Forum » Loža » Nakladalnica (ex kdaj hodite spat)
Nakladalnica (ex kdaj hodite spat)
Temo vidijo: vsi
GoodSatanist ::
Sem mel neke kar zmogljive zvočnike (priklopljene na nek precej star ojačevalnik oziroma HI-FI - star slabih 20 let :D), pa je začelo brneti nekaj noter pa sem raje nabavil nove 2.1., kot da me kaj zaštroma. In ko sem nabavljal nove, sem na srečo izbral malo manj zmogljive (beri: glasne). Na srečo pravim zato, ker mam navado muzko nabijat do konca in pol trpijo ušesa.
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: GoodSatanist ()
Janac ::
Petek :)
ti ni zal uses?
GoodSatanist je izjavil:
Sem mel neke kar zmogljive zvočnike (priklopljene na nek precej star ojačevalnik oziroma HI-FI - star slabih 20 let :D), pa je začelo brneti nekaj noter pa sem raje nabavil nove 2.1., kot da me kaj zaštroma. In ko sem nabavljal nove, sem na srečo izbral malo manj zmogljive (beri: glasne). Na srečo pravim zato, ker mam navado muzko nabijat do konca in pol trpijo ušesa.![]()
saj ni vse v glasnosti...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Janac ()
GoodSatanist ::
saj ni vse v glasnosti...
Res je. Sam je vseeno precej, ker mam navado da se sproščam na ta način, da navijem glasnost do konca in dam kak metalski komad gor, da se čuje po celi vasi.
(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
(='.'=) into your signature to help him gain
(")_(") world domination.
Bananovec ::
Petek :)
ti ni zal uses?
GoodSatanist je izjavil:
Sem mel neke kar zmogljive zvočnike (priklopljene na nek precej star ojačevalnik oziroma HI-FI - star slabih 20 let :D), pa je začelo brneti nekaj noter pa sem raje nabavil nove 2.1., kot da me kaj zaštroma. In ko sem nabavljal nove, sem na srečo izbral malo manj zmogljive (beri: glasne). Na srečo pravim zato, ker mam navado muzko nabijat do konca in pol trpijo ušesa.![]()
saj ni vse v glasnosti...
To je dokaj solidna odločitev. Ni ravno za hardcore nabijanja muzke, so pa slušalke še kar dobre za gaming.
Final Fantasy serija je ena tistih RPG, ki jo mnogi kujejo v zvezde. Z razlogom!
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Bananovec ::
Pazi edino, da jih ne boš preveč metal. Meni so se namreč po dobrem letu strle.
Pazi edino, da jih ne boš preveč metal. Meni so se namreč po dobrem letu strle.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
whitefish ::
Urban Terror :)
Si jih imel? Na youtubeu jih kažejo kot ''trpežne'' - Zakaj si jih metal?
Si jih imel? Na youtubeu jih kažejo kot ''trpežne'' - Zakaj si jih metal?
Bananovec ::
So zelo trpežne, vendar če si neroden kot jaz in ti velikokrat dol padejo ti niti tako trpežne slušalke ne pomagajo.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Bananovec ::
Also, Urban Terror je super špil. Sem ga 2 leti nazaj ornk igral.
Also, Urban Terror je super špil. Sem ga 2 leti nazaj ornk igral.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bananovec ()
Bananovec ::
Ne, strle so mi. Nato sem jih zalepil s selotejpom in je tako delovalo še nekaj mesecev. Potem mi je tisti grdi selotejp prišel čez glavo in sem jih zalučal v koš.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Bananovec ::
Hmmm, jaz sem jih včasih navrl na max in uporabljal imel namesto zvočnikov. Vsekakor pa ne na full nabijat, ko jih imaš na glavi.
Slušalke so edino malo težje, ampak ko se navadiš potem gre. Lahko pa z njimi poslušaš ves dan pa te ne bo glava bolela.
+tudi mikrofon je kakovosten.
Slušalke so edino malo težje, ampak ko se navadiš potem gre. Lahko pa z njimi poslušaš ves dan pa te ne bo glava bolela.
+tudi mikrofon je kakovosten.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Bananovec ()
Bananovec ::
Not sure if fat or just american.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
IvoJan ::
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
Janac ::
pa se mi sploh nepozna tak :)
imam 95Kg in skoraj 190Cm
zakaj si me zbrisal iz fbja???
imam 95Kg in skoraj 190Cm
pomoje dobis receiver ali pa amp
zakaj si me zbrisal iz fbja???
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Janac ()
IvoJan ::
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Mesar ::
uu zakon, to se lahko brez problema še za 50kg porediš...
da neboš zgledal ko podhranjen...
da neboš zgledal ko podhranjen...
Your turn to burn!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Mesar ()
Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Bananovec ::
Da boš uspešen, memun.
Velikost maš pravo, skok in vse ostalo pa se da natrenirati. Pa še po koncu dneva boš lahko fajn zaspal.
Velikost maš pravo, skok in vse ostalo pa se da natrenirati. Pa še po koncu dneva boš lahko fajn zaspal.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
Bananovec ::
nisem prevec dober v sportu drugace
Če ne boš treniral nikol ne boš. Če greš trenirat, pa boš čez nekaj mesecev že boljši.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
compaq ::
V deklico iz našega naselja, grem zjutri s kavico na balkon in jo vidim lepotico kako kužka na sprehod pelje, kaj nisem jaz ta kužek
Edina problema sta da ima tipa in je kakih 4 leta starejša od mene.
No pa še en komentar sem hotel deliti z vami, ki sem ga včeraj našel na spletu in mi je do solz nasmejal:![:))](
renault je renault... edino, kar je na njem pozitivnega, je + na akumulatorju... dokler še ta ne crkne...
No pa še en komentar sem hotel deliti z vami, ki sem ga včeraj našel na spletu in mi je do solz nasmejal:
renault je renault... edino, kar je na njem pozitivnega, je + na akumulatorju... dokler še ta ne crkne...