Forum » Kaj kupiti » kateri 24" monitor kupiti
kateri 24" monitor kupiti
Temo vidijo: vsi

mblazi22 ::
Jaz mam tega 2443BW. Po ene 2h mescih mi je začel brenčat, verjetno napajalni del, ki je vgrajen v monitor in ga bom nesu zdej enkrat na servis. Drgač pa sm kar zadovoljen z njim, se pa ne lih spoznam nevem kako na te stvari. Vidni kot bi lahko bil malo bolsi... Pa fajn je ker se ga nastavit po visini.

destiny ::
Ali mi lahko priporočate 24" monitor, do 200EUR, ne za igre, predvsem za programiranje in zdrav za oči, da ne bom še bolj slep...
Razen če ni nič kvalitetnega za ta denar...
Noben monitor ni zdrav za oči. Zdravo za oči bo, če boš nehal programirat in se zaposlil kot natakar v kafiču nabito polnem s fletnimi študentkami :)

DubleG ::
Se razume :)
Vendar potrebujem večji workspace, dokler še mislim programirat. :)
Vendar potrebujem večji workspace, dokler še mislim programirat. :)
GA-P55M-UD2,i5,12GB RAM,Radeon HD 4850,Crucial SSD 64GB,
WD 320GB,WD 5000GB,RevoDrive X2 100GB
WD 320GB,WD 5000GB,RevoDrive X2 100GB

DubleG ::
Ko je na zaslonu črna podlaga, lahko na desni strani opazim svetlo modro pikico, ki pa na drugih barvah ni vidna. Zanima me, kaj je to in ali se da odpravit?
GA-P55M-UD2,i5,12GB RAM,Radeon HD 4850,Crucial SSD 64GB,
WD 320GB,WD 5000GB,RevoDrive X2 100GB
WD 320GB,WD 5000GB,RevoDrive X2 100GB

krho ::
Ne vem a se hecaš a ne. Stuck pixel drgač.
si.Mail odprto-kodni odjemalec elektronske pošte. -
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger -
Uredite si svojo zbirko filmov, serij in iger -

Kurzweil ::
Odločil sem se za ta monitor
Bluefish mi je sicer dobro dal vedeti, kar se tiče rezlike med LED LCD in IPS matrikami
ampak bega me ena stvar našel sem še PVA, TN in TFT poleg seveda e-IPS, S-IPS in H-IPS in mi milo rečeno ni jasno bral sem na forumih reviewih in podobnih lokacijah in vse po malem hvalijo (seveda H-IPS najbolj).
Povezava do monitorja ki ga imam namen nabavit pa kaže da ima matriko, piša samo IPS zna to kdo pojasnit?
In je kekršenkoli razlog da za 250EUR ne nabavim tega monitorja - HVALA (ukvarjam se z grafiko/modeliranje/vektorsko/teksturianj in podobno).
Bluefish mi je sicer dobro dal vedeti, kar se tiče rezlike med LED LCD in IPS matrikami
ampak bega me ena stvar našel sem še PVA, TN in TFT poleg seveda e-IPS, S-IPS in H-IPS in mi milo rečeno ni jasno bral sem na forumih reviewih in podobnih lokacijah in vse po malem hvalijo (seveda H-IPS najbolj).
Povezava do monitorja ki ga imam namen nabavit pa kaže da ima matriko, piša samo IPS zna to kdo pojasnit?
In je kekršenkoli razlog da za 250EUR ne nabavim tega monitorja - HVALA (ukvarjam se z grafiko/modeliranje/vektorsko/teksturianj in podobno).

nejko8 ::
Vprašanje za vse, ki ste kupili U2311H v Sloveniji? Ste dobili monitor z delujočim service tagom in 3 letno NBD ter Premium panel service garancijo, glede na to da je iz Ultrasharp serije?

bluefish ::
@Kurzweil: za podrobnejše informacije o posameznih matrikah si oglej ta članek:
U2311H ima, če se ne motim, E-IPS matriko.
U2311H ima, če se ne motim, E-IPS matriko.

looka ::
info glede matrike na philips 240S1SS:
precenjena tn matrika.
precenjena tn matrika.

kmetek ::
kar se mi je zdelo, naj si zataknejo 24 za 270EUR TN matriko!!!! za ta denar dobiš LCD monitor z TV!
evo poceni 24'' PVA!!!!
evo poceni 24'' PVA!!!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

Sideeffect ::
Najbolj zanesljiv bo trenutno od 24" Dell LCD U2410, sicer 30% dražji od primerljivih brendov, vendar 95% bolj zanesljiv.

