.
Bil sm pridn fant vse leto. Tvoj prijatu, TilEN
Dragi Tilen! Lepo crkovanje. Si na poti dobre kariere v pravu.
Kaj ko bi ti poslal eno trapasto knjigo, da bi se naucil
brati in pisati? Tvojemu starejsemu bratu bom podaril space rangerje.
Vsaj ON zna crkovati! Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! Celo leto sem bila pridna punca in edina stvar za katero te prosim,
Je mir in zadovoljstvo za vsakogar na Zemlji. Pozdravcek od Sare!
Draga Sara! Tvoji starsi so kadili travo, ko so te naredli, a ne?
Dragi Bozicek! Ne vem, ce lahko to naredis, vendar za Bozic si zelim,
da bi mami in ocka ostala skupaj. Prosim poskusi to narediti. Pozdravcek od Urosa
Dragi Uros,
Poglej, tvoj ocka poriva varusko kot hurikan steklena vrata.
Mislis, da bo pustil vse to in prisel nazaj k tvoji frigidni mami z veliko ritjo?
Cas je, da opustis to sanjarjenje. Prinesel ti bom raje ene lepe Lego kocke.
Dragi Bozicek! Zelim si novo kolo, Playstation, vlakec, nekaj legokock, psa,
ponija, klavir. Lep pozdrav, Franci
Dragi Franci, Kdo se danes imenuje svoje otroke "Franci"? Sigurno si peder.
Dragi Bozicek! Pustila sem ti malo mleka in piskote na drevesu, pa tudi malo
korencka za tvoje jelencke tam zunaj. Suzana >
Draga Suzana, Po mleku dobim izpuscaje in korenje povzroci,
da mi jeleni serjejo v obraz med voznjo v saneh. Mislis, da si mi naredila uslugo?
Pusti mi raje steklenico viskija. Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! Kaj pocnes drugih 364 dni v letu? Si zaposlen z izdelovanjem igrac?
Tvoj prijatelj Tomaz
Dragi Tomaz, Vse igrace so narejene na Kitajskem. V Vegasu imam vikend,
kjer prezivim vecino casa z izdelovanjem nizkoproracunskih porno filmov.
Med dnevi pocnem nemnosti, prijemam za riti natakarice in zgubljam denar v Casinoju.
Zelis vedeti se kaj? Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! Ali nas vidis, ko spimo, ali res ves, kdaj smo zbujeni, kot v
pesmici? tvoja prijateljica Mojca
Draga Mojca, A si res tako butasta? Veliko srece, karkoli bos ze pocela v zivljenju.
Tvojo hiso bom preskocil. Bozicek
Dragi Bozicek! To leto si res zelo zelo zelo zelim puncko. Prosim prosim prosim PROSIM PROSIM
ali jo lahko dobim? Katja
Draga Katja, To butasto tecnarjenje mogoce deluje pri tvojih starsih,
vendar pri meni ne. Spet bos dobila pulover. Bozicek
Pol mu pa pište

Brane2 ::
Pomembnost pravilnega postavljanja locil-1001. primer:
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous,
kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn
for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be
forever happy--will you let me be yours?
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous,
kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn.
For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can
be forever happy. Will you let me be?

Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous,
kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn
for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be
forever happy--will you let me be yours?
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous,
kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn.
For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can
be forever happy. Will you let me be?

Mercier ::
Odveo Hercegovac familiju na more i odluči da nauči malog sina da pliva. Baci ga u more, a mali potone. Hercegovac ga izvuče i stavi mu naramenice za plivanje. Baci ga u vodu, mali ponovo potone. Stavi mu i slauf, mali ponovo potone. Vec sav raspizdjen, stavi mu i peraje, ali mali ponovo potone. U to če stara nana koja sve to gleda: Skini mu lančič...

Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

`ripper` ::
hehe, tole sicer je eno daljše čtivo, samo obljubljam vam da se boste smejali do solz ;))
Kako ga ameriški fotri pokajo proti hekerjem...
Vsekakor je zateva Must-Read!
Kako ga ameriški fotri pokajo proti hekerjem...
Vsekakor je zateva Must-Read!

bibl bubl babl ble
tukej sicer napišeš, kaj maš v ohišju, sam mene je mal sram... :)
tukej sicer napišeš, kaj maš v ohišju, sam mene je mal sram... :)

