Forum » Loža » A je to še komu sumljivo...
A je to še komu sumljivo...
madviper ::
Preko bolhe prodajam mobitel (ne delam nobene reklame) in včere zvečre sem dobil ponudbo:
Sedaj pa me zanima ali se zdi ta ponudba sumljiva še komu drugemu razen meni. Kr menim, da je to izkoriščanje kreditne kartice enega naivneža preko e-mail-a (nekako tud v mojo korist).
Lp, madviper
Dear Seller,
I saw your item on Bolha [ Motorola a925 ] and am very interested in it. Am ready to pay the sum of $580USD for of your item.If you are interested send me your full name and address, so that i can make payment as soon as possible.I will be paying you through Western Union.
I will like you to ship via DHL, so go and make enquires about
the cost of sending items , and then send me the total amount am to
Sedaj pa me zanima ali se zdi ta ponudba sumljiva še komu drugemu razen meni. Kr menim, da je to izkoriščanje kreditne kartice enega naivneža preko e-mail-a (nekako tud v mojo korist).
Lp, madviper
I'd like to do something crazy!
aljazh ::
Nekoč sem bral zgodbo nekega Američana (morda Kanadčana?), ki ga je nek kupec iz Anglije hotel "nategniti". Začelo pa se je podobno kot v tvojem primeru.
Ti bi njemu poslal telefon, nakazila pa ne bi nikoli videl, saj bi ti on poslal ponarejeno potrdilo o nakazilu.
Ti bi njemu poslal telefon, nakazila pa ne bi nikoli videl, saj bi ti on poslal ponarejeno potrdilo o nakazilu.
LoneWolf ::
Ponudba je sumljiva iz naslova, da ni prevec verjetno, da bo nekdo iz tujine sel kupovat telefon iz neke lokalne slovenske strani z malimi oglasi v jeziku, ki ga ne pozna. Na ta nacin se prej isce kaksne naivneze iz ex-socialisticnih drzav.
Po drugi strani je njegova ponudba vsaj zaenkrat korektna. Tu ni vmes nobenih kreditnih kartic, placila preko Western Union-a so prakticno takojsnja, denar imas lahko v gotovini v roki v uri ali dveh, ko je bil odposlan. Ponarejena potrdila niso faktor, ce je kaj narobe z nakazilom bos to lahko takoj izvedel na banki.
Lahko se odzoves, ampak previdno. Verjetno bo probal kaj zakomplicirat in dosect, da mu posljes telefon preden imas denar fizicno v roki... Da ti ne bi kaj podobnega padlo na pamet.
Po drugi strani je njegova ponudba vsaj zaenkrat korektna. Tu ni vmes nobenih kreditnih kartic, placila preko Western Union-a so prakticno takojsnja, denar imas lahko v gotovini v roki v uri ali dveh, ko je bil odposlan. Ponarejena potrdila niso faktor, ce je kaj narobe z nakazilom bos to lahko takoj izvedel na banki.
Lahko se odzoves, ampak previdno. Verjetno bo probal kaj zakomplicirat in dosect, da mu posljes telefon preden imas denar fizicno v roki... Da ti ne bi kaj podobnega padlo na pamet.
Brane2 ::
Jaz bi se še prej pozanimal, kje se zakonsko šteje, da je bila prodaja opravljena- v SLO ali v državi kupca v takih transakcijah.
Da te tip ne bi tožil kje na dragem koncu EU ( ker je kao dobil polomljen telefon itd) in bi se ti življenje zakompliciralo zaradi malenkosti.
Da te tip ne bi tožil kje na dragem koncu EU ( ker je kao dobil polomljen telefon itd) in bi se ti življenje zakompliciralo zaradi malenkosti.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.
madviper ::
Telefon naj bi poslal njegovemu partnerju v Nigerijo.
Thanks for your prompt response.And sorry for me not replying your mail early enough[ because i just came back from a business trip ] .
Well i am Polish/American based in the USA and i will like to send the item to a client of mine in Nigeria whose address is below via DHL Courier:
Address: BLOCK 193,FLAT3,
State: LAGOS,
Zip-Code: 23401
Country: NIGERIA.
So go and make enquires about the cost of sending the item via DHL to Nigeria and then send me your full information for payment i.e Full name and address, where the money will be addressed to,and then the toatl amount am to pay i.e item cost plus DHL charges.ok. So that i will be able to make the payment for the item as soon as i can.
I'd like to do something crazy!
