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Battlefield 3
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fireX88 ::
koliko spremjlam, boš kupil premium. Nebi rajši naredil nov acc pa daš na novega. Ti model nebo vse nazadnje pobral?
kriko07 ::
Nebom kupil,ker se mi enostavno zdi malo preveč denarja dat...
Bom raje kaj drugega kupil. :)
Bom raje kaj drugega kupil. :)
Halfdead987 ::
Lol,še včeraj si pa govoril kako ti tistih 10€ več ne pomeni nič in da ne boš preko origina.
fireX88 ::
manniac ::
tle je 33 eur.
Na eni strani, k sm jst kupu za 25 pa ni več.
tle je 33 eur.
Na eni strani, k sm jst kupu za 25 pa ni več.
fredii ::
Ni mi jasno, ali se pozna na hitrosti ali ne, če ima v squadu pod specilizations nastavljen SQD SPRINT en igralec, ali več igralcev. Morda kdo ve kaj več o tem? Verjetno je bedarija, da imata dva enako nastavljen specilizations!?! Ampak eni so tako zelo hitri ...
P55A-UD3,i5 750 2.67,RAM 8gb,
Radeon HD7870oc 2gb, SSD180
Radeon HD7870oc 2gb, SSD180
dottor ::
Zdej se še jaz odločam uzet PREMIUM. Sever imam zdej "Limited Edition" in sem zraven dobil Back to Karkand, ampak bi si rad nabavu še ostale dodatke. Preko Origina odpade, ker imajo kot vedno zasoljene cene (50€), sem pa vidu danes da ga na MMOGA imajo za 28€ (tam sem že BF3 LE kupu za 15€). Zanima me če je kje še ceneje (vsak € šteje)?
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
dottor ::
Mam vprašanje. Kje se da na netu pogledat zgodovino updejtov in kaj je premenjenega? Recimo v Steamu imaš to funkcijo, v Originu nisem našel. Danes sem hotu spet it malo igrat ampak sm mogu počakat da mi pobere nekaj čez 6GB velik update, ko sem iskal serverje za TDM so bili vsi prazni razen dveh, pa še tej so bli out of date.
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
matic492 ::
Nov dodatek, endgame, patch bug fixe maš pa na batltelogu pod top story.
Game update change list: Tweaks and fixes
TV-missile should no longer be able to blow up the helicopter shooting the missile.
Fixed an issue where the proximity defense ability of the Mobile Artillery in Armored Kill does not kill enemies that are standing at a corner of the vehicle. Blast radius extended to 3 meters.
Scavenger mode ticket count in Aftermath increased from 150 to 300 to create matches that last a bit longer.
Fixed incorrect spelling on Aftermath dog tags.
Enabled player movement in Gun Master mode in pre-round.
Fixed an issue where an AT mine kill could count as a vehicle kill.
Improved the position of the repair icon so that it won't disappear outside the screen while repairing.
Solved a teleportation glitch where the user could teleport if using a knife and a mortar in combination.
Fixed an issue where the Air Radar would display a minimap when running on a hardcore server with minimap disabled.
Fixed an issue where the player camera would flip 180 degrees if the player was revived in water.
Solved an issue where having spawn immunity while being in a vehicle that gets destroyed would grant the player invulnerability.
Improved the behavior of destroyed Rhib boats so that they have proper interaction with other vehicles.
Fixed an issue where landing a helicopter on a mobile artillery vehicle would make the helicopter invisible.
Solved an issue where a counter on Operation Metro lacked collision so that players were unable to put their bipod on it.
Fixed an issue where team swapping could be used by server admins to team kill.
Fixed an issue where the floor collision of a particular building would disappear if destroyed by a vehicle.
Added ticket status in the end of round screen for Scavenger Mode.
Fixed an issue where door textures appeared on the floor of certain buildings in Grand Bazaar.
Fixed an issue where the player health was displayed improperly on kill cards in Hardcore Mode.
Enabled the Co-op dog tags to be used freely within the game since they were unobtainable in their previous design.
Fixed several collision issues causing players to get stuck unintentionally. Levels affected: Operation Metro, Noshahr Canals, Wake Island, Damavand Peak, Operation Firestorm, Earthquake, And Caspian Border.
