Forum » Omrežja in internet » ultimate test: hitrost brskalnika
ultimate test: hitrost brskalnika
Marjan ::
Kako hitro vaš browser prikazuje vsebino?!
Opravite test in po možnosti sporočite rezultate.
Trenutno vodi Opera, kar je pričakovano glede na njene lastnosti... za njo je (tudi pričakovano) FireFox.
OPOZORILO: Izklopiti je potrebno popup blocker, saj je v testu zajeto tovrstno testiranje.
Več ljudi ko opravi testiranje, boljša bo statistika.
Opravite test in po možnosti sporočite rezultate.
Trenutno vodi Opera, kar je pričakovano glede na njene lastnosti... za njo je (tudi pričakovano) FireFox.
OPOZORILO: Izklopiti je potrebno popup blocker, saj je v testu zajeto tovrstno testiranje.
Več ljudi ko opravi testiranje, boljša bo statistika.
flipflop ::
flipflop, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.50-1.59GHz 38.89 seconds, Aug 4, at 14:25:41
ranking: 348 out of 502 testers
ranking: 348 out of 502 testers
marS ::
latest result
marS, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.50-1.59GHz 22.52 seconds, Aug 4, at 14:43:36
ranking: 261 out of 502 testers
;-), bom naredil še z IE - evo rezultati:
marS_2, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.50-1.59GHz 15.69 seconds, Aug 4, at 14:48:26
ranking: 192 out of 502 testers
btw: 3 odprta okna z IE, 2 Firefoxa z po 3 zavihki, 4 dos konzole in en ABC ;-)
verjetn tut vse to vpliva na rezultat???
ajd, če se mal zezam, še rezultati na Fedori Core1
marS_3, Mozilla 1.4, Linux, 1.50-1.59GHz 20.24 seconds, Aug 4, at 15:01:46
ranking: 235 out of 502 testers
marS, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.50-1.59GHz 22.52 seconds, Aug 4, at 14:43:36
ranking: 261 out of 502 testers
;-), bom naredil še z IE - evo rezultati:
marS_2, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.50-1.59GHz 15.69 seconds, Aug 4, at 14:48:26
ranking: 192 out of 502 testers
btw: 3 odprta okna z IE, 2 Firefoxa z po 3 zavihki, 4 dos konzole in en ABC ;-)
verjetn tut vse to vpliva na rezultat???
ajd, če se mal zezam, še rezultati na Fedori Core1
marS_3, Mozilla 1.4, Linux, 1.50-1.59GHz 20.24 seconds, Aug 4, at 15:01:46
ranking: 235 out of 502 testers
zanimivo...... more heroes...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: marS ()
borchi ::
Firefox 0.9, Linux, 2.00-2.19GHz
23.3 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:23:56
ranking: 269 out of 502 testers
23.3 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:23:56
ranking: 269 out of 502 testers
c0dehunter ::
Primky, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.00-2.19GHz 83.12 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:37:02
ranking: 464 out of 502 testers
ranking: 464 out of 502 testers
rkb2 ::
noname, Explorer 6.x, Windows 2000, 99 MHz or lower
13.74 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:54:15
ranking: 178 out of 502 testers
noname, Firefox 0.9, Windows 2000, 99 MHz or lower
26.23 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:58:35
ranking: 295 out of 502 testers
Zdaj naj me pa še kakšen bizgec prepričuje da dela Firefox hitreje od IE.
13.74 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:54:15
ranking: 178 out of 502 testers
noname, Firefox 0.9, Windows 2000, 99 MHz or lower
26.23 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:58:35
ranking: 295 out of 502 testers
Zdaj naj me pa še kakšen bizgec prepričuje da dela Firefox hitreje od IE.
Microsoft ::
JimiBtn, Explorer 6.x, Windows 2000, 300-399MHz 69.48 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:52:45
ranking: 450 out of 502 testers
JimiBtn, Explorer 6.x, Windows 2000, 2.00-2.19GHz 18.31 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:59:23
ranking: 132 out of 502 testers
by Miha
ranking: 450 out of 502 testers
JimiBtn, Explorer 6.x, Windows 2000, 2.00-2.19GHz 18.31 seconds, Aug 5, at 00:59:23
ranking: 132 out of 502 testers
by Miha
BaRtMaN ::
BaRtMaN, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz, 6.33 seconds
, Aug 5, at 01:36:46
ranking: 22 out of 502 testers
BaRtMaN, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz, 15.23 seconds, Aug 5, at 01:45:01
ranking: 199 out of 502 testers
Zaradi tega in nekaterih drugih malenkosti jaz stalno ne uporabljam FireFoxa.
BaRtMaN, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz, 7.66 seconds, Aug 5, at 01:49:35
ranking: 41 out of 502 testers
ranking: 22 out of 502 testers
BaRtMaN, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz, 15.23 seconds, Aug 5, at 01:45:01
ranking: 199 out of 502 testers
Zaradi tega in nekaterih drugih malenkosti jaz stalno ne uporabljam FireFoxa.
BaRtMaN, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz, 7.66 seconds, Aug 5, at 01:49:35
ranking: 41 out of 502 testers
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: BaRtMaN ()
chucki ::
chucki, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.00-2.19GHz 15.12 seconds, Aug 5, at 02:01:16
ranking: 198 out of 502 testers
vidim da je kr soliden cas v primerjavi z vasimi!
ranking: 198 out of 502 testers
vidim da je kr soliden cas v primerjavi z vasimi!
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
SodVina ::
SodVna, Firefox 0.8, Linux, 500-599MHz
124.32 seconds, Aug 5, at 01:53:16
ranking: 495 out of 502 testers
SodVIna, Explorer 6.x, Windows 98, 500-599MHz (emulacija win98 v linux-u)
209.85 seconds, Aug 5, at 02:02:14
ranking: 499 out of 502 testers
Sistem suse 9.1, odprti so bili:
-3x Firefox, od tega eden s 3-imi zavihki
-1x ukazna lupina
-1x Konqueror
-1x XMMS 128kbit radio
-1x Lotus Notes preko emulatorja
no, zadnji pa le nisem...
124.32 seconds, Aug 5, at 01:53:16
ranking: 495 out of 502 testers
SodVIna, Explorer 6.x, Windows 98, 500-599MHz (emulacija win98 v linux-u)
209.85 seconds, Aug 5, at 02:02:14
ranking: 499 out of 502 testers
Sistem suse 9.1, odprti so bili:
-3x Firefox, od tega eden s 3-imi zavihki
-1x ukazna lupina
-1x Konqueror
-1x XMMS 128kbit radio
-1x Lotus Notes preko emulatorja
no, zadnji pa le nisem...
jarre ::
Hm.. a ni nikomur padlo v oči, da ne glede na testov ostaja skupno število ostaja 502?!
Sicer pa.. moj rezultat je hudooo slab... ob vseh p2p programih in i-net radiju...
Sicer pa.. moj rezultat je hudooo slab... ob vseh p2p programih in i-net radiju...
ginekolog ::
hm zanimivo, myie je kar precej hitrejši od IE.
gine, MyIE2, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 20.74 seconds, Aug 5, at 02:31:36
ranking: 244 out of 502 testers
gine, MyIE2, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 20.74 seconds, Aug 5, at 02:31:36
ranking: 244 out of 502 testers
Divers do it deeper.
Bessie ::
Bessie, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.80-2.99GHz 16.77 seconds, Aug 5, at 03:47:14
ranking: 200 out of 502 testers
ranking: 200 out of 502 testers
Tody ::
ody, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.00-2.19GHz 14.52 seconds, Aug 5, at 05:00:14
ranking: 176 out of 502 testers
ranking: 176 out of 502 testers
Realist ::
uhu, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 3.00-3.19GHz 7.09 seconds, Aug 5, at 05:34:34
ranking: 22 out of 502 testers
ranking: 22 out of 502 testers
Switch ::
vucko, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 26.87 seconds, Aug 5, at 05:48:08
Switch, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 14.95 seconds, Aug 5, at 05:51:09
Kot kaže bo treba moj Firefox mal potweakat
Switch, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 14.95 seconds, Aug 5, at 05:51:09
Kot kaže bo treba moj Firefox mal potweakat
Tarzan ::
Opala, tole je pa res zanimiv test.
Sem probal na Linuxu Firefox in Opero, in je Opera nascala lisičko po celi črti.
Sem pa ugotovil tudi, da sem in pri Firefoxu in pri Operi visoko kotiral me Linux userji, pri Operi sem celo prvi. Skupno sem pa z opero na 17. mestu od 502. testerjev.
Vseeno ima Opera nekaj precej motečih lastnosti, zato ostajam pri FireFoxu.
Sem probal na Linuxu Firefox in Opero, in je Opera nascala lisičko po celi črti.
Sem pa ugotovil tudi, da sem in pri Firefoxu in pri Operi visoko kotiral me Linux userji, pri Operi sem celo prvi. Skupno sem pa z opero na 17. mestu od 502. testerjev.
Vseeno ima Opera nekaj precej motečih lastnosti, zato ostajam pri FireFoxu.