DMouse ::
Ojej, sam da slišim Nigerijo, se mi rdeča lučka prižge. Spamassassin ma prov posebne filtre samo za nigerijski spam, če ti to kaj pove...
men se zdi tole malo čudno...Ampak odločitev je tvoja. Ne vem zakaj bi pošiljal nekaj rabljenega preko dhla, kjer stane poštnina veliko...po mojem cc 18 jurjev do 0.5kg in 22-25jurjev za do 1kg ,koker poznam DHL. Pa WU nakazilo za tisto vsoto je tud okol 5-8 jurjev...Se pravi so dodatni stroški skoraj 25-30k ali 150 dolarjev...
Sicer pa koker vem za Wu ne rabiš dat pravih podatkov ampak lahko lažne. On ti mora tko al tko isto sporočit številko paketa in mogoče vprašanje in kodo za prevzem....Ali ti je poslal pa lahko tko al tko preveiš preko interneta in tudi po telefonu...Če je nakazal greš na banko izpolniš formular in počakaš ter dobiš denar...
men se zdi tole malo čudno...Ampak odločitev je tvoja. Ne vem zakaj bi pošiljal nekaj rabljenega preko dhla, kjer stane poštnina veliko...po mojem cc 18 jurjev do 0.5kg in 22-25jurjev za do 1kg ,koker poznam DHL. Pa WU nakazilo za tisto vsoto je tud okol 5-8 jurjev...Se pravi so dodatni stroški skoraj 25-30k ali 150 dolarjev...
Sicer pa koker vem za Wu ne rabiš dat pravih podatkov ampak lahko lažne. On ti mora tko al tko isto sporočit številko paketa in mogoče vprašanje in kodo za prevzem....Ali ti je poslal pa lahko tko al tko preveiš preko interneta in tudi po telefonu...Če je nakazal greš na banko izpolniš formular in počakaš ter dobiš denar...
Go with the flow.
LoneWolf ::
No ja, tole je nateg, vsekakor. Me pa firbec matra, kaj si je tip zamislil.
Ce se ti ljubi, se poigraj se malo z njim, tip je zgleda vsaj izviren... Ce bo rekel, da lahko poslje denar po WU sele naslednji teden, ker ima neko poslovno pot, bom malo razocaran.
BTW, iz kje ti posilja maile? Kak freemail account? Si ze pogledal email headerje od kje posta v resnici prihaja? Se bo moral precej bolje naucit anglescino, ce se misli izdajat za nekoga, ki zivi v ZDA...
BTW, iz kje ti posilja maile? Kak freemail account? Si ze pogledal email headerje od kje posta v resnici prihaja? Se bo moral precej bolje naucit anglescino, ce se misli izdajat za nekoga, ki zivi v ZDA...
borutz ::
ti vbistvu moras njemu samo ime priimek pa naslov poslat pa mail
in povedat ti mora stevilko s katero se ti identificiras in osebnim dokumentom.
ce ti poslje ta dnar ti sam vzem
skodo ti ne more nobene narediti
in povedat ti mora stevilko s katero se ti identificiras in osebnim dokumentom.
ce ti poslje ta dnar ti sam vzem
skodo ti ne more nobene narediti
madviper ::
Pošilja z tega maila:
Zanimivo da amričan uporabla angleški yahoo. Izviren je res! Sem mu javo, da so stroški pošiljanja prek DHL-a 200$, pa se tip strinja, da mu pošljem. To je zanimivom, kr to ni mal dnarja.
Pa še tazadni mail:
Zanimivo da amričan uporabla angleški yahoo. Izviren je res! Sem mu javo, da so stroški pošiljanja prek DHL-a 200$, pa se tip strinja, da mu pošljem. To je zanimivom, kr to ni mal dnarja.
Pa še tazadni mail:
Thanks for your prompt response.I agree with the Dhl price of $200USD.ok. So send me the total amount am to pay now, and then your full name and address ,where the money will be sent to.
I'd like to do something crazy!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: madviper ()
AndrejS ::
Odpišu mu da si sedaj dobil ponudbo za 1000$, in seveda če bo dal več mu lahko ti telefon vseeno pošlješ
madviper ::
Trenutno sem mu poslal, da vse skup stane 800USD, pravtako pa me zanima, kdaj mi bo poslal dnar!
Zanimiv predlog, mogoč ga uporabim v naslednem mailu
Zanimiv predlog, mogoč ga uporabim v naslednem mailu
I'd like to do something crazy!
madmitch ::
WU: ne daj mu drugega kot ime in priimek ter mesto in državo. Ti podatki morajo biti točni, saj moraš pri dvigu pokazati oseben dokument in upisati 12 mestno kontrolno številko.
