
Frontend, UX, Java razvijalec -- brisan oglas

Opis delovnega mesta

V inovativnem podjetju incubed IT GmbH (bližina Graza) se ukvarjamo z razvojem programske opreme za nadzor in upravljanje AGV-jev (Automated Guided Vehicle).

Več informacij najdete na spletni strani: http://www.incubedit.com/career/

Podrobnejši opis delovnega mesta v Angleščini:
Your tasks.
• Working with different robotics platforms.
• Development of the Smart Shuttle Solution for autonomous, intelligent and cooperative transport robots.
• Implementation of requirements as a member of an agile team, in cooperation with our customers.

Our offer.
• Fantastic company culture and unique variation of tasks.
• Exciting international projects in young and professional teams.
• Wide variety of tasks in an innovative area.
• Work with current innovations and technologies.
• Training and development opportunities in an expanding company.

Your skills.
• Motivation and enthusiasm for software development.
• Advanced knowledge of modern web technologies and Java.
• Basic C++ knowledge is beneficial, as well as experience with Git, Docker, Spring Boot, JMS and JUnit.
• Good English language skills.
• Passion for learning and independent work.
• Excellent team player.
• Interest in new software development trends.

Od kandidatov zahtevamo

- Napredno poznavanje modernih spletnih tehnologij (eno od: React, Angular, Vue, ...)
- Občutek in zanimanje za frontend in UX
- Poznavanje Jave

- Znanje nemščine ni pogoj, saj se v podjetju uporablja angleščina.

Kandidatom ponujamo

- Bruto plača: od 2.338€ navzgor, odvisno od izkušenj.
- 13. in 14. plača, ki sta višji od mesečne plače.
- Zastonj kava na delovnem mestu.

Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

od 1.662,43 EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

napredno znanje
napredno znanje