Tarzan ::
Hehe, še rezultate sem pozabil vpisat.
Opera: 6.29 seconds
FireFox: 31.58 seconds
Dodam naj še Konquerorjeve rezultate:
pred koncem sicer vedno javi napako, ampak rezultate sem vseeno dobil...
Konqueror: 31.22 seconds
Opera: 6.29 seconds
FireFox: 31.58 seconds
Dodam naj še Konquerorjeve rezultate:
pred koncem sicer vedno javi napako, ampak rezultate sem vseeno dobil...
Konqueror: 31.22 seconds
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tarzan ()
borchi ::
še z opero:
Opera 7.2x, Linux, 2.00-2.19GHz
7.05 seconds, Aug 5, at 07:03:47
ranking: 21 out of 502 testers
Opera 7.2x, Linux, 2.00-2.19GHz
7.05 seconds, Aug 5, at 07:03:47
ranking: 21 out of 502 testers
kihc ::
sem probal še z SuSe 9.1 in rezultat je za 10 s slabši? Tam ko letijo tiste črke po zraku ga čist zjebe...
kihc, Mozilla 1.7, Linux, 2.00-2.19GHz
30.52 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:22:37
ranking: 335 out of 502 testers
kihc, Mozilla 1.7, Linux, 2.00-2.19GHz
30.52 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:22:37
ranking: 335 out of 502 testers
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kihc ()
Poldi112 ::
Poldi112, Firefox 0.8, Linux, 2.20-2.39GHz
17.19 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:26:25
ranking: 199 out of 502 testers
Poldi112, Konqueror, Linux, 2.20-2.39GHz
28.42 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:29:41
ranking: 322 out of 502 testers
17.19 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:26:25
ranking: 199 out of 502 testers
Poldi112, Konqueror, Linux, 2.20-2.39GHz
28.42 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:29:41
ranking: 322 out of 502 testers
Azrael ::
Azrael, Explorer 5.5x, Windows 98, 500-599MHz
57.73 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:54:06
ranking: 438 out of 502 testers
57.73 seconds, Aug 5, at 08:54:06
ranking: 438 out of 502 testers
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.
OrlyTM ::
OrlyTM, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.80-2.99GHz 43.66 seconds, Aug 5, at 09:04:09
pol pa se takoj probu z explorerjem ... vsi programi in vse zadeve enako odprte, nic druzga nism spreminju sam se explorer sm odpru ...
OrlyTM, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.80-2.99GHz 13.99 seconds, Aug 5, at 09:06:21
ocitno le ni firefox tok hitrejsi ali??
pol pa se takoj probu z explorerjem ... vsi programi in vse zadeve enako odprte, nic druzga nism spreminju sam se explorer sm odpru ...
OrlyTM, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.80-2.99GHz 13.99 seconds, Aug 5, at 09:06:21
ocitno le ni firefox tok hitrejsi ali??
<b>Fear is in The Eye Of The Beholder. Don't let it be You!</b>
<b>Fear is in The Eye Of The Beholder. Don't let it be You!</b>
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: OrlyTM ()
Fukomuko ::
bulek, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz
17.69 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:04:34
ranking: 202 out of 502 testers
bulek, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz
19.77 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:07:48
ranking: 229 out of 502 testers
17.69 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:04:34
ranking: 202 out of 502 testers
bulek, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz
19.77 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:07:48
ranking: 229 out of 502 testers
andper ::
Ne pozabit, da se tukej testira le hitrost izvajanja JavaScript-a, ki je pri Operi dejansko najbolj opimizirana.
Kolikšen % predstavlja JavaScript v vsakdanjem browsanju, je pa spet druga stvar. In v tem primeru so pomoje razlike med samimi brskalniki minimalne. Majo drugi dejavniki (bandwidth npr.) mnogo večji vpliv na hitrost prikaza strani.
Kolikšen % predstavlja JavaScript v vsakdanjem browsanju, je pa spet druga stvar. In v tem primeru so pomoje razlike med samimi brskalniki minimalne. Majo drugi dejavniki (bandwidth npr.) mnogo večji vpliv na hitrost prikaza strani.
Dr_M ::
kako hudica je opera najhitrejsa, ce sta pa na 1. in 2. mestu FF 0.9??
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Marjan ::
Ja, ne vem kaj sta noname in M. delala, meni zgleda kot hack ?! :P
Bo v kratkem umaknjeno pomoje.
Bo v kratkem umaknjeno pomoje.
Dr_M ::
zakaj hudica pa neb mogu bit FF hitrejsi od opere??
