Slo-Tech zaposlitve Mon, 31 Mar 2025 23:01:11 +020015Information Security Consultant @ Open Line Vitaly d.o.o. Line Vitaly d.o.o., 29 Mar 2025 19:12:13 +0100
The job: As a Security Consultant, you'll be the go-to expert for all things related to information security and compliance. You’ll develop and implement security policies, manage risk, and ensure both Open Line and their clients uphold the highest security standards. This role requires a confident switch between policy-making and hands-on action — turning abstract risks into practical solutions.

The team: You’ll join the Quality, Security & Privacy (QSP) Team, a tight-knit group of experts working to build and maintain a secure IT environment for Open Line and their clients. You’ll work closely with their CISO, Security Officers, and technical client teams to ensure security is not just a box to tick — but a fundamental part of how we operate.

You will work on a wide range of responsibilities, including:
- Developing and implementing security policies and translating them into operational measures and projects.
- Managing compliance with frameworks such as ISO 27001, NEN7510, BIO, CIS, and NIS2.
- Supporting audits, penetration tests, and vulnerability management.
- Advising clients on security standards and assisting with incident management and awareness.
- Leading security projects, disaster recovery testing, and collaborating with client teams and internal stakeholders.

Lokacija: Ljubljana

Junior/Mid Python razvijalca (m/ž) @ MediaBiz Inc Inc, 26 Mar 2025 09:27:20 +0100 Smo ameriško podjetje Mediabiz Data Solutions s slovensko ekipo, specializirano za analitiko distribucije pretočnih vsebin. Na platformi Stream Metrics zagotavljamo podatkovna poročila o največjih globalnih pretočnih platformah. V ekipi Data Collection razvijamo in vzdržujemo bote za avtomatizirano zbiranje podatkov ter skrbimo za data quality assurance – preverjamo, testiramo in izboljšujemo natančnost pridobljenih podatkov.

Lokacija: Na daljavo

Full Stack Developer @ Blocksi SAS-Podružnica Maribor SAS-Podružnica Maribor, 25 Mar 2025 10:40:39 +0100
Kot Full Stack razvijalec v podjetju Blocksi boste imeli ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju prihodnosti izobraževalne tehnologije. Delali boste s tehnologijami Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Python, Vue.js, Docker, Git, ELK, AWS, Google Cloud.

Ključne odgovornosti:
Oblikovanje, razvoj in vzdrževanje visokokakovostnih programskih rešitev z uporabo različnih tehnologij,
Sodelovanje z večdisciplinarnimi ekipami pri opredeljevanju zahtev in specifikacij za programsko opremo.
Zagotavljanje varnih, stabilnih in zmogljivih aplikacij.
Biti na tekočem z novimi tehnologijami in industrijskimi trendi.

Lokacija: Maribor

Mid-Senior Software Engineer (Angular) @ NOMNIO d.o.o. d.o.o., 21 Mar 2025 08:43:02 +0100
- Design, develop, and maintain hybrid web and mobile applications using Angular and Ionic
- Work closely with customers to build user-friendly, optimized solutions.
- Convert designs into high-quality, real-life applications.
- Write and execute unit and component tests to ensure code quality.
- Integrate your solutions into our CI/CD pipeline.
- Contribute to technology selection and developing proof-of-concept solutions.

Lokacija: Maribor - hybrid

Sistemski administrator / ka @ Humanfrog d.o.o. d.o.o., 17 Mar 2025 19:11:48 +0100 Si želite postati del dinamičnega IKT podjetja, kjer se nenehno soočamo z novimi tehnološkimi izzivi? Če vas navdušujejo napredne informacijske rešitve in radi sodelujete pri upravljanju kompleksnih sistemov, vas vabimo, da se pridružite naši ekipi!

Vaše glavne naloge bodo:
* Upravljanje, vzdrževanje in nadgrajevanje IT-infrastrukture (strežniki, omrežja, delovne postaje).
* Podpora uporabnikom drugega nivoja ter reševanje kompleksnih tehničnih težav.
* Implementacija in konfiguracija varnostnih rešitev ter zagotavljanje skladnosti s standardi.
* Spremljanje in odpravljanje težav z uporabo orodij za monitoring sistemov (RMM).
* Sodelovanje pri projektih uvedbe novih rešitev ter optimizacije obstoječih sistemov

Lokacija: Ljubljana

Senior Backend Engineer @ QLECTOR, 14 Mar 2025 14:45:37 +0100
What You’ll Do
Design, develop, and maintain server-side applications and databases.
Collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic.
Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability.
Implement security and data protection measures.
Troubleshoot and debug applications.
Work closely with product management and other teams to define and implement new features.
Participate in code reviews and contribute to the team’s best practices and processes.
Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.

Lokacija: Ljubljana

Machine Learning Engineer @ 4see d.o.o. d.o.o., 13 Mar 2025 18:31:23 +0100 in podjetje 4see d.o.o.) je Finalist izbora Zlate Niti (top zaposlovalec v Sloveniji v kategoriji do 50 zaposlenih). Smo tudi YCombinator graduate (Summer 19).

Leta 2015 smo pričeli ponujati podatke, ki nakazujejo na hitrost rasti podjetij. Sedaj te podatke uporabljajo Fortune 500 podjetja, največja mednarodna investicijska podjetja in market intelligence podjetja.

