Forum » Programiranje » [Java]ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
pr2501 ::
Sem pisal tudi na druge forume, pa upam da mi ne zamerate, ker sem pustil kar v Angleščini.
I have:
jComboBox1.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {"30", "50" }));
i get nex error:
Hove must i configure argument for
I have trayed to change number of arrays in WriteParamToPic, but it returns me other errors.
Thank you
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { String Temp = jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString(); testcomm.TestForm.WriteParamToPic("c"+Temp); } public static void WriteParamToPic(String ParamIn) { char [] WriteParam = new char[4]; byte [] FinalWriteParam = new byte[4]; WriteParam = ParamIn.toCharArray(); for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ FinalWriteParam[i] = (byte) WriteParam[i]; Comm.PutPointerData(FinalWriteParam,4); } }
I have:
jComboBox1.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(new String[] {"30", "50" }));
i get nex error:
Hove must i configure argument for
I have trayed to change number of arrays in WriteParamToPic, but it returns me other errors.
Thank you
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