
Senior Data Scientist -- brisan oglas

Opis delovnega mesta

An ideal candidate for our open position is adept at using large data sets to find opportunities for product and process optimization and using models to test the effectiveness of different courses of action.
The main task will be to lead/cooperate on projects, communicate with clients, improve your skill and teach juniors.

Od kandidatov zahtevamo

You should have strong experience with:
- using a variety of data analysis methods,
- using a variety of data tools,
- building and implementing models,
- using and creating algorithms,
- creating and running simulations.

You should also have a proven ability to drive business results with your data-based insights.

You should have certain technical knowledge:
- machine-learning methods and their validation,
- data visualization,
- interpretation of data and analysis results,
- excellent knowledge of the underlying tech like Python, SQL,...

Kandidatom ponujamo

If you are searching for an opportunity to expand your knowledge and become an even better data scientist, apply for the position until March 1st, 2021 at info@axiologo.ai. You have the chance to see how we transform data science into solutions for businesses.

Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

3000-5000 EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

strojno učenje
napredno znanje
podatkovne vizualizacije
napredno znanje
podatkovne interpretacije
napredno znanje
napredno znanje
napredno znanje
napredno znanje
napredno znanje
podatkovne analize
napredno znanje