Smo ekipa 32-ih, vsi bazirani v Sloveniji (17 dev, 8 Sales in 7 Quality Assurance).

Strankam ponujamo 4 datasete, ki opisujejo performance podjetij. Te datasete uporabljajo Data Science in Engineering ekipe in gradijo "insighte" nad njimi.
Dataseti, ki jih ponujamo so:
- info o tehnologijah, ki jih uporabljajo podjetja,
- struktirirani in kategorizirani news eventi,
- podatki o odprtih delovnih mestih in
- razmerja med podjetji.
Vaša naloga bo izboljšati kakovost dataseta na katerem boste delali ("precision" in "recall"). Zaželjeno je, da na 2 leti zamenjate dataset in tako pripomorete k bolj povezani strukturi. Konkuriramo na svetovni ravni.

Za razliko od pogoste poti startup-ov naš cilj ni exit. Ampak si želimo ustvariti okolje, kjer bomo s sodelavci radi delali na zastavljenih problemih na dolgi rok. Kjer bomo postali eksperti v tem kar počnemo. Prav tako ne želimo rasti v neskočnost headcount-wise ampak ustvariti ekipo velikosti, kjer se vsi poznamo po imenih in raje povečevati plače zaposlenim.

Informativen opis sistema in uporabljenih tehnologij:
- uporabljamo: Python, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, Kubernetes, Docker, Scala, Spark, Neo4j, RabbitMQ, ClickUp, BitBucket in Google Chat,
- za crawlanje uporabljamo Python in BeautifulSoup,
- podatke shranjujemo v PostgreSQL in Neo4j bazi,
- za queue sistem uporabljamo RabbitMQ, za scheduling pa Sidekiq,
- spletna aplikacija in API sta napisana v Ruby on Rails,
- delo organiziramo tako, da je nepotrebnih sestankov čim manj.

Lokacija: Slovenija

Technical Lead (Mid/Sr. Full stack developer) @ Scopious Digital Digital, 11 Mar 2025 07:58:10 +0100

Lokacija: Ljubljana

Frontend Engineer @ Viberate, 10 Mar 2025 13:18:17 +0100

Lokacija: Ljubljana / remote

Lead arhitekt informacijskih sistemov @ Mikrocop d.o.o. d.o.o., 10 Mar 2025 13:08:48 +0100 - določil aplikacijsko, sistemsko in tehnično arhitekturo za pomembna področja razvoja,
- izvajal analize na osnovi razumevanja poslovnih zahtev,
- raziskoval in spremljal trende na področju tehnološkega razvoja,
- razvijal arhitekturo platforme InDoc EDGE s prepoznavo in opredeljevanjem možnih tehnoloških rešitev in arhitekturnih izboljšav,
- s predlaganimi rešitvami zagotavljal dobro uporabniško izkušnjo pri uporabi platforme InDoc EDGE,
- ovrednotil učinkovitost rešitve in po potrebi uvedel potrebne prilagoditve,
- izpostavljal, prepoznal in zmanjševal potencialna tveganja povezana z razvojem novih rešitev,
- skrbel, da rešitev izpolnjuje zahteve glede zmogljivosti, razširljivosti in varnosti,
- oblikoval in načrtoval izvedbo izbrane rešitve v obliki projektnega načrta in vodenja do izvedbe,
- nudil pomoč preostalim sodelavcem pri razumevanju zahtev, arhitekture rešitve,
- izvajal mentoriranje in izboraževanje sodelavcev,
- sodeloval pri izboljšavah na področju QA in DevOps,
- ustvarjal, oblikoval, prototipiral in preizkušal nove algoritme, metode in modele,
- sodeloval pri namestitvi novih sistemov,
- oblikoval specifikacije in okvire testiranja novih sistemov za izpolnjevanje potreb strank.
Ker narava delovnega mesta predvideva delovanje arhitekta kot nosilca IT sprememb, dajemo pomemben poudarek mehkim veščinam.

Mehke veščine, ki jih potrebuješ, zahtevajo:
- proaktivnost in pragmatičnost pri reševanju problemov,
- analitični pristop in sposobnost reševanja težav,
- oblikovane vodstvene in organizacijske veščine,
- razvite komunikacijske veščine in delo z ljudmi,
- razumevanje potreb in zahtev zainteresiranim stranem izven IT skupine.

Lokacija: Ljubljana

Mid / Senior razvojnik @ eŠolaŠola, 07 Mar 2025 12:16:03 +0100 Iščemo osebo, ki je inovativna, vztrajna, usmerjena k rešitvam in se z navdušenjem spopade tudi z bolj zahtevnimi izzivi.

Del naše kulture sta učenje in znanje, zato si želimo osebe, ki je razvojno naravnana in uživa v raziskovanju novega znanja in prenosu le tega na sodelavce.
Ker smo obdelovalec osebnih podatkov, nam je izjemno pomembno, da imajo vsi sodelavci visoko razviti kompetenci integritete in odgovornosti.