Toxic ::
Kero se pol bol splača, Philips 240S1SS ali Dell U2311H? Ter kaj mislite o Samsung 23¨ LCD F2380?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Toxic ()

Nande ::
Kero se pol bol splača, Philips 240S1SS ali Dell U2311H?
info glede matrike na philips 240S1SS:
precenjena tn matrika.
O U2311 je bilo pa že kar nekaj napisanega, vseeno pa poglej še test...

cvetko2005 ::
takole... dobil Dellov U2311H in sem ga poskusil skalibrirat z raznimi online pripomočki:
a z njimi nisem bil preveč uspešen in uspešen/zadovoljen, zato sem pa našel na nekem drugem forumu nastavitve ob baje profesionalni kalibraciji za revizijo monitorja A01:
Preset Modes > Custom (RGB)
R 94
G 86
B 89
Brightness 18
Contrast 75
Menu > Display Settings > Sharpness 40
.icc nastavitvena datoteka:
zaenkrat mi zadeva deluje kot da je slika res boljša in osebno zaenkrat nimam pripomb... bomo videli kako bo pri dolgoročni uporabi. vsekakor bi bilo lepo če je še kdo lastnik takega monitorja naj preizkusi in poroča.
hvala za nastavitve..samo s katerim programom poženeš .icc namestitveno datoteko?

MrStein ::
cvetko2005 je izjavil:
hvala za nastavitve..samo s katerim programom poženeš .icc namestitveno datoteko?
V XP : Display Properties / Settings / Advanced / Color Management
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

kmetek ::
čudno da noben ni komentiral mojih linkov :)
CENA :)))))
CENA :)))))
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

LordPero ::
Kdo kaj poreče/pomaga pri odločitvi med NECom EA241WM in HPjem ZR23w?
(ta bo rabljen bolj za filme/igre/branje, tako da je hitrost kar pomembna, črna (ki se jo na HPju baje da lepo naštimat) & vidni koti tudi -sej, za reseno igranje bo 120Hz TN, ampak ta naj bo tudi ql)
(ta bo rabljen bolj za filme/igre/branje, tako da je hitrost kar pomembna, črna (ki se jo na HPju baje da lepo naštimat) & vidni koti tudi -sej, za reseno igranje bo 120Hz TN, ampak ta naj bo tudi ql)

Jean ::

sasoe ::
kako bi se pa obnesel Tv za Monitor??
LG 26LE5500
je 26", je LED, je TV, 2ms,... za cca 400 eur???
LG 26LE5500
je 26", je LED, je TV, 2ms,... za cca 400 eur???

MrStein ::
Koliko latence ima?
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

sasoe ::
rad bi imel monitor s TV tunerjem min. 24", ker pa so cene podobne TV-jem:
LG 26LE5500
????kot monitor da ali ne??
cca 410 eur
LG 26LE5500
????kot monitor da ali ne??
cca 410 eur

kmetek ::


First impressions:
-Connected through DVI, disabled all senseeye & stuff, brightness to 0, contrast to 40.
-Apparently no dead/bad pixels.
-Coming from a 17" old TN sammy, now blacks are true blacks (it blends with the bezel, really).
-No noise (at least on 0 brightness) at all. And i have a taste for silent computing..
-Image quality is gorgeus, at least for me
-I don't have a colorimeter, and i'm not a color expert, but i can't see any tint on the images or anything wrong with colors.
-Vision angles... well, viewed from down is equally gorgeus as seeing it directly, but viewing it from above the image is... bland. I don't know if that's a drop in constrast (the colors are fine) or in gamma. Side angles are fine. All in all, perfect for my setup.
-The AG coating doesn't seem too agressive.
-Not a fast panel, as expected. Can't see any problem for work/movies, and the games that i've tested, but it fails lagom tests and you can feel it when scrolling some pages, so it must be slow.
-Sound is... well... just works, period. As expected.
-It feels very solid and heavy (but the box where it came is almost heavier )
Well, that's all for now...