Zanimiva je tudi njegova angleščina, glede na to, da je ameriški poljak in da očitno veliko posluje, če hodi na dolge "Business trips".
Vsekakor zabavno, malo se še pozabaj z njim in poročaj.
Zanimiva je tudi njegova angleščina, glede na to, da je ameriški poljak in da očitno veliko posluje, če hodi na dolge "Business trips".
Vsekakor zabavno, malo se še pozabaj z njim in poročaj.
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody
stefanc ::
Zgleda kot ena nova nigerijska pogruntavščina:
Shema zgleda deluje tako da 'pošlje' preveč denarja, žrtev pošlje višek nazaj, nakar banka ugotovi da je bil ček fake in zahteva denar nazaj...
Shema zgleda deluje tako da 'pošlje' preveč denarja, žrtev pošlje višek nazaj, nakar banka ugotovi da je bil ček fake in zahteva denar nazaj...
para! ::
Sej ne bo nakazal denarja :>
Pa tud, če bi ga, ne bi valjda potem poslal mobitela?
Pa tud, če bi ga, ne bi valjda potem poslal mobitela?
Death before dishonor!
iggy ::
Dej mu reč da si že poslov mobitel na lastne stroške, pa da zdaj samo čakaš na njegov denar
Hey, you're fat!
LoneWolf ::
Shema zgleda deluje tako da 'pošlje' preveč denarja, žrtev pošlje višek nazaj, nakar banka ugotovi da je bil ček fake
Saj v tem je fora, da tole ni cek. S cekom je easy, cek lahko enostavno nima kritja, ampak tale bi posiljal z Western Union. Ta trenutek mi ni znan nacin, kako bi lahko nekdo "preklical" WU nakazilo in dosegel vracilo. Tale tip cilja na drugo finto... Me zanima kaksno.
Saj v tem je fora, da tole ni cek. S cekom je easy, cek lahko enostavno nima kritja, ampak tale bi posiljal z Western Union. Ta trenutek mi ni znan nacin, kako bi lahko nekdo "preklical" WU nakazilo in dosegel vracilo. Tale tip cilja na drugo finto... Me zanima kaksno.
To tud mene zanima kok bi s cekom preko WU šlo...Tam plačaš nakazilo z kešom+stroške...
Me res zanima ...
Glede tega, da moraš pokazat osebno izkaznico ni res....Ena opcija je osebna izkaznica druga pa je, da on vpiše vprašanje in odgovor, ki ga moraš ti tudi poznat in ti ga more posredovat. V tem primeru osebna ni potrebna. To je seveda če gre za neke večje vsote. Mislim pa da je 1000 dolarjev taka vsota.
Tako bi mu lahko posreoval naslednje:
Neko lažno ime in priimek ter seveda naslov....On pa naj ti potem posereduje podatke za dvig preko WU= številko nakazila in potem t.i. vprašanje in odgovor nanj. Ko nakaže greš na banko in pravilne podatke moraš vpisat...Ali ti je denar poslal preveri prej na internetu če je nakazilo s stovjo številko bilo res oddano. Ko boš imel denar v rokah a je vseeno kako in kaj...
koker vem WU posluje le z kešom in ne kakimi čeki....probaš lahko ni greh...Jaz bi z lažnimi podatki pol pa da vidimo kaj bo...Tko al tko maš mobitel pri sebi in če ni denarja .......SAmo da ne bo on plačal kje z kako kreditno, ki je bla ukradena...Ne vem kako je v tem primeru z vračilom denarja.....SAmo glede na to, da bi dal lažne podatke ti ni za skrbet..
Me res zanima ...
Glede tega, da moraš pokazat osebno izkaznico ni res....Ena opcija je osebna izkaznica druga pa je, da on vpiše vprašanje in odgovor, ki ga moraš ti tudi poznat in ti ga more posredovat. V tem primeru osebna ni potrebna. To je seveda če gre za neke večje vsote. Mislim pa da je 1000 dolarjev taka vsota.
Tako bi mu lahko posreoval naslednje:
Neko lažno ime in priimek ter seveda naslov....On pa naj ti potem posereduje podatke za dvig preko WU= številko nakazila in potem t.i. vprašanje in odgovor nanj. Ko nakaže greš na banko in pravilne podatke moraš vpisat...Ali ti je denar poslal preveri prej na internetu če je nakazilo s stovjo številko bilo res oddano. Ko boš imel denar v rokah a je vseeno kako in kaj...
koker vem WU posluje le z kešom in ne kakimi čeki....probaš lahko ni greh...Jaz bi z lažnimi podatki pol pa da vidimo kaj bo...Tko al tko maš mobitel pri sebi in če ni denarja .......SAmo da ne bo on plačal kje z kako kreditno, ki je bla ukradena...Ne vem kako je v tem primeru z vračilom denarja.....SAmo glede na to, da bi dal lažne podatke ti ni za skrbet..
Go with the flow.
prej ga malo premami, recimo reci, da maš za enak denar en iber telefon, da pa rabiš 200$ vnaprej, da lahko plačaš nevemkatere stroške
. Me zanima, če bi se tile bebčki ujeli na svojo finto
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
klemen22 ::
Meni pa nekaj ne gre v glavo. Pustmo zaenkrat to da gre za nateg kar seveda gre.
Za tisto motorolo ki je vredna ene 150$ tip ponuja 580$ oz. 800$ s poštnino?
Za tisto motorolo ki je vredna ene 150$ tip ponuja 580$ oz. 800$ s poštnino?
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)
madviper ::
Za tisto motorolo ki je vredna ene 150$ tip ponuja 580$ oz. 800$ s poštnino?
Zato kr gre za nateg. Sam zaj me zanima na kak način...
I'd like to do something crazy!
klemen22 ::
Ja sej. Zato je brez veze se sploh neki igrat.
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)
madviper ::
Prejeto par minut nazaj:
Zdaj pa res več ne vem, kaj naj naredim. A se grem špilat dalje, al naj pustim vse skup...
Thanks for your response. I agree with thetotal price of $800USD.ok. I will need you payment information i.e Your full name and address where the money will be sent to.ok. So send your full name and address to me as soon as you can so that i will go and send the money tomorrow morning via Western Union.ok.
Zdaj pa res več ne vem, kaj naj naredim. A se grem špilat dalje, al naj pustim vse skup...
I'd like to do something crazy!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: madviper ()
klemen22 ::
Pomoje boš kakšne reklame fasal.
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)
Tody ::
ja a nima DHL plačila po povzetju DHL pač ne da paketa če ne dobim 800 $ in dobiš od DHL nazaj telefon al pa 800$
Pyr0Beast ::
Ja, s tem, da plačaš poštnino za tam in nazaj.
Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
madviper ::
Mislim, da ne bom nič pošiljal. Niti se mi ne da več špilat z njim.
Če se komu da z njim ukvarjat, naj pove, pa mu posredujem vse informacije.
Če se komu da z njim ukvarjat, naj pove, pa mu posredujem vse informacije.
I'd like to do something crazy!
raufnk ::
al pa mu samo odgovor da rabš še 3x več keša vnaprej ker morš ta telefon dobit od enga frenda v rusiji, ki ga lovi mafija, pa rab keš za potni list da bo lahko k nam zbežal. temu tipu pa da boš pol keš vrnil ko boš telefon poslal
madviper ::
Zdaj pa še to prevedi v angleščino, pa gre direktno v promet
Zdaj pa še to prevedi v angleščino, pa gre direktno v promet
I'd like to do something crazy!
bastadu ::!![]()
pingec ::
Zakaj pa bi nehal? Naj ti denar nakaze, ko ga imas v denarnici ta pa briga kaj clovk naklepa, mu posles mobi, pa je. Pa osebne podatke edin zamaskiraj (preventivno), zgubit nimas nic.
Normalnost je povprečje nenormalnih ljudi.
Stepni Volk ::
Nova oblika afriških nategov. Klasična izgleda takole nekako (ravno prejel na email):
I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department of BANK OF AFRICAN BURKINA FASO. I got your contact address through internet net work search when searching for a good and reliable person that will assist me in this transaction.
In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of 22.85m US Dollars (twenty two milllion eight hundred and Fifty thousand us dollars)in an account thatbelongs to one of our foreign customer who died on 31st JULY 2002 IN SUPER SONIC CONCORDE plane crash AT CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT IN PARIS FRANCE along with his entire family.
Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposednext of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane
crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and i don't want this money togo into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.
The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
I agree that 30% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account and 60% would be for me, and 10% would be set aside for any expense that would incur during the process of the transfer.
Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and your account informations where inthe money will be remitted Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.
You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this mail through my Email box
Your's faithfully
I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department of BANK OF AFRICAN BURKINA FASO. I got your contact address through internet net work search when searching for a good and reliable person that will assist me in this transaction.
In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of 22.85m US Dollars (twenty two milllion eight hundred and Fifty thousand us dollars)in an account thatbelongs to one of our foreign customer who died on 31st JULY 2002 IN SUPER SONIC CONCORDE plane crash AT CHARLES DE GAULLE AIRPORT IN PARIS FRANCE along with his entire family.
Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposednext of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane
crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and i don't want this money togo into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.
The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
I agree that 30% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account and 60% would be for me, and 10% would be set aside for any expense that would incur during the process of the transfer.
Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and your account informations where inthe money will be remitted Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.
You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this mail through my Email box
Your's faithfully
zee ::
stara fora
lepo odpišeš, da te zanima...nakar ga malo nateguješ in na koncu poveš, da te je kontaktiral FBI
lepo odpišeš, da te zanima...nakar ga malo nateguješ in na koncu poveš, da te je kontaktiral FBI
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Brane2 ::
Solidna provizija, ampak zakaj bi se omejil na maloprodajo ?
Mislim, če se greš marketingarja in daješ projektu življenje, ta tip pa ima 10.000.000 takih trupel (vsa z istega letala) na razpolago in povsod išče sodelavce, zakaj mu ne bi ponudil skonto in bil "next of kin" vsem za recimo 10% po glavi ?
Mislim, če se greš marketingarja in daješ projektu življenje, ta tip pa ima 10.000.000 takih trupel (vsa z istega letala) na razpolago in povsod išče sodelavce, zakaj mu ne bi ponudil skonto in bil "next of kin" vsem za recimo 10% po glavi ?
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Brane2 ()
lonz ::
madviper ne se špilat. Tule odzad je ko bog nigerijska mafija. Mal več si lahk pogledaš na . Tipično za nigerijske scammerje je glih da uporabljajo WU, naslov v Ameriki je pa neka packet forwarding varijanta. S temi butlni se res ni za špilat; raj pust na mer.
...arrrrrr, shiver me timbers...
madviper ::
Sem pusto pri miru, kr se mi ni dalo več ukvarjat z onim tipom. Tak da mam telefon še stalno doma.
I'd like to do something crazy!
krneki0001 ::
The Western Union MTCN version of the scam
In yet another variant of this scam, the buyer will provide a real Western Union Money Transfer Control Number (MCTN) to the seller, which can be checked on the Western Union website. However the buyer will not tell the seller who sent the money, thereby making it impossible to receive those funds. It's like showing someone a wad of dollar bills but not handing over the money.
If you receive a fake Western Union / BidPay or PayPal message, look at the email address this was sent from (for example, or or any addresses of a "BidPay agent" to contact for questions. If you take this address and replace the left part with the word abuse you get the email address to which to forward such scam emails (for example, or Ask the email service to suspend the email account used for this fraud.
Dear seller,
I really want to buy this item and i need a seller who is ready to sell,i
will be paying 750euro for this item and you will ship it to my client in
(1)I will be paying you by western Union Payment.
(2)You will ship the item by FEDEX,DHL,UPS,EMS.
(3)You will ship the item to my client immediately you recieve my payment
approval from the western union.
If you agree with these stated terms,send me your full name and address so
that i can go to the western union office immeidately to make payment for
the item.
please please scammers stay off!!!!!!!!!!
Robert Dallas
In yet another variant of this scam, the buyer will provide a real Western Union Money Transfer Control Number (MCTN) to the seller, which can be checked on the Western Union website. However the buyer will not tell the seller who sent the money, thereby making it impossible to receive those funds. It's like showing someone a wad of dollar bills but not handing over the money.
If you receive a fake Western Union / BidPay or PayPal message, look at the email address this was sent from (for example, or or any addresses of a "BidPay agent" to contact for questions. If you take this address and replace the left part with the word abuse you get the email address to which to forward such scam emails (for example, or Ask the email service to suspend the email account used for this fraud.
Dear seller,
I really want to buy this item and i need a seller who is ready to sell,i
will be paying 750euro for this item and you will ship it to my client in
(1)I will be paying you by western Union Payment.
(2)You will ship the item by FEDEX,DHL,UPS,EMS.
(3)You will ship the item to my client immediately you recieve my payment
approval from the western union.
If you agree with these stated terms,send me your full name and address so
that i can go to the western union office immeidately to make payment for
the item.
please please scammers stay off!!!!!!!!!!
Robert Dallas
madviper ::
Vidi ti to. Po tem modelu sem tud jaz dobo to ponudbo
I'd like to do something crazy!
Calligula ::
Tukaj pa tam od idiotov dobijo kako darilo zastonj oz kdaj pa kdaj placajo zanje zanemarljiv davek, kdaj pa kdaj pa jih kdo tudi fajn zafrkne kot je bilo to storjeno na zgornjem linku.
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