Lokacija: Ljubljana

C++ razvijalec (m/ž) @ openDAQ @ openDAQ, 07 Mar 2025 10:37:32 +0100

Lokacija: Trbovlje

Junior C++ razvijalec (m/ž) @ openDAQ @ openDAQ, 07 Mar 2025 10:33:10 +0100

Lokacija: Trbovlje

Mid/Senior Project Manager (m/ž) @ KALDI IT IT, 07 Mar 2025 08:31:36 +0100

Lokacija: Ljubljana / Hibridno

Mid/Senior Android razvijalec/ka (m/ž) @ KALDI IT IT, 06 Mar 2025 10:41:44 +0100

Lokacija: Ljubljana / Hibridno

QA Automation Engineer @ Boerse Stuttgart Digital Stuttgart Digital, 03 Mar 2025 13:48:27 +0100 Your Future Team
You will be part of the QA team, which is responsible for testing a multitude of different systems and products. We are working heavily on automation, constantly improving the speed and coverage of testing while making sure we comply with all the regulations for banking systems.

Your Tasks:
- Write and develop test automation tools and frameworks
- Write automation tests
- Setup and maintain automation pipelines and distributed systems
- Write documentation and specifications for new projects

Lokacija: Šenčur

Junior QC Specialist (študent/ka) @ Parsek d.o.o. d.o.o., 28 Feb 2025 15:07:20 +0100
V podjetju Open Line Vitaly d.o.o. razvijamo spletne aplikacije, integrirane z zdravstvenimi informacijskimi sistemi, ki izboljšujejo sodelovanje in koordinacijo oskrbe pacientov. Naš cilj je omogočiti zdravstvenim delavcem in pacientom najboljšo izkušnjo v zdravstvu ter enostaven dostop do zdravstvenih storitev in informacij. Več o nas:
Pridružil/a se boš R&D ekipi, kjer boš tesno sodeloval/a s specialisti za zagotavljanje kakovosti, razvijalci in drugimi člani ekipe. Ob začetku dela ti bomo dodelili mentorja, ki te bo usmerjal, hkrati pa boš postal/a del dinamične skupine, odgovorne za zagotavljanje vrhunske kakovosti naših rešitev.

Tvoje delo bo vključevalo:
- Sodelovanje pri pripravi in vzdrževanju testnih scenarijev za nove funkcionalnosti.
- Sodelovanje pri definiranju zahtev in pripravi potrditvenih kriterijev.
- Sodelovanje z razvojno ekipo pri testiranju razvitih rešitev.
- Dokumentiranje rezultatov testiranj ter poročanje o napakah.
- Prispevanje k izboljšavi testnih orodij in procesov.

Lokacija: Ljubljana

Senior Software Developer @ Celtra d.o.o. d.o.o., 24 Feb 2025 14:42:32 +0100
We use various tools to craft our products. On the backend, you can find Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Spark, Snowflake, and also MongoDB, Kinesis. On the frontend, we use Vue.js, Typescript and Vanilla JS when needed. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, and the Kubernetes (soon ECS) cluster orchestrates it. We also love CI/CD, IaC and do daily deployments to ensure your contributions see the light of day as soon as the QA team is happy.

For this position, we are seeking a Senior Software Developer to join us on a mission to bring quite recently created product solution to the next level.

1. Your responsibilities:
- Executing complex projects, doing deep and delicate code surgery as needed.
- Preparing clear and concise tech specs for complex features.
- Independently driving full product cycle for features and improvements.
- Optimizing architecture for maintainability, composability, etc.
- Delegating and supervising smaller tasks.
- Participating in hiring (interviews, talks on meetups, ...).
- Having a good understanding of the business, clients, market, etc.
- Regularly working with customers (troubleshoots issues, listening in on product discovery calls, ...).

Lokacija: Ljubljana/Remote

QA Internship @ Celtra d.o.o. d.o.o., 24 Feb 2025 14:31:15 +0100
1. What will be your responsibilities?
As a QA intern (student) at Celtra, this is what your job will look like: you will learn from experienced mentors and make a significant contribution in your new role as a QA engineer. In your first three months you will follow a well prepared 30-60-90 days onboarding plan. After that, you will achieve a level where you will comfortably tackle tasks of mid-to-low complexity on your own. Eventually, you will onboard various test automation frameworks and expand our existing test automation coverage.

2. Why should you work with us?
At Celtra, we developed our own product. Actually two. Both products drive significant value for our worldwide customers. How we deliver this value to our customers has evolved over the years, but the founders' mission has not: to change the way we do digital advertising for the better.

3. What are the challenges ahead?
Just recently we’ve introduced the concept of QA specialisations where we give individuals the opportunity to further evolve their expertise in the areas of performance, security, test automation and usability testing. If you would like to work within the team that strives to evolve both technically and professionally, you have found your match.

4. What kind of tech stack do we use?
- First product:The product is built using NodeJs, PHP, MySQL, Redis and Python. For both products, on the front-end, we use Vue.js, NPM, Webpack and vanilla JavaScript when needed. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, orchestrated by the Kubernetes cluster.
- Second product:The product is built using Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Spark, Snowflake, and you will also find GoLang, MongoDb, Kinesis. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, orchestrated by the Kubernetes cluster.
- QA specific toolkit:To automate manual processes and write automated regression tests we use Javascript.

5. What would be your responsibilities?
- Execute tests on actual mobile and desktop devices by collaborating and learning from experienced QA engineers.
- Review specs early in the process and validate requirements by building preliminary test plans.
- Expand Celtra's end to end automated test coverage on mobile and desktop devices.

Lokacija: Ljubljana/Remote

Software Developer - AI Team @ Celtra d.o.o. d.o.o., 24 Feb 2025 14:26:48 +0100
We are seeking an AI Developer who will work on developing and enhancing our AI agent, designed to optimize creative processes and simplify the use of the Celtra platform for our clients. With some prior knowledge of agent building, this role will involve fine-tuning existing models, introducing and integrating new and existing Celtra functionalities, and improving the overall AI technology that powers our platform. Your contributions will help automate workflows and improve the efficiency of creative production for some of the world's largest brands.

1. What kind of tech stack do we use?
We use various tools to craft our products. On the backend, you can find Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Apache Spark, Snowflake, and also Go, MongoDB, Kinesis. On the frontend, we use Vue.js and Vanilla JS when needed. Everything runs on the AWS/ECS cloud. We also love CI/CD, IaC and do daily deployments to ensure your contributions see the light of day as soon as the tests are green and the QA team is happy.

2. Your responsibilities:
- AI Agent Development: Build and enhance the AI agent that helps clients optimize creative workflows, automate tasks, and streamline the use of Celtra’s platform.
- Feature Integration: Add new functionalities from existing Celtra tools and actions to the AI agent, enabling users to automate even more tasks and customize their workflows.
- AI Optimization: Continuously optimize AI tools to ensure the best performance, speed, and scalability for clients running global campaigns.
- Collaborate with Cross-Functional Teams: Work closely with data scientists, engineers, and product managers to integrate generative AI capabilities into our products and services.
- Research and Innovation: Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in generative AI and machine learning. Evaluate new technologies and methodologies to continuously improve our models and solutions.
- Code Quality and Documentation: Write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. Participate in code reviews and contribute to best practices in software development.

