
Frontend Software Developer -- brisan oglas

Opis delovnega mesta

We are looking for Frontend Software Developer who will develop and maintain a web framework responsible for ad loading, ad lifecycle management and event tracking with a focus on performance optimization and cross platform support (desktop browsers, mobile browsers, in-app browsers etc.).

A bit about our stack
Running completely on AWS
Frontend: Vanilla Javascript, Vue.js
Backend: PHP, Scala, Go, Python
Data: MySQL (RDS), Spark, Snowflake, Databricks, DynamoDB, MongoDB
Provisioning & orchestration: Kubernetes, Docker
Other Technologies: Video tools, CloudFormation, S3, ELB, SNS, SQS, Kinesis, Bazel, Airflow

Od kandidatov zahtevamo

Good knowledge of modern web technologies with focus on Vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML
Understanding of various software paradigms and architecture styles (REST, OOP, MVC, ORM, etc)
Experience with Web Development for Mobile Devices
Experience with relational databases
Good understanding of modern software development processes
Fluent written and spoken English - you will be using it every day
Dedication to learn and improve
Dedication to product quality and attention to details
Persistence - It is not uncommon to find no answers on stackoverflow for some of the problems we encounter
Ability to work fluently in a team and reaching out to other teams is not a problem

What brings extra points
Knowledge on backend technologies and principles (scaling, concurrency, etc.)
Experience with TDD & CI
Experience with SumoLogic, Databricks and Snowflake
Experience with CLI video & image tools
UI/UX expertise

Kandidatom ponujamo

Here it is all about looking beyond the surface, beyond the numbers, and really trying to see the qualities that are at the core of the person, their talents; the discovered ones or better still, the undefined ones. We look for people who naturally want to take responsibility for their own success, and strive to do something that has a tangible impact. To our best talent, we give the freedom to do the unusual.

We take good care of our people.
We offer a competitive benefits and compensation package
We place great importance on the professional development of our employees
We provide employees with top notch working equipment
We provide work-life benefits that allow flexibility at different stages of life
We offer a dynamic workplace and quality working conditions
We provide plenty of opportunities for employees seeking a more active lifestyle

Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

3000-3500 gross regular salary + additions EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

Vanilla JavaScript
napredno znanje
software paradigms
predhodno znanje ni potrebno
architecture styles
predhodno znanje ni potrebno
predhodno znanje ni potrebno
predhodno znanje ni potrebno