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
mmmato ::
Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 9.9.95 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:49:20
ranking: 106 out of 502 testers
Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 19.02 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:53:32
ranking: 221 out of 502 testers
ranking: 106 out of 502 testers
Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 19.02 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:53:32
ranking: 221 out of 502 testers
borchi ::
evo, zdej pa še na domačem računalniku (sistem gentoo, kernel 2.6.7, AXP cca.2GHz):
borchi, Opera 7.5x, Linux, 1.90-1.99GHz
6.41 seconds, Aug 5, at 11:04:01
ranking: 12 out of 502 testers
borchi, Firefox 0.9, Linux, 1.90-1.99GHz 16.73 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:59:01
ranking: 188 out of 502 testers
borchi, Epiphany, Linux, 1.90-1.99GHz
19.37 seconds, Aug 5, at 11:06:57
ranking: 227 out of 502 testers
borchi, Opera 7.5x, Linux, 1.90-1.99GHz
6.41 seconds, Aug 5, at 11:04:01
ranking: 12 out of 502 testers
borchi, Firefox 0.9, Linux, 1.90-1.99GHz 16.73 seconds, Aug 5, at 10:59:01
ranking: 188 out of 502 testers
borchi, Epiphany, Linux, 1.90-1.99GHz
19.37 seconds, Aug 5, at 11:06:57
ranking: 227 out of 502 testers
MTm2H37rqt7B ::
pux, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz
24.08 seconds, Aug 5, at 12:55:23
ranking: 270 out of 502 testers
24.08 seconds, Aug 5, at 12:55:23
ranking: 270 out of 502 testers
moj_nick ::
moj_nick, Konqueror, Linux, 1.20-1.29GHz
80.83 seconds, Aug 6, at 10:11:53
ranking: 460 out of 502 testers
moj_nick, Opera 7.5x, Linux, 1.20-1.29GHz 13.26 seconds, Aug 6, at 10:07:35
ranking: 145 out of 502 testers
Konqueror je 3.3beta2 verzija in je zato zgleda mal invaliden.
Firefox se mi pa sesuje (kdo je že rekel, da mi bo dal 500$, če prijavim bug?)
Odprt je Konqueror in Firefox, e-mail klient in pa mula, ki švica na ful.
80.83 seconds, Aug 6, at 10:11:53
ranking: 460 out of 502 testers
moj_nick, Opera 7.5x, Linux, 1.20-1.29GHz 13.26 seconds, Aug 6, at 10:07:35
ranking: 145 out of 502 testers
Konqueror je 3.3beta2 verzija in je zato zgleda mal invaliden.
Firefox se mi pa sesuje (kdo je že rekel, da mi bo dal 500$, če prijavim bug?)
Odprt je Konqueror in Firefox, e-mail klient in pa mula, ki švica na ful.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: moj_nick ()
BattleMaster ::
Moj rezultat:
Battle_Master, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz 16.11 seconds, Aug 6, at 16:28:38
ranking: 188 out of 502 testers
Battle_Master, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz 11.5 seconds, Aug 6, at 16:31:11
ranking: 137 out of 502 testers
Zraven pa sem imel odprte še 4 okna in P2P program, ki je vlekel z 300. Ne vem če to kaj vpliva, sam tako
Battle_Master, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz 16.11 seconds, Aug 6, at 16:28:38
ranking: 188 out of 502 testers
Battle_Master, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz 11.5 seconds, Aug 6, at 16:31:11
ranking: 137 out of 502 testers
Zraven pa sem imel odprte še 4 okna in P2P program, ki je vlekel z 300. Ne vem če to kaj vpliva, sam tako
gpg ::
gpg, Konqueror, Linux, 700-799MHz
145.98 seconds, Aug 6, at 17:09:57
ranking: 486 out of 502 testers
In nekajkrat je zajamral, da se mu ne da več in če lahko neha.
145.98 seconds, Aug 6, at 17:09:57
ranking: 486 out of 502 testers
In nekajkrat je zajamral, da se mu ne da več in če lahko neha.
OrkAA ::
OrkAA, Opera 7.5x, Windows 2000, 2.60-2.79GHz 9.37 seconds, Aug 6, at 18:14:59
ranking: 101 out of 502 testers
ranking: 101 out of 502 testers
Mavrik ::
Izac, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.50-1.59GHz 17.5 seconds, Aug 7, at 00:46:51
ranking: 223 out of 502 testers
SSE build.
ranking: 223 out of 502 testers
SSE build.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
r5r ::
r5r, Firefox 0.8, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 16.83 seconds, Aug 7, at 11:55:00 ranking: 219 out of 502 testers
Pa se bi dalo povecat hitrost ?
Pa se bi dalo povecat hitrost ?