Lokacija: Ljubljana/Remote

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<title>Information Security Consultant @ Open Line Vitaly d.o.o.</title>
<author>Open Line Vitaly d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Sat, 29 Mar 2025 19:12:13 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Join Open Line Vitaly, a part of Open Line Group! Are you a security expert who thrives on tackling challenges, shaping policy, and driving meaningful change? If so, we&#8217;d love to hear from you.<br /> <br /> The job: As a Security Consultant, you'll be the go-to expert for all things related to information security and compliance. You&#8217;ll develop and implement security policies, manage risk, and ensure both Open Line and their clients uphold the highest security standards. This role requires a confident switch between policy-making and hands-on action &#8212; turning abstract risks into practical solutions.<br /> <br /> The team: You&#8217;ll join the Quality, Security &amp; Privacy (QSP) Team, a tight-knit group of experts working to build and maintain a secure IT environment for Open Line and their clients. You&#8217;ll work closely with their CISO, Security Officers, and technical client teams to ensure security is not just a box to tick &#8212; but a fundamental part of how we operate.<br /> <br /> You will work on a wide range of responsibilities, including:<br /> - Developing and implementing security policies and translating them into operational measures and projects.<br /> - Managing compliance with frameworks such as ISO 27001, NEN7510, BIO, CIS, and NIS2.<br /> - Supporting audits, penetration tests, and vulnerability management.<br /> - Advising clients on security standards and assisting with incident management and awareness.<br /> - Leading security projects, disaster recovery testing, and collaborating with client teams and internal stakeholders. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>Junior/Mid Python razvijalca (m/ž) @ MediaBiz Inc</title>
<author>MediaBiz Inc</author>
<pubDate>Wed, 26 Mar 2025 09:27:20 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ I&#x161;&#269;emo Junior/Mid Python razvijalca (m/&#382;) za na&#x161;o Data Collection ekipo!<br /> Smo ameri&#x161;ko podjetje Mediabiz Data Solutions s slovensko ekipo, specializirano za analitiko distribucije preto&#269;nih vsebin. Na platformi Stream Metrics zagotavljamo podatkovna poro&#269;ila o najve&#269;jih globalnih preto&#269;nih platformah. V ekipi Data Collection razvijamo in vzdr&#382;ujemo bote za avtomatizirano zbiranje podatkov ter skrbimo za data quality assurance &#8211; preverjamo, testiramo in izbolj&#x161;ujemo natan&#269;nost pridobljenih podatkov.<br /> <br /> <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Na daljavo</p> ]]>
<title>Full Stack Developer @ Blocksi SAS-Podružnica Maribor</title>
<author>Blocksi SAS-Podružnica Maribor</author>
<pubDate>Tue, 25 Mar 2025 10:40:39 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Blocksi Inc., vodilno podjetje na podro&#269;ju ustvarjanja varnih in produktivnih u&#269;nih okolij, i&#x161;&#269;e nadarjenega Full Stack razvijalca, ki bi se pridru&#382;il njihovi inovativni in mladi ekipi. <br /> <br /> Kot Full Stack razvijalec v podjetju Blocksi boste imeli klju&#269;no vlogo pri oblikovanju prihodnosti izobra&#382;evalne tehnologije. Delali boste s tehnologijami Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Python, Vue.js, Docker, Git, ELK, AWS, Google Cloud. <br /> <br /> Klju&#269;ne odgovornosti:<br /> Oblikovanje, razvoj in vzdr&#382;evanje visokokakovostnih programskih re&#x161;itev z uporabo razli&#269;nih tehnologij,<br /> Sodelovanje z ve&#269;disciplinarnimi ekipami pri opredeljevanju zahtev in specifikacij za programsko opremo.<br /> Zagotavljanje varnih, stabilnih in zmogljivih aplikacij.<br /> Biti na teko&#269;em z novimi tehnologijami in industrijskimi trendi.<br /> <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Maribor</p> ]]>
<title>Mid-Senior Software Engineer (Angular) @ NOMNIO d.o.o.</title>
<author>NOMNIO d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Fri, 21 Mar 2025 08:43:02 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ What You'll Do:<br /> <br /> - Design, develop, and maintain hybrid web and mobile applications using Angular and Ionic<br /> - Work closely with customers to build user-friendly, optimized solutions.<br /> - Convert designs into high-quality, real-life applications.<br /> - Write and execute unit and component tests to ensure code quality.<br /> - Integrate your solutions into our CI/CD pipeline.<br /> - Contribute to technology selection and developing proof-of-concept solutions. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Maribor - hybrid</p> ]]>
<title>Sistemski administrator / ka @ Humanfrog d.o.o.</title>
<author>Humanfrog d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:11:48 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ <br /> Si &#382;elite postati del dinami&#269;nega IKT podjetja, kjer se nenehno soo&#269;amo z novimi tehnolo&#x161;kimi izzivi? &#x10C;e vas navdu&#x161;ujejo napredne informacijske re&#x161;itve in radi sodelujete pri upravljanju kompleksnih sistemov, vas vabimo, da se pridru&#382;ite na&#x161;i ekipi!<br /> <br /> Va&#x161;e glavne naloge bodo:<br /> * Upravljanje, vzdr&#382;evanje in nadgrajevanje IT-infrastrukture (stre&#382;niki, omre&#382;ja, delovne postaje).<br /> * Podpora uporabnikom drugega nivoja ter re&#x161;evanje kompleksnih tehni&#269;nih te&#382;av.<br /> * Implementacija in konfiguracija varnostnih re&#x161;itev ter zagotavljanje skladnosti s standardi.<br /> * Spremljanje in odpravljanje te&#382;av z uporabo orodij za monitoring sistemov (RMM).<br /> * Sodelovanje pri projektih uvedbe novih re&#x161;itev ter optimizacije obstoje&#269;ih sistemov<br /> <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>Senior Backend Engineer @ QLECTOR</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:45:37 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ We are seeking a skilled and motivated senior Backend Developer to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining our backend. You will work closely with our front-end developers, product management and other stakeholders to deliver high-quality software solutions.<br /> <br /> What You&#8217;ll Do<br /> Design, develop, and maintain server-side applications and databases.<br /> Collaborate with front-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic.<br /> Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability.<br /> Implement security and data protection measures.<br /> Troubleshoot and debug applications.<br /> Work closely with product management and other teams to define and implement new features.<br /> Participate in code reviews and contribute to the team&#8217;s best practices and processes.<br /> Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.<br /> <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>Machine Learning Engineer @ 4see d.o.o.</title>
