Forum » Loža » Nakladalnica (ex kdaj hodite spat)
Nakladalnica (ex kdaj hodite spat)
Temo vidijo: vsi

Rias Gremory ::
kwa zdej..priporoča kdo kakšen dober internetni radio ki vrti elektronske zvrsti?
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

galu ::
Ravno pogledal še film Unthinkable... ZAKON!!
Ziher eden mojih top 10, kdajkoli videnih.
Ziher eden mojih top 10, kdajkoli videnih.
Tako to gre.

Bananovec ::
WTF hoče povedat? Pisanje je ravno na mtosevem nivoju.
A daj, ne ga srat. Tole je slovenian top (shop) shit best of best da best of best STALKER na svetu.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Bananovec ::
O personah razmišljam kot o sužnjih. Lahko govorijo, ampak tako ali tako nima veze kaj povedo.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

galu ::
O personah razmišljam kot o sužnjih. Lahko govorijo, ampak tako ali tako nima veze kaj povedo.
But.. But... They are people too!

Tako to gre.

Bananovec ::
lulz! joke man, a joke X)!/("!"WSKJSA
Lulz, še zdaj ne vem zakaj si dobil to frigidno oznako?
Lulz, še zdaj ne vem zakaj si dobil to frigidno oznako?
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

nuclear ::
Zadnje čase med izpiti ob 5 zjutraj =/ zbudim se pa ob 13:37,.. Vem, da ni najbolje, ampak ko se fokusiram na nekaj enostavno nočem zaspati, dokler mi ne pride v glavo.
Asus G14 2023 - Ryzen 7940HS - 32GB DDR5 - GeForce RTX 4080 - 990 PRO 4TB

galu ::
lulz! joke man, a joke X)!/("!"WSKJSA
Lulz, še zdaj ne vem zakaj si dobil to frigidno oznako?
zaradi stavka:
"Zakaj ste pa zaprli to kurčevo temo??"
By Mavrik.

Tako to gre.

Rias Gremory ::
kwaj zdej? :)
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Tero ::
Zakon je tisti ko si je izmislil dance central za kinect. Edino doma v zaprti sobi si upam plesat :D Da ne omenim kako fajn prešvicaš se s tem.
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

Bananovec ::
A gleda kateri njufeg kaki anime ? Al ste sami fegi tu :D ?
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Bananovec ::
Jebeš hentaje, ko so vsi japonski, Japonska pa svoje prone cenzurira. Gledanje lule v 20 kvadratkih ni užitek. Največje trpljenje.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Rias Gremory ::
@9000: lahko priporočiš kakšen anime, ki ima dosti humora :D
Če ve kdo za kakšno dobro vremensko stran za hrvaško (Krk) naj prosim pove.
Če ve kdo za kakšno dobro vremensko stran za hrvaško (Krk) naj prosim pove.

Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

mare_ ::
In potem sediš pred faksom na en lep (ok, dopoldne je še bil lep :P) poletni dan in vidiš, kako iz njega primarširata dva policaja in med njima en tip v lisicah. #random #priceless

Matej_K ::
Rias Gremory je izjavil:
@9000: lahko priporočiš kakšen anime, ki ima dosti humora :D
Če ve kdo za kakšno dobro vremensko stran za hrvaško (Krk) naj prosim pove.![]()
... .. .

Bananovec ::
Načeloma vsebuje vsi animeji vsaj kanček humorja. Vsaj jaz še nisem nobenega videl brez.
Od novejših recimo Nichijou ali pa Seto No Hanayome.
Od novejših recimo Nichijou ali pa Seto No Hanayome.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Bananovec ::
ob sedmih zjutraj
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

IvoJan ::
Nigga, u stupid?
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|

Rias Gremory ::
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

IvoJan ::
Oh hamster, u so funny.
|TUF X670E plus WIFI|9800X3D|arctic LF3 360mm|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|
|64gb 6000 CL30 ddr5|Manli RTX4090 Gallardo|P5+ 2TB nvme|
|P3+ 2TB nvme|Corsair HX1000i|Meshify 2|

Rias Gremory ::
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Rias Gremory ::
Mirno gledamo, kako naš svet propada,
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.
saj za časa našega življenja ne bo popolnoma propadel.

Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Bananovec ::
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

mtosev ::
kak je fajn. v hiši imamo 28C

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Bananovec ::
Jao, sem že pozabil, kaki degeneriranci so na partisu. IQ jim je valda isti kot cifra stopinj moje grafične v Idle. Dobesedno jim ne moreš nič povedati.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

mtosev ::
beden nick 9000

Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Bananovec ::
Vem ja, samo čas je za spremembo gesel na vseh računih, katerih se še spomnim (verjetno 2 mestna cifra heheh), pa lepo sovpada s spremembo vzdevka.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Tero ::
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

bluefish ::

PCMan112 ::
a kdo ve kako kej z zakoni o alkoholu ? nekje sm prebrau da se samo prodajat nesme mladoletnim, pitje ali celo opitje v javnosti tudi mladoletnikom ni prepovedan dokler ne delaš problemov... A je to res ker mi je mal sumliv :P

galu ::
a kdo ve kako kej z zakoni o alkoholu ? nekje sm prebrau da se samo prodajat nesme mladoletnim, pitje ali celo opitje v javnosti tudi mladoletnikom ni prepovedan dokler ne delaš problemov... A je to res ker mi je mal sumliv :P
Hja ne vem no... Za mene so že 2x zapisnik delali.

Tako to gre.

Bananovec ::
Prodajat se ne sme tudi vinjenim in tistim, za katere je sum, da bodo alkohol predali mladoletnim. Opitje v javnosti, tu pa se že lahko najdejo druge stvari. Morda kakšno motenje javnega reda in miru ali pa kaj podobnega.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple