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kuglvinkl ::

New Features
The CATALYST™ software suite now provide a Force TV Detection feature.

Force TV Detection

Some TV sets may use non-standard inputs resulting in the TV enable button continuing to stay grayed out in the ATI Displays tab.
This issue is address by a Troubleshoot button that is now available. This button allows the user to force detection of their TV.
However, features that rely on automatic detection of the TV will not be supported on the TV display.
TV detection will also need to be re-enabled each time the system is restarted.

Issues Resolved in CATALYST™ Version 3.6
This section provides information on game issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

Switching to the program Second Life using the ALT-Tab command no longer results in the system not responding or looping indefinitely

Running the demo game Lord of the Realms 3 under Windows XP with a RADEOIN 9000 series card installed no longer results in the system not responding when a 3 stage effect is used

The game Unreal Tournament 2003 no longer hangs when loading the CTF-December level

The geometry flashing throughout the background of Second Life is now resolved

Flickering and display corruption in the game NeverWinter Nights is now resolved

Resolved Benchmark Issues
This section provides information on Benchmark issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

Running ViewPerf 6.1.2 under Windows ME with any RADEON™ family product installed no longer results in the application not being able to render an image

Resolved Software Application issues
This section provides information on application issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

Objects are now generated and the VP is no longer gray when running 3ds max in D3D mode

Loss of focus when switching between different layers in Studio Tool 10.1 is now resolved

Full Screen Anti-Aliasing no longer causes corrupt geometry in model viewer program

Overlay no longer disappears when moving the mouse around in panning mode on the secondary display adapter in the application Overfly

Resolved CATALYST™ Driver Issues
This section provides information on CATALSYT™ driver issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

Multimedia mode scaling and positioning issues have now been resolved when using TV out

Display corruption noticed on the ATI Demo Rachel running under Windows XP is now resolved

The lighting and triangle culling on the 3D pipes screensaver no longer is incorrect when using a RADEON™ 7000 series card under Windows 2000

Significant CPU usage is no longer noticed when Hardware Overlay Alpha Deblocking is in use

Enabling Overlay Theater Mode and playing an HDTV source through the ATI File Player, no longer results in the system rebooting

The TV can now be disabled using the Troubleshoot button in the ATI displays tab

Connecting a secondary DFP and attempting to enable extended desktop mode no longer now results in the secondary display device becoming active

Setting an LCD as the primary display, and a CRT as the secondary display followed by enabling Overlay Theater Mode, no longer results in display corruption when preview the screen saver on the secondary display

Enabling extended desktop at certain resolutions and colour depths no longer results in display corruption on the secondary controller

Installing a RADEON™ 9600 series card in a motherboard supporting AGP 8X no longer results in some 3D applications failing to respond

Known Issues
The following section provides a brief description of known issues associated with the latest version of CATALYST™.

When updating to future CATALYST™ releases your current color control panel profiles will be lost. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release

Running the 3D Pipes screen saver for an extended period of time (24 hours or longer), produces an error message indicating that the virtual memory is not enough

Setting the Landscape details to Perfect in the game IL2 Stumovik Forgotten Battles results in the system not responding during the track playback

Running MS Links 2003 with Anisotropic filtering and Anti-Aliasing enabled results in vertical and horizontal lines being displayed within the game. This issue is known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9700 series card installed. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release

Enabling Anti-Aliasing and attempting to take a screen shot results in a corrupt capture when running OpenGL games such as, CounterStrike, Half-Life, Quake III or Medal of Honour: Allied Assault. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release
Your focus determines your reallity

flipflop ::

Nimam nobenih težav z verzijo 3.5,tako da ne bom zamenjal.

Gejmer ::

Te so pa hitri.. Menda hočejo slediti nnividiji. Jz bom naložu vseen.. Men bi blo bol ušeč da se usedejo pa nardijo ene dobre gonilnike za Win in še boljše za Linux(že dolgo ni bilo updata..)..
Nanda yo?

R33D3M33R ::

Enabling Anti-Aliasing and attempting to take a screen shot results in a corrupt capture when running OpenGL games such as, CounterStrike, Half-Life, Quake III or Medal of Honour: Allied Assault. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release
Tega prej ni bilo, zgleda da so nazadovali :D
Za Linux bi pa res rabil boljše. UT mi rahlo trza, ko ga igram v OpenGL.
Moja domača stran: http://andrej.mernik.eu
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

freejack ::

Jap, nasledni teden pridejo pa 3.7 :D
Mah ne tolk, da bi sledili nVidii, ampak se še vedno pojavlja ful hroščev pri igrah, pri čemer tudi R300 ni izjema. Opažam tud, da se je začel folk kao bunit, da že od 3.2 ni blo spljoh kake optimizacije, kar se tiče same hitrosti. Ja valda, ko sam hrošče popravljajo. Od majhnih nedolžnih pokvarjenih tekstur pa do nezmožnosti igranja iger, npr. NWN za 8500/9000/9100, predvsem pa za 9600 serijo, kjer igra od random do 80 sekund zašteka. (ko že omenjam NWN, sem skoraj crknil od smeha, ko je tip CM rekel, da so za igro najbolj stabilni dobro leto stari gonilniki verzije xy) :D

CM se trudi, preseneča, sam še vedno,.. to ni to... ATI potrebuje še veliko vaje in veliko učenja od nVidie (z GF2Pro nisem imel problema niti z eno igro, pri Radeonu,...rajš najštejem tiste, s katerimi nisem mel problemov, bom prej konc) ;(( :D

Kar pa se AA tiče, je pa veliko iger teži k nVidii in to jih matra, bo treba malce popravt zadeve.

upirna ::

jaz mam radeona 9000 PRO, pa nimam nikakršnih težav. Res pa je, da ne igram iger(ali pa zelo malo).

Zheegec ::

Ne vem kaj vas matra nekatere. Imam R9100 in edina težava je Toca Race Driver (mogoče so to že odpravili?), drugače pa mi vse deluje ok, od raznih 3DMarkov, pa do UTja, GTA, NFS, Warcrafta, B&W, RON, CM2, CM3,...
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

upirna ::

freejack, a ti to iz lastnih izkušenj?

overman ::

Mene samo zanima kako zbrisem stare gonilnike oz. alui samo nove prek posnamem? Zdaj sem sel nekaj gledat napredno (meni) in opazil da tam pri graficni kartici pise: Chiptyp RADEON9700AGP (NE),
Dac-Typ: Internal DAC(400Mhz)-a je to normalno ali pa je moj radeon eden tistih, ki ima enak cip kot 9700?
Früher oder später wird jeder Geometer :p

upirna ::

gonilnike naj bi zbrisal v dodaj/odstrani programe, sam jaz jih ponavadi kar povozim.:)

freejack ::

ALIEN3001: Ti NWN in pa mogoče še Jedi Knight 2 (ob določenih max nastavitvah) deluje bp?


Da bi povozil gonilnike? Pa človk bi vas tepel.

ATI drivers do not always uninstall/update very well so I have my own foolproof method to make sure that everything goes as planned. This is geared towards WinXP, but the principles are the same in all Windows OS's. This the closest I can get to a clean install of ATI drivers/SW that I have figured out short of a reformat.

You will need to disable Windows File Protection (WFP) or do the file deletions in the \system32 folder while in safe mode depending on your system configuration. To disable WFP, I use X-Setup by X-teq (free, very powerful system tweaker) and you should have no problems deleting any file. Otherwise Safe Mode should work just fine. (press F8 during startup and select Safe Mode)

Items you will need before you start:

* Download all of the necessary drivers from here
* Download and install Regcleaner (the best registry tool out there) from here.

System purging procedure:

* Uninstall all ATI SW, drivers, hydravision, MMC, remote SW, whatever because it makes it easier to clean up your system and it won't cause problems when restarting. Don't reboot until everything is uninstalled.

* Delete the following directories:

* C:\ATI
* C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia
* C:\Program Files\ATI Technology
* C:\Program Files\Common Files\Raviscent Shared

note: you may not have all of these depending on your card type, just delete the ones you have

* Clean out the C:\Windows\Temp directory. There is a chance there are some driver files in there as well.

* Go to the C:Windows\system32 directory, make sure you are in detail view and right click on the header (where name, file type, date modified...is) and select more and check the box for Company. Then double click on the Company header and then delete all of the ATI files in there. Do the same for the C:Windows\system32\drivers directory.

* Go to the C:\Windows\inf directory and delete any file that starts with ATI (open the inf files in notepad). Then go down to each file named oemxx.inf and open it, delete any that refer to ATI. Make sure that you delete the corresponding .pnf file as well.

* Run Regcleaner. Delete any ATI entries.

* Empty the Recycle Bin.

* Unplug your internet connection or disable it. (Mainly for WinXP) If you don't Windows will try to download a driver for you and install it.

* Reboot

Driver/SW install

* Install the WDM drivers For AIW cards only. Do not reboot.

* Install the Display drives (Catalyst). Do not reboot.

* Install the Control Panel. Reboot.

On startup Windows will install all of your HW went it boots and it will take a few minutes. If you are using a non-AIW card you are done. For AIW users, there are two more setps:

* Install the MMC SW. Reboot.

* Install the MMC DVD Decoder SW. Reboot

Like I said, I have done this more than a few times and it always works for me. I wouldn't have spent all of the time formatting this message if I didn't believe in it.


overman: neki časa nazaj je blo govora o 9500, ki so uporabljale iste čipe, ki so na 9700. Te si lahko zmodal potem iz 9500 na 9700, zarad česar so jih tudi vzeli iz prodaje. Če si morda lastiš 9500 s 9700 čipom, hitro pobrskaj po forumu, da vidiš, kako lahko iz svoje grafe dobiš čisto pravcati 9700.


upirna: govorim tako iz osebnih izkušenj, kot iz izkušenj mnogih ATIjevih lastnikov.
p.s. s CM sem mislil na Catalyst Makerja, ne na Colin McRae.

Če še vedno kdo misli, da Radeoni nimajo problemov z igrami, naj jih nekaj naštejem:

# Slowdown with Counterstrike 1.5
Affects: Quite a few people, but not everyone
Workaround for problem: none known except to use the 1.6 beta
Status – in progress?

# Slow performance with Neverwinter Nights both with and without shadows
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: turn off shadows and AA / AF
Status – ATI aware, is being looked at, no idea what version it will be fixed in, slight increase in 3.6 version * UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# Shiney water problem with Neverwinter Nights
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status – Unknown, has been reported, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# Fog problem with Neverwinter Nights
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status – Unknown, has been reported, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# 9600 users cannot run Neverwinter Nights for more than few mins without it crashing
Affects: Most people with a 9600 1 with 9000
Workaround for problem: Dissable AA (both in game and in control panel) and turn off hardware mouse and run in windowed mode via NWN,INI stops it crashing as quickly
Status – Unknown, has been reported, crashes with 3.1 - 3.5 hotfix, reported to bioware and atari too

# Texture flickering in NOLF2
Affects: Almost everyone
Workaround: None
Status - Fix pending woohoo, fix is in ATI's internal codebase, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# Black & White unable to use AA modes
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, Jane's F/A-18, Flanker 2.5,Mechwarrior 3, Star Wars Racer AA not enabled
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?, may be related to lack of SSAA and or games just not compatible

# Battlefield 1942 rendering problems AKA triangles of death
Affects: Lots of people, but not all, 8500 - 9100
Workaround: Use 3.1 driver set
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times, some people say its improved in 3.6 but still not 100% also slows other users down as its drawing the scenery more often * UPDATED FOR 3.6 *

# Raven Shield with nightvision huge FPS drop
Affects: quite a few people
Workaround: None
Status: ATI aware of problem and developer also infromed by them
http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthr...20&pagenumber=1 *STILL BROKEN AS OF 3.6*

# Raven Shield with nightvision causes black screen PC to BSOD with Nforce motherboard
Affects: 1 person
Workaround: turn off only agp write in Smartgart
Status: unknown, reported ?

# C&C Generals lockup problems playing GLA version 1.05
Affects: 2 people (so far) PM me if you want adding
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported? nobody else gets this will be removed unless its more of a problem

# C&C Generals title screen anomalys verson 1.05
Affects: 1 person (so far) PM me if you want adding
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported?, nobody else seems to get this it will be removed unless its more of a problem

# Tigerwoods Golf 2003 screen goes blank leaving only the swingometer when taking a shot
Affects: 9800 Pro only
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported? * STILL NOT FIXED IN 3.6 *

# Tigerwoods Golf 2003 water reflections look odd
Affects: Some people
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Hegemonia When using the spacemap, planets have flickering textures at their poles when looking at them from above
Affects: a few people (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Hegemonia transparent textures, things that should be in front are in the back and reverse, and shiney ships and planets are missing
Affects: 1 person Mobility 9000 (M9) (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Operation Flashpoint tree display problem
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported

# Need for Speed 5 display problem with lights when AF enabled
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: Use real CD and real .EXE file not NO CD patch, not tested, let me know if this works for more than one person
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Slow FPS in F12002 and F1 Challenge 99-02 with AA enabled
Also see
Affects: Quite a few people
Workaround for problem: possible workaround change the Shadow setting = Medium in the game settings for F1 C 99-02
Status: Unknown, reported?, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# Jaws 4.51 and all other versions
Affects: Everyone who uses it (more than you would think)
Workaround for problem: none
Status: Unknown, reported?

# HDTV interlaced resolution slow performance problem if enabled
Affects: People with a HDTV
Workaround for problem: None known about (PM me if you have a solution)
Status – reported some time ago, never acknowledged

# Interlaced video overlay is broken on 3.5 if you aren't using the ATI dongle. Video is cut in half vertically and then stretched to fill the video overlay area. (worked in 3.4)
Affects: People with a HDTV
Workaround for problem: Use 3.4 drivers for now
Status – unknown, reported, still broken in 3.6 * UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# Severe slowdown with GTA Vice city and sprites on screen eg helecopter downwashhttp://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.... or http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthr...t=GTA+Vice+city
Affects: Quite a few people
Workaround for problem: none
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Messed up lighting in DAOC when using torches
Affects: everyone
Workaround for the problem: None, unless you count waiting for the new engine being developed for the Atlantis addon, in the hope that its fixed
Status, reported multiple times, never acknowledged

# Messed up menu in Severence blade of darkness, and black textures within the game
Affects: 9700+ card users only (pm me if you know different)
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# TruForm doesn’t work anymore in Morrowind
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Horrible performance in Morrowind with or without shadows enabled
Affects: Everyone, especially 9700 - 9800 users
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Morrowind slowly degrades in performance with use / talk right click mouse operations
Affects: 8500 users only
Workaround for problem: Exit game and reload
Status: unknown, reported?

# Horrible performance in Star Trek Elite Forces 2 with Stencil Buffer shadows enabled
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Tombraider AOD slow response when Pixel Shader 2 options used and default compression
Affects: Some people
Workaround for problem: Change compression in AOD options to DXT5 it will speed things up check out other impovements to make here http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthr...30&pagenumber=2
Status: Unknown, not reported as far as I know

# Counterstrike & HalfLife & MODS lack of screenshot capture
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: Use Fraps www.fraps.com
Status: Screenshot issue will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release

# Quake 1/2/3 and other quake based engines unable to take screenshots correctly
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: for Q3 screen capture: use the PrtSc button on the keyboard then paste into a paint program. shots will appear darker than they show up in game if you use r_overbrightbits 1, or use FRAPS util http://www.fraps.com/
Status: This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release, reported multiple times

# Quake 2 unable to alt & tab
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Links 2003 problem with lines through the golfer and screen with AA and AF
Affects: 7200 - 8500 users
Workaround for the problem: Change agp mode from smartgard, reboot. Check the game, it's ok now. Change the agp mode back to original and reboot.
Status: This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release, reported multiple times

# Jedi Knight 2 the character models have funky colors
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# C&C Renegade texturing problems
Affects: 3 users (so far)
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported

# Forgotten Battles Win98SE OGL on exit from the game
Affects: some users, 8500 problem only ?
Workaround for the problem: Uprade to XP
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Tooltips messed up when OGL program is in a window on XP
Affects: some users
Workaround for the problem: can be reduced by turning off Windows GUI shadows
Status: Unknown, reported? *still broken in 3.6*

# Nascar 2003 odd slowdown during race and corrupt graphics
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Enemy Territory flickering loading screen when AA is enabled
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Earth and Beyond incorrectly rendered shields
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Homeworld and Homeworld Cataclysm disappearing textures if you go to max distance to your mothership
Affects: At least 1 person, 8500 only?
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported to ATI

# Dungeon Keeper II horrible performance and extreme sound probs. under Win2k and XP (since 3.5 horrible performance, under Win98/Me everything works perfect
Affects: At least 1 person, 8500 only?
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported to ATI, The extreme sound problem is not an ATI problem. The problem with sound loops/distortions happends because Dungeon Keeper 2 has a problem with hardware buffers on XP/2000. Turning down your sound accelleration to basic or alter the compatiblity settings

# Soldier of Fortune II no transparent water
Affects: Some people
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Cultures, Cultures 2, other DirectX (not Direct3D) 2D games
Affects: 9700+ cards
HowToTell: Black/odd colored graphics.
Workaround: Turn down Accelleration
Status: unknown, reported?

# Toca Race driver doesnt work
Affects: 9100 users
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times * STILL BROKEN IN 3.6 *

# Toca Race driver texturing problems and slow downs
Affects: 9500 - 9700 users
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported

# Silent Hill 2 noticeable line around the main character when AF is enabled problem also exists with the directors cut edition
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Better performance in 3D Studio MAX, MAYA
Affects: Everyone, who uses serious apps like this
Workaround for the problem: None so far, except to buy an expensive Fire GL card
Status: Unknown, reported?

# TFT screens are not always recognized as TFT screens
Affects: Some users
Workaround for the problem: None so far
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Z-fighting and polygon gaps in games
Affects: some people
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Anarchy Online display corruption when in flight
Affects: 9500 and up users
Workaround for the problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported. Requires W buffer support for 9500+ cards (most likely via software emulation, as the cards don’t have hardware support) Please go to the following link to request this to be added to the drivers or ask developers to add improved Z buffer support for the game http://apps.ati.com/driverfeedback/

# Slow Frame Buffer access speed
Affects: Everyone who uses PSX emulators and older games
Workaround: Use OGL plugin instead for now its a bit faster
Status: ATI aware and ATI QA filed bug report with driver devs, doesnt seem to be a high priority though

# Problem with data corruption when large system cache option is used in Windows XP and Win2K and your hard drive is in NTFS format
Affects: Everyone
Workaround: There is a registry tweak that’s supposed to fix this http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/421...
Status: ATI aware, reported multiple times , registry tweak to fix it for now

# Gamma settings reset back to defaults when exiting a game
Affects: Everyone who doesn’t use default gamma settings
Workaround: None
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Messed up textures and backgrounds in older games, Carmageddon and Final fantasy VII for example (PM me if you have others)
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Requires implementation of 8-bit palletized texture support (may need emulation as hardware doesn’t appear support it natively), if you wish to petition ATI to add this feature to the drivers http://apps.ati.com/driverfeedback/

# Missing VESA 2 support for DOS games and screen corruption
Affects: people who play older games
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown,
If you wish to petition ATI to add this feature to the drivers http://apps.ati.com/driverfeedback/

# Missing Super Sampling AA modes for games (will fix bugs in Homeworld AA and Tribes 2 AA The Longest Journey, Grim Fandago, Thorgal's Quest, Odyessy Search for Ulysses for example)
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported LOTS of times.
If you wish to petition ATI to add this feature to the drivers http://apps.ati.com/driverfeedback/

# Toca race driver crashes
Affects: 7500 User 1 confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# Unreal2 crashes
Affects: 7500 User 1 confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# TVout and monitor display not saving settings when at different resolutions and flipping between them also lowers the refresh rate
Affects: 1 user confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown

# stuttering and having to turn down acceleration still not fixed for everyone
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Change game priority to high can help, or removing background apps like virus checkers
Status: unknown, reported?

# Gothic2 slow FPS in towns
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: F1 to F4 to adjust to view range in game and or enable .INI fixs
Status: unknown, reported? could just be heavy workload for CPU, needs testing on other graphics cards to see if same problem exists

# Gothic2 display stutters with the shafts of light in the forest near the stone circle
Affects: a 9600 user and a 9700 user, let me know if you also have this problem
Workaround for problem: F1 to F4 to adjust to view range in game ALSO *NEW* Gothic2 has a problem with ati drivers and there is a hack to temp fix it in the ini file!
Status: Unknown, reported

# Vice city slowdown when fog e.g in strip bar
Affects: 4 people confirmed, 9700 user and a 9500 user and Radeon 64 DDR ViVo (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# Splinter Cell slowdown police station mission, stepping through light rays FPS drops causing stuttering
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon slowdown with smoke, fog fine
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Texturing problems
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne Alt & Tabbing causes graphics corruption
Affects: 1 person confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use older 3.4 drivers as they are unaffected
Status: unknown, reported?

# MOAA texture flickering problems V2 rocket map
Affects: a few people
Workaround for problem: None
Status: unknown, reported?

# If you don't have a DDC monitor or don't have a monitor at all (only tv out). The card will not turn on in windows
Affects: Everyone who wants to use their PC in home entertainment, may JUST be 9100 users
Workaround for problem: Buy or make a dummy monitor plug and disable DDC in ATI control panel, use earlier drivers 3.1?
Status: worse in 3.6 drivers, some people report they have no problems, reported *UPDATED FOR 3.6 Catalyst Maker has said he will look into this*

# Slowdown / stuttering in D3D/openGL with AMD MPx dual chipsets
Affects: Quite a few people (if not all).
Workaround for problem: START->RUN->SMARTGART and disable AGP reads/writes completely removes stuttering, or BIOS->AGP APERTURE SIZE down to 32MB which helps reducing the length of the stuttering
Status: Been getting better every Catalyst release since 2.3, but still 9FPS at times. Solved 10s pauses in 3dsmax5, common pauses in Blood Rayne etc etc.

# Extreme slowdown with Silent Hill II using shadows, with AMD MPx dual chipsets
Affects: Everyone with 9700+ and AMD MPx?
Workaround for problem: Disable AGP reads/writes
Status – in progress?

# Horrible FPS in GTR2002 which is a mod for F12002
Affects: 1 person (PM me if you want adding to the list)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Banding display problems in Q3 engine games when fog on screen
Affects: a few people
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported

# RTCW water looks bad, no transparency
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported

# Alt & Tab not possible in tactical ops
Link ?
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Icewind Dale's OpenGL mode is still broken a null pointer crash
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: Install expansion pack for game as it includes a new renderer, needs testing
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Texture clamping in OGL not working for certain games Alice, Icewind Dale, Q3 Urban Terror Diablo II
Link ?
Use the Feedback form to request a compatability mode to fix this issue
Affects: Everyone
Workaround for problem: ATI's method works as it should, but problems where games were written for NV hardware only
Status: Unknown, reported multiple times

# Midnight Club 2 screen shrinks the more you turn up your anti aliasing, 6x made it into a little box
Link ?
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: Disable full screen effects in the game options
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Escape from monkey island AA problems
Link ?
Affects: 1 person (PM if you want adding to list)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Flightsim 2004 drawing problems including same ground problem as FS2002
Affects: 9700 and 9800 users
Workaround for problem: Run the game in Windowed mode
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Flightsim 2002 ground texture drawing problems
Affects: 2 users, one 9000Pro (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Run the game in Windowed mode
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Serious Sam:SE v1.50 beta crashes immediately after the "sam I am" intro screen right when the flyby sequence should begin
Affects: A few people (me included) 9500 - 9800 only ?
Workaround for problem: Skip intro and then go into options and pick higher resolution than the default and change the performance to quality then restart, other workaround is to change renderer to DX and restart game, older game patch works fine but is missing the new features of the beta
Status: Unknown, reported? Croteam has been unable to replicate at the moment, this is still broken in 3.6 *UPDATED FOR 3.6*

# Mouse cursor disappears in XP, and major game artifacts ABIT KT7A-RAID v1.1
Affects: 9500 Pro 128MB User 1 confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Turn off Fast Writes
Status: unknown, reported?

# Lots of stuttering with ATI Taskbar icon enabled
Affects: 9700 Pro User 1 confirmed (PM if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: ATI taskbar Enabled but Not showing everything is fine
Status: unknown, reported?

# Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance certain cinematics where everything turns black it first appears when Snake enters the bridge on the Tanker
Affects: 1 person so far, (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: Use 3.2 drivers or older
Status: unknown, reported multiple times, has been an issue from at least 3.4 * STILL BROKEN IN 3.6 *

# Celestia 1.3 (OpenGL)Texture corrupts on planets with rings if ring shadow is enabled Rendering becomes very slow also
Affects: 8500 - 9100 users
Workaround for problem: The only known workaround is to turn of ring shadows
Status: unknown, reported? *still broken in 3.6*

# Win98 60HZ refreshrate problem
Affects: Lots of people
Workaround for problem: change the idcregoptiondontuseosmonitorinfo reg key
Status: being looked into?

# ATI taskbar icon & keypoller causing problems in games and applications certain keypresses not working or keys not being pressed are displayed
Affects: Some people
Workaround for problem: Remove the ATI taskbar icon via the options in the display properties and or disable the ATI key poller service via the services in the control panel
Status: being looked into? see above thread for an update

# Empire Earth Mouse cursor leaves trails when moving over 2D objects and all text is missing when AA is enabled
Affects: Some people, 9700 - 9800 reported so far
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported? The mouse trails happen once in awhile in WinME when AA is enabled. The text works fine with AA enabled in WinME, BOTH dont work in XP

# Combat mission: Barbarossa to Berlin has graphics glitches with AA enabled, Main menu is invisible and In-game textboxes are white-on-white
Affects: One person so far (PM me if you want adding to the list)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Big slowdown when foliage displayed on Enemy Territory
Affects: 9500 - 9800 users
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Rise Of Nations partly missing menu and red square around the cursor when AA is used
Affects: 2 9800 users, some report its fine on their 9800
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# IL2 Sturmovik screenshots dont work with AA
Affects: A few users
Workaround for problem: Use fraps for now http://www.fraps.com/
Status: Unknown, reported, has been around since at least 3.2 driver set

# Michelin Rally Masters starting a multiplayer game crashes back to desktop ver 3.2
Affects: A few users
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported, tested with catalyst 3.4 and 3.5 (and with DX 8.1)

# Naviset monitor setting utility doesnt work
Affects: Everyone who uses the util
Workaround for problem: Only reverting back to 3.4 cures the problem
Status: Unknown, reported, * STILL BROKEN IN 3.6*

# Enclave the pixel shaded water does not work correctly
Affects: Mobility 9000 (M9) and 8500 users
Workaround for problem: Disable Vsync in game then re-enable it gets it to display correctly
Status: Unknown, reported

# missing refresh rates in driver for monitors able to support them
Affects: people with modern monitors
Workaround for problem: Use Powerstrip
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Smartgart disabled all directx and agp functions on two different motherboards Asus P4533s and MSi 875p Neo
Affects: 9700 - 9800 pro users
Workaround for problem: Do a manual driver install
Status: Unknown, reported?

# UT2003 DM-DE-Grendlekeep (digital extremes bonus pack)
Affects: Some people
Workaround for problem: None reported
Status: Unknown, reported? Has been around since earlier versions, may be a map bug

# OGL graphics banding problems
Affects: 9800 only ?
Workaround for problem: Use older drivers 3.5 or earlier
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Rollcage Stage II and Microsoft Return of Arcade D3D left in unusable state without reboot
Affects: 1 user (PM me if you want adding)
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Clive Barkers the Undying problem with snow (Monastary level) and AF
Affects: 9500 - 9700 users only, works on 8500
Workaround for problem: None
Status: Unknown, reported

# Ground Control AA doesnt work anymore
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: works if you dont have a 2nd display otherwise use 3.2 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported?

# Giants graphic bugs with AF on
Affects: Everyone?
Workaround for problem: works if you dont have a 2nd display otherwise use 3.2 drivers
Status: Unknown, reported?

