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c++ razvščanje po datumu

c++ razvščanje po datumu

pitbull1336 ::

vpisati moram naprimer podatke o 10tih računalnikih
nato pa program izpiše te podatke razvščene po datumu naraščajoče
problem je ker nevem kako bi razvrstil jih po datumu
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

struct date
       int day, month, year;

struct computer
       char name[100];
       date buying_date;
       char cpu_speed[100];
       int number_of_cores;
       char size_of_ram[100];

computer computers[10];

int main()
    cout<<"insert computers\n";
    for ( int i=0; i<10; i++ )
        cout<<"insert name of "<<i+1<<". computer: ";
        cout<<"inserst date of buying "<<i+1<<". computer: ";
        cout<<"insert cpu speed of "<<i+1<<". computer: ";
        cout<<"insert number of cores of "<<i+1<<". cumputer: ";
        cout<<"insert size of ram of "<<i+1<<". computer: ";

    for ( int i=0; i<10; i++ )
        cout<<"name of "<<i+1<<". computer: "<<computers[i].name<<endl<<"date of buying: "<<" "
        <<endl<<"cpu speed: "<<computers[i].cpu_speed<<", number of cores: "<<computers[i].number_of_cores<<", size of ram: "
    return 0;

_Dormage_ ::

Da bi datume primerjal jih moraš pretvorit. Problem je, da morajo pretvorjeni podatki biti medseboj primerljivi, da bi lahko rekel datum1 > datum2.
Unix timestamp mogoče?
Ali pa KPSK algoritem.

Delpierooo ::

Mogoče lažji način.. iz datuma sestavi številski format YYYYMMDD, ter nato sortiraš dejansko števila. Kasneje prevtoriš nazaj v datum.


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