The Renewed Beauty Of Slo-Tech's Design
1. apr 2002 ob 09:40:21
As I am wishing you a beautiful morning of the first April day, I am also here to tell you an orgasmically enthusiasting news, you all will be affected from. My name is Vivian Banks, I come from Los Angeles, CA and from today onwards I am the newly appointed editor in chief of the cutest Slovenian site, Slo-Tech. I am sorry for not mastering Slovene, but I can promise to the name of my favourite goddess, Pandora, that I shall learn it by the end of this year. Dobro jutro! 0:) So that you shall remain untroubled with my english cuteness, I have appointed two very cute translators, who are originally from Zagreb, but master your language. At least so they say. So, I hope you shall enjoy your beautiful stay as I shall try to lead this site into extasy.
Međtem ko vam želim prećudovito jutro prvog aprilskog dne, jaz sam tudi tukaj da vam povedam eno orgazmično entuziatično novico, od koje boste vsi afektani. Moje ime je Vivian Banks in prihajam iz Los Angelesa iz Kalifornije. Sem novo imenovana uredinica i šefinja najsrčkanije Slovenske strani, ovog Slo-Techa. Žao mi je, ker ne obvladam Slovenštine, pa lahko vam obljubim naime Pandore, da se bom naučila do kraja tega leta. Dobro jutro! 0:) Da nečete bit ograničeni od mojega Angleškog pisanja, sem najela dva zelo srčkana prevođaća iz Zagreba, koji praviju, za znaju Slovenski. Pa, tako pravijo. Dobro, upam se, da boste se uživali, međtem ko se bom trudila da vodim ta stran u ekstazo.