Fixed several collision issues where the player was able to get out of the playable area on several maps. Levels affected: Talah Market, Epicenter, Markaz Monolith, Noshahr Canals, Grand Bazaar, Azadi Palace, Operation Metro, and Seine Crossing.
Fixed a bug to make sure that unranked servers always have scoring enabled.
Additional rcon commands
We added some additional rcon commands for players renting a server on PC. For documentation on these, please reach out to your server provider.
Added player.idleDuration rcon command.
Added player.isAlive rcon command.
Added rcon command.
Added squad.listActive rcon command.
Added squad.listPlayers rcon command.
Added squad.private rcon command.
Added squad.leader rcon command.
Added player rank to listPlayers rcon command.
How to download the March update on your platform
PC: As soon as you start your Origin client, the latest game update will automatically start downloading (unless you've disabled the option "Automatically keep my games up to date", in which case it will start downloading when you try to run the game). In Battlelog, you will be notified from the Game Manager. Once you acknowledge the update, it will start downloading within the Origin client.
Game update change list: Tweaks and fixes
TV-missile should no longer be able to blow up the helicopter shooting the missile.
Fixed an issue where the proximity defense ability of the Mobile Artillery in Armored Kill does not kill enemies that are standing at a corner of the vehicle. Blast radius extended to 3 meters.
Scavenger mode ticket count in Aftermath increased from 150 to 300 to create matches that last a bit longer.
Fixed incorrect spelling on Aftermath dog tags.
Enabled player movement in Gun Master mode in pre-round.
Fixed an issue where an AT mine kill could count as a vehicle kill.
Improved the position of the repair icon so that it won't disappear outside the screen while repairing.
Solved a teleportation glitch where the user could teleport if using a knife and a mortar in combination.
Fixed an issue where the Air Radar would display a minimap when running on a hardcore server with minimap disabled.
Fixed an issue where the player camera would flip 180 degrees if the player was revived in water.
Solved an issue where having spawn immunity while being in a vehicle that gets destroyed would grant the player invulnerability.
Improved the behavior of destroyed Rhib boats so that they have proper interaction with other vehicles.
Fixed an issue where landing a helicopter on a mobile artillery vehicle would make the helicopter invisible.
Solved an issue where a counter on Operation Metro lacked collision so that players were unable to put their bipod on it.
Fixed an issue where team swapping could be used by server admins to team kill.
Fixed an issue where the floor collision of a particular building would disappear if destroyed by a vehicle.
Added ticket status in the end of round screen for Scavenger Mode.
Fixed an issue where door textures appeared on the floor of certain buildings in Grand Bazaar.
Fixed an issue where the player health was displayed improperly on kill cards in Hardcore Mode.
Enabled the Co-op dog tags to be used freely within the game since they were unobtainable in their previous design.
Fixed several collision issues causing players to get stuck unintentionally. Levels affected: Operation Metro, Noshahr Canals, Wake Island, Damavand Peak, Operation Firestorm, Earthquake, And Caspian Border.
Fixed several collision issues where the player was able to get out of the playable area on several maps. Levels affected: Talah Market, Epicenter, Markaz Monolith, Noshahr Canals, Grand Bazaar, Azadi Palace, Operation Metro, and Seine Crossing.
Fixed a bug to make sure that unranked servers always have scoring enabled.
Additional rcon commands
We added some additional rcon commands for players renting a server on PC. For documentation on these, please reach out to your server provider.
Added player.idleDuration rcon command.
Added player.isAlive rcon command.
Added rcon command.
Added squad.listActive rcon command.
Added squad.listPlayers rcon command.
Added squad.private rcon command.
Added squad.leader rcon command.
Added player rank to listPlayers rcon command.
How to download the March update on your platform
PC: As soon as you start your Origin client, the latest game update will automatically start downloading (unless you've disabled the option "Automatically keep my games up to date", in which case it will start downloading when you try to run the game). In Battlelog, you will be notified from the Game Manager. Once you acknowledge the update, it will start downloading within the Origin client.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: matic492 ()
dottor ::
Ja trik je ve temu da imam LE verzijo in sem dobu samo BtK dodatek, ostalih nimam.
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
Buggy ::
a komu ze deluje endgame dodatek na premiumu? Se je neki game 6Gb update-al samo se ne delujejo nove mape
Tomaž ::
a komu ze deluje endgame dodatek na premiumu? Se je neki game 6Gb update-al samo se ne delujejo nove mape
Za Premium PC in XBOX360 bo možno igrati 12. Trenutno je izšel za PS3 Premium.
|XFX PRO 850W|Intel i7 4770k 4,5|MSI Z87-GD65 GAMING|
|Kingston Hiperx 2x 4Gb|Asus R9 290 Direct CU II OC|
|Intel SSD 520 180Gb|WD Blue 2Tb|Corsair H75|
|Kingston Hiperx 2x 4Gb|Asus R9 290 Direct CU II OC|
|Intel SSD 520 180Gb|WD Blue 2Tb|Corsair H75|
DrSergioDJ ::
A sm jst slep al nikjer ne kaže progress bar-a tega novega downloada? Ker kliknem tam na update in potem "install game" (čeprav ne vem zakaj install game, saj je nisem izbrisal vmes) in sedaj nikjer ne vidim poteka installa, da bi videl, kdaj bo konec...
miraldi ::
Meni tudi sedaj prenaša 6Gb.
Kaj potem je to End Game kar downloada, a igrat se ga pa še neda?
Kaj potem je to End Game kar downloada, a igrat se ga pa še neda?
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti
RTX 4070ti
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: miraldi ()
Ziga Dolhar ::
Hja - pri Aftermathu je bilo tako, da smo najprej downloadali 4 GB patch, potem pa ločeno še 4 GB samega Aftermatha :). Bomo videli kako bode tokrat.
Ziga Dolhar ::
Trenutno 28,8 GB. Tale 6 GB patch še ni vštet :).
(Jebenti, na 117 GB velikem SSDju ...)
(Jebenti, na 117 GB velikem SSDju ...)
dottor ::
29,9 BF3 + prvi DLC. Razmišljam ko bo kej € nabavit PREMIUM, saj ga dobim za 29,99€ na MMOGA, kjer sm dobu BF3 LE za 14,99€. 2 tedna po nakupu so na Originu imeli tiste nore popuste kjer je bil PREMIUM Edition za 35€ (BF3 + vsi DLCji)
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
fredii ::
Še kdo ma izkušnje s prenosom iz SSD na HD? Aja, katere datoteke je potrbno prenesti (shraniti) da pri novem nalaganju ne vleče 30.1 GB na novo? THX
P55A-UD3,i5 750 2.67,RAM 8gb,
Radeon HD7870oc 2gb, SSD180
Radeon HD7870oc 2gb, SSD180
matic492 ::
Kako sem jaz naredil : najprej pač izbereš v originu kam ti inštalira,l potem daš dol vlečt, prekineš in zapreš origin (vse pač do konca), in pol ko je zaprt skopiraš vse kar imaš nainštaliran od prej (jaz sem imel iz prejšnjih windowsih) in to prilepiš v tisto mapo ki ti je ustvarlo oz. jo prepišeš, pol ko odpreš spet origin in daš na download ti bo samo pregledalo vse fajle in bo konc v par minutah.
Trupl0 ::
Isto sem naredil tudi jaz in deluje.
Ampak bi jaz naredil prej tako, da bi naredil backup celotnega BF3 folderja. Kje je shranjeno vidiš v origin nastavitvah.
Nato odstranil BF3 in nato tudi origin.
Ponovno install origin in nato nastaviš kam se naj shranjujejo igre od njega.
Pričneš download BF3 ( jaz pustim, da naredi vsaj 1% celotnega downloada ) in daš pavzo.
Čisti izhod iz Origina.
Kopiraš backup BF3 folder kamor si nastavil, da se origin igre shranjujejo.
Zaženeš origin in nadaljuješ z downloadom igre.
Download se zaključi v cca parih sekundah in se potem igra tudi instalira.
Ampak bi jaz naredil prej tako, da bi naredil backup celotnega BF3 folderja. Kje je shranjeno vidiš v origin nastavitvah.
Nato odstranil BF3 in nato tudi origin.
Ponovno install origin in nato nastaviš kam se naj shranjujejo igre od njega.
Pričneš download BF3 ( jaz pustim, da naredi vsaj 1% celotnega downloada ) in daš pavzo.
Čisti izhod iz Origina.
Kopiraš backup BF3 folder kamor si nastavil, da se origin igre shranjujejo.
Zaženeš origin in nadaljuješ z downloadom igre.
Download se zaključi v cca parih sekundah in se potem igra tudi instalira.
If you are going through Hell, keep going !
Ziga Dolhar ::
Še kdo ma izkušnje s prenosom iz SSD na HD? Aja, katere datoteke je potrbno prenesti (shraniti) da pri novem nalaganju ne vleče 30.1 GB na novo? THX
1. copy "d:/origin games/Battlefield 3" "c:/ssd host/Battlefield 3"
2. mklink /J "d:/origin games/Battlefield 3" "c:/ssd host/Battlefield 3"
Tko prbližn sm jest naredu :).
r3dkv1c4 ::
r3dkv1c4 ::
Ziga Dolhar je izjavil:
... v hitrosti nalaganja map.
Z drugimi besedami: we spawn first.
....ja ok....
.....then u wait 14 sec. to begin fight;))
matic492 ::
Ziga Dolhar je izjavil:
... v hitrosti nalaganja map.
Z drugimi besedami: we spawn first.
....ja ok....
.....then u wait 14 sec. to begin fight;))
Če se joinaš sred runde pol ne ;)
Jaz sicer mam SSD sam bf3 nisem dal gor, ker bi preveč zasedel, pa mam dovolj velike rame, in ko igram z enemu ko ima ssd va skoraj istočasno noter v igri, itak v branju iz sata 3 HDDjev proti SSDjem je manjša razlika kot v pisanju.
r3dkv1c4 ::
Ziga Dolhar je izjavil:
... v hitrosti nalaganja map.
Z drugimi besedami: we spawn first.
....ja ok....
.....then u wait 14 sec. to begin fight;))
Če se joinaš sred runde pol ne ;)
Jaz sicer mam SSD sam bf3 nisem dal gor, ker bi preveč zasedel, pa mam dovolj velike rame, in ko igram z enemu ko ima ssd va skoraj istočasno noter v igri, itak v branju iz sata 3 HDDjev proti SSDjem je manjša razlika kot v pisanju.
to je včasih res...včasih pa se join-am 3-5 sek. prej kot kolega z ssd-jem....tudi sam ga imam....
več je stvari ki vplivajo na to....absolutno je ssd hitrejši, tu ni kaj odkrit....
ampak v čem je fora a si prvi al pa peti v igri.....nonsense.... tudi če se sredi igre spawnas je zanemarljiva razlika v času vstopanja...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: r3dkv1c4 ()
matic492 ::
No pa srečam na serverju najboljšega pilota na svetu in ga ubijem :D
To sem uploadu sam da se španam pred enim frendom ko je ful hardcore pilot pa ga še ni ubil ;P
To sem uploadu sam da se španam pred enim frendom ko je ful hardcore pilot pa ga še ni ubil ;P
matic492 ::
Ziga Dolhar je izjavil:
... v hitrosti nalaganja map.
Z drugimi besedami: we spawn first.
....ja ok....
.....then u wait 14 sec. to begin fight;))
Če se joinaš sred runde pol ne ;)
Jaz sicer mam SSD sam bf3 nisem dal gor, ker bi preveč zasedel, pa mam dovolj velike rame, in ko igram z enemu ko ima ssd va skoraj istočasno noter v igri, itak v branju iz sata 3 HDDjev proti SSDjem je manjša razlika kot v pisanju.
to je včasih res...včasih pa se join-am 3-5 sek. prej kot kolega z ssd-jem....tudi sam ga imam....
več je stvari ki vplivajo na to....absolutno je ssd hitrejši, tu ni kaj odkrit....
ampak v čem je fora a si prvi al pa peti v igri.....nonsense.... tudi če se sredi igre spawnas je zanemarljiva razlika v času vstopanja...
