Mobilni telefon je pištola !!!
8. dec 2000 ob 03:08:29
Neverjetno, tudi to se dobi. Mobilni telefon, ki je v bistvu pištola kalibra .22 s štirimi naboji. Naboji so shranjeni v prostoru pod zaslonom, pod tipkovnico pa je sprožilni mehanizem, ki požene kroglo skozi anteno. Sprožimo pa vsako kroglo posebej in sicer s tipkami od 5 do 8. Citat:"If you didn't know they were guns, you wouldn't suspect anything," said Ari Zandbergen, spokesman for the Amsterdam police. "Only when you have one in your hand do you realize that they are heavier, says Birgit Heib of the German Federal Criminal Investigation Agency. [:D]