31. mar 2002 ob 19:56:57
Profesor Hicham Fenniri si je sposodil lastnosti DNK z namenom, da izdelajo samosestavljajoče nanotube. Kaj je smisel tega? Če mu bo uspelo, elektronskih vezji ne bomo več jedkali, ampak na nek način vzgajali. Zanimivo, tukaj je kar navedek:
"We use chemistry to maintain near-complete control over the physical properties of the nanotube. You can introduce functional molecules at any position along the outside of the nanotube to control its physical properties with chemistry. For instance, if you want something that is photo-active that absorbs photons and transports them to a new location in the assembly then you can introduce components in the parent molecule that absorb light. If you want it to conduct electricity, then you introduce a component into the parent that absorbs an electron and transfers it from one rosette to the next," said Fenniri.
Zanimivo, ni kaj. Če jim uspe in predvsem če bo postopek dovolj zanesljiv in uspešen, se lahko nadejamo dosti bolj zapletenih (in tudi močnejših) elektronskih vezji. Bomo videli.