<author>4see d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Thu, 13 Mar 2025 18:31:23 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ PredictLeads (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> in podjetje 4see d.o.o.) je Finalist izbora Zlate Niti (top zaposlovalec v Sloveniji v kategoriji do 50 zaposlenih). Smo tudi YCombinator graduate (Summer 19).<br /> <br /> Leta 2015 smo pri&#269;eli ponujati podatke, ki nakazujejo na hitrost rasti podjetij. Sedaj te podatke uporabljajo Fortune 500 podjetja, najve&#269;ja mednarodna investicijska podjetja in market intelligence podjetja.<br /> <br /> Smo ekipa 32-ih, vsi bazirani v Sloveniji (17 dev, 8 Sales in 7 Quality Assurance). <br /> <br /> Strankam ponujamo 4 datasete, ki opisujejo performance podjetij. Te datasete uporabljajo Data Science in Engineering ekipe in gradijo "insighte" nad njimi. <br /> Dataseti, ki jih ponujamo so: <br /> - info o tehnologijah, ki jih uporabljajo podjetja, <br /> - struktirirani in kategorizirani news eventi, <br /> - podatki o odprtih delovnih mestih in <br /> - razmerja med podjetji.<br /> Va&#x161;a naloga bo izbolj&#x161;ati kakovost dataseta na katerem boste delali ("precision" in "recall"). Za&#382;eljeno je, da na 2 leti zamenjate dataset in tako pripomorete k bolj povezani strukturi. Konkuriramo na svetovni ravni.<br /> <br /> Za razliko od pogoste poti startup-ov na&#x161; cilj ni exit. Ampak si &#382;elimo ustvariti okolje, kjer bomo s sodelavci radi delali na zastavljenih problemih na dolgi rok. Kjer bomo postali eksperti v tem kar po&#269;nemo. Prav tako ne &#382;elimo rasti v nesko&#269;nost headcount-wise ampak ustvariti ekipo velikosti, kjer se vsi poznamo po imenih in raje pove&#269;evati pla&#269;e zaposlenim.<br /> <br /> Informativen opis sistema in uporabljenih tehnologij:<br /> - uporabljamo: Python, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, Kubernetes, Docker, Scala, Spark, Neo4j, RabbitMQ, ClickUp, BitBucket in Google Chat,<br /> - za crawlanje uporabljamo Python in BeautifulSoup,<br /> - podatke shranjujemo v PostgreSQL in Neo4j bazi,<br /> - za queue sistem uporabljamo RabbitMQ, za scheduling pa Sidekiq,<br /> - spletna aplikacija in API sta napisana v Ruby on Rails,<br /> - delo organiziramo tako, da je nepotrebnih sestankov &#269;im manj. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Slovenija</p> ]]>
<title>Technical Lead (Mid/Sr. Full stack developer) @ Scopious Digital</title>
<author>Scopious Digital</author>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Mar 2025 07:58:10 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ I&#x161;&#269;emo tehni&#269;nega razvijalca srednje ravni z mo&#269;nimi in&#382;enirskimi osnovami, ki lahko premosti vrzel med svetovanjem HubSpot CRM in razvojem po meri. Ta vsestranska vloga ponuja znaten potencial rasti v zelo sodelovalnem okolju, kjer boste lahko svobodno eksperimentirali z novimi tehnologijami in oblikovali na&#x161;o tehni&#269;no usmeritev. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>Frontend Engineer @ Viberate</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:18:17 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ I&#x161;&#269;emo sodelavca, ki ima izku&#x161;nje z razvojem SPA (Single Page Application) v frameworku React. Prednost imajo kandidati, ki imajo izku&#x161;nje tudi z razvojem mobilnih aplikacij v React Nativu. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana / remote</p> ]]>
<title>Lead arhitekt informacijskih sistemov @ Mikrocop d.o.o.</title>
<author>Mikrocop d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:08:48 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Kot Lead arhitekt informacijskih re&#x161;itev bo&#x161;&#8230;<br /> - dolo&#269;il aplikacijsko, sistemsko in tehni&#269;no arhitekturo za pomembna podro&#269;ja razvoja,<br /> - izvajal analize na osnovi razumevanja poslovnih zahtev,<br /> - raziskoval in spremljal trende na podro&#269;ju tehnolo&#x161;kega razvoja,<br /> - razvijal arhitekturo platforme InDoc EDGE s prepoznavo in opredeljevanjem mo&#382;nih tehnolo&#x161;kih re&#x161;itev in arhitekturnih izbolj&#x161;av,<br /> - s predlaganimi re&#x161;itvami zagotavljal dobro uporabni&#x161;ko izku&#x161;njo pri uporabi platforme InDoc EDGE,<br /> - ovrednotil u&#269;inkovitost re&#x161;itve in po potrebi uvedel potrebne prilagoditve,<br /> - izpostavljal, prepoznal in zmanj&#x161;eval potencialna tveganja povezana z razvojem novih re&#x161;itev,<br /> - skrbel, da re&#x161;itev izpolnjuje zahteve glede zmogljivosti, raz&#x161;irljivosti in varnosti,<br /> - oblikoval in na&#269;rtoval izvedbo izbrane re&#x161;itve v obliki projektnega na&#269;rta in vodenja do izvedbe,<br /> - nudil pomo&#269; preostalim sodelavcem pri razumevanju zahtev, arhitekture re&#x161;itve,<br /> - izvajal mentoriranje in izbora&#382;evanje sodelavcev,<br /> - sodeloval pri izbolj&#x161;avah na podro&#269;ju QA in DevOps,<br /> - ustvarjal, oblikoval, prototipiral in preizku&#x161;al nove algoritme, metode in modele,<br /> - sodeloval pri namestitvi novih sistemov,<br /> - oblikoval specifikacije in okvire testiranja novih sistemov za izpolnjevanje potreb strank.<br /> Ker narava delovnega mesta predvideva delovanje arhitekta kot nosilca IT sprememb, dajemo pomemben poudarek mehkim ve&#x161;&#269;inam.<br /> <br /> Mehke ve&#x161;&#269;ine, ki jih potrebuje&#x161;, zahtevajo:<br /> - proaktivnost in pragmati&#269;nost pri re&#x161;evanju problemov,<br /> - analiti&#269;ni pristop in sposobnost re&#x161;evanja te&#382;av,<br /> - oblikovane vodstvene in organizacijske ve&#x161;&#269;ine,<br /> - razvite komunikacijske ve&#x161;&#269;ine in delo z ljudmi,<br /> - razumevanje potreb in zahtev zainteresiranim stranem izven IT skupine. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>Mid / Senior razvojnik @ eŠola</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:16:03 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ I&#x161;&#269;emo spletnega PHP razvojnika (ali razvojnico), ki zna razviti uporabnikom prijazne re&#x161;itve in delovati tako samostojno, kot v ekipi.