And it makes me wonder.
N I C O ::
Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39G - 13.25 seconds, Aug 7, at 12:16:48 , ranking: 173 out of 502 testers
V-i-p ::
V-i-p, Opera 7.5x, Windows 2000, 2.00-2.19GHz 6.95 seconds, Aug 8, at 06:11:44
ranking: 48 out of 438 testers
ranking: 48 out of 438 testers
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
ru7 ::
ru7, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz 12.61 seconds, Aug 8, at 09:28:32
ranking: 150 out of 480 testers
Hmm, a je to odvisno samo od vrste programa ali tudi povezave (dial/adsl?)
ranking: 150 out of 480 testers
Hmm, a je to odvisno samo od vrste programa ali tudi povezave (dial/adsl?)
MilanZ ::
MilanZ, Mozilla 1.6, Linux, 1.30-1.39GHz 32.23 seconds, Aug 8, at 09:48:00
ranking: 328 out of 483 testers
ranking: 328 out of 483 testers
| The package said "Requires Windows 98 or better"
| _o)
| _(/) So I installed Linux.
| _o)
| _(/) So I installed Linux.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MilanZ ()
ru7 ::
..pravkar sem si iz čiste radovednosti naložil Firefox 0.9.3 in sm več kot navdušen. Najprej me je presentla SMEŠNO nizka velikost namestitvene datoteke (~5MB) nato pa sama enostavnost in uporabnost. Hmm, za foro sm šu na eno stran, na kateri sem prej dobu vedno BSOD (neki je zamoril za gonilnike od modema), tu pa kr dela
. Nasploh, čeprav mi tudi IE ne gre počasi (glede na to, da mam samo ISDN), sem zelo zadovoljen.
Hvala, pomojem če ne bi blo te teme, ga nebi probu!
Hvala, pomojem če ne bi blo te teme, ga nebi probu!
ahac ::
ahac, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz
24.45 seconds
ahac, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz
15.48 seconds
24.45 seconds
ahac, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz
15.48 seconds
Slo-Tech Discord -
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ahac ()
TribesMan ::
TribesMan, Firefox 0.9, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz 17.67 seconds, Aug 8, at 15:37:06
ranking: 241 out of 502 testers
TribesMan, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz 8.02 seconds, Aug 8, at 15:40:59
ranking: 98 out of 502 testers
V ozadju je laufalo nekaj P2P in IRC... pa še nekaj drobiža... drgač pa uporabljam Firefox, IE sem pognal sam tko za dobro voljo
ranking: 241 out of 502 testers
TribesMan, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 2.20-2.39GHz 8.02 seconds, Aug 8, at 15:40:59
ranking: 98 out of 502 testers
V ozadju je laufalo nekaj P2P in IRC... pa še nekaj drobiža... drgač pa uporabljam Firefox, IE sem pognal sam tko za dobro voljo
Moj kompjuter dela: KVIIIIK ... KVIIIK ... KVIIIK.
Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)
Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TribesMan ()
gape0000 ::
evo moj score :
gape, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz ---> 12.38 seconds, Aug 8, at 16:27:31
ranking: 156 out of 502 testers
gape, Explorer 6.x, Windows XP, 1.90-1.99GHz ---> 12.38 seconds, Aug 8, at 16:27:31
ranking: 156 out of 502 testers
bosstjann ::
bosstjann, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 6.64 seconds, Aug 8, at 16:46:29
ranking: 47 out of 502 testers
Bosstjann, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 6.47 seconds, Aug 8, at 16:51:24
ranking: 44 out of 502 testers
ranking: 47 out of 502 testers
Bosstjann, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 1.80-1.89GHz 6.47 seconds, Aug 8, at 16:51:24
ranking: 44 out of 502 testers
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bosstjann ()
bosstjann ::
bosstjann, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP, 2.00-2.19GHz 6.39 seconds, Aug 9, at 00:47:15
ranking: 30 out of 502 testers
ma niti ne sam izklop ativirusnega pa druge navleke aja zdej je pa še proc navit
ranking: 30 out of 502 testers
ma niti ne sam izklop ativirusnega pa druge navleke aja zdej je pa še proc navit
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» | Try2Hack level9 in eggdrop questOddelek: Programiranje | 2922 (2114) | StratOS |
» | Ko ST-jevci brskalnik na ogled postavijoOddelek: Programska oprema | 2401 (1630) | njok |
» | Firefox 0.10.1 (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Brskalniki | 7010 (7010) | CaqKa |
» | WIN XP: RTM (strani: 1 2 3 4 )Oddelek: Programska oprema | 11585 (9328) | Tr0n |