
Mid Full-Stack Developer (Fintech) @ D.Labs d.o.o.

Opis delovnega mesta

Hi there!

We are in search of a motivated and talented individual to join our team and start solving all sorts of problems on exciting fintech projects that are coming our way. As a Full-Stack Developer, you will be a key contributor to our startup projects. Your impact will not only be felt in the lines of code but also in making strategic decisions that will drive our client's products toward success.

On a personal note, we are looking for a problem solver with a proactive get things done attitude, who has strong communication skills, thrives in fast-paced collaborative environments, and is always eager to learn and embrace new challenges. A person who is curious about how and why things work the way they do, and is driven to improve existing solutions.

What we had in mind for you:

- Work on interesting fintech projects and be involved in the entire project lifecycle, from setting up the project to production.
- Continuously monitor and test features to ensure they function as expected.
- Collaborate with the team to identify and solve challenging problems.
- Find, validate and use technology that helps us be more efficient (Auth0, Railway, Digital Ocean, AWS)
- Conduct meaningful spikes and POCs
- Implement and integrate third-party services (auth, logging, monitoring, SaaS APIs, etc.).
- Ensure the codebase is maintainable, scalable, and adheres to best security practices.
- Use feature flagging and other tools to support incremental product delivery.
- Write specifications and use diagrams to explain solutions.

Od kandidatov zahtevamo

- You have substantial (4+ years) hands-on experience with software development in a team and a good understanding of the software product development lifecycle.
- You possess experience and understanding of startup environments and product development, particularly within the fintech ecosystem.
- You have good knowledge and relevant experience in the TypeScript ecosystem, specifically with one major frontend framework (ideally ReactJS), one major backend framework (ideally NestJS) and you have strong SQL skills.
- You know Git beyond the basic operations (rebase, merge, cherry-pick, revert, etc.).
- You know how to leverage testing, CI/CD, CLI tools, etc., to improve team processes and developer experience (e.g., GitHub Actions).
- You have experience with implementing and integrating third-party services (auth, logging, monitoring, SaaS APIs, etc.).
- If you ever worked with Flutter or native mobile environments it is a big plus.
- You are experienced in setting up projects from start to production and have a good understanding of HTTP protocol, API construction, caching, security, etc.
- You have experience with automated testing and best security practices.
- You are familiar with feature flagging or other tools that provide incremental product delivery and trunk-based development.
- You can write specification documents and create diagrams to explain your solutions.
- You have great English communication skills and can provide feedback to ensure implementations based on design do not increase complexity.
- You understand the importance of thoroughly testing code and continuously monitoring features in production.

Kandidatom ponujamo

- We collaborate on interesting international projects, trying to make a real difference.
- We are a remote-first organization, with coworkers from 10 different locations in the CET time zone.
- Being remote first also means we offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to organising your work schedule
- Instead of the traditional top-down hierarchy, we use tribes and competencies to run our business (adapted from the Spotify model).
- Our teams are cross-functional, focused on one project at a time, and include developers, product managers, QA engineers, DevOps engineers, and product designers, ensuring a collaborative and creative environment.
- We are proud of our teamwork and enjoy working with one another.
- Our senior experts and managers will be your mentors and allies in helping you achieve your goals.
- We offer fair pay and career development opportunities.
- We have regular monthly 1-on-1 meetings with our managers.
- If you are from Slovenia, our development center in Ljubljana and a coworking office in Maribor will be available to you at all times, making it your choice to work from home or the office.
- Our strong HR team is focused on our well-being, connectedness, and development.
- We love to get together so we have multiple team buildings per year, summer off-site, the New Year’s party etc.


If you are ready to take on this challenge and be a part of our innovative team, we would love to hear from you!

So don’t hesitate and fill out this application form: https://tally.so/r/wMOL8g

Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

2400-3100 bruto EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

napredno znanje
napredno znanje
napredno znanje
napredno znanje

O podjetju

Smo D.Labs. Ustvarjamo produkte z globalnim učinkom. Naše ekipe sodelujejo z mednarodnimi naročniki in so del najinovativnejših odsekov globalne digitalne skupnosti. Sodelovali smo z ducati produktnih ekip širom sveta, od samostojnih samo-financiranih ustanoviteljev, do velikih večnarodnih organizacij. Prav tako smo vzpostavili tudi lastne produkte in podjetnike.

Stremimo za kulturo odprtosti in iščemo raznolike ljudi, ki nam pomagajo ustvarjati še bolj veselo in plodno delovno okolje. Od vas pričakujemo nič manj kot neprekinjeno učenje ter izboljšavo tako v smislu razvijajočega se profesionalca, kakor tudi kot vodnika drugim članom ekipe in naročnikom. V D.Labsu lahko svoje možnosti razširite onkraj zgolj kodiranja ali oblikovanja. Najdi svoje mesto v D.Labs in postani smiseln del nečesa, kar ljudem spreminja način bivanja.