No men se ne gre tok zato da se mi ena igrca pržge hitrej, sam je pa lepo, da se mi photoshop, sony vegas in windowsi hitro zaženejo. Seveda da ne omenjam kako hitro inštaliram vse programe ;)
Spock83 ::
matic492 ::
No pa srečam na serverju najboljšega pilota na svetu in ga ubijem :D
To sem uploadu sam da se španam pred enim frendom ko je ful hardcore pilot pa ga še ni ubil ;P
Pa si imel še kakšno pomoč? ;) Drugi wingman, a ga je zraven še heli lockal ter mogoče AA ;)
Ne sploh ni tok dober, kot vidiš je celo mene tunguska lockala proti koncu (sem ECM dal), na koncu je on mel okol 40 killov in 15 smrti, sem ga pa ubil tudi z LAV-ADju, sam tist ni blo tok zanimivo, tole je bil pa lep prelet :D
matic492 ::
Ja z miško vozim in heli in letalo, sicer imam saitek cyborg joqstick, sam je neki weird blo z batltefieldu in ga ne uprabljam več (kar naenkrat ne dela vač), samo itak je boljše, ni dovolj natančen joystick, miška + tiškovnica je za letala najboljše z joystickom boš delal lažje loope ker ti ne bo treba z miško skos drset in jo premikat, sam natančnost z joystickom je pa zelo slaba, če gledaš kok lepo sem streljal v tem videu z miško, 2-3 sekunde zadetkov pa je konc z njim, z joystickom vsaj jaz nebi mogel biti tolko natančen.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: matic492 ()
r3dkv1c4 ::
Ja z miško vozim in heli in letalo, sicer imam saitek cyborg joqstick, sam je neki weird blo z batltefieldu in ga ne uprabljam več (kar naenkrat ne dela vač), samo itak je boljše, ni dovolj natančen joystick, miška + tiškovnica je za letala najboljše z joystickom boš delal lažje loope ker ti ne bo treba z miško skos drset in jo premikat, sam natančnost z joystickom je pa zelo slaba, če gledaš kok lepo sem streljal v tem videu z miško, 2-3 sekunde zadetkov pa je konc z njim, z joystickom vsaj jaz nebi mogel biti tolko natančen.
ah matic....joystick je zelo natančen, je pa potrebno vložit nekaj več truda za nastavitve le tega.... pa pojavlja problem pri odvzemu gasa....ker palica nikakor ne nadomesti hitrosti tipke s.
....drugače pa vsa čast vam ki igrate jet na miš.
Spock83 ::
Ja z miško vozim in heli in letalo, sicer imam saitek cyborg joqstick, sam je neki weird blo z batltefieldu in ga ne uprabljam več (kar naenkrat ne dela vač), samo itak je boljše, ni dovolj natančen joystick, miška + tiškovnica je za letala najboljše z joystickom boš delal lažje loope ker ti ne bo treba z miško skos drset in jo premikat, sam natančnost z joystickom je pa zelo slaba, če gledaš kok lepo sem streljal v tem videu z miško, 2-3 sekunde zadetkov pa je konc z njim, z joystickom vsaj jaz nebi mogel biti tolko natančen.
Drugače tudi jaz tko delam. Na žalsot imam slab joystick in sem zelo nenantačen. Se pa pozna ko se s kakšnim lovim je joystick kar v prednosti.
r3dkv1c4 ::
V bistvu imata tako palica kot miš svoje prednosti in slabosti, največ seveda šteje natreniranost letenja.
Mi je pa čudno, da se dice vedno naredi špil tako, da je ponavadi prirejeno za miš in tipkovnico, kar je skregano z logiko približevanja simulacije letenja uporabniku.
Vsi avioni in heliji imajo za komande palice.
Mi je pa čudno, da se dice vedno naredi špil tako, da je ponavadi prirejeno za miš in tipkovnico, kar je skregano z logiko približevanja simulacije letenja uporabniku.
Vsi avioni in heliji imajo za komande palice.
Berserker ::
Kaj je danes narobe z novim dodatkom ? Skozi se nekaj nalaga, mapak ne pride v igro. J**** EA in njihova nesposobnost je na višku.