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Command & Conquer Generals - Zero Hour - razna vprašanja

Command & Conquer Generals - Zero Hour - razna vprašanja


jurček1 ::

Pa še en uprašane:
Ali lahko z mojim bratom špilava prek mreže, če mava isto uno kodo, predn začneš igrco inštalirat (xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx)?
Pa koko?

jurček1 ::

Sm že na temu Hamachiju. Vse sprejeto, se lah dogovorimo za kako igro. A se na tem hamachiju lah tut kej pogovarjaš?

st0jko ::

Ka pa to? z enim kolegom sma probala najnovejso verzijo shockwavea in vedno dobima 2 ali 3 minute v igro sync missmatch in naju vrže ven. :(

r0b3rt ::

je ta server še aktualen?

invi ::

mene pa zanima a se lahko zmanjša cela grafika igrce, ker mam kr velk ekran in je use čist prevelik. mam resolucijo na 16800*1050 pa je usen še zmerm use prevelik.

jurček1 ::

Pa še nekaj me zanima, kje in kako dobiš ta SCUD STORM BUG

Za ogled:

http://www.xfire.com/video/7e226/ Kjer lahko kar skos pošiljaš rakete

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: jurček1 ()

Tomozuki ::

To je trainer :) So me že tudi takšni napadali, potem mi je pa vrglo ven "mismatch" :)

DeathKiller ::

Na hamachiju se je odprl nov network. vsi ki bi radi igrali prek online, je hamachi pravi. Tam je ime Networka:

geslo pa je:

Samo prijavite se in se zabavajte. Bomo špilali!

DeathKiller ::



This I found on another page and thought I would share it here as it worked for me.

I have a core i5 laptop running windows 7 home premium 64-bit with an ATI graphics card and I had exactly the same problems getting C&C Generals and Zero Hour to work.

Good News - Have just successfully managed to get it working, and it IS Windows 7 that causes the problem, specifically it's to do with access permissions to folders - Windows 7 blocks access to folders that Generals uses to run.

The way I fixed it was:

In 'My Documents' (usually at C:\users\YOURNAME\documents) there should be a folder named 'Command and Conquer Generals Data' or 'Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data', which was put there when you installed the game. You need to create a text file using notepad and save it into this folder. However, you must click 'save as' and change the type drop-down box from text file (.txt) to 'all files'. Then save the file as 'options.ini'

Before you save, paste this text into the file to get you started:

AntiAliasing = 1
BuildingOcclusion = yes
DrawScrollAnchor =
DynamicLOD = no
ExtraAnimations = yes
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = true
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 55
Resolution = 1024 768
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = yes
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume = 100

This is simply how the game remembers what options you picked (music volume, brightness and the like) and you can change them once the game is running using the options menu.

Now the key bits - firstly, make sure that you have full read/write permissions for the Command and Conquer Generals Data folder - do this by right clicking on the folder, then properties then the security tab and change the permissions for all users. It might also be worth making sure no files are "Read-Only" in that folder.

Then change the game's compatibility mode by right clicking on the game in the start menu, clicking on properties and then the Compatibility tab. I used the "Change settings for all users" button at the bottom and changed to Windows XP (SP3), as well as checking the "Run as administrator box".

Hey presto! It worked, debunking the myth that C&C Generals will not run on 64 bit systems (as some people have been saying). In fairness, I haven't tried online multiplayer yet, just a few skirmishes.

Good Luck!

Nejc1994 ::

Men so ze zmeri delali...

Nejc1994 ::

Bi vprasal ce se to da igrt na 1980x1024 Al na neki taki resoluciji

opeter ::

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Nejc1994 ::

Hvala =)

gorazd111 ::

Lahko bi imeli kake svoje turnirje.. če še kdo igra cNc

Nejc1994 ::

Jst igram. Sam sem zanic xD

HighBane ::

Jaz sem si danes naložil in malo odigral skrimsh s 3 AI medium, pa me je skoraj kitajec fental samo s cooldown ability-i, za enote pa mu je zmanjkalo denarja, še dobro, da sem imel par "Overlord"-ov za zmago, ker proti koncu mi je od baze bolj malo ostalo

Nejc1994 ::

USA je najbolsi. Avengersi, humveeji pa kak Cruise missle proti koncu se malo pomoci iz zraka (commancheeji) pa si zmagal. V hummerje das 3-4 missile defenderje pa 1 pathfinderja, al pa da 3 missile defenderje pa 2 rangerja z flashbangi pa sam rolas. Mors pa pazit na rocket buggije, battle buse pri GLA, pa overlorde, mige pri china, zato mas pa avengerje, Cruise missle.

Goldee ::

Seveda, pathfinderje ja... Te enote dobiš šele sredi igre. Ne vem koliko si skilled, ampak nobena multiplayer igra pri generalsih ne traja več kot 5 minut, max 10. Vse ostalo je kempanje.

Če si dost hitr na začetku (2 - 3 minute) je China infantry general za par razredov močnejši od vseh ostalih generalov. To pa zato, ker že osnovna enota (brzostrelkar) tolče po tleh in po zraku, kar pomeni bye-bye supply chopper od američanov, ter bye-bye delavci od GLA. Za construction dozerje so pa bazukarji smrt.

Tkole gre:
Infantry general > airforce general > nuke general
potem pa še ostali od GLA, USA in China.

Late game je pa najboljši Air-force general s tistimi nerelanimi Aurora bomberji.

Pogrešam čase, ko smo to nabijal nonstop :)
And Now for Something Completely Different...

-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

Nejc1994 ::

5 Min? HAhahahaa. Ce sta playerja dobra se igra lahko do 20 min brez kempanja.

Ima inposible matchupe ja. Naprimer Infantry vs. Airforce, Infantry vs. Toxins .... Ampak igra je kar balanced. Ce hoces balance pejd igrat normalen Generals brez zero hour. Najbolsi late game imajo Tank general pa superweapon general z Aurora Alpha bomberji. Pa Pathfinderji pridejo lahko hitro v igro.

Goldee ::

Nejc1994 je izjavil:

5 Min? HAhahahaa. Ce sta playerja dobra se igra lahko do 20 min brez kempanja.

Ok, Pro ;) Sej ni trajanje matcha indikator. Sej lahko igraš tudi 1 uro, ampak potem se gre samo še na maso in ne več na taktiko.
Fora je, da se igra samo par minut - da pohabiš nasprotnika, ki se potem itak preda, ker ve, da nima možnosti.
And Now for Something Completely Different...

-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Goldee ()

Vesoljc ::

se da se kje kupit za normalno ceno generals + zerohour? na originu je collection za 30e. box verzije na amazonu so pa cist adijo.
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...

Tarzan ::

Ampak a ni sistem multiplayerja že en čas nazaj crknil. Jaz sem si en čas nazaj namestil oba, pa nisem uspel. Razen če je zdaj kaka third party multiplayer zadeva ki jo je treba nahekat...

Vesoljc ::

humble bundle ima origin pack 2, notri je tudi generals + zero hour.

ja, mp je uradno konec, ampak sem pred kratkim videl tole:

bom probal ob priliki
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...

Vredno ogleda ...

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