First impressions:
-Connected through DVI, disabled all senseeye & stuff, brightness to 0, contrast to 40.
-Apparently no dead/bad pixels.
-Coming from a 17" old TN sammy, now blacks are true blacks (it blends with the bezel, really).
-No noise (at least on 0 brightness) at all. And i have a taste for silent computing..
-Image quality is gorgeus, at least for me
-I don't have a colorimeter, and i'm not a color expert, but i can't see any tint on the images or anything wrong with colors.
-Vision angles... well, viewed from down is equally gorgeus as seeing it directly, but viewing it from above the image is... bland. I don't know if that's a drop in constrast (the colors are fine) or in gamma. Side angles are fine. All in all, perfect for my setup.
-The AG coating doesn't seem too agressive.
-Not a fast panel, as expected. Can't see any problem for work/movies, and the games that i've tested, but it fails lagom tests and you can feel it when scrolling some pages, so it must be slow.
-Sound is... well... just works, period. As expected.
-It feels very solid and heavy (but the box where it came is almost heavier )
Well, that's all for now...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

Saladin ::
Simple vprašanje:
A obstaja kak dober gaming IPS (oz. karkoli drugo od TN) za spodobno ceno (do cca. 400 EUR)?
Skoraj bi že nabavil U2311H (ampak je glih malce preslab kar se tiče ghostinga), U2410 pa je wide-gamut.
Kako pa je z Alienware OptX AW2310?
A obstaja kak dober gaming IPS (oz. karkoli drugo od TN) za spodobno ceno (do cca. 400 EUR)?
Skoraj bi že nabavil U2311H (ampak je glih malce preslab kar se tiče ghostinga), U2410 pa je wide-gamut.
Kako pa je z Alienware OptX AW2310?
Dobro je kar nosi največ svobodne koristi/najmanj bolečine čim več sentientom
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"

scoot ::
Ker sem si pred kratkim nabavil gaming računalnik se zdaj odločam še za zaslon. Velik naj bi bil od 23" do 24" in tam nekje okoli 210 evrov. Odločam pa se me temi tremi:
Je tako velika razlika med 2ms in 5ms odzivnega časa?
Je tako velika razlika med 2ms in 5ms odzivnega časa?

kmetek ::
Mene prav impresionira. Daste skoraj jurja za "gaming" PC, potem pa škrtarite pri najbolj važni stvari: monitorju.