Dr_M ::
hehe...ja modificiran znak od honde

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

moj_nick ::
Meni najbolj smešne stvari iz ripperjevega linka:
Top ten signs that your son is a hacker:
If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.
Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.
Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.
Top ten signs that your son is a hacker:
If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.
Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?
BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.
Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: moj_nick ()

Tero ::
If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer, he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day.
že zelo dolgo se nisem tako smejal

že zelo dolgo se nisem tako smejal

Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

mchaber ::
Anketa z tistega linka Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
I'm scared of hackers because...
They hack into NASA 5%
They steal things 4%
They are violent sociopaths 4%
They use amphetamines and speed 7%
They help Osama Bin Laden 14%
They're un-American 5%
They smell bad 58%
I'm scared of hackers because...
They hack into NASA 5%
They steal things 4%
They are violent sociopaths 4%
They use amphetamines and speed 7%
They help Osama Bin Laden 14%
They're un-American 5%
They smell bad 58%

Brane2 ::
U trgovinu ulazi kupac i gleda namjestaj. Namjestaj je visoke kvalitete i
visokih cijena. U jednom trenutku kupac upita da li bi mogao kupiti
polovicu jednog masivnog radnog stola. Prodavac mu odgovori da mora upitati
sefa prodavaone i uputi se u sefov ured, a da nije primjetio da za njime
ide i kupac.
Otvori vrata sefovog ureda i kaze:
"Imam jednog idiota u trgovini koji zeli kupiti pola stola!" U tom trenutku
primjeti zabezeknuti izraz na sefovom licu koji je iza prodavacevih leda
ugledao kupca. Prodavac se okrene i mrtav hladan nadoda: "A imam ovdje i
jednog izuzetnog gospodina koji bi zelio kupiti drugu polovicu."
Nakon sto je situacija prebrodena, sef se okrene prema prodavacu i kaze:
"Stvarno svaka cast, nisam mislio da se mozete izvuci iz jedne takve
nezgodne situacije. Kako se zovete, odakle ste porijeklom?"
Prodavac: "Zovem se Horvat, iz Rijeke, grad velikih nogometasa i jeftinih
"Zaista?", kaze sef: "Moja zena je iz Rijeke".
Prodavac bez promjene u licu upita:
"Zaista, za koji klub igra?"
visokih cijena. U jednom trenutku kupac upita da li bi mogao kupiti
polovicu jednog masivnog radnog stola. Prodavac mu odgovori da mora upitati
sefa prodavaone i uputi se u sefov ured, a da nije primjetio da za njime
ide i kupac.
Otvori vrata sefovog ureda i kaze:
"Imam jednog idiota u trgovini koji zeli kupiti pola stola!" U tom trenutku
primjeti zabezeknuti izraz na sefovom licu koji je iza prodavacevih leda
ugledao kupca. Prodavac se okrene i mrtav hladan nadoda: "A imam ovdje i
jednog izuzetnog gospodina koji bi zelio kupiti drugu polovicu."
Nakon sto je situacija prebrodena, sef se okrene prema prodavacu i kaze:
"Stvarno svaka cast, nisam mislio da se mozete izvuci iz jedne takve
nezgodne situacije. Kako se zovete, odakle ste porijeklom?"
Prodavac: "Zovem se Horvat, iz Rijeke, grad velikih nogometasa i jeftinih
"Zaista?", kaze sef: "Moja zena je iz Rijeke".
Prodavac bez promjene u licu upita:
"Zaista, za koji klub igra?"

OmegaBlue ::
"The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer."
Še ena zaslotehana stran
Še ena zaslotehana stran

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

OmegaBlue ::
Dejte prenest te pasmi nekam ker sploh ne morem do njih zmeraj že stran preseže bandwidth

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Gandalfar ::
Izredno ponizajoca pesem .. zalostno, da obstjajo ljudje, ki pisejo taksne stvari in se vec takih, ki jih ponizevanje cloveka, ki ga niti ne poznajo neizmerno zabava.

Marjan ::
Se strinjam Gandalf.
Sploh se pa takoj iz pesmi vidi, da so to eni zakompleksanci, ki niso uspeli (tako in drugače).
Sploh se pa takoj iz pesmi vidi, da so to eni zakompleksanci, ki niso uspeli (tako in drugače).

Dr_M ::
hm...res ni prevec smesna.
je pa verjetno resnicna.
je pa verjetno resnicna.

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Tero ::
Je kdo v tem linku ko ga je dal Mihc prišo do konca?

Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

OmegaBlue ::
Nažalost ne gre 
Damn it pa glih zato sm igrau

Damn it pa glih zato sm igrau

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.