<br /> I&#x161;&#269;emo osebo, ki je inovativna, vztrajna, usmerjena k re&#x161;itvam in se z navdu&#x161;enjem spopade tudi z bolj zahtevnimi izzivi.<br /> <br /> Del na&#x161;e kulture sta u&#269;enje in znanje, zato si &#382;elimo osebe, ki je razvojno naravnana in u&#382;iva v raziskovanju novega znanja in prenosu le tega na sodelavce.<br /> Ker smo obdelovalec osebnih podatkov, nam je izjemno pomembno, da imajo vsi sodelavci visoko razviti kompetenci integritete in odgovornosti.<br /> <br /> <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>C++ razvijalec (m/ž) @ openDAQ @ openDAQ</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 07 Mar 2025 10:37:32 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Pri openDAQ v tesnem sodelovanju s slovenskim Dewesoftom in nem&#x161;kim HBK-jem ter pod vodstvom dr. Jureta Kneza razvijamo odprtokodno programsko opremo za zajem podatkov in omogo&#269;amo enostavno integracijo merilnih naprav. V svojo ekipo vabimo C++ razvijalca, ki bo prevzel vidno vlogo pri razvoju naprednih re&#x161;itev za obdelavo podatkov in povezovanje strojne opreme. &#x10C;e u&#382;iva&#x161; v re&#x161;evanju kompleksnih izzivov, mentoriranju in soustvarjanju prihodnosti tehnologije, te vabimo, da se nam pridru&#382;i&#x161;! <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Trbovlje</p> ]]>
<title>Junior C++ razvijalec (m/ž) @ openDAQ @ openDAQ</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 07 Mar 2025 10:33:10 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Pri openDAQ v tesnem sodelovanju s slovenskim Dewesoftom in Nem&#x161;kim HBKjem ter pod vodstvom Dr. Jureta Kneza razvijamo odprtokodno programsko opremo za zajem podatkov in omogo&#269;amo enostavno integracijo merilnih naprav. V svojo ekipo vabimo Junior C++ razvijalca, ki bi delal na inovativnih re&#x161;itvah za obdelavo podatkov in povezovanje strojne opreme. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Trbovlje</p> ]]>
<title>Mid/Senior Project Manager (m/ž) @ KALDI IT</title>
<author>KALDI IT</author>
<pubDate>Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:31:36 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ At Kaldi, with operational offices in Ljubljana and business in London, we specialize in developing complex web and mobile applications for clients in the UK and Slovenia. We&#8217;re looking to add a Mid/Senior Project Manager (m/f) whose role mainly consists of being a Scrum Master and handling relationships (budgets, expectations, delivery) between the company and clients. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana / Hibridno</p> ]]>
<title>Mid/Senior Android razvijalec/ka (m/ž) @ KALDI IT</title>
<author>KALDI IT</author>
<pubDate>Thu, 06 Mar 2025 10:41:44 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Na Kaldiju se ukvarjamo z razvojem kompleksnej&#x161;ih spletnih in mobilnih aplikacij za doma&#269;e ter tuje naro&#269;nike in v svojo ekipo vabimo Mid/Senior Android razvijalca/ko. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana / Hibridno</p> ]]>
<title>QA Automation Engineer @ Boerse Stuttgart Digital</title>
<author>Boerse Stuttgart Digital</author>
<pubDate>Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:48:27 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Opis delovnega mesta<br /> Your Future Team<br /> You will be part of the QA team, which is responsible for testing a multitude of different systems and products. We are working heavily on automation, constantly improving the speed and coverage of testing while making sure we comply with all the regulations for banking systems.<br /> <br /> Your Tasks:<br /> - Write and develop test automation tools and frameworks<br /> - Write automation tests<br /> - Setup and maintain automation pipelines and distributed systems<br /> - Write documentation and specifications for new projects <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: &#x160;en&#269;ur</p> ]]>
<title>Junior QC Specialist (študent/ka) @ Parsek d.o.o.</title>
<author>Parsek d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Fri, 28 Feb 2025 15:07:20 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Si tik pred zaklju&#269;kom &#x161;tudija in te zanima podro&#269;je zagotavljanja kakovosti programske opreme? I&#x161;&#269;e&#x161; prilo&#382;nost, kjer bo&#x161; pridobil/a prakti&#269;ne izku&#x161;nje in delal/a z izku&#x161;enimi mentorji? Potem je to prava prilo&#382;nost zate!<br /> <br /> V podjetju Open Line Vitaly d.o.o. razvijamo spletne aplikacije, integrirane z zdravstvenimi informacijskimi sistemi, ki izbolj&#x161;ujejo sodelovanje in koordinacijo oskrbe pacientov. Na&#x161; cilj je omogo&#269;iti zdravstvenim delavcem in pacientom najbolj&#x161;o izku&#x161;njo v zdravstvu ter enostaven dostop do zdravstvenih storitev in informacij. Ve&#269; o nas: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <br /> Pridru&#382;il/a se bo&#x161; R&amp;D ekipi, kjer bo&#x161; tesno sodeloval/a s specialisti za zagotavljanje kakovosti, razvijalci in drugimi &#269;lani ekipe. Ob za&#269;etku dela ti bomo dodelili mentorja, ki te bo usmerjal, hkrati pa bo&#x161; postal/a del dinami&#269;ne skupine, odgovorne za zagotavljanje vrhunske kakovosti na&#x161;ih re&#x161;itev.<br /> <br /> Tvoje delo bo vklju&#269;evalo: <br /> - Sodelovanje pri pripravi in vzdr&#382;evanju testnih scenarijev za nove funkcionalnosti. <br /> - Sodelovanje pri definiranju zahtev in pripravi potrditvenih kriterijev.<br /> - Sodelovanje z razvojno ekipo pri testiranju razvitih re&#x161;itev. <br /> - Dokumentiranje rezultatov testiranj ter poro&#269;anje o napakah.<br /> - Prispevanje k izbolj&#x161;avi testnih orodij in procesov.<br /> <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana</p> ]]>
<title>Senior Software Developer @ Celtra d.o.o.</title>
