Zaposlitveni oglasi » System Administrator
System Administrator @ Ridango
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Opis delovnega mesta
As a DevOps Engineer, you will play a crucial role in setting up and configuring both virtual and on. premise servers to deploy and operate the company's software. You will be responsible for configuring
supporting services for these servers, such as monitoring and backups, and troubleshooting operational
issues at the infrastructure level. Additionally, you will work closely with software developers to
collaboratively implement new solutions and resolve issues. Participation in an on-call schedule for 2nd
level critical incident operational support is also required.
Key Responsibilities
Server Setup and Configuration: Set up and configure virtual and on-premise servers for
deploying and operating the company's software.
Supporting Services Configuration: Configure supporting services for servers, including
monitoring, backups, and other necessary services.
Operational Troubleshooting: Troubleshoot operational issues on the infrastructure level with
the company's services.
Collaboration and Assistance: Assist, advise, and cooperate with colleagues, primarily software
developers, to collaboratively implement new solutions and solve issues.
On-Call Support: Participate in an on-call schedule for 2nd level operational support.
Od kandidatov zahtevamo
Strong experience with Linux servers.
Experience with containers and at least good understanding of Kubernetes.
Previous experience with infrastructure automation tools, e.g., Ansible, Salt, etc.
Experience with virtualization.
Experience with cloud managed infrastructure, e.g. AWS, GCloud, Azure, etc.
Strong understanding of networking principles and technologies, experience with Cloudflare is a
Experience with supporting services such as monitoring, logging, backups.
Proven ability to troubleshoot operational issues at the infrastructure level.
Excellent collaboration and communication skills to work effectively with software developers.
Willingness to participate in an on-call schedule for 2nd level operational support
Kandidatom ponujamo
- Full time employment or different means of cooperation
- great salary
- extra compensation for standby duties
- work phone
- top notch equipment
- trainings
- Remote work up to 60-100%, depends on your delivery and proactive mindset
Send us a CV at
Klasifikacija delovnega mesta
- Lokacija:
- Remote / Trzin / Maribor
- Plačilo:
- 4000 bruto EUR / mesec
- Delovni čas:
- po dogovoru
Zahtevana znanja
- Linux
- napredno znanje
- Kubernetes
- začetnik
- PostgreSQL
- napredno znanje
O podjetju
Ridango is a global mobility technology group, with a focus on automated fare collection (AFC), payments (cEMV) and real-time information systems. Ridango has successfully executed projects around the world, the product portfolio includes a leading transit management system (incl. CAD / AVL ) and a world-class ETA prediction engine.
The company was established in 2009 in Tallinn, the location of our HQ to this day. Ridango best-in-class solutions are being used by more than 120 public transport authorities and the group operates systems in more than 26 countries around the globe.
The scalability of the solution allows us to serve any transport system, anywhere.
Zakaj bi želel delati za vas
Want to build something meaningful with a great impact on millions of people across the globe? Well, you came to the right place. In 2022, we helped perform over 10 Billion public transport trips across the globe.
Programerski vprašalnik
- Uporabljamo programsko opremo za nadzor izvorne kode (source control)
- Uporabljamo rešitev za spremljanje baze napak (bug database)
- Uporabljamo najboljša orodja, ki se jih dobi na trgu
- Obstaja terminski načrt razvoja
- Programiramo skladno s pisno specifikacijo
- Napake odpravimo pred pisanjem nove kode
- Zaposlene imamo beta-testerje
- Unit testing
- Zaposleni imajo mirno delovno okolje
- Iskalci zaposlitve na intervjujih programirajo
- Zaposlenim zagotavljamo prostor za malice
- Fleksibilen delovni čas
- Zaposlenim nudimo sprostitvene aktivnosti zunaj delovnega časa
- Zaposlenim zagotavljamo parkirno mesto