Ian Forsyth iz ARM je povedal, da konkretnih datumov ne more komentirati, a da je razvoj Windows 8 za 64-bitne ARM-jeve procesorje v teku. Microsoft je namreč pretekli teden v sklopu uradne splavitve Windows 8 izdal tudi verzijo za 32-bitni ARM in verzijo za 64-bitni x86. ARM pa je ta teden konkretno naznanil prva procesorja v 64 bitih.
Gre za Cortex-A53 in Cortex-A57, ki bosta osnovana na arhitekturi Armv8. Oba bosta naprodaj od leta 2014 dalje, torej lahko tudi Windows 8 zanju pričakujemo po tem datumu. ARM pravi, da A57 trikrat zmogljivejši od današnjih pametnih telefonov in petkrat varčnejši, A53 pa približno enako zmogljiv, a 40 odstotkov varčnejši in štirikrat manjši. Uradnih izjav iz Microsofta ali Nvidie, ki razvija Project Denver na 64-bitni ARM-arhitekturi, še ni.
- ARM calls this the most-advanced high-performance applications processor. This processor can deliver performance similar to an existing PC but with the power budget of a mobile device. - ARM describes this as having 3x the power of a 2012 smartphone but with 5x the power efficiency - It's scalable beyond 16 cores
The Cortex-A53
- ARM dubs this the "most efficient ARM application processor ever" and says that it can deliver the same performance we see on smartphones today but on a quarter of the power. - It offers the performance of today's Cortex-A9 but it's 40% smaller - It's 25% the size of a mainstream superphone CPU -- think smaller and smaller dies for even more sleek form factors.
En ima porabo znizano na 20%, drugi pa na 25%. Prvi je zelo hiter, drugi pa enak kot danasnji proci ampak 40% manjsi.
Statistically 3 out of 4 involved usually enjoy gang-bang experience.
- ARM calls this the most-advanced high-performance applications processor. This processor can deliver performance similar to an existing PC but with the power budget of a mobile device. - ARM describes this as having 3x the power of a 2012 smartphone but with 5x the power efficiency - It's scalable beyond 16 cores
The Cortex-A53
- ARM dubs this the "most efficient ARM application processor ever" and says that it can deliver the same performance we see on smartphones today but on a quarter of the power. - It offers the performance of today's Cortex-A9 but it's 40% smaller - It's 25% the size of a mainstream superphone CPU -- think smaller and smaller dies for even more sleek form factors.
En ima porabo znizano na 20%, drugi pa na 25%. Prvi je zelo hiter, drugi pa enak kot danasnji proci ampak 40% manjsi.
Err...jst vidim samo, da pise da ima velikost 1/4 "mainstream superphone CPU-jev".
- ARM dubs this the "most efficient ARM application processor ever" and says that it can deliver the same performance we see on smartphones today but on a quarter of the power. - It offers the performance of today's Cortex-A9 but it's 40% smaller - It's 25% the size of a mainstream superphone CPU -- think smaller and smaller dies for even more sleek form factors.
Statistically 3 out of 4 involved usually enjoy gang-bang experience.
Ima kdo kakšne izkušnje z razvojem OS-a za 32-bit in nato 64-bitno platformo. Kolikor sem aplikacije razvijal, je to trivialno. Še enkrat skompajlaš aplikacijo za drugo platformo. Bodisi x86 ali ARM, 32 ali 64 biten. Seveda, če imaš na voljo ustrezno knjižnico ala Qt, gtk ali Javo. What's the big deal?!
Ima kdo kakšne izkušnje z razvojem OS-a za 32-bit in nato 64-bitno platformo. Kolikor sem aplikacije razvijal, je to trivialno. Še enkrat skompajlaš aplikacijo za drugo platformo. Bodisi x86 ali ARM, 32 ali 64 biten. Seveda, če imaš na voljo ustrezno knjižnico ala Qt, gtk ali Javo. What's the big deal?!
Za Windows trenutno to ni problem, ker je bil portan na: - IA 64 - x64 - ARM32 - Power (Xbox)
Za aplikacije je res "trivialno" narediti 64-bitni port, če imaš 64-bitni compiler in 64-bitni OS. Samo najprej je treba narediti 64-bitni compiler in 64-bitni OS. In še narediti nove driverje, ki podpirajo 64-bitne pointerje, ter narediti sistem stabilen.
Veliki problemi bi nastali, če bi zamenjali "endianness", ampak Windows ARM je prav tako little-endian.
Največja napaka desetletja je bila narejena 4. novembra 2008
Oni so goljufali in Alah je goljufal, Alah je najboljši prevarant. (Koran 3:54)
Citiraj svetega očeta Benedikta XVI. in postani "persona rudis"...
Sicer se nisem nič igral z novim Visual Studio, ki podpira ex-Metro aplikacije in sem slišal, da ko kompajlaš, lahko nastaviš (ali je kar default?), da dobiš x86, x86_64, RT, WP8, binary-je.
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|