<author>Celtra d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:42:32 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Ever wonder how Spotify creates ads that look as stunning in English as in Arabic? How Adidas generates beautifully crafted dynamic creatives for tens of thousands of products? Or how Warner Bros shows billions of ads across the globe on mobile phones, websites, and even TV within milliseconds? The software we create here at Celtra makes this as easy as pie, and we need your help!<br /> <br /> We use various tools to craft our products. On the backend, you can find Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Spark, Snowflake, and also MongoDB, Kinesis. On the frontend, we use Vue.js, Typescript and Vanilla JS when needed. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, and the Kubernetes (soon ECS) cluster orchestrates it. We also love CI/CD, IaC and do daily deployments to ensure your contributions see the light of day as soon as the QA team is happy.<br /> <br /> For this position, we are seeking a Senior Software Developer to join us on a mission to bring quite recently created product solution to the next level. <br /> <br /> 1. Your responsibilities:<br /> - Executing complex projects, doing deep and delicate code surgery as needed.<br /> - Preparing clear and concise tech specs for complex features.<br /> - Independently driving full product cycle for features and improvements.<br /> - Optimizing architecture for maintainability, composability, etc.<br /> - Delegating and supervising smaller tasks.<br /> - Participating in hiring (interviews, talks on meetups, ...).<br /> - Having a good understanding of the business, clients, market, etc.<br /> - Regularly working with customers (troubleshoots issues, listening in on product discovery calls, ...). <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana/Remote</p> ]]>
<title>QA Internship @ Celtra d.o.o.</title>
<author>Celtra d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:31:15 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ At Celtra are looking for a QA intern (student) to join our team!<br /> <br /> 1. What will be your responsibilities? <br /> As a QA intern (student) at Celtra, this is what your job will look like: you will learn from experienced mentors and make a significant contribution in your new role as a QA engineer. In your first three months you will follow a well prepared 30-60-90 days onboarding plan. After that, you will achieve a level where you will comfortably tackle tasks of mid-to-low complexity on your own. Eventually, you will onboard various test automation frameworks and expand our existing test automation coverage.<br /> <br /> 2. Why should you work with us?<br /> At Celtra, we developed our own product. Actually two. Both products drive significant value for our worldwide customers. How we deliver this value to our customers has evolved over the years, but the founders' mission has not: to change the way we do digital advertising for the better.<br /> <br /> 3. What are the challenges ahead?<br /> Just recently we&#8217;ve introduced the concept of QA specialisations where we give individuals the opportunity to further evolve their expertise in the areas of performance, security, test automation and usability testing. If you would like to work within the team that strives to evolve both technically and professionally, you have found your match.<br /> <br /> 4. What kind of tech stack do we use?<br /> - First product:The product is built using NodeJs, PHP, MySQL, Redis and Python. For both products, on the front-end, we use Vue.js, NPM, Webpack and vanilla JavaScript when needed. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, orchestrated by the Kubernetes cluster.<br /> - Second product:The product is built using Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Spark, Snowflake, and you will also find GoLang, MongoDb, Kinesis. Everything runs on the AWS cloud, orchestrated by the Kubernetes cluster.<br /> - QA specific toolkit:To automate manual processes and write automated regression tests we use Javascript.<br /> <br /> 5. What would be your responsibilities?<br /> - Execute tests on actual mobile and desktop devices by collaborating and learning from experienced QA engineers.<br /> - Review specs early in the process and validate requirements by building preliminary test plans.<br /> - Expand Celtra's end to end automated test coverage on mobile and desktop devices. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana/Remote</p> ]]>
<title>Software Developer - AI Team @ Celtra d.o.o.</title>
<author>Celtra d.o.o.</author>
<pubDate>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:26:48 +0100</pubDate>
<![CDATA[ Ever wonder how Spotify creates ads that look as stunning in English as in Arabic? How Adidas generates beautifully crafted dynamic creatives for tens of thousands of products? Or how Warner Bros shows billions of ads across the globe on mobile phones, websites, and even TV within milliseconds? The software we create here at Celtra makes this as easy as pie, and we need your help!<br /> <br /> We are seeking an AI Developer who will work on developing and enhancing our AI agent, designed to optimize creative processes and simplify the use of the Celtra platform for our clients. With some prior knowledge of agent building, this role will involve fine-tuning existing models, introducing and integrating new and existing Celtra functionalities, and improving the overall AI technology that powers our platform. Your contributions will help automate workflows and improve the efficiency of creative production for some of the world's largest brands.<br /> <br /> 1. What kind of tech stack do we use?<br /> We use various tools to craft our products. On the backend, you can find Scala, NodeJS, PHP, MySQL, Apache Spark, Snowflake, and also Go, MongoDB, Kinesis. On the frontend, we use Vue.js and Vanilla JS when needed. Everything runs on the AWS/ECS cloud. We also love CI/CD, IaC and do daily deployments to ensure your contributions see the light of day as soon as the tests are green and the QA team is happy.<br /> <br /> 2. Your responsibilities:<br /> - AI Agent Development: Build and enhance the AI agent that helps clients optimize creative workflows, automate tasks, and streamline the use of Celtra&#8217;s platform.<br /> - Feature Integration: Add new functionalities from existing Celtra tools and actions to the AI agent, enabling users to automate even more tasks and customize their workflows.<br /> - AI Optimization: Continuously optimize AI tools to ensure the best performance, speed, and scalability for clients running global campaigns.<br /> - Collaborate with Cross-Functional Teams: Work closely with data scientists, engineers, and product managers to integrate generative AI capabilities into our products and services.<br /> - Research and Innovation: Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in generative AI and machine learning. Evaluate new technologies and methodologies to continuously improve our models and solutions.<br /> - Code Quality and Documentation: Write clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. Participate in code reviews and contribute to best practices in software development. <br /><br /><p>Lokacija: Ljubljana/Remote</p> ]]>