Gejmer ::

Od zgoraj naštetih problemov mi probleme dela samo Half-Life. Drugi delajo brezhibno!
Nanda yo?

Mavrik ::

Impresiven seznam. Jaz mam edino negativne izkušnje z NWN, ki mi po nekaj trenutkih zmrzne.... blah :'( .
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

frudi ::

# Slow performance with Neverwinter Nights both with and without shadows

# Shiney water problem with Neverwinter Nights

# Fog problem with Neverwinter Nights

# Texture flickering in NOLF2

# Operation Flashpoint tree display problem

# TruForm doesn’t work anymore in Morrowind

# Horrible performance in Morrowind with or without shadows enabled

# Morrowind slowly degrades in performance with use / talk right click mouse operations

# Gothic2 slow FPS in towns

# missing refresh rates in driver for monitors able to support them

tole sem dejansko tudi sam doživel... in če pomislim, da igram v bistvu zelo malo različnih iger :\. pravzaprav sem za par od teh stvari mislil, da so problemi s samo igro (predvsem upočasnitve v morrowind, nwn in gothic 2). go figure...
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

asPeteR ::

Samo nekaj.

Zakaj pa mislite, da se to dogaja? Nesposobnost programerjev?(a ni malo cudno, da v eni igri vse dela v eni za zezajo stvari?)Skratka potem sledi ugotovitev, kaj pa ce programerji teh iger niso tako superiorni, kot vsi ocitno mislite?(sodec po tem, da nobenen ne udriha po njih)

Stvar je podobna, kot pri chashanju winsev. Vsi krivimi billija in kompanijo, v resnici se pa ve, da je levji delez, teh neprijetnosti neznanju piscev gonilnikov. Zacuda, odkar je MS uvedel driver signing, so ti chrashi(blue screeni) prakticno izginili. Go figure ... In ta primer lahko lepo prenesemo v nas problem.

Jackal ::

Joj kaj bom jaz enemu naredil, ko dela driverje za ATI...
Ravno sem zložil vodno v kišto in hladim tudi radeona... lepo zalaufam, dam gor CAtalyst 3.6, zaženem 3d mark 2001 ... ne konča celega, še enkrat... ne konča celega... v tretje ga je le končal in to z rezultatom malo čez 6000 pik... Halo??? ;(( Sem mislil, da mogoče zajebava kaj voda...:O zložim spet vse iz kište, izpraznim sistem, dam navadne hladilnike gor... probam 3d mark... isto...:O
Odstranim driverje z driver cleanerjem in naložim Catalyst 3.2. Ne boste verjeli, ampak stvar dela čisto normalno. Preko 17000 pik spet 8-O
Zdaj pa jovo na novo dat cel sistem z vodo nazaj... :\
Walking the way is something completely different than imagining the way.

freejack ::

Od 3.2 naprej se stvari še bolj sesuvajo, napaka pa je tako s strani pisca gonilnikov, kot s strani pisca iger, čeprav so gonilniki manjši krivci, kot proizvajalci iger. Problem je v tem, da je veliko iger naperjenih proti določenemu čipu oz. njegovem proizvajalcu, konkretno NWN za nVdiio, čeprav tega ne bo nobeden potrdil, Atijevi programerji imajo v tem primeru slabši položaj, saj morajo določene stvari predelat, da bodo sploh solidno delalo, kot npr. zadnje čase je veliko problemov z AA v določenih igrah, pa ne govorim samo o funkcijah, ki se tičejo iger. Ko "ekslkuzivnih optimizacij" za določen čip ne bo več, bo na vseh karticah delalo, ne samo normalno, ampak celo stabilno.

... morn gret... bb...

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

9800 pro v 9800 xt

Oddelek: Navijanje
211653 (1175) Skankulja

radeon 9800 pro -> XT

Oddelek: Navijanje
131688 (1352) ricola78

Slikce z ATI štaba

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
71233 (1091) boštjan

flesanje Radeona 8500 s 128MB

Oddelek: Navijanje
271426 (908) Binji

3D Mark 2001SE Nature na DX7 hardveru!

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
221308 (947) _Mortal_

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