Forum » Igre » verjeli ali ne - izšla je igra na 50 cd-jih!!!
verjeli ali ne - izšla je igra na 50 cd-jih!!!
tropinovec ::
roscha ::
In kje piše kaj o 50 CDjih? Kolikor je meni uspelo prebrat je 50 različnih karakterjev, ki jih lahko igraš...
Paramedic ::
Mal čudno je razloženo. A je mogoče tko, da so Impi po en na enem CD-ju, po en CD se pa tudi prodajajo? Ker to je v bistvu na enem CD-ju, le da jih je 50 različnih v seriji... mislim, da je tko nekak.
End transmission.
roscha ::
O bog nam pomagaj! Pa jih je res 50!!! Me prav zanima kako se bo zadeva kaj prodajala. Najbolše da začnem DLjat vseh 50 CDjev. Mogoče bo pa hit in bo biznis s piratiranjem cevetel![:D](
Just kidding!
Just kidding!
bastadu ::
Imp is an easy to learn 3D action game where you fight your opponent's
monsters in fast and furious duels on one computer. In the basic set
there is 50 different Imps available, that all have their special
strengths and weaknesses. A basic game of Imp is played as a duel where
the victor is the Imp that reduces the opponent's stamina to zero, thus
knocking him out. The key to victory is to learn the special abilities
of your monster as well as the weaknesses of your opponent's, device a
suitable tactic and successfully stick to that tactic.
Vam to kaj pove?
Imp is an easy to learn 3D action game where you fight your opponent's
monsters in fast and furious duels on one computer. In the basic set
there is 50 different Imps available, that all have their special
strengths and weaknesses. A basic game of Imp is played as a duel where
the victor is the Imp that reduces the opponent's stamina to zero, thus
knocking him out. The key to victory is to learn the special abilities
of your monster as well as the weaknesses of your opponent's, device a
suitable tactic and successfully stick to that tactic.
Vam to kaj pove?
tropinovec ::
t502: na lepo piše, da je 50 cd-jev!!!
to je dejstvo, kakor tudi to, da še znamo brati!![:D](
preberi si moj drugi odgovor na tem postu, ki sem ga dal roschi in se prepričaj...
to je dejstvo, kakor tudi to, da še znamo brati!
preberi si moj drugi odgovor na tem postu, ki sem ga dal roschi in se prepričaj...
Muflon1 ::
hm... sam res piše da bo 50 CDjev....čudno... mogoče bodo pa res prodajal en karakter na en CD pa bo imel vsak svojo ''žvau'' sam ni logično ker pol bi blo to samo a multiplayer klanje ena na ena v glavnem so si pač zmislili da bodo na en cd dal eno žvau ampak kolk bodo pa pol cdji stal (8.000 sit?) pol pa še sam čakam da izide Collectors Edition ![:D](
zgleda da res obstaja 50 cdjev tule si poglejte slikco zgoraj desno ko kaze ene 9 cdjev...
zgleda da res obstaja 50 cdjev tule si poglejte slikco zgoraj desno ko kaze ene 9 cdjev...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Muflon1 ()
rc-car ::
Ja sej lahko en karakter zavzame tut sam 20MB, pa bojo dal vsazga na svoj CD. Temu se rece marketing ![:D](
Najbrz pa v tem primeru ne bojo racunal 8k SIT za en CD, ker drugace po mojem ne bojo imel velike prodaje..
Najbrz pa v tem primeru ne bojo racunal 8k SIT za en CD, ker drugace po mojem ne bojo imel velike prodaje..
Nothings gonna stop me now, I'm breaking the rules, I'm gonna do it if its not allowed