kmetek ::
Več novic o novih BENQ monitorjih.
You can see the differences of those two monitors in the photos on this page, as well as the BL2400PT which also uses the same panel :
There's also a comparison chart of specs near the bottom. The site's in Chinese, but you should be able to make out what the figures and model numbers refer to, if not then just look at the Google translated version.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned I don't think, is that the EW2420 has built in 1.5w speakers, where as the VW2420H doesn't. This is probably accounts to why it's much heavier (6kg vs 3.9kg) and thicker, plus the fact the EW2420 has an internal power supply. The speakers are likely to be tinny and just plain awful, but at least it has some I suppose.
Other differences from what I can tell, some of which Legend has already pointed out, are the EW2420H has a 4 USB port hub, 2 HDMI ports (VW2420H has 1), you can use a VESA mount on the EW2420H - the VW2420H cannot, the power button and OSD controls on the EW2420H are along the side, the bezel/general aesthetics are different such as the matte section on the back of the EW2420H and the light grey border along the bottom where the speakers are I believe, the input connections on the EW2420H are facing downwards (which is better in my opinion) as well as having an Line In and Out.
The BL2400PT is similar to the EW2420H but swaps the 2 HDMI ports for a single DisplayPort, loses the USB hub but has as fully maneuverable stand (height, rotation, tilt & swivel). The bezel is fully matte as is the the screen (the EW2420H and VW2420H has a semi anti-glare coating) and the biggest difference is the BL2400PT has an ambient light sensor at the front that changes the brightness of the screen on accordance to the surrounding light. From what I can tell on that Chinese site, it also doubles up as a movement sensor so it turns itself off if it detects no movement.
I think that's everything, the VW2420H is the no frills model, the EW2420H seems to be the best overall for general use (particularly since it has 2 HDMI ports) and the BL2400PT is the business model.
From looking at the prices, the BL2400PT might not be a bad choice considering it's stand, but the lack of HDMI might put off some as well as the full AG screen. The VW2420H is the clearly the worst, considering how close it is in price to the EW2420H which has more features, I don't see why anyone would want to get one, unless they really like the look of it.
While I'm at it, I'll link this unboxing video of the EW2420 where they run through it's specs and show the semi-gloss screen:
You can see the differences of those two monitors in the photos on this page, as well as the BL2400PT which also uses the same panel :
There's also a comparison chart of specs near the bottom. The site's in Chinese, but you should be able to make out what the figures and model numbers refer to, if not then just look at the Google translated version.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned I don't think, is that the EW2420 has built in 1.5w speakers, where as the VW2420H doesn't. This is probably accounts to why it's much heavier (6kg vs 3.9kg) and thicker, plus the fact the EW2420 has an internal power supply. The speakers are likely to be tinny and just plain awful, but at least it has some I suppose.
Other differences from what I can tell, some of which Legend has already pointed out, are the EW2420H has a 4 USB port hub, 2 HDMI ports (VW2420H has 1), you can use a VESA mount on the EW2420H - the VW2420H cannot, the power button and OSD controls on the EW2420H are along the side, the bezel/general aesthetics are different such as the matte section on the back of the EW2420H and the light grey border along the bottom where the speakers are I believe, the input connections on the EW2420H are facing downwards (which is better in my opinion) as well as having an Line In and Out.
The BL2400PT is similar to the EW2420H but swaps the 2 HDMI ports for a single DisplayPort, loses the USB hub but has as fully maneuverable stand (height, rotation, tilt & swivel). The bezel is fully matte as is the the screen (the EW2420H and VW2420H has a semi anti-glare coating) and the biggest difference is the BL2400PT has an ambient light sensor at the front that changes the brightness of the screen on accordance to the surrounding light. From what I can tell on that Chinese site, it also doubles up as a movement sensor so it turns itself off if it detects no movement.
I think that's everything, the VW2420H is the no frills model, the EW2420H seems to be the best overall for general use (particularly since it has 2 HDMI ports) and the BL2400PT is the business model.
From looking at the prices, the BL2400PT might not be a bad choice considering it's stand, but the lack of HDMI might put off some as well as the full AG screen. The VW2420H is the clearly the worst, considering how close it is in price to the EW2420H which has more features, I don't see why anyone would want to get one, unless they really like the look of it.
While I'm at it, I'll link this unboxing video of the EW2420 where they run through it's specs and show the semi-gloss screen:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kmetek ()

opeter ::
LG je septembra predstavil nekaj IPS monitorjev z LED osvetlitvijo:
Hahaha, ne morem verjeti. Zadevo je kmetek že septembra komentiral na tisti strani!
Hahaha, ne morem verjeti. Zadevo je kmetek že septembra komentiral na tisti strani!
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

LordPero ::
En hiter nasvet bi rabil: zakaj bi zamenjal ZR24w za U2410?
(ni za profesionalno uporabo -torej txt, igre in filme, zelo zelo malo kakih fotografij ali drugega graficnega oblikovanja)
Je ekran res boljsi v vseh pogledih (ter koliko)? :)
Je res veliko odvisno od srece kateri tocno/posamezen ekran dobis? Kako kaj s firmware updati?
(ni za profesionalno uporabo -torej txt, igre in filme, zelo zelo malo kakih fotografij ali drugega graficnega oblikovanja)
Je ekran res boljsi v vseh pogledih (ter koliko)? :)
Je res veliko odvisno od srece kateri tocno/posamezen ekran dobis? Kako kaj s firmware updati?

LordPero ::
Sem ga ravno kupil (lahko zamenjam za Della), pa po dolgi kalibraciji in drugem testiranju mi je nekako, hm, premalo razlik z dobrimi TNji (da ne bo pomote, so, opazne, samo nekako ne dobim dobre, uravnotežene slike -možno tudi, da sem hotel preveč za to ceno). Pa tudi iz skoraj vseh kotov gledanja me moti tisti IPS glow, ki mi pogosto uniči temnejše odtenke (največkrat levi zgornji kot).
Sprašujem v bistvu, kaj bi pridobil s tem Dellom (dodatnih priključkov ne rabim, da mi je Dell mogoče malce lepši in z boljšim OSDjem mi tudi ne pomeni ravno veliko).
Glede iger se mi HP zdi ravno na meji igralnega, Dell ima baje malce več input laga, a malce hitrejšo matriko, tako, da recimo, da ni preveč razlik tu (za hitre igre so itaq 120Hz TNji).
Torej, zakaj bi menjal? Dobim tam lahko več kontrasta kot pri dobro kalibriranem ZR24w (dobre barve brez žrtvovanja črne)?
Sprašujem v bistvu, kaj bi pridobil s tem Dellom (dodatnih priključkov ne rabim, da mi je Dell mogoče malce lepši in z boljšim OSDjem mi tudi ne pomeni ravno veliko).
Glede iger se mi HP zdi ravno na meji igralnega, Dell ima baje malce več input laga, a malce hitrejšo matriko, tako, da recimo, da ni preveč razlik tu (za hitre igre so itaq 120Hz TNji).
Torej, zakaj bi menjal? Dobim tam lahko več kontrasta kot pri dobro kalibriranem ZR24w (dobre barve brez žrtvovanja črne)?

LordPero ::
Saj sem povedal, zakaj bi menjal -kljub ceni, sem pričakoval boljše barve od S-IPS matrike (konkretno večji kontrast ob uravnoteženih barvah) in pa IPS glow mi je praktično v vseh pozicijah moteč.

LordPero ::
Ne, IPSji so mi ql, sem mogoce pa res pricakoval prevec za to ceno.
Recimo, da sem nekako prisel do odlocitve, da je (ne glede na ceno) ZR24w boljsi od U2410, ce ti je vseeno glede wide gamuta.
Recimo, da sem nekako prisel do odlocitve, da je (ne glede na ceno) ZR24w boljsi od U2410, ce ti je vseeno glede wide gamuta.

opeter ::
Hja, odvisno od cene, ne?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()

Saladin ::
Kamorkoli pogledam imajo vsi navedeni IPS in PVA tako ali drugačno večjo pomanjkljivost.
Če že imam nov LCD TV za filme gledat - potemtakem je za vsakdanje delo in igre morda res dovolj kak dober TN zaslon, npr. Samsung P2450H ali LG W2443T?
Če že imam nov LCD TV za filme gledat - potemtakem je za vsakdanje delo in igre morda res dovolj kak dober TN zaslon, npr. Samsung P2450H ali LG W2443T?
Dobro je kar nosi največ svobodne koristi/najmanj bolečine čim več sentientom
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"
na najhitrejši, najvarnejši in najbolj moralen način za najdaljše obdobje.
"Utilitarianizem po Saladinovo"

psyke ::
rabim monitor za: avdio produkcijo, 2d grafično oblikovanje (semi-pro) :D in igre. Ker mam zverino zaj nebom šparal z monitorjem tako da bi odštel do 400EUR. Seveda bi najraje imel apple cinema display